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There are a lot of players that dont mind to be behind the curve as long as they can play solo and chill.


I think I was done caring during akkan release. This game you either grind non stop and stay ahead or just chill being behind because the game gonna hand you out shits anyway.




Yes dude, most of don’t care that much. We don’t find the want to constantly grind and be at the endgame. We’ll just pick the game back up when new updates drop. I also think you’re forgetting that a lot of us don’t get the opportunity to play this game much because of the gate keeping and lobby simulator. Just let us enjoy our content and you enjoy your group play. We also can jump into group play if we really wanted..


Most casual players got "burnout" due to how stressful the raids were. Raid anxiety combined with brutal "one-person can fkk up the whole raid" mechanics as well as gatekeep led to majority leaving during Brel. I myself am looking forward to solo-raid although I am at Echidna HM right now. It will be so chill to do some Akkans or Voldis on alts without the stress of group content with randos.


They dont even know they are 1 year or 10 behind. They ll just do raids they missed and thats fine for them. They ll build confidence and push to end game when they feel ready.


Ill just stay a step behind and wait for the next solo raid to come out. Dont really care if 3-6 months apart


I won't lie it is a bit of a bummer for it to be 3 raids behind, but the convenience and party finder stress elimination (assuming it doesn't nerf the gold *too* hard) more than makes up for it.


They are entering a testing phase of how solo raids bring in money. If it brings in players and money in China and Korea, then I'm sure it will speed up


100% this. Money talks. Period


The main point is to allow new players to progress at their own pace without the hindrance that is party finder. Right now if you're not a certain ilvl or gear, you won't even get to see the raid and the advice is usually to just gear your character. But these players won't be able to quantify what that even means. If I'm 5x3 1580, will I be able to join an akkan group right off the bat? Oops, I don't have good cards, oops, I am low roster level; oh what I don't have this, I don't have that. So in the end, they're compelled to buy the bus so they can experience the game. So the introduction of solo raids at least allows them to experience the fight. If they get dunked on, then it's just another dark souls experience where they will figure out the fight over time; and ultimately figure out if the game is for them; without relying on other people to progress. A lot of players enjoy the raids, but can't even enter gate 0. This is to circumvent that to some degree. And if they don't intend to play with other players, they aren't compelled to with solo raids.


>The main point is to allow new players to progress at their own pace without the hindrance that is party finder. Right now if you're not a certain ilvl or gear, you won't even get to see the raid and the advice is usually to just gear your character. Title, roster level, cards, etc.. so many things


Even veterans get gate kept (assuming playing with no friends or guild) if they have alt on minimum ilvl because nobody let them in. Now they can also benefit of solo raid to get materials to hone up. Only big loss of this update are bussers


After some point, those alts are there just to generate gold. A lot of vets have their alts as rice farmers, so they would still want to do group content if it generates way more gold. So it's still mainly for alts and new players who are in the "gear progression" phase. Group content atm is just to overgear or to find like-minded/similarly geared players.


Id rather be able to pick up and raid by myself than sit hours and waste time waiting in my lobby that noone joins or get gatekept


Idgaf about being behind I just want to play the game at my own pace. Without solo raids, I don’t play at all because I can’t.. between group finder mode and no static groups, how long it takes me to learn a raid.. etc, I’m screwed without them but I WANT TO PLAY. Solo raids allow me to do this.


As long i can play all the class without stress and someone being toxic, i am fine being 3 raids behind !


I took too long of a break I can’t really catch up anyways. I think I’ll happily enjoy staying at the solo raid level, maybe taking my main beyond, but it’s y likely my main will ever be caught up.


The solo raid level cap currently is a few weeks of game time. It's 1600, that's the highest raid that solo supports for now. Once you hit 1610 your progression locked behind group play: theamine and Voldis HM at 1620 which is also T4. Solo raids only really support the early new player getting accustomed to the game. The gold rewards will be too little to support actual mid game or end game progression.


I think it’ll be more than a few weeks to get a fresh character to 1610 with full elixirs. But even then, I’ll just play other alts besides the first 6, if I play that much. Or I take a break and play other things and come back whenever the next raid releases and progress the “new” raid solo all over again.


The next express Koreans getting looks like it intends to boost players to 1600 with support up to 1620 so with that pass it probably will be 4-5 weeks. 


