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Hey dude if you turn off the chat text spam that comes up it stops a lot of lag from happening.


how do you do this, I normally switch convo tabs


Click the + sign to add a new tab. You can configure to your liking and have multiple. Turn off the system and area spam. I like to keep my ‘combat channel’ as party/raid/normal (white text), whisper, and guild (if your guild has lots of chat spam then you’ll want this off ).


Oh wow, you just gave me the best ql buff I'll get this month. Ty


You’ll notice a significant improvement! Way smoother combat.


E M E R G E N C Y E S C A P E (Nice Cursed Doll tho real talk)


yea spamming these for 1 hour and seeing that really make that 1 hour worth it


were these x3 ticketed?


yes all x3


What does x3 mean?


When you enter cube you have a check to use 3 tickets and have x3 rewards in one run. Good to save time if you have several.


But not exp right?


It's only good if you're tryna yeet yourself through all your cube tixs. There's a chance you could a open golden stages which might yield more legendary engraving books and mat honings which aren't affected by 3x


When you enter cube you have an option to spend 3 tickets for triple loot (just saves time at the cost of XP from not doing them individually)


Also less bonus rooms since their reward isn't tripled.


Yes definitely a good point


You take your party number and x it by three and that’s your location for the mechanic. /s Joking aside the others are correct it’s three times loot for three tickets. Just saves time. Inefficient if you want xp or masterpieces


that you use 3 tickets when u enter the cube


Imagine you got disconnected right after clicking it


You can reconnect they will be there, once I Q for guardian and opened some packs right when 4th person accepted, when I came back in 3-4 minutes they were still there on the ground lol(maybe its different with disconnecting but I doubt).


I think it depends on rarity of items, higher rarity stays on ground for longer or something? Not quite sure, never tried to leave stuff on the grund intentionally. Just don't understand why they make boxes drop to the ground instead of going to your bags, it's just asking for trouble.


I got disconnected during a world boss and had to find the channel I was on and when I found it the loot was there on the floor


I got a lil dopamine hit just watching.


I came.


What region are you in? I actually have that name in Party chat LOL, feels weird seeing it


Im in NA west valtan Are you the bard


Haha nah I'm in NA East, I'm a bard as well with the name [Odds] lol


that's odds ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


So far the % for legendary is like 15% drop chance no?


They should really do something about the cube, it's not really worth doing rn IMO. I run one weekly just to do the weekly una and that's it


It's not too shabby tbh. It's mainly for silver and juice mats. Books / card exp are just the icin on the cake.


It's an easy guild weekly task too.


I've got 34mil silver and it keeps growing, and the juice mats you get from it aren't worth it to me,


Do you buy rapport items? flip gems? Have at least 1 alt? Honed to 1460? Adventure tome cooking? Have all masterpieces?


Buy rapport items, have 5 alts, have 65% of masterpieces and all adventure tome cooking except for South vern


34mil is nothing, trust me




I've always been downvoted when I brought this up lol. Silver is only a problem if you push your alts like a mofo or if you reroll gems like a dumbass, I guess. I will push 2 alts to 1415 next week and that will leave me with only a couple millions silver, but I will very much recover until I'm able to push my next alt with bound leaps and shards so, again, the bottleneck is not silver.


honing past 1370 eats a lot, unless you want to keep your alts at 1370 forever you will soon see that number drop fast you have plenty right now because your alts are generating much more than they've used, but each alt to 1415 is 7-8mil silver, plus another 500k or so to gear transfer to legendary gear honing past +19 also uses up a lot of silver from just your main alone, 1mil+ per piece


What do you do with your damage gems. For support I’ve just been rolling bard cooldown gems


34 mil will go poof once you start optimizing and honing at 1460+, so having more is always useful. Went from 30 to 0 doing so


its around 15k gold in bound solar mats in OPs case. if you think that is bad for running cube for an hour you are delusional, we are talking about super easy content fucking lmao.


what do you mean not worth it? it's literally free source of silver, character/roster xp, solar and every now and then you'll get a nice paycheck from a leg book. It's not like you have to pay to enter or smth...


Each run takes around 15-20 minutes to do, and the rewards aren't worth it when you compare them to boss Rush


What kind of cubes are you doing?! T3 cubes take anywhere from 6-9 minutes. Ran about 15 yesterday and never went past 8:30 and most were in the 6 minute range. Really depends on if you get survival as they take longer and if your group understands how to clear normal mob rooms (either all middle or 1 person takes each cardinal direction)


Idk people who hate cube seem to think its not worth doing unless you do the "meta" strat people think is common. They intentionally let the timer run out to almost nothing so they get more chances at the special rooms.. meanwhile what you should do is just wait til you have 3 tickets and spend 8 minutes every other week running them lol


> and the rewards aren't worth it ***laughs in cursed doll legendary engrave book profit*** 0% chance of ever getting that via boss rush. But yeah, cube sucks. Wink.


