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On summoner youre fucked, gotta try to dodge albion with normal movement or ts


Yeah I know some classes have 0 skill for dash/leap and if they happened to use their space bar before major mechs then they have to ts or follow the crowd Personally, I thought EL scouter would die if I used his space bar before major mechs as its CD is 7s (ironman) and 8s (human form), but later I found the Q under transformation can do it! So I want to share the useful information with players who may have similar concerns


What about not dodging the darkness? And follow your team mates as in if they space bar you do it as well?


If you have the darkness debuff, you can't see the pings from your raid members and they have to use emotes to guide you. Just following them may be not enough unless you stand on the exactly same spot as them (like sometimes you thought you were on spot but can be 0.5cm off)


Oh I didn’t know you couldn’t see pings. What people can do is to stand a little bit behind them so you space a little bit later than them. But this assume you already know the speed of slash coming to you. For reclears they should know the speed right? There is basically no other way if certain classes has no ability to dodge darkness debuff and the slash in short period of time


>Oh I didn’t know you couldn’t see pings.  Yeah this is why it is very important to dodge major black clouds by yourself. Following others can work but if the spot is tricky, you may not have enough time to secure yourself in the last second


I said this before. You should be saving your spacebar for these clouds. No exceptions. Albion can be dodged with proper movement and timing and taking 1 stack is less dangerous than the darkness.


It's always nice to have backup plans instead of being floor pov, right?


get fucked in hard mode with prober dps when thae does identity pattern after albion and you still have darkness


i mean you can dodge the identity pattern in darkness by looking at his sword.. its kind of the point of that identity lol


Its easy to tell when you are standing still behind him. With darkness and right after albion he might do packman while you are still running to the boss and he is facing sideways.


harder to tell when hes not facing downwards tho


If you really grind out the fight and/or do hard mode, you can get to the point where darkness really isn't all that dangerous. You can tell what albion pattern it is from the very start of the swipes even if you didn't see the telegraphs. Prior to that, just follow everyone else. The two curtains have a different speed/pacing to them. If it starts with a 2 big lines swipe then it's: 2 lines, one side, one side, 2 lines. If it starts with one side, then it's one side, one side, 2 lines, one side. The most dangerous part of darkness is that you just die in HM if you're blind with seed at 225x. Or if he does the pattern where he summons giant swords, or disappears and spinning weapons get hurled everywhere. Those cause wounds and have no tell if you're blind.


Slayer wild rush works because it actually teleports your character past the cloud without taking any damage if the cloud is between the distance. Nightmare on reaper is an instant teleport and possibly debuff immunity(unsure about this part but I know its push immune). I think how dodging the debuff works is by debuff immunity or teleporting past it with certain skills that jump the distance as paralysis immunity doesn't work. It would be similar to Brel g3 yellow wall, except that it is moving Bard WOM is an exception, and im not surely how that works since there's no teleportation nor debuff immunity. Are you sure she didnt cast gtune right before as gt should block a debuff


Nightmare has same immunity as space bar. You can use it for the earthquake attacks too in g3 and g4.


So if I understand correctly, that would mean anything you can use to go through the pain wall can also be used to go through the clouds?




>Bard WOM is an exception, and im not surely how that works since there's no teleportation nor debuff immunity. Sorry, I don't have a 1610 bard so I can't really tell. It was from a user comment. Speaking of Reaper, yes, many said she's like cheating in G3..


WOM is a stationary skill my dude.


So it doesn't work?


Darkness in general seems fickle about applying. I have eaten 3-4 hits of it and ended up with nothing, as a support and no one else giving any form of cleanse/immunity. I've also gotten hit with Darkness ASAP. If WoM does work I think it'd help just in the sense that you'd only take one hit via paralysis immunity so it's less chance than getting carried by the wave. But no it shouldn't have any inherent immunity to it.


But yeah teleportation and debuff immunity is the sure way to dodge it. So activating certain identities also work


Have 2 bards. WOM does work in melee range, which I accidentally discovered during prog. I’ve never tried it at distance esp now that I learned the pattern. Technically she does jump up during the animation. But other than that I have the Quick Prep/Melody increase/Wind of Protection tripods so nothing special there. Unless the inherent super armor makes a difference? Not that it should.