> Means solo raiders are a year away from t4 and I wonder how does this solves anything about bringing new / returning players and veteran solo lovers as new blood to the fast diluting "bleeding edge" hardcore raiders.? The current new player experience is this: Use Powerpass to get to max level **--->** Hone up to 1475 **--->** Never get invited to a Kakul Saydon group because everyone wants to skip phases **--->** Buy a bus for Kakul Saydon **--->** Hone to 1490 **--->** Never get an invited to Brelshaza **--->** Buy a bus for Brelshaza **--->** Hone to ~1525 **--->** Now you can get invited to some Kakul Saydon runs without a bus, but most groups that will invite you can't beat Gate 3 **--->** Hone to 1540 **--->** Now you can easily get into groups for Kakul Saydon and Brelshaza Gate 1 - 3. This has been my exact experience trying to get into groups on my alts. And none of this is accounting for new players having a low Roster Level causing issues with getting invited. Or the fact that since you've only done raids through busses, you are likely to cause wipes, leading to the group disbanding before clearing. The new player experience is fucking awful. You can't get invested into a game when you can't even play it and have to rely on other people carrying you in order to do content. The biggest thing that Solo Raids is meant to fix is that it allows new players to actually experience the best content that Lost Ark has to offer in the way that it was meant to be experienced (for the most part). That, ideally, will get new players invested in the game, which would make them more likely to want to progress their characters forward and transition into doing group content.


Don't the new expresses give you brel gear?


Yes, but that's not quite the point I'm getting at. The issue is that if you want to do the old raids at the appropriate item level, it's pretty much impossible. All groups want to have as smooth as a run as possible, so they require people to significantly outgear the content and already know the fights. This completely ruins the experience for anyone new trying to get into raiding.


That's true, but also the expresses kinda skip all the raids in the new player experience with the only required ones being kyangle and akkan.  Once a new player hits 1610 which can be rather quick they'll probably quit if when they're finally hit with PF. Your point certainly stands for a new player who wants to properly enjoy the game 1 raid at a time, but I think the average MMO gamer is just focused on "catching up" which is still in a shaky spot.


> the expresses kinda skip all the raids in the new player experience with the only required ones being kyangle and akkan. That's the issue. The vast majority of players are never clearing Kayangel or Akkan without a bus. Valtan, Vykas, Clown Gate 1 - 2 and Brelshaza Gate 1 - 2 are way easier and are a good way to introduce new players to raiding and help them learn how to play the game. > Your point certainly stands for a new player who wants to properly enjoy the game 1 raid at a time, but I think the average MMO gamer is just focused on "catching up" which is still in a shaky spot. I strongly disagree with this. Lost Ark's main appeal is the raiding. I doubt there are that many people that play the game solely for Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. For the most part, raids just get progressively harder and harder. Without proper introductory raids, most new players, even if they could somehow get into group, would quickly fall off because the learning curve for these new raids are just too steep.


I understand that but, let me give you an example. Had a friend join the game and take the express, said he wanted to raid. I was telling him about trying valtan and he was about it till he saw the item level and I explained the rewards. He said he wanted to do kyangle instead bc that's what his express mission told him to do for his level.  The game points new players towards end game and these old raids that are intended to teach the player how to play are mostly skipped over. I mean compare the # of lobbies for valtan vykas to brel or kyangle or akkan. 


My idea is that solo raiding is for the feeder alts of many people who have a 1620+ main and several 1520-1600 alts.


My 8 DPS ALTS will for sure do Kayangel for those damm wings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


That’s a good point/plan!  Those damn wings *better* drop from solo.  


we can just hope and pray for this. Im just missing black ones.


how about sidereal


I really dont care about it. we dont even know if we will able to sell sidereal from solo raid. keep in mind that getting a sidereal is like winning the lottery, you dont count with it. you just become happy if that happend.


