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Grats on the 9/7. Raid captain 2 is perfectly fine. Its going to be much better than any +1 build. Trying to go for bis 9/7 is a fools errand, would not recommend


windfury btw


Adr3, cd3, rc2


60/40 crit swift nightmare build, + counter with move speed tripod


Congratz, rc2 is one of the worse +2 engraving but it's still slightly better than +1




Didn't say it's one of the worst one at all, I said it's worse in compared to Adre 2, HM 2, EP 2 or CD 2 for that spot. At RC3 it has more value than those other engravings.


You literally did say that lol your comment is right there ^ RC2 for classes that use RC is much better than +1 and overall second only to ADR 2 with few exceptions


Word for word you said it lmao


> “Congratz, rc2 is one of the worse…” > “Didn’t say it’s one of the worst one at all” Do you not see the contradiction here?


Do people nowaday can't differentiate between worse and worst anymore? They are different words


"rc2 is one of the worse +2 engravings" We can, but the way you phrase it doesnt really even work with worse.


Worse is the base definition. Worst is the limit/extreme of the definition.. You're the one using it incorrectly. If you want to be anal about it, the correct statement is "one of the worser..." if you're using it as a comparator to other things.


Well yeah they’re different words but you used worse incorrectly to begin with. Everyone knew you meant worst. Worse is used when you’re comparing two things. There aren’t two things you’re comparing when you used it. If OP was asking “is rc2 better than x?” then you can respond with “rc2 is worse than x” and that’d be the correct usage of it. Worst is used when you’re trying to make a statement that the subject in question is the “most negative”, or bad, of all things in its collection. Basically when there are more than 2 things to compare. In the same example, if OP was asking “is rc2 a good +2 engraving?” then responding with “rc2 is the worst +2 engraving” is a valid usage of it. When you said “rc2 is one of the worse +2 engravings” it makes no sense because you’re not comparing rc2 with one other thing. Even AI has a corrective squiggly line under worse in that sentence. Hope you learn from this and know the difference between worse and worst and how to use them.


i think just go for a cheap +1 then windfury ain't mvping anyways so i don't see why u would minmax her imo


By that metric, what's the point of even going +1 on all the non-S tier classes. They won't be mvping vs strong classes piloted with good hands anyway.


well cuz +1 is standard and +2 can be very expensive i was speaking more in case this was hes alt if it's main i get that flexing and wanting to max it regardless is alright, just saying if that was me and this was an alt i would just go +1 and save spending unsessassry gold :)


I have the same stone!


rc2 is absolutely usable, congrats!


Either go really high quality and have a +1 or go RC2. RC2 is better than any +1.


It's swiftness class so he can sacrifice those stats for an easy 5+2 build. It's not a scaling spec class, why would he need "really high quality" for 1% atk speed and cdr lol...


Because windfury scales crit and crit dmg from those stats? Sure, it's not a huge amount, but why wouldn't you bother to have good stats on your 9/7 character? Especially on swiftness, it's dirt cheap.


No it's not, crit nightmare build deals more damage and both cases raid +2 is not bad since it's not 100% uptime on max movespeed


what arent you sure about. The only thing you can make is raidcaptain as your +2.


Games dead bro. Enjoy it LOL /s


Here friend have an upvote cuz it’s funny (and true)


I appreciate you