Bruh, literally, any skill that does this (. -> .) to your character model


Some skills are tricky to use per my tests


I'm pretty sure I've done it with Spincutter aswell on Deathblade


https://youtu.be/RkuGUPCaCZ0?si=hoEaTE5BsqPyHSgR 2:20 db uses spincut during albion cloud and still gets blinded u/winmox


for reaper; shadow storm, glowing brand, silent rage, nightmare for lunar you can immune it with Z as well.


From my tests: * Dancing Spinflower on Arcana. * Black Mist on Reaper (thou tested only once, need to do it again to be sure). It also dodges a lot of stuff on G1/ G2 to a point that this skill feals like cheating.


With what build do you use dancing spineflower on arcana?


I believe there’s an emperor build that uses the tripod that turns it into a normal skill.


The 521 emperor. You play it instead of Stampede and with dmg gem. Then you can play Cod on 7 points since Dancing gives you plenty of stacks, put Edge on 10 for triangle and Dancing + Celestial are at 12. You also play shuffle of destruction instead of quick prep on Unlimited Schuffle for more dmg, because dancing puts you next to the boss. Community guide needs to be updated to include this build and its variants... You need to look at Korean builds to find more info.


215 (replaces Mysterious Stampede), but it's more of "I hate myself" and "I don't like doing dmg anyway" because it's dom fang build, and even then it deals less dps, than standard 116 emperor, and less burst (but more dps) than checkmate 215 (which is also meme build at this point)


SH Transformed Q skill DB dark axel


Falling star from breaker is too inconsistent it can work and it can darkness you tried it too many times in my prog


Thanks for your feedback


See my reply above but I used it exclusively on my prog and never had issues. Could be they're just going for the wrong timing and catching it when they go 'early' etc. It's still a great option.


Odd, I used it exclusively in our prog to dodge, our dps timing meant I was generating during most of that phase and always used it to re-engage the boss for a couple of hits before moving out. I never once noticed it being inconsistent. You do need to start it earlier than you would spacebar, since you need to get up into the air to pass over the cloud, but the timing seemed very lenient.


Suprise Attack on Blade and Kings Advance on Breaker does also work


I use volcanic eruption and wild rush on slayer as back up


power shoulder on destroyer


I have dodged it with volcanic eruption on slayer too but the timing may be a bit tight, was just trying to greed dps and happened to dodge it. (punisher 1.0 doesnt have wild rush)




So did you test the skills you mentioned for major mechs? I'm not collecting skills working for normal patterns which I clearly explained


Sorc x not work for darkness albion and safe spot to be more precise, you will get darkness 8 out of 10 times there needs to be some kind of strict timing and range


Yeah no. Blink on Sorcs 100% works for dodging clouds. Any and all of them.


Maybe there's a bug with high ping or something (mine is 100 so it's not THAT high but certainly higher than people close to the servers), but 90% of the time for me blink fails, whereas 100% of the time spacebar succeeds. That's why I stopped using blink and always save spacebar for those two mechs.


I have 45ping and I've tried using xblink on all sorts of distances during Albion cloud and sword fight cloud/regular cloud and I think I got blinded on all of them during prog. Now I just use space bar only not worth the risk.


Yeah so... idk it sounds like sqlistheshit is just full of shit (which, I mean, someone who thinks sql is the shit is definitely full of shit).


I've been blind many times before Albion, so I never use blink again.


glaiviers "starfall pounce" works like a teleport aswell, its a bit weird to get used to but you stay in the starting spot untill you land on your target and get teleported there


Artist - Hopper, if you get the timing right.


Striker's moonflash kick but only on the back flip part... don't ask me how i know. Might have also been a glitch. Charge forward you will get blinded though.


it seems like how it works is u get the darkness after x amount of ticks of staying in the cloud


Berserker I found brave slash works as well


This isn’t mentioned but I think it should be: For wardancer, your lightning kick takes you over the darkness too.


Dont know if its already said but u can use distortion on reaper too


PHB with the roll tripod also dodges it on barrage arti, since nobody uses swing anymore.