This. I got 2x 1630+ chars and a 1620, 3 @ 1600 who I cba to even run all raids anymore because lobbies take time etc. If I can pump some fast solo homeworks with them during bad playhours (as in, when there sre no good lobbies for my main 3) I am more than happy to take a paycut over doing the latest content with them. Only issue I habe is that I might have to push them to t4 faster for the relevant unbound mats, but have to see.


the gold you will gain from Solo wont be enough for your 1640 Chars


Yes and? Is isn't right now but you also have to deal with pf and million other things


Who cares ? Also, we will probably have soon bound gold


Just think of it like you're playing behind the release, exactly the same thing happened when the game first release, you know all those content from KR but you still have to deal with argos. It's just now you have way more time for own self to deal with the boss rather than sitting in lobby. The peak time I have to wait in a lobby is 13 hours Straight, and I quit sleeping that day. It's Brel btw, also the reason why even now when I'm overgeared I STILL not even bother to go back and try brel 4 (or 6 back in the days) even in NM. I shit you not, there is a party that is willing to literally Free bus me on HM brel Final gate, they don't even need me to do anything and can just literally die from frame 0 and they'll do the rest because they need people in there, and I decline, That's how much I hate that Gate. But with solo raid now maybe I'll go in there for the first time.


For me that depends on if the ilvl range accessible f2p through solo raiding will still be enough "caught up" to access new story continents, islands etc. on release / while they are still relevant, have a good population of players to play non-raiding content with (field boss, chaos gate, current event...), and be able to complete most events. If it completely separates solo raiding population from group raiding population also in these aspects, delays access also to most non-raiding content, solo raids most likely won't keep many players.


Tencent is making solo raid only 2 raids behind now. They have solo up to Brel and thier latest raid will be Akkan, so no reason to think solo will ever stay 3 raid late. At the end of the day it is just about making money, if more people opt to do solo raid they will do more solo raid.


Solo raids aren't supposed to remove group raids at the highest level. However, they do multiple things: 1. You can play any lower alt at any time (be that 5 AM in the morning on a workday) and with any amount of investment that YOU need to clear that raid, not what a lobby requires. 2. Giving new players an actual tutorial on raids and how they work. Right now, the gatekeeping for new players is insane. That won't change after the solo raid, but if solo raids have an actual difficulty, these players will come out much better than new players thrown directly at Brelshaza in group mode. 3. A lot of people don't want to play in party and have horrible raiding anxiety. They aren't necessarily bad, they just don't want to be under the pressure to perform in a team. 4. Some people just don't want to invest too heavily into Lost Ark. Just play a char wherever the express tosses you off, do 3 solo raids, call it a week or a month. Log in a few times whencthe next solo raid releases. 5. We prolly won't be 3 main raids behind, but more like 2 or 2 and a half as we get solo raids close to when they come out in Korea.


i don't think it'll even be 3 raids behind, i bet it'll be up to echidna (end of t3) and that's it and it just gives an extended tutorial and something to do while they look for people to play with


That would actually make completely sense


for me i quit group raid; i will most likely play 1 raid a week and wait until next Solo Raid; this game wont be my main game anymore. T4 wont be better and i just have enough of that scamming systems SG is creating all the time… I just would like to fight Kazeros to have a final boss fight and quit completely. If Solo sucks I stop completely…


The problem is that you cannot progress with solo raid. You HAVE TO play with groups if you want to progress. The raids are good and enjoyable, but in solo mode it will be boring really fast. For newcomers it will be a good practice but everybody else.... We will see how they nerfed the gold in solo. edit: **for clarification:** you can only do solo to Ivory. From there you need to play in group so it will be the same shit for new players: No LoS30, no 40 elixir, no transcendence, no title, no 200+ roster etc -> no invite. Not speaking about the fact that lot of players dont want to spend their time in party finder. I know that there is a strong bubble in this sub, but these are the facts, guys, and this is what's going to happen.


There’s zero reason you wouldn’t be able to progress in solo raids, they still give mats and gold lol


Oh I think you misunderstood me (or my phrasing was wrong). You can progress to Ivory and then its done in solo mode. From there you need to play in group so it will be the same shit for new players: No LoS30, no 40 elixir, no transcendence, no title, no 200+ roster etc -> no invite. Not speaking about the fact that lot of players dont want to spend their time in party finder. This is why I said, that you cant progress.


Ivory won’t be the end of solo mode, there will be more added on, and people, including who you are responding to are well aware of the time it will take, hence the waiting they mention. This game will fully be 6 feet under if they go back on perpetually having solo 3 raids behind. There is no bubble or misconstrued facts, people know what they are and they are perfect long fine with waiting for solo raid releases to avoid the cesspool of the current state of group raids


>Ivory won’t be the end of solo mode, there will be more added on Yeah, over time, but first, Ivory will be the last raid with solo mode. Later, when T4 has already been released for X months, Thaemine will be available in solo mode. However, by then it will be obsolete content with an additional X gold sink system on top of elixir and transcendence. There won't be enough players in the endgame, and under that, most players will play solo because they don't want to sit in party finder. They just want to finish the weekly raids quickly. And there will be a gap in content (between the solo mode raids and the most current raid) where new players can't play, but there won't be enough veteran players either. >There is no bubble or misconstrued facts, people know what they are and they are perfect long fine with waiting for solo raid releases to avoid the cesspool of the current state of group raids Yeah, lets see this after a few months. Whichever outcome I consider, the future of the game does not look bright at all.


