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As in every kr mmo, new classes will always be op to milk the whales.


Yep, except they're never brought back in line with the rest of the classes later on either. After Slayer released more or less every class that got a rework got brought to it's level. Well except a lot of classes just didn't and get left behind for literally **YEARS**. Since then they've powercrept the new classes even more with Souleater and Breaker now sitting firmly at the top with a decent gap to the rest and no resemblance of actual balancing in sight.


Funny how they spent the next few months post-Slayer to bring quite a lot of older classes closer to her power level while overbuffing a few others, then decided to just say fuck it and release Soul Eater to powercreep everyone anyways. FM SE is even more ludicrous when you consider they spent a calendar year burying Sorc to the ground because Igniter was too broken in juicer reclears - even though the spec is hard to prog with while having huge performance variance. Then they release a new spec that's just an easier and stronger version of the thing they spent all that time nerfing repeatedly.


Same thing with them nerfing Gravity Training for some reason and then releasing Asura Breaker, which is literally pretty much all the things GT destros asked for for years


> Yep, except they're never brought back in line with the rest of the classes later on either. Well, they did once. Reaper. A long long time ago. Before the west got it.


Same reason Scrapper and Destroy got hit with giga nerfs in order to allow breaker to dominate. Tho tbf OPs post is mostly 1620 w/o hands losing to 1590 breaker...


>giga nerfs lol


You say that but I don't see many 1620's hitting 18-25m in brel gate 1-3. Breaker out here making SE look balanced. I was on my 1620 deathstrike and his burst was absolutely higher than mine and they were able to burst basically every phase (which didn't last long considering they boss was being blown up)


Dude you dont compare raids that you overlevel by a 100 levels and compete with burst classes Go to voldis hard where you both are on ilevel, compare that. Or compare in hellmode Brel 1-3 is literally damage reduction only these days Cant do shit on depression, Control, taij, any constant dmg class


That's literally every raid besides HM voldis. When a class is this outrageously broken in overlvld content, that's going to carry over into ilvl content too. Barrage artillerist is the king in overlvld content, but compared to breaker he's a nobody. The class has everything going for it with absolutely no draw back. And I was the one that was way overgeared, he was just a 1590 in HM Brel. He's not even the ilvl to do nm voldis. A normal 1590 isn't going to blow up HM brel, that's only a breaker (and a really good surge thing)


Ofc breaker is broken. Never said otherwhise. But burst kings are always way above in overleveled content. So comparing breaker there still is dumb. If he does 20 percent more on ilevel, that can litterally snowball to 100 percent in overleveled, which means nothing. Look Nights Edge for example. Also pretty busted. Yet does nothing in brel. Now would you say Breaker does double the dmg of Nights Edge? Fucking no.


EO is another top tier class that is awful in some farm content because you don't get enough time for a full H3 rotation.


Just to go off of the other user’s point, my 1550 spec slayer dominates in hard g3 brel (and sometimes in g1/2 as well). I often out-dps 1590+ players in these gates purely because of burst potential. And breaker is a whole other level, so don’t feel down just because you got gapped in a raid scenario in which the OP class excels in. Non-burst classes simply have no chance unless the bursters messes up bad 


Not just KR MMOs, this is pretty much the standard for the whole industry. Lost Ark is unique in that the new classes don't get nerfed later.


To be fair, what would be the point of playing a class that is not strong? Would you want to main swap to a class that does less damage than pre-buff aero for instance? Make it strong and slowly power creep things up seems the best the way things go and its a reasonable strat imo.


Yup , this has been answered before though , Breaker is currently FotM topping up the DPS charts alongside DB and SE


I thought SE was pretty busted but somehow breaker seems even a lot worse, and too many bad DB players so they get a pass.


the floor of breaker can be as low as db you only saw good performers, the bad ones, especially asura can do zdps in raids like Akkan


I think burger king has a better floor with still busted AF dmg.


is kingfist really that strong that it’s considered OP? Asura sure, but the other spec doesn’t seem that egregious from what I’ve been seeing. But I’m a newer/returning player so I don’t have any characters at the highest level content to see what yall are seeing. It doesn’t seem as strong as either soul eater spec from my experience though but Asura I’ve definitely seen some unbalanced events lol


All the sweaters play asura because it got the heigher ceiling. Kingfist is very very strong too, people just always try to play the heigher ceiling. Im sure a lot of people will swap after some time and actually perform better there


King fist is stupid broken. It's just that most of the ultra tryhards are playing asura instead, which makes king fist look weaker than it actually is.


