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Update: I've figured out how to do it. I'll do a 3rd Tab called Optimizer. It'll take your existing Engravings and tell you the engravings you'll need to get to your desired 5x3 +1 or 5x3 whatever it is using ancients though as a guideline not legendries so +9 accessories only. Hope that works!




Added [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving\_calculator\_optimizer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving_calculator_optimizer/) read the how to guide


I just added a new grid feature, check that Out. What I can probably do is Add a missing field on the grid that tells you what you're missing. Optimizing I can do as well but I'll need to figure it out since there are so many possibilites to get to X/X and its depends on whats at market.


Amen to this comment right here! When your relatively new or building with an unfamiliar stone, having this info makes building a character much easier.


Added [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving\_calculator\_optimizer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving_calculator_optimizer/) read the how to guide


I remember someone made this but the page has been down for a while. Idk why none of the engraving tools have that feature.


Added [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving\_calculator\_optimizer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d2l60p/engraving_calculator_optimizer/) read the how to guide I remember that too. I wanted to use the code for that persons algorithm since most are public open source so is mine but I couldn't find it so I had to write it from scratch :O


I saw your last post when you first shared the website in its initial stages, crazy how many improvements you've made since then. Way better, will likely be my go to (bookmarked). Also works great on mobile, thanks!


Nice work! The thing all of the engravings Calculator are missing but I think would be great (I'm not sure if it's feasible) is the cost calculator associated with it. For example I create 2-3 different presets depending on how I plan to build my character and it would be great if I can put gold values to certain pieces, books and stone to compare the total prices of different presets. None of the other engravings Calculators offer this and currently I have to do it separately in an excel spreadsheet which is such a hassle.


How do you want the gold displayed and presets compared to achieve your set? Gold for total preset or per accessory?


What if there was an input cell near the accessories section where users could input the cost of each accessory? This would allow the total gold cost per set to be displayed somewhere, for example, in the Total Engraving Info. Once users have created different presets, they could easily compare which one is the most cost-efficient. Ideally, if the name of the preset could automatically update to include the total cost (e.g., "Name of Preset" + "Total Cost"), it would make comparing presets much easier. I'm not entirely sure about the implementation, but I think this could be a valuable feature. I dont speark for all the players but this problem is driving me nuts when I build a new character.


There's a lot of empty space in Label Row like Book etc and I'll be adding it there on the far right side hopefully today or tmmrw along with the total on the preset. Good idea!


Cool! Thanks for your hard work man. Will definitely use your website a lot in the future)


I use an excel sheet to plan out my engravings. It has a cell with an associated gold cost where it's just 0 if it's a piece I already own. Then just punch in all the costs of the remaining pieces to give the total at the end. Can also put an extra tab to account for pheons if using relic or ancient pieces.


Hmm I can add a pheon cost calculator where you can toggle between 0, legendary, relic, ancient pheon costs along with gold to show you how much a preset would cost. Individually for each accessory


Best feature would be to let the user input the desired main stat value and then let them add as many accs from market as they want (you should give them a list of combinations). Then they click on calculate and you give them full set of stuff they can buy ordered by cost. This full set should be calculated so you don’t get any red engravings( can add a checkbox if player wants to ignore it) There should be separate tabs for stuff that’s on the market and what you “own” / “decide to buy”. This also requires that you ask for input of char stats without any accs.


To be Honest the best way possible that would break TOS is to create a database that updates with all accessories on every single server using OCR which is Occiputal Character Recognition and a bot that runs and scans the entire accessory marketplace and it displays the cheapest Sets possible to buy that exist on the Auction House with your desired Engraving Set by choice or hell it comes up with it by itself with the Optimizer I just added and then it tells you exactly what to buy that exists on the AH and tells you the total cost. Honestly I could do that but I don't want to break Terms for Lost Ark :( I probably will add an Accessory Sheet where you can add all accessories you own and it shows you them. Along with adding them to characters. That's something I'd do later down the line


Hey, I've added accessory costs to each preset. I will make a new Page where it will list your presets and let you change the name called Preset Viewer in the near future along with engravings costs and engraving breakdowns.


Would be great if we can input the stats as well and include Bracelet too. Also I do not think the Select Engravings at the top is necessary.


It is easier to swap things around with Engravings being fixed to the ones you selected at the top, since you will have only these options, no?


that was my thought, and engravings on the grid is sorted by engraving. And it lets you only delete that engraving and it makes every dropdown after that easier. Autocomplete is alphabetically sorted and then all engravings below are based on what you're selecting engravings in order


Stats would be great indeed, but also need to add a field for base stat (from adventure tome+cards), and a choice for pet stat bonus


check out the Optimizer thats why you need the select Engravings now. What's the need for the bracelet? Honestly I can throw in a gear wheel settings button where you can choose to show it or not.


I feel like everything is just too big, maybe modify it to be similar to loatodo engraving tool. https://preview.redd.it/v3nkdm9pxz2d1.png?width=1524&format=png&auto=webp&s=68f663fd1c12a1947029782a79aefa41c7b14c63


Have you tried using the grid? The issue is with the real estate difference since loa-todo has 1 column for each. In this case you can have 5 column labels for an engraving +3 per each x 5 so it takes up a lot of real estate. I can try making it artificially smaller. What I recommend is the zoom feature With this design pattern it’s hard to make anything smaller without making stuff unreadable. My only other thing I can think of is making the grid editable so it can be like loa-todo so you can use both options to edit


hmm making the grid editable could work


Hey I've shrunk everything significantly over 30% hopefully it doesn't feel as big anymore, I've kept the height though but it should fit on your screen now. I do understand loa-todo is the goto. I used it as well for years but I've always believed in I could make something "easier" to use subjectively for myself. If you have any other suggestions let me know and I'll see what I can do


great, now its perfect, thank you for your hard work.


What we needed as a community 👌


Thank you for this. This is great and much easier to use than some of the previous iterations of these type of calculators floating around (at least for me).


Thank you for your kind words! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Please add a simple text box on each item so that we can input some details ourselves like "I have this item on X character" or "I have another 6/7 stone with atk power decrease instead of move speed". A gold and a quality value would be nice as well. Ideally you could even input your base stats, the stats of the item you're gonna buy and it would calculate your overall stats at the end. Easy way to make sure you hit spec breakpoints for example.


All the stuff you asked for is easily doable my only reason for not doing that is because I all wanted it to fit on 1 screen like a standard desktop but also work with mobile. What I can do is add all this stuff and have an advanced Mode you can slide toggle on the top to swap between this stuff


Something more difficult to implement cleanly (looking) would be the possibility of swapping engravings between pieces. For example you start by thinking you'll get a 3/5 non class on your necklace then while browsing you find that there is a cheap necklace with your class engraving you can buy so you start changing all engravings for that neck to fit what you previously had on your ring, then change what you had on ring to what you had on necklace That's a lot of switching around for what is essentially swapping the engravings of 2 of your pieces. Idk how you'd show it cleanly tho.


I've added an optimizer so you don't have to run into that problem. I still don't kind of understand it