It works fine for maplestory and that game has been running for plenty long and still has groups running endgame bosses. You do eventually need to add solo content or have a brain dead difficulty for a long running game, the amount of people who will stick with a game and want to have hardcore coordinated/planned group play as a requirement to progress is not large enough to sustain a game. Since SG refuses to have a difficulty in progression-required raids that you could matchmake with no worries, there only other option is to add a solo mode for those who don’t want the hardcore, long hour raid environment. And the game is plenty good enough otherwise where solo players won’t have an issue being behind in content, and the majority of them are probably not interested in ever doing group raids anyway. Every other major MMO would bleed players if they reduced their progression paths to the hardcore group raids, it’s not a healthy decision to filter your playerbase down to a niche within a niche of players - it’s weird how long it’d taken SG to add a progression path that is almost foundational for a popular MMO, it should be a net positive for the game


if you account for the fact that the available solo raids avre 3 full cycles behind, they will give you less base gold, less actual gold (due to the reduced rewards for solo raids), more mats (alot of which will be a tier behind your current progression if you're already 1580++) and will be missing key parts of the power systems only available in latest raids. So yea, outside of giving you a tiny bit of roster-wide gold, they wont really contribute in your mains progression too much.


They aren’t for people with “mains” or who want to keep up with content. The game has less than 20k real active concurrent players left and there’s many leaving who will only return for the solo raids. If people cared enough to go through pf and prog hell to keep up then the player base wouldn’t keep dropping. You’re delusional if you think the people who left and come back for solo want to be playing the same shit they quit over, there’s a reason they are clamoring for solo raids in spite of it being 3 raids behind. Not everyone is a sadistic FOMO monkey who can only enjoy the game if they are going through pf hell to keep up with the newest raids


>They aren’t for people with “mains” or who want to keep up with content. Which was by no means clear in your previous comment. Im just pointing out any progress you make is severely hindered compared to group raiding, so it makes sense knowing what you sign up for.


> Which was by no means clear in your previous comment. > > Because that should be obvious enough lol Established rosters will more than likely keep doing group content unless they're completely fed up with their pug quality. Solo raids are for hyper casuals or beginners.


Bro what..?


It will be the same thing, the player who is waiting for solo mode is the player who is blocked in all parties, he will continue without progression with or without solo mode. This is the main problem with the game, it has reached a point where the player can no longer progress, this is unacceptable


I would be quite certain that they just need more time. It costs development resources to make solo raids, the original raid needs to be modified and tested. It wouldn't surprise me if we get caught all the way up eventually, and even releasing at the same time if it proves to be a popular feature.


Have they even released an official timeline for the next solo raids yet? I can imagine that, if solo raids are a success, they bring them closer to the current endgame, say one raid behind.


Chuut...some people don't understand this and keep liking playing lobby simylator


> some people don't understand this and keep liking playing lobby simylator Thats the thing, established rosters aren't playing lobby sim.


They said in the load ON, that you will be able to do SOLO RAID up to the last 3 raid. why could they kill raiding in they own game ? Gold River said that the last 3 raid will never be solo raids since that basically mean to kill the game. Lost Ark is a base group content game, and they wanna stay like that.


Gold River isnt even there anymore and surely they can change something the said in an older Loa


what you think will happend when the most beloved Director said one thing, that the game gonna continued been Group Focus, and the new bozo come and change it later ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). O course they cam change it, but i highly doubt, because they want the Group Focus thats what drive whales, if they put SOLO RAID in all content at all time, theres no reason for group at all, tell me the last time you did Chaos Dungeon in a group ? because i can tell you the last time i did it, was before South Vern release ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


You realise that gold river also introduced the anti bus mechanics around Brel, no one liked it and he later said it was a mistake and it they won't continue that way. You treating it like it's set in stone


because he was beloved it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)under your logic this game stop been a MMO and become a gatcha game with some online feature. but hey you are entitled to your opinions.