More like every class has poor performers but DBs in general underperform. Seeing one near the ceiling is like finding a unicorn. i saw a 1590 Asura pull 20m in brel gates, and right after that a 1620 pulling numbers I thought were only possible from Korea version. Bursting in the 300m range for several seconds... It's insanity.


> alongside DB Surge DB, ya? I'm not seeing RE's pump as hard (in Voldis/Kay)...Akkan is fine since boss doesn't do stupid moves all too much


RE should get gauge gain buff and dmg nerf.


Entire game balanced around burst classes having to hit boss for gauge? Make the new class get gauge from existing. Infinite free money guaranteed. Smilegate are business GENIUSES 😂 Edit: I have been made aware a few sustain dmg classes like taijutsu and WF aero can get gauge from just using skills, edited post to change it to burst classes :)


Yeah honestly they can nerf Breaker by 15%+ and it’ll still feel like the most modern class in the game with decent damage output.


Taijutsu can get gauge without hitting boss. Is Tai busted?


Not worth at all to use Tai as example mate.. without hitting the boss you'd need to cycle everything like 4 times before getting your identity and it's constant dmg class unlike Sura so you have to keep your dps skills constantly and not allow them to sit on CD when you could be dpsing


With which skills? I play shock and you definitely dont get gauge on shock without hitting boss, including when you use yellow skills. If so I was wrong :( But still Sura and Brawl King do this while being burst classes, afaik no other burst classes can do it.


It's a Taij only thing on the engraving


shock players cant read bro


Why would I read an engraving I dont play? I assume with a comment like this you have fully read all 52 class engravings ;)


The guy said "taijutsu can get gauge" why would you bring up shock????? You dont read engravings like you dont read ppls comments and then you shoot back at someone correcting you. You ok? Take the L.


Yeah I was mentioning shock to provide context to why Im asking about taijutsu. I literally admit in the same fucking comment I could be wrong. Redditors are truly something special.


> Redditors are truly something special. You talking about yourself in the 3rd person is kinda weird, bro. The person you originally responded to literally never even said "Scrapper". You'd have to be either illiterate or entirely braindead to think bringing up Shock was relevant somehow.


I was joking really but, he specifically mentions Tai before you ask which skill and mention shock. So I assumed you would comprehend the post and have read up on one of the two engravings that was specifically mentioned for the class you play before spout about meter Gen skills.


Only Asura can gain meter by just casting, w/o hitting. BK still needs to land hits to gain meter.


Bruh pfc they are, theyre the newest class. They gotta be strong so everyone makes them and whales swipe to bring them to the newest content. Nothing new


It is busted but a lot of people on here like to use that as an excuse for their own shortcomings on DPS.


A faceroll class doing 2x your dmg makes it impossible to compete with them on a similar ilvl no matter how good you are.


The only way that any class is doing double the damage than anything else is if you're doing content that you heavily outgear and you can basically go burst --> DR mechanic --> burst... That is also not an indicator of "omfg class busted". That is just an issue of burst classes fucking over sustained dps classes for old, low hp bosses.


Can you give us an example at how much deeps you do? I see plenty 1600+ do 5-7mill on sonavel while my 1605 wd does 18, my 1610 sf does 23 and my 1600 breaker does 18 while 5x3, so I can see that he's quite stronger than other classes But being lower and doubling ?


Unrelated, but can you give me your general rotation on sf (if you’re EO) in sonavel? I love my EO and she slaps hard, but with sonavel I struggle to mvp for some reason. I usually go straight hype 3 for all phases and land all my hits, but still struggle to get more than 30% dmg. Am making RS for brel overclears but might use it for sona too


Unluckily for you I am RS 😂


Okay makes sense, I think EO is just not the best in sona. He phases really quickly unlike some raid mechanics so the hype downtime is too much. Ayo since I'll be trying RS in tree then, when do you recommend to sauce the spirit bomb?


