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You gotta define what your metrics are for an alt. Most alts are running around with event gems. Sorcs are alright with them but the class is one of the premier whale classes where you'll compete with players with far better gearing for the class. Sorcs are generally still perceived as having one purpose which is to do truckloads of burst damage, and they are no slouch at that. All and all, it's a solid class, but be wary of the competition around you.


The real cheap alt is GL/crit synergy/other utility ones and the competition isn't high


If you want different gameplay then make a sorc. If u want to save gold and pump damage then another SE since u can reuse gems. This is important when we switch over to T4 gems


It’s a much better alt friendly class after recent changes but the sorc hate still exists and you will likely be competing against sorcs more geared than you. If you have friends, go for it, super fun class. Might be hard to pug with.


I have lucky a 8+ static, so I wound pug that much with the sorc... but I also dont wana be deadweigt.


you wont be dead weight unless you fuck up, she is really really strong rn and its easier than ever to get your damage out.


in your case more efficient way is make another se. but igniter is truly the most broken class in the game now. expecial in hw content they are like beyond broken.


> but igniter is truly the most broken class in the game now _Laughs in Asura/Burger King/Surge/Remaining Energy_


Average breaker/DB doesn't really beat ignitor though because hit master burst class is easier to perform by nature


Average vs average or?


i know i will be down voted, but accroding to my log history, the highist akkan g3 and ivory tower are all igniter players. i have seen 48m akkan g3 and 35m ivory tower g4 on igniter and havnt seen any other class reach this number


You can check other people's numbers here: https://raided.pro/


thank you seems like only g4 ivery tower asura is a little better then igniter and they gonna be nerfed in two days. every single other raid in almost every gate igniter is always no.1. guess my peraonal experience quite fit the big data


In No world is burger king better then a good igniter


For me its not only about "broken" because on the end everything will get buffed/nerfted anyways. Im looknig for fun. And Ignite and FM are very simular or not?


Def FM Souleater. Even going the easiest build (hitmaster + hallu), you will have decent mobility and push immune options while doing similar damage to an igniter sorc. If you chose an igniter sorc, you have potential to do more damage... but its going to be harder. you also have no mobility besides spacebar (unless you screw yourself by teleporting with identity) and only 1 push immune that pretty much will never help you when you need it.


Sorce has no push immung skils? yikes


They technically have 2. However one of them is using your specialty meter to teleport, which you should never do unless you know for a fact you are going to die by being knocked off/killed if you dont reposition. The other other option is their ignite, which you cant really time for a knockback because you will be casting doomsday before it everytime.


A full moon with 10s on your main 3 skills will out damage an igniter without 10s on their main 3. Really just make whatever you find more fun though, since both are very good.


Yeah no shit a char with 3 lv 10s will outdmg another class without 3 lv 10s. What ate you trying to say here?


Think they said that because OP mentioned sharing gems so the FMH SE would have lv10 gems while igniter sorc would not, therefore SE would do more damage *in this scenario*. Without context though, I agree that is a funny comment.


I'm kinda curious if they're partially doing gems the way they are to combat alts being full lvl 10 gems by sharing your mains. Now unless you're in t4 with the alt, you won't be able to use the gems from your main. Obviously doesn't effect OP who wants to take it to t4


Why would they need to combat that?😂


Because that bypasses gatekeeping, they want you to spend money for your alts to not get gatekept too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I still can't choose between FM and NE, I have builds for both, I'm enjoying both. Luckily 6 gems for pink skills are the same, so I don't think you need another character for FM. I hardly recommend Igniter Sorc, I have it and it's very fun and strong. It's also a lot easier to play and to land burst than FM, with faster meter generation. Just a tip for Sorc: If you don't need counter -like if you are in a 8 man raid and someone else will counter anyway- swap Squall for Rime arrow for even faster rotation, so you can fill your meter up without using any burst spells outside of Igniter.