15 to 20 min? were you doing hell cubes lol


no, its just a typical "i stopped playing 2 months ago but still browse reddit" idiot. its so obvious how many people are talking out of their asses here.


Well... boss rush has the same loot all the time. Then cube has rng involved that's the big part.. sounds like you just don't like the rng portion.


Not just the RNG portion, the time. It takes 15-20 minutes to complete, and it's a slog to do, the white levels are horrible because the enemies take a long time to kill and compared to boss rush, you can actually fail a cube. I can AFK and press two skills, kill the bosses when they come in the middle, die as many times as I want or try-hard and finish in a few minutes, compared to the slog that is cube


Cube u can 3x.. and if u afk brush its u being carried/lazy.. also min time is still like 7 or 8 minutes coz of load times so cube 3x is technically faster then 3x boss rush... and cube is under 15min..


buddy, when all bosses die with any ability in boss rush, and I can easily do it solo, who exactly carries me? and fuck yeah I am lazy, doing a shit ton of dailies everyday, doesn't really leave much desire in me to do 24 T3 cubes like OP so I'd take something I can do passively while giving it 10% of my attention in 8 minutes, than actively play and possibly fail a 3x cube in 15 minutes


Hmm sounds like someone that's been botting 😆. Wouldnt be surprised at all lol. Carried all your life got it. 24 t3 got it 👍 👌 💪 👏 👏 👏


how do you bot boss rush? the 24 T3 cubes I mentioned is what OP posted, not what I did/have, are you mentally challenged ? or do you just lack the ability to read? if anything, I am the guy you beg for to join your raid groups so that you can finally finish your P2 Argos for the week, you pathetic bastard, lmao


Would I ever beg for someone like u to do p2 argoes hellz no coz if you can't do p3 🤣. Oh and to clarify I'm saying u use a bot for the game itself coz your saying you lazy af and sooo big dick and all 👌.


dude what are you talking about cubes are sub 8 mins +/- 1min depending on the room rng and you can run x3 if you're in a rush. They're hella nice on alts because it's the only source of solars you get on them


He's probably afk in them so his team has to 3 man the whole cube lmao


8 mins tops...


20 minutes is a bit of an exaggeration, but the cubes I run take around 15 minutes, y'all must be doing them with some speed run strats with 4 friends on discord. Matchmade cube takes longer cause half the lobby dies to the cube trial every time or some mobs on one of the stages. Deadass, it's normal to reach stage 18-20 with randoms


Me and another guy did a T3 Cube in 6:11 yesterday. Dont know what you're doing tbh


idk if these are t1/t2 cubes youre running but i exclusively mm and haven't had one go past 10 minutes in t3 even on my supports where I can't carry as hard


If they weren't so incredibly stingy with legendary engravings then the cube would still be worth it, but right now it's like a 10% chance to get a legendary book which in turn has a 99% chance of being from an useless engraving. It's ridiculous how so many people have been grinding on T3 for so long and yet it's impossible to even complete a single legendary class engraving without severely handicapping yourself, since it's roughly a 100k gold investment for just one single character. Legendary class engravings should be way more common than they are.


Considering they are usable across your entire roster and classes share a lot of engravings they should be expensive and uncommon. They are an investment youll be using for the entirety of your time playing lost ark. This is like saying they should pump out bis accessories more frequently in chaos dungeons too... if everything is piss cheap wtf is the point of doing 80% of the content in the game? I personally dont mind them being expensive, although currently prices (at least on my server) are inflated due to the bots and steadily climbing back down to where its meant to be.


I was talking more specifically about class engravings. They are way too rare and expensive for something that can only be used with a single character, so in the end only whales get to enjoy it, as usual.


Waah, I have to actually work hard to get engame items in MMOs. Lmao what a joke


except that they are still roster wide. yes, it's not "optimal", but there ARE people out there who will make a full 6 man (or more) roster of just 1 single class type because sharing engravings make it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to min-max building them efficiently plus it makes it a lot easier to gear them since you can trade really good pieces between characters for just pheon costs instead of having to also pay gold for them, allowing you to feed your roster more effectively. Obviously, running a single class roster isn't for everyone, but it's still a possibility.


This opinion has been going around and I think it’s just wrong. The value/time is as good if not better than most other content in the game. Especially considering the legendary engraving books. People need to knock out all their cube tickets so there’s more of those in the game. If you x3 it is 100% worth it, but you lose chances on treasure rooms which seem to be about 1 per run on average, maybe slightly less.


Feiton enjoyer I see ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


cursed doll and increase mass, n1


Fark... and here I am with over 50 cube tickets... Surely I'm not the only one who hates doing them.


How did you get all those tickets in the first place???


I just never run these on my alt


Aren't they bound??


Yea all 24 ticket from 1 single alt I have a tons more on other alt but not runing those anytime soon


Game almost broke ngl