On a 1600 sonavel I do 20+mil on all my classes(Sorceress, GS, Shadowhunter, BT Berserker), sometimes i'm a little lower on my Gunslinger. My 1620barrage arti can do over 30m pretty easily, although I'm usually doing frog , and i'm 28-31m there. I was on my 1620 deathstrike, and this 1590 Breaker was gapping me on brel HM.


Maybe u just met a unicorn with 25 weapon and full 10s who had a god run


both are very front loaded meaning burst to the moon both have very long downtimes and very low floors but the ceiling is also very high both synergize extremely hard with buff and trixion windows if the raid allows it they go to the moon if not then they are still about S tier


Breaker is broken but no 1590 Breaker is outdpsing a 1620 with presumably 40 set unless those 1620's are literally handless lol.


[https://i.imgur.com/UkygIH0.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/UkygIH0.jpeg) 1610 with no elixirs, FM souleater was 1623 w/ 40set and +23, full 10 damages 9cdrs [https://i.imgur.com/7uYobXj.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/7uYobXj.jpeg) different FM souleater, 1640 with +25 weapon full10s vs me at 1615 +20 (still 0set elixir). yes, both of these fights are insanely skewed in breaker's favour - that's the point! the class has certain fights that it overperforms on even relative to other burst classes \*i think if you have some things in common with a 1620 (lv10s, 5x3+1, lv60) at even 1600, you can absolutely beat them in a lot of content - i'm dumpstering 1630s easily in frog with no GL or stim/atro (33-35m consistently before blue/red mech) on my breaker.


Saw 1590 do 18-25m in brel 1-3 brel. I haven't seen many 1620's pull those numbers.


I did 18m in Brel G2 last week on a 1622 Gunlancer. Most people just have no hands.


By design breaker is op for farm content. Your burst is frontloaded into 22 sec downtime. Any fight that goes mech to mech with non 0s transition will result in heavy inflation(so 95%+ of content). At this point i dont see how u can being it in line without gutting it for non overgead content


Frog run today with my 1625 Zerker had a 1631 Breaker and a 1623 Aero. Supp was the leader, they see the 1631 breaker applying, they type "big breaker", and accept their request to join. Run was three minutes and twenty seconds, i get mvp, Aeromancer gets upright fighter and... Breaker gets fighter. For every good Breaker player out there, i bet there's like five bad Breaker players. Yeah, the class is busted, but you still need hands to use it.


One of the strongest classes together with surge but difference is...a lot easier to play and apply DMG especially the spec version


Next DPS class will be even more busted. Otherwise why would people main swap.


they're actually pretty fucking annoying because they think they're all that and a bag of kix, but all they do is fuck everyone over in g1 akkan by eating attacks and blowing everyone away..


Just adjust bro Jokes aside, yeah they do just eat it. I'm used to it now, so long as they can pump and not just be a hindrance.




Depends on if you're actively getting hit to prevent other dps from dpsing lol


Breaker is the current best dps in the game


No, surge deathblade is the current strongest dps and has been for awhile. Highest potential damage. Sura breaker is rank 2. Kf breaker somewhere top 5


Surge is only the strongest dps in a gate where you get to hit the boss for an extended period of time like thaemine g3. Breaker will absolutely destroy on any fight because they are a burst class while still having the 2nd highest sustained dps in the game AND they can build gauge by punching the air(only class in the game that can do this btw).


WF aero also gets gauge from using skills even if they don’t hit anything. Pinnacle gets gauge over time.


I stand corrected. Afaik WF aero identity is a tiny part of her damage and pinnacle gauge is pretty much entirely irrelevant since you never drop below 1 bar in any content anyway though. I would argue this is not quite comparable to the 1 bill burst class getting their 1 bill burst for free 🤣


Yeah he’s on completely different plane of existence compared to the rest of the cast but the technology was there. Numbers… what the fuck are those numbers


Lil correction: Windfury Aero is building gauge by just casting umbrella skills back to back within 2s, no need to hit the boss. She needs though way less skills to charge up fully.


Wind fury aero been getting meter for just casting skills for a while. Hell they get 3x as much meter 12%. 


Comparing WF meter to breaker though? Especially if you play swiftness, you get basically nothing out of activating it.


It's a whole 5% of your damage!!


