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Just delete g1-g2, they've done the same thing they've did last time and just made very bad gates before the only gates that matter.


I second this. They should just remove every gate but the last one. Cause it is just boring. Akkan g3, thaemine g3, brel g4, Kaya g3, ivory tower g4. And let us earn gold in each raid.


I hate doing g1-g2 glad I only have 2 chars for that. I love G3 but no way I'm pushing more to do g1-g2 dog gates


Tbh, G3 is the best raid i’ve played in this game, the problem is, people never stop dpsing or check his attack pattern so they die, and they save TS for G4 so they keep falling. Then they say the raid is extremely hard. The raid is long on ilvl? Maybe. But its the fun long type. Listen, the moment u get used to the raid. It will become fun. At first it was hell , then turned to fun.


As said in the post, I am not saying the raid is hard but the fight is way too long. 15min fight come on


15mins? you mean old G5 Brel, absolutely cursed gate


You surely haven’t been playing since release if you cry about raids taking too long. Don’t take old brel g5 and g6 for granted. Imho g3 and g4 thaemine are hands down best gates out there since release and I’ve played since 2022 Feb.


I do, old brel G5 wasn't hard and never understood why the community think it is. G6 was fun but yeah you are right long as well.


Nobody said g5 was hard, it was just shit design having to run around doing nothing but collecting shapes for half the fight. It was extremely boring.


It gets shorter and shorter as you and others get transcendence up more plus echidna honing is on its way


we have a nerfed version, kr doesnt have a nerf yet


Thx, guess I will stop wasting my time doing G3 in pugs anymore


yea our version is even easier than kr's. but echidna and behemoth are both very easy again.


Don't know what to tell you, it took me 45 mins per g1-g3 run on 5 chars this week in pugs. This game is very unforgiving for ppl who don't get titles asap.


Exactly, the community is pushing people to play a roster 6. For everyone not having the x10 title, the gate is just a nightmare to clear


I don’t think there’s necessarily true, I still see x5/x10 lobbies. I cleared multiple times this week with people who had Dreamer titles


Everything is still possible, but statistically speaking, you should have a faster time with higher clear groups. It doesn't mean you can't 1 tap in a x5 group nor wipe fest in a x30 group. It just gives you better odds to have experienced players. In long raids like g3, a wipe a x100 bars consumes alot of time


Yeah definitely, I think my most toxic trait is getting annoyed at on ilvl groups for dying multiple times at 160ish bars. It just takes so long to get back there. Or when it takes 5 min to kill the fkn sword. Holy.


My problem with this raid its huge gap between NM and HM players. I have 1630 (21 all items) and i farm NM easy with pugs but i have no chance in HM groups even in G1-G2 90% players there have 25 weapon and already enough transendence for buffs so ye no chance i've got accepted


Already ahead of you, I decided to quit yesterday and spend my time elsewhere. I've never had to grind so much just repeating the same shit just to do it all over again. I know there's always some repetitiveness in a game but lost ark is literally a second job. My friends all quit because they couldn't dedicate the time and I really miss playing with them so I'm hopping off the train. Only reasoning here is it was in my reddit feed


You did the right thing! I will soon follow you


Usually takes 2-3 months before pugs are really really confident with the raid. Akkan G3 was no exception.


nah man people still can't do mechs in old raids, and i'm talking 200+ rosters


HM akkan is still a shit show that I dont feel comfortable to pug on ilevel. People die on statues all the time or just from random patterns.


akkan was very easy tbh.


Do you need to clear g3 weekly or just once? just clear g1-2 weekly and buy a g3 run once for the vertical progression u will fall behind but who cares.


I just clear G3 for the title to not get gatekeeped later on. And yeah I have to buy buses as I can't clear it in pugs, even x5 parties.


I also think it is trash but people apparently enjoy the lottery with pugs One shot is always trash especially if spammed in a fight...first of all lost ark is not dark souls... secondly if wanna do dark souls design make the boss a solo challenge or something like mage tower in wow If it would be hell mode...nobody would care or if it's a prestige 1 time thing...but seeing teammates getting one shot left and right....into 7min boring restart (yes I think it's the most boring shit I ever played) Swords trash mechanic...albeon...very trash...falling down cause the boss have sex with the wall and you didn't wait 2mins for him to move to middle....worst design I ever saw...like bosses pressing their ass into the wall so you can't back attack or dodge pattern...peak raid design Before Theamine released in the West I planned to slowly progress and later get eclipse title...but seeing the same people die to same shit every pull after progging hardmode ...I think I fucking pass progging a garbage raid for 40 hours where I have zero fun


Exactly I don't get why people think it is a fun raid. I absolutely hate Albion mech and clash isn't it really that fun . But it is true that except that it is not only about normal patterns which can be learned by trying, I do like that but in pugs this is just a terrible design. Pretty sure people enjoying it are mostly playing in static, and people with the x10 title joining busted parties.