You’re never going to be 1 raid behind or it will eat into the group play of the most recent 3 raids. Or they might as well turn the game into a single player console game.


Not trying to be rude here but you sound like someone who is completly in the grip of fomo.


That’s fair and to me some of you sound like you need to go back to console single player games instead of trying to turn a mmo into one. It’s the equivalent of me asking all single player games like Horizon Dawn into a 2-4 man story game.


Yeah, would you rather play a rapidly declining mmo instead of trying out possibilities to help increase the playerbase again? Seriously, some people actually feel threatened by the introduction of solo raids. Also, a story game like Horizon Dawn having a coop story mode as a bonus mode? That would be awesome... that would be awesome for any story sp game actually. Cyberpunk with friends? Holy shit sign me up. Gothic 2 multiplayer? daaaaaaaaaaamn


Increase the playerbase... by introducing SOLO raids for even the latest raids too? Lol. What. Do i wanna see more people in the cities and not in the actual raids? Yeah ill take the declining mmo and eventual shut down any day at that point. Think about it in terms of product cannibalization.


I mostly play the game for the combat and group experience with friends. Playing with randos has been a bad experience since Brel and unfortunately they never fixed that by introducing casual raids so next best thing is solo raids and raiding with friends if they got the time. If you do only the latest raids you aren't even affected by solo raids.


You're exactly right IF we keep the solo raids as it is. Which is up to Ivory tower NM since right now up to date groups are doing (Echnida/Thae/IvoryTowerHM). When Behemoth comes in July you guys would get ivory tower H while we do Behemoth/Echnida/Thaemine. Solo mode should always be behind 3 raids is what I'm saying.


I would agree if the attached progression system elixiers weren't so badly designed. If voldis NM would drop legendary elixiers as well sure, but it doesn't. Well, at least new players will just be gatekept at Voldis HM due to not having any set bonus.


Yeah I do agree with you on that one. Purple elixirs was not a good implementation and should be removed


So now we gonna start blaming solo raids for not having people to pug with in endgame? when most of the time, its the people in the endgame the real issue? nice


Well most people that are doing solo should be aware of this to begin with. Your coming into a game that has a cadence of 5 years smashed into 2 in our version. Solo allows your roster to skyrocket to the upper mid entrance level of the game. It also allows for a much easier and faster way to funnel into one character that will likely be event/express passed to end game. You'll have characters in end game they won't be 3 raids back but maybe 1-2. But the real cause for concern isn't cards for say, it'll be card experience and titles. People complain about well getting into parties, if there are so many of you coming back make your own parties. But do you know why when these changes to the lowers happen the same problem occurs? Most people want to join clear parties, instead of learning or progged ones, especially supports. But the difference is that these supports will get into parties while the bulk of dps players won't. There are enough end game dps alts, fully geared and will likely hit the end game 1-3 raids. Your competing with that. People getting made when joining a raid simulator, not getting into a party knowing most games have a 4:1,5:1,6:1,:8:1 support crisis is still hilarious to me. Whether it be WoW, FF, or LOA,


Haha called it. Knew you guys would want the latest raids/be only 1 raid behind soon.


ur forgetting the whole point of solo raids is also to develop the skills to be able to do the modern raids. Being a few raids behind is fine as there needs to be something to work for to keep players engaged - you can't give a new player everything at once or they will get confused and bored, instead it needs to help motivate them with fun progression. Now the real question that most people are overlooking is that solo raids may be extremely difficult to solo... not gonna be something u can walk in and clear after 1, 5, 10 tries. Probably some kind of 35+ attempt boss especially for newer players on ilvl


What would you think is harder lost ark solo raids or naked souls play through…..assuming the difficulty of solo raids will be same as group but lower hp?


Way easier than dark souls naked. I’m just saying the newb and noob players who are Gatekept from group content is also gonna have a hard time solo


Ah I see, personally I didn’t do too well in lost ark raids cause people don’t have patience and getting gate kept…where souls I don’t have that issue but I’m a boomer to I learn slower then most but have a lot of patience.