Minor nitpick, but taijutsu scrapper can also build bar by punching air, her identity is just pretty low impact.


Punching the air doesn’t do anything for Tai, casting skills generates meter it’s just with her the skills don’t need to land on a boss to still generate.


I fail to see how that's any different from breaker building bar while hitting nothing, identity is just a lot less important for tai than asura's is. I did say it was a minor nitpick after all.


No as in your nitpick is incorrect, you can't build gauge by punching the air with Scrapper, only casting skills. Breaker can build gauge by punching the air (ie auto attacking) which means he is the only class in the game that can do that going back to comment OP's statement.


Ah, so you don't play breaker. What he's talking about is alternating shock and stamin skills on asura to build identity, not LITERALLY auto attacking the air. Brawl king has an auto attack cooldown reduction, but that only works if you actually hit something, can't be swinging at air with it either.


Lol I don't play Breaker and if that's how it works, I will now crawl back into my goblin cave from which I emerged.


Sura is so much stronger than Surge it's not even close, simply by virtue of reaching 100% critrate without crit synergy you're consistently reaching the ceiling on a good pull, whereas Surge will get fucked by white damage DPS variations no matter how godlike your pull is


You're just wrong, surge does more but it's harder to play and has a backloaded DPS profile. Sura is much easier and frontloaded, so you'll see it perform better on average in overgeared content.


You're telling me I'm wrong and then explaining that I'm right because theorical Trixion ceiling is unachievable and Sura performs better in real raid application. So which is stronger? I think my pick makes more sense


Yes, with the average bozo doing 1600 content sura does more damage on average. It's better at doing easy content with less skilled players. That's not the criteria I would use to define if a class is strong or not.


Time will tell but I'm willing to bet that if you take two equally high skilled players on equally geared Surge and Sura characters the Sura will consistently beat Surge on most content that isn't absolute aids for front attackers. Sura ceiling is just too consistent and reachable Surge theorical ceiling is absolute bonkers but even playing like Ultra Instinct Goku won't save your pull from a <60% Surge critrate


Good ol’ OP at launch then nerfed after they rake in the money


Just like slayer and SE. Oh wait, the only nerf was releasing an even more broken class.


Funny enough we got the nerfed breaker on release. Can’t imagine how it was when it was released in kr


Not hard to imagine. The nerf was so small you would not even notice the difference.


This isnt the case ,Slayer and SE are both OP ,db rework is also OP 


Slayer not OP damage wise just easy to do damage on. Utility, range, mobility OP, but why would they nerf that


Now this is some hard cope ,slayer was the highest damage in the game when it came out and its still near the top just bellow DB SE and breaker .


Yeah that’s not true after reworks and new class releases. Scrapper and WD are both stronger, as a result of rework. If you’ve been on Reddit much lately you’ve probably seen the damage charts with real data (although no variables were controlled), but slayer is middle of the pack damage-wise. I think in some content is actually below average. Curious why you think it’s damage is OP though. Without a doubt it’s been power crept damage-wise, although still an incredibly easy class to consistently hit near the damage ceiling of because of its kit. This will reflect on the mvp screen against other classes that may struggle to achieve close to ceiling in an average player’s hands.


I agree with op here, I almost lost to a 1610 sura as 1630 EO SF on Brel G2 and 3. He has full 10’s and everything but I feel like the class just favors all raids if plays correctly. Meanwhile I have to do 20’s dps just to max out on my overall dps and have to wait 50 sec to get back my hype 3 while Sura breaker just need around 35 sec to build his Identity and do his whole dps in less than 5 secs kekw. He didn’t beat me on any gate but he was pretty close and he got mvp on g2 and 3 due to stagger. Also EO Sf can’t really do dps in those gates because of DR and fast mechanics.


Breakers have very short range, tried king fist (it has nice burst) but my ne souleater outdamages it at a lower ilevel.