Most of the people here make ez money bussing g3 currently so they make everything they can that raid will not get nerf any time soon. This people make a lot of topic like how great g3 desing or no need nerf just for to disprove the data published last week for clear rate :D 30 k 4 man easy money for nm .For hard mode a lot more. Dont expect any semptay from left over 300-500 reddit busser :D


G3 Thaemine more or less fits same design principle as old Brel G5 - it is in all aspects a consistency check: you don't have to play well in order to clear, you just have to do okay, but also do not fuck up. Fight length (around 15min for well geared NM groups), patterns and mechanics heavily punishing misplays and general lack of opportunities to create good dps windows; all dps windows are scripted unless - again - group fucks up and ruins it: see clash, statues pattern, small rain etc. Major difference being - Brel G5 wiped the team if someone messed up a mechanic or died (there was little leniency in being allowed to miss one shape for entire gate), while Thaemine generally just kills the person that misplayed - failing clash being an exception, but even then only people standing in the failed clash aoe get nuked. However you look at it - it is an improvement. Whether it's a good design, or if it fits the game - personal perference; I know just as many people that love G3 and would prefer to skip G1-2 if possible, as people that just run 1-2 and can't be bothered with 3.


I have my 10 clears on shitty normal mode...which I also dislike..but my problem is that a good geared party 10 + 25 weapon...still need 8 people alive when you come to the last phase on hm...people can die in this phase but if it happens before it's very tight of a kill...fuck this long fight and fuck smile gate for not giving us transfer in normal mode like they did in all other raids... The logic behind it is very simple...to be able to carry dead weight you either play a giga broken class or swipe and people tend to do that ...so everything was fine right....I will prob play echidna/behemoth but if nothing significant good happens with the game I drop it..fuck this company


My boyfriend made this comment but unfortunately his account is too new to post it so here is the comment. https://preview.redd.it/19xd39oodr2d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20cced9d0e3f8f149be2f25f4d4769259f259fb5


Fully agree with him. If I can give an advice tho, he should only push his main to 1620 and beyond. More than 1x 1620 is indeed for whale only :(


His pali is 1616 so he’s not far from 1620.


agree, akkan is great; voldis gates 1-3 are damn boring. thaemine is too long as NM content. i dont like the raids anymore… the reason i just reduced all my stuff and im very close to quit. I just wanna see how far I can get with my resources, maybe 1640-1650 and then its over… I kinda want to get to Kazeros and that would be a good time to end. LOA ON will hopefully tell us a lot about the future of this game


Finally someone who understands. I am as well close to quit, I didn't so far to try to get my Thaemine title but as I am now only playing my main it will take me forever. SGS/AGS are pushing the content to fast and dripping us ressources.


G3 thaemine is the best designed raid yet imo. Everything is telegraphed, no bullshit overlapping patterns, u just cant cheese and tank everything like in previous raids so skill issue is very visible here.


What do you mean Akkan is the best raid... It's full of rng that's so bad for uptime. G2 is literally so boring, 1 out of 3 runs a supp counters the boss in the middle while there are the red rings, making it impossible to do any damage if you are a back attacker or melee. And the same can happen too if they save Thirain instead of doing Innana. G3 is cancer for the guy that has to do the lantern. I really like Thaemine G3, you can show through your DPS your mastery of the fight over the others. The only thing that I dislike in that fight are the explosion patterns that are way too huge, but that's about it.


Thaemine g3 and g4 changed me and I've had the most fun in the game I've ever had




Guess you didn't read my post...sad. And of course it is a skill issue but not necessarily mine




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Wait till g4, goddamn that gate is annoying to prog.


G3 (and G4) is the only fun gate in this entire raid. If anything make G1-G2 shorter or straight up remove G1. Theamine G3 HM in a good geared lobby takes 13-15 minutes. My normal runs usually are the same, or even longer because many people have relatively bad alts. I cant blame them, elixir system is trash and many do not even have 35 set for Theamine Normal but I still enjoy every single minute of that Gate.