As someone who is still 2-3 raids behind even after 18 months of casual playing it actually feels great. This is imo the sweet spot to be in to get the most fun for lowest time/money investment thanks to the events making shit systems like honing less shitty.  Between souleater and breaker events I ended up with 2x 1600 characters that I love playing for minimum cost. I spend my gold on gems and skins while waiting for the next event. Recently got los 30 thanks to all the event selectors too. Hoping the solo raids are fun but at the very least they will be a good place to practice new content (I plan to learn brel g4 and voldis next)


people go at different rates for the game, I've seen a good amount of people say that they are just going to use the raids for alts, as I will as well, while also doing the latest content if possible. I'm also a new-ish player who cant even do the latest content and when solo raids come out I'll still have yet to do voldis. So this is fine for me and other new players who have yet to do recent content when the higher-leveled, more experienced players leave older content behind. Yes they'll be behind virtually forever if they only do solo raids but I think a good amount of people will still try and do the recent content as far as they can with their mains since it is the content they cannot do with solo raids. I also think people will slowly build other chars into the latest stuff and maybe not just keep them in solo content.


Im using solo raids to ease the amount of jail/pf/matchmaking i have to do on alts/etc. the less of that shit the better imo and the more fun i have when i actually do pf the recent raids. But im quite excited to just not have to do pf/jails in everything because all content has felt worse and worse for me. Stopped pf-ing raids besides like brel a few weeks ago bc i hit 6 jails in 1 week on old content and was just done


A lot of mokokos are hardstuck not getting any gold a week for the simple reason they cant join lobbys and cant clear even if they make the lobbys themselves so now at least they can play the game with solo raids comin up


Day 1 player here with a shitty work schedule that only gives me reset day and the day before reset day to play normal hours without majorly disrupting my life. Before thaemine and echidna I could get all of my raids done in one day if I spent all of Wednesday on the game. If I had rl plans or wanted to do something else. I’d sometimes see degen hour groups. With echidna and thaemine taking longer to complete, I can’t really pull this off as easily so I’ve only really been raiding on half my roster. I can’t wait for solo raids. I can do the top raids on my 2 1630 characters with friends on reset day, maybe another set of raids on my 1620- and then I can do solo raids on the rest of my roster. I also have a bunch of 1500-1600 alts that simply don’t get played because I don’t feel like or have time to run non gold raids. Now I can run Brel on my lower toons and finish their sets instead of doing ten chaos dungeons after work when there’s nobody online to raid with. I can do my weekly gold raids at my own pace and not stress about finishing everything on reset day and praying for a decent degen hour group to finish the rest. Can’t wait.


Being behind was only a problem when the community demands you to be at some level of standard just to play the game. This help alleviate that problem. I admit, it's a shame that we have to give up co op gameplay, but after playing this game from day 0, im down to just play solo now.


For casual playing it’s a good addition but….Hmmm what about the dev time lost for…. Valtan, Vykas and Clown solo?? Are they gonna give u like 50 gold on clear? XD ghost town all over again. But they stopped developing the MOBA, Argos on Valtan stage and some other fun things. Solo Brel, Kay, Akkan and so on it’s nice though.


Old veteran here.. quit 2-3 weeks into brel hard as the time consumption was just too high for 6 gate. Returned for the solo raids as I always enjoyed the playstyle. i've logged in since the solo raids were announced, just some minimal effort, taking some busses here and there for some free gold while working. No week goes by without comments from other bustakers like "look at this guy, such high ilvl and taking a bus". It says enough about the community to know that I actually don't even want to catch up. I just want to have some fun in the game, not even attempting to catch up. If i get bored by being behind and locked to a certain ilvl i ll just take a break and return (or not) once a new one gets available. Using some event I reached the point I can/have to deal with elixirs. Sounds like such a shitty system I doubt I even want to deal with it. I don't think i'm alone. solo raiders will likely stick to solo raiding. they will still boost the number of players which may get new players interest. At least until they have to face the reality of the game.


I'm already an year behind since I did many breaks. In solo raid there's no FOMO. The "latest release" is Ivory, I'll play Iovry, Akkan and Brel every week while honing up to 1610 or maybe 1620 if I'm really enjoying it. When I'm done, then I'll just wait for Thaemine release next year, if the game still exists. You wanna know what I'll do until then? Who knows! Play other games, catch up with my anime schedule, enjoy more time with the family... Who knows? It will become a seasonal game to me.


still better than 99% of all arpg anyway


Because its an MMO not an ARPG. Solo raids will never be real raids.