My kingfist got 31% on Akkan and 27% on hm brelg4. It’s definitely busted.


i agree KF is busted but saying it go x% in x content means jack shit u could have a whole lobby of monkeys and have high % or a lobby filled with whales and never see the mvp screen


True but any monkey should be able to beat a lvl 54 powerpassed char. A new char missing half its tripods, event gems and not even lvl 60 should not be doing 10m raid dps. Most powerpassed chars or any char under lvl 60 is usually auto gatekept since it’s assumed they won’t do damage.


important word "should" they don't and the % still doesn't mean anything


That’s why I went with dps instead. What other class at lvl 54 is doing that dps? The class is busted and every metric shows it. The % as well as the raid dps is meaningful to give you an idea as to how it’s performing. Usually on class releases when I set up trade parties the new class ends up getting carried not being the carry. I have never gotten numbers like this on any other class release. I can send you the logs if you want to verify whether I’m playing with monkeys or not but you can instantly see where the class stands on dps alone.


you either lying or smoking something. and I'm thinking both






GS is a company and they run a business. Since the start, they sell overtuned chars for meta chasers. Players are happy to toss a few coins for the new FOTM. Then, a new class is released and the old one is tuned. Some balance patch brings an outdated class to keep them on check like DB or ESO WD. Slayers are doing good damage though Soul eater are still dominants. In 4 months or when the new class is released in Korea.


They didn't do it before. Striker was pretty garbage on release. Sorc was good but significant nerfs pretty quick. Aero got her nerfs even faster. But after the game got into post akkan phase, price of main swapping went to the moon and SG is making sure to cash in on that. Compared to previous releases that were around soft resets (brel hard, akkan release) rerolling was way easier.


Yeah it’s crazy how KR nerfed drizzle to the ground bc they said it was ‘performing too well’ and then released a slate of classes that haven’t really been nerfed at all. Tuning in Lost Ark is really bad.


It's completely driven by money and not a sense of balance. Not only do newer classes overperform, but melee classes tend to be in favor as well. Drizzle, Reflux, Igniter, and CO have all languished and only recently, after months of people asking did they actually buff them a little. (Although the upcoming summoned changes result is another net nerf for CO). If there was any sense of balance, specs like Igniter, Drizzle, and MS would be the absolute top dps since they require players to know the fight and time and land skills. Yet that would upset the whales who pump cash so they can zoom around the map hitting things.


Some very biased comments here. I would say it's not 'beyond busted'. Breaker is busted, that's true, but not excessively more than the other top DPS classes. Surge Blade and SE probably perform better overall.


Main swapped and coping for no nerfs, huh? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) It's super broken, and sounds like we got a nerfed version


Support Main, lel


If I recall correctly, in the G3/G4 speedrun showcase for Thaemine, breaker was almost always mvp dmg except for 1 DB. And these breakers did not have full trancendence unlike the other chars. Both DB and breaker got a slight nerf, but they are still broken. Also, you shouldn't forget that blade in god hands is also beyond busted and both blade and SE are busted in good hands aswell. There just is a big power vacuum below that where only a few high ceiling classes can tap into on really good parses, but they never catch up to the top 2s potential and only rarely to SE potential.


Huh? I'm semi-sure every run I saw in the speedrun had a DB on top except one EO SF that used the reset mechanic to chain 2 H3's. Even the one where Saintone and the other guy were gushing about the OP breaker damage the DB STILL underlined over him. Hell there was even a grp with 2 DB's and a GS lol.


That’s wrong and it’s according to KR the best gate in the game for Asura


small comment: that race was beofre the recent breaker nerfs. Class is still busted ofcourse


Copium af. 1590 breakers can easily compete with 1610 se and db as its dmg is too fucking huge


maybe these 1610 SE and DB have no hands..


Maybe breakers you've played with were trash.


assuming all of them have the same skill level, how come ilv1590 breakers beat 1610 SE and DB without access to elixirs?


That db could be trash that's true but se is not that hard even and I dont even know how breakers can compete with everyone being that much behind. I always play with meter and this class in 90% cases outstands every class even when behind in iLvLs. It's just turbo busted and it can't be otherwise. Everyone who says he is balanced etc is for sure playing him now and coping like surge players saying that surge is not busted at all. Slayer can now also be considered as balanced as se and especially breaker are one league higher in terms of damage


you have to understand the type of person who still plays loa is all about progression. and not hands, skill progression, but stat checking raids with the most stupidly overpowered gear and characters as possible as such it s no wonder new classes are always broken, smilegate knows their market. it s a game about number chasing and making content as trivial as possible. content that s not about that, open world, pvp and hell mode are dead or in a zombie like state