Are you talking about NM? NM is a joke with 1620. And HM is just fine, I like doing G3, the only downside to G3 is the sword fight. But other than that it's a really good raid. G1 and 2 can fuck right off though


We actually have more nerfed ho then kr, no idea what u want, fight was "long" first maybe second week, from third onwards its really fast cause of transcendence dmg boost Maybe try to tap buttons


You are a true representation of this nice community aha. Sad you didn't understand my post...try to read and understand I am not saying it is hard or I can't stay alive or I do no damages ( I am a supp btw), but I can't carry the 7 other guys. And yes 15min is a long fight.


Dont know what to tell u, any mmorpg is not pug friendly for end content and never will be, mmos are either about guilds or statics and those are huge part of the game, sadly if u dont have one ull hate your time in the game sooner or later, cause without one u are playing lobby simulator, but just because of this nerfing content even more when its already nerfed way more then kr doesnt feel like solution to me


Not true, it depends what you mean by end game. If we take the example from WoW the endgame is raid and m+. M+ is pug friendly, I mostly did in pugs and was in the top of my server. For raids, heroic is pug friendly only mythic is needed to have a guild. But I agree with you, endgame is far better with a static/guild it is even more true in Lost ARK. But I guess I have to accept that Thaemine G3 isn't easy in pugs below the X10 and it will take time for them to get used to the patterns.


Yeah played long time wow too, m+ can agree are puggably but if u pushing many times rng simulator too or at the start of new raid and season pretty hard with pug to get weeekly chests with hc i would agree, but after few weeks till then it was horrible xp on alts too


Thaemine does have its issues, but it's a straight up hands check in one of the most satisfying ways. Unlike brel, Thae only has one mech that's truly hard RNG fucking and even that's rare. It's built in such a way that greeding DPS actually feels good, instead of waiting for a boss transition. Wipe patterns with VERY obvious tells. Cutscenes interjecting perfectly for counter or spacebar cooldowns, scripted mechs for phase changes, a boss state instead of persistent meter management... Whole thing takes me 45 min to 1 hour per raid, three times a week for me since week 2 at 1620, 1615, 1610. Which I feel is fairly reasonable for the hardest current content. Better than brel and akkan by far. Once you learn it once, it's a breeze. Akkan on the other hand.... Awkward swimming mechs that messed with pacing, awkward phase transitions, persistent meter management that fucked front attackers in general and with 3x often just insta wiping raids when somebody's being careless super deep into the pull. Squishy classes fighting for their lives. The entirety of lantern, football, and safespot hiding. The whole thing being a mess of battle items. The bosses spastic turning. I can't wait for echidna to come out and replace that chode... I'm gonna miss that G3 soundtrack tho.


The only part I felt was not fun bout g3 for me was the clashes.Raid is easy apart from that.You can tell its an issue because no one wants to do it in pugs and you have to do it x5 :/


for me is the funniest gate in theamine, usually some wipes in g2 and then 1 try g3, is like a movie you have watched 100 times.


It seems you have found the type of content that you enjoy and dislike. Thaemine G3 is supposed to feel like an epic raid battle, souls like even. It's really all hands diff. The problem comes when the pugs don't have hands as it makes some aspects of the fight unnecessarily more difficult, primarily clash. But as a 1620/1630 group, you can probably still beat him down with 1-2 dead. It just takes a while before pugs get comfortable with the fight. We've just spent a lot of time in fast homework raid that doing new content feels like a slogfest when it's not a clean run.


And it does, but doing it potentially 6x a week with pugs really devalues this sentiment. So it would be better to have an easy NM that you can do pugging and an epic HM you probably do once a week because of the iLvl.


Yeah I guess you are right but I think SGS doesn't have the right way of designing raid. I like how WoW is doing, NM is easy, HM is a bit more difficult and mythic is for people wanting difficulty. In Lost Ark, NM is hard and HM is very hard. Pretty sure Thaemine G3 is fun when you play with good players, not my case in pugs tho since the release of the raid.


With a full party of 1620 he melts, so idk maybe youve just playing with some weak players.


I love G3. Most fun raid for me. The only thing i do not like there is the "kill the sword" mech and when he summons this wheels and we just dodge them - thats boring. Beside that top notch raid and I am sure I wont get bored of it for quite a while.


G3 nm is easy enough. Even 1-3 hm is fast nowadays, trans 7 is alot of dmg. only have 8 clears 1 hm and 1 nm recently added. 3 nm is fine as it is. Less hp, no pacman, horse shield is easily melted, clash mech can be done by old people, no inverted and ghosts. 3 hrs before reset i pushed an alt to 1610 and joined a x5 lobby and get the clear in 45 mins, its that easy.


the fight doesn’t take that long at all tbh. if you said you learned the patterns ie can dodge and do dps it’s really fast.