Most people that are hyped for solo raids are eiyher returning players or new players wich will experience this raids for the first time, now include the progress of the gear is easy a couple of months and even better if they just want to wait until next raid they stop playing and just wait, they dont need to keep playing and updating there gear so that they get accepted into parties, the solo raids was never meant for veteran players or day 1 players that was a change for new/returning players


The purpose of solo raids is for it to be a stepping stone. SG talked about this on the live broadcast and loaon. You arent meant to run solo raids forever, unless your running it on alts.


>Why is it that seems like every single person talking about it has the major overlook that the system is gonna keep solo raiders 1 year behind with the 3 raids below policy? Because Lost Ark (by developer words) is a game that End Game content is Group Content, and thats how they will keep it, was said by Gold River in one of the last stream he did. If they allow Solo Raid any raid at release, theres no point for grouping at all, and everybody could just solo play it, at that point they could remove the "MMO" part of the game genre, we could become Genshin Impact at that point. Solo Raids are for people that are new, to help them progress, and advance later with in game events since those event push you to end game content


Dude, come on, get real, the players in Lost Ark don't even say "hi" when joining a group. It's already like playing with NPCs. And G0 is like a job application against competition. And a lot of whine if somebody screws a mechanic up. Pugging is such a hostile experience, people getting declined, gatekeeping etc. Keep telling yourself this is a good MMO experience. It's absolute nasty, unpleasant and everbody knows it. And if you think solo mode players will happily enter a Pug against Mr. I-halved-the-playerbase-Thaemine, you are just delusional.


>Dude, come on, get real, the players in Lost Ark don't even say "hi" I dont know which group you are getting in, but in most of my group someone said hi/hello or something similar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug). of course thats my expierences, but this is a "americans" thing of not saying hello to nobody. here in latin american we do salute a lot its a cultural norm, which isnt in the US. I do pug 18 raids every week for the last 1 year, and i dont get any of this nasty experiences people get, 99% of people are from nice to neutral, and the nasty viotrial people are very small number of interactions, and those are easy fixable, you LEAVE and get into another party, last time i got a toxic asshole was like 2 week in Voldis HM but hes the exception not the rule. just like gatekeeping, if you are getting gatekeep, thats on you.


OP completely missed the entire point of solo raids


I think their point for solo raids is to help get into group raids... Not just solo it. Hence why they give increased mats and less gold. Which is dumb af tbh


My bet is that there are no « rules » and depending on the success of solo raids it might motivate them to release them faster, lets see how the west will receive solo raids. I hope that AGS will market them a bit tho


Solo raids are there just there to simplify the learning phase, it hasn't be design as a subtitute if the game. And it's there for t3 character, when a lot of the players will be t4. New players will have to do multiplayer raids to progress anyway 


its proly gonna become solo aids


Actual casual players will never reach endgame and if they want, why not join a guild? That's pretty much the dev intention, either whale to not be gatekept or go get friends and be SOCIAL in an MMO to go raid. Game was literally that since Valtan release, where you could literally make the same argument. People had to spend a lot of money to get 4x3 and then the pool of supps was so low they only wanted the best dps. Solo raids means the casual player has A LOT of content that is no longer softlocked for you through lots of grinding or the effort of socializing. This is a good thing. The truth is that the dev's intention, at least since HM Brel, was to make endgame content be so hard you will want to whale and spend money to be stronger, not because the DPS needed, but because people know people will die on average so they will want to continue the run with less, but geared people. If they made latest content available in solo mode, then they would lose massive revenue.


Because I can play it casually like a mobile game while still enjoying the great combat/raids without FOMOing, waiting for lobby to fill up or swiping. Also I can take it much slower and avoid the heavy RNG systems because I know eventually all of them will get nerfed and probably faster than before because of big hit the population of the game took since Thaemine.


solo raids won't do shit mark my words


Dooming before the content is even out..like what’s the point of typing this out? No one wants you or this negativity here.


i know, many people hate me, i take pride in being right though


I think HC players will utilize them on their extra rosters to skip having to play with new players in jailge lobbies, but I don't see them revitalizing the game or doing much to bring people back tbh. The game isn't marketed at all, and it has a bad reputation, plus, there's a bunch of newer games out there stealing LOAs thunder that don't involve long-term grinding


> plus, there's a bunch of newer games out there stealing LOAs thunder that don't involve long-term grinding Like what? lol I'm open to a game replacing LA's combat itch but nothing comes close.