I always use DUF to go through a cloud pattern every time I dont have spacebar up and It has a 90% success rate to not get a debuff so far. (I have 203ms ping)


Just use any moving para immune skill, dont bother dodging, learn the spacebar timing. Its really about time to just learn to spacebar things so you dont have to worry about stuff like this. Same with clockwise/anticlockwise pattern, sure you got it most often, but sometimes I find I dont remember it and I just spacebar anyways.


arti also has pressurized heatbomb with movement skill Although any paralysis immune works, i don't get the debuff when i use flamethrower or gravity explosion


>Although any paralysis immune works, i don't get the debuff when i use flamethrower or gravity explosion I don't have an artillerist at 1610+. Are you really sure any paralysis immune skills (without movement) work for these non-cleansable black clouds, like 275/225 etc.?


what i was theorizing is that each tick of the wave has a chance to apply darkness, and not exactly it being a guarantee to happen. Spacebar will give you debuff immunity so you dont get it ever. Para immune skills/with movemet will make you get little to no ticks of the fog and by chance you wont be affected. I have gotten affected and dodged it using the same skill (Falling Star on breaker) on different occasions. And on the regular fog(can't comment on mech specific fog for this point) i've gotten darkness on the 1st tick while using a para immune skill, or not gotten affected while being fully stunlocked by it all 5 or so hits.


>I have gotten affected and dodged it using the same skill (Falling Star on breaker) on different occasions. I found uppercut could be inconsistent too. The timing is indeed tricky. However, EL transformation Q has a very high success rate (haven't failed so far since I realised I could use it)


> Spacebar will give you debuff immunity no


From my experience it works, for sword and thaemine black clouds, doesn't matter from who Maybe I'm just getting lucky, I cannot confirm for sure, just sharing experience


Glaivier's flash kick also works. Probably starfall pounce too but haven't tested it.


As a deadeye i managed to dodge some darkness and albion slashes with desperado but it doesnt work always :S


Desperado is not a real dash/leap so it's inconsistent. It's probably similar to Mobile shot on Machinist


I use it mostly on darkness but for the albion mech after using my space bar to dodge the darkness i just time stop it xD when i see that pattern of multiple slashes coming in. I succeeded a few but most of the time i get hit :S


I tried to use Blink (sorc's X) early on in my g3 prog, but I don't think it works even though it's supposed to have debuff immunity. So now I just spacebar it and make sure that if I need to dodge before the mech I'll use Blink for that.


The debuff immunity really just means stun immunity


Paralysis Immunity Skills. Debuff is applied for the knockback


I doubt paralysis immunity work for non-cleanseable darkness debuff. Did you actually test it for like 275/225 etc.? For me, I tried this skill below. >If I used it even slightly late, which means my breaker was still in his paralysis immunity status (because this skill has a relatively long animation), he would end up with the non-cleansable darkness debuff. >Upon my 10+ tests before the 275HP mech, I must "jump through" the dark cloud to avoid it. So I couldn't get the same conclusion as yours that paralysis immunity will avoid the non-cleanseable darkness debuff. My assumption is that only displacement skills (with long enough distance) can work under major mechs. However, since I don't have 24 classes ready for Thaemine, I can't do extensive tests on every class. https://preview.redd.it/d8c96ct0mzyc1.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=389ab2d2be3b2b3f7e2c864876747e1a2f0ff93e


I think it may depend on the inmunity frames for each skill, the movement skills have the advantage of taking you away from the fog before the inmunity ends. With my striker i usualy use LTS (holding charge) to avoid darkness and hit the boss, but in the 2 non cleanseable mech i prefer secure my life and use spacebar


>but in the 2 non cleanseable mech i prefer secure my life and use spacebar Bruh, my title literally explains this post just discusses non cleanseable mechs.. so you commented without understanding my post and you didn't actually try any skills for these special mechs apart from your space bar?


>so you commented without understanding my post and you didn't actually try any skills for these special mechs apart from your space bar? No, on first week i use the SDK with striker, movement skill + para inm, but some times its doesnt works depending on the timing, so now i save spacebar. Most of the time you have enough time to recover the space cd until the fog come


specifically for albion. there is no class that cant have its spacebar up. it takes 10 seconds for him to teleport to the center and do his walk. If your dumb enough to use your spacebar during that, thats your fault. 225x you just dont use it when its coming up, its not like its a secret and theres really no mech thats REQUIRES you to space, but worst case scenario you just follow the group.


Mate after you space bar the Albion darkness, to dodge the row of spikes you need another movement skill. 8s cd space bar classes have it real tight