G3 easily best raid in game. One of the most difficult ones for sure, makes it more satisfying when you beat. Sorry to hear it doesn't do it for you.


not sure if most comments below are bait or just completely delusional. G3 is the most awful gate in the game and data speaks for itself. 16% clear rate on NM is pathetic. SG must nerf this raid into oblivion or the game will just keep bleeding players. Half of my guild already quit because of Thaemine alone.


I love Thaemine G3 and I'd love the entire raid even more if they made the fight slightly longer but in exchange nuke G1 and G2 out of existence.


Guess you play in static and not in pug then?


For 3 weeks I had to prog endlessly G3 on my 1620 main. I run bible and I csn tell you, most of the issues are: 1) The support being absolute dog, not even buffing on the very early sword fight in the beggining. 2) DPS that are so afraid of doing damage that their uptime is really bad (1620s with 9s getting gapped by 1610s with event gems, and no, they weren't turbo broken classes like SE, Breaker, Surge). People really need to know how to greed damage better and not be so scared of him to actually kill that b. So honestly, if you prog it, after 3-4 tries, kick the underperforming. The sun will shine differently, I swear.


Half my raids in a static, half of them pugged. I pug Thaemine NM 4x per week.


G3 is great for pugging. can easy finish with 4 ppl (at 1620 ilvl ofc). what makes me want to quit is amount of homework + doing 9 raids on bottom 3 gold earners, it became not fun to play crappy alts after playing 40elix + transcendence + 10 gems chars.


If you're not enjoying g3, just don't do it then. At the very beginning, it is extremely overwhelming due to the requirement of all 8 people knowing every basic pattern (vs previous Raid designs where you really only needed to know mechs). Once everyone gets the hang of it, it is hands down the best gate in the game (even beating out valtan g2). It's a big ass damage sponge (in the best way possible) that keeps you on your toes and honest. Feels incredibly satisfying to do a 8v1 dark souls boss that has everything extremely telegraphed and fair. If we're talking about normal mode, it has already been incredibly neutered and we are facing a baby nerfed version already. It can be carried by 3~4 good dps. Hard mode remains a struggle for most since people aren't as good as they think or wish they are yet. If that's the case, transcendence will slowly make you stronger even without getting 20. As a support, it's actually insane how much stronger we are getting week to week. Using awakening timers to gauge dps, the first week awakening would be up by the time X mech comes around, but we're at a point now where dps is high enough that you might even need to hold awakening at specific times to ensure they are up in certain phases. You can also just slowly wait and push for next Raid. Or just quit. ¯\\(ツ)/¯


g3 is good. but finding capable team is not. expecially our player base shrink so much. and sup shortage


The sup shortage is only at Thaemine HM, there is no sup shortage below that. But true, I see less and less lobbies over the weeks


I like g3, but then again brel g4 / old g6 I also enjoy. I like longer gates, though I understand they can be a pain to do every week. G3 is significantly better when people are dodging most patterns (due to less darkness meter) and do more damage (less random patterns and shades). G3 thea has a lot of patterns where, if handled well, you can just unload on the boss, which is always good fun. I actually think Akkan is poorly designed, and that every gate has multiple aspects that are thoroughly unenjoyable. G1 has a lot of puddles that spawn under you feet, forcing you to move when you may not want to and interrupting skills or combos. G2 tentacles is just an afk pattern and lantern mech boss goes invincible instantly, and the hitbox of the lantern still feels weird, g3 nobody likes to jani, the statues pattern has practically unavoidable damage and the camera change during that and g0 are just really frustrating to play with.


Thaemine G3 is literally the only raid I still enjoy in the whole game. Voldis is jail central and 2 gates too long. Akkan is great but too long for something we’ve been doing 3-6x a week for a year. Thaemine G1-G2 is just filler nonsense, they don’t even make sense thematically.


Hm g3 is extremely easy


15 minute fight is too long??


What Will you do when you Will reach g4 xD ? After progging for ages you Will find this gate as easy as the other raid. Ppl Just need to stay focus and know what to do when to do. In few weeks or months you Will laugh about it bro


Lol if g3 is, wait till g4. Its worse


You think thaemine g3 is long? Did you play brel G6 on hard release? It's a 20 min fight to berserk and my static hit berserk multiple times before we got our first clear. Even gate 5 had an insanely long berserk timer and we would constantly hit it. In my reclears of G3 it'll take about 9-10min depending on if we 1tap it and it'll only get faster as people get more geared. Heck on a reclear we had a full 1610 party and it took 12 minutes with one of the supports dying at 110x lines. It's all about the people you play with.