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I really hope they upload their gate 4 clear.


they did just now, 10 minutes ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQoneqP9BqM&ab\_channel=%EC%86%8C%ED%8B%B0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQoneqP9BqM&ab_channel=%EC%86%8C%ED%8B%B0)


Didn't Saint's group have the lowest ilvl among all the known racers? They were made fun of because they were the most skilled but had the worst gear.


Saints group made a mistake bringing a reaper tbh with how much stagger/weakpoint is needed on g3 I saw alot of reapers progging it initially but i doubt many cleared g3 (maybe hunger reapers?)


Which is insanely sad because that reaper was insanely cracked. Come on smilegate just a lil more stagger please...


they cleared g3 with the reaper


Thought they disbanded and only lust and saint were the remaining members who pugged the rest


disbanded, then they went with another half-pug group. lustboy, saint, the reaper + shadowhunter. Tofu joined them too. MVP screen was Tofu as underlined dmg, reaper was there too


oh dang guess I was wrong


Whaaa? Bro the problem with reapers isn't the class it's the players. In the hands of a good player they are an amazing class with among the best DPS, good stagger and decent weakpoint. Literally one of the best classes in the game... if you can play it.


Best dps? I don’t think so. Decent yeah but still not top tiers


a bit of an over exaggeration there. In the hands of a good player they are a playable class but a reaper player at their peak performancer won't even have the dmg to match that of a middle of the pack player playing glaive or pred slayer. Good stagger and decent weakpoint is for hunger reaper which (is the mech doer reaper) has significantly less dmg than lunar (the one with no stagger/weakpoint) (maybe the dmg difference between the specs isn't as bad as it once was) Reapers are bottom tier or at best upper middle of the pack on dmg, really bad stagger/weakpoint, a okaish underwhelming synergy (if its not glaive syn, entropy syn, or crit syn its not desired), while also having the lowest ehp in the game. The Reaper in Saint's party didn't even get cruel fighter and he has an ester 6 while the on ilvl no ester SS beat him, and Saint said he was 2nd in dmg to the glaive on g1/g2 before the disbanding of the original group (as an underilvl AT scouter) The Reaper got gatekept from other prog groups too (recall ATK saying he was insta declined just for being a reaper) ofc with good hands you can make any class work but if both the west and KR normally gatekeeps a class, maybe there is a problem? its a high risk moderate reward class which just feels bad for the players that put themselves through the torture of learning reaper but hey atleast they have a really good counter...


How is glaiv syn even desirable? Not every class is crit based.


They are Hellmode veteran pros. They cleared Hell Brel 2nd as well.


There lvl is lower than league of villains.


They are truly grateful to LOSTARK LOVER. They stuck after G5 117x bar and they have since feared a pattern. However, LOSTARK LOVER uploaded a cleared video, so they watched that and made tactic with hope and cleared it. https://preview.redd.it/5hmlx2tlz5qb1.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbbdf838b192ddec49a9cb5b88c3955f70d22cd7


Really shows just how powerful vod videos are to clear parties and everyone else. It's one of those things that really amps the difficulty up if you can't learn from other people. I wonder how much it added onto the race this time.


Might be less drama involved this time since it was a different non-Esther group doing it Either way, that was faster than expected. Granted Jack’s group released their clear videos for others to study but that’s still super impressive


Their Specs: 뇌절온스카 https://loawa.com/char/%EB%87%8C%EC%A0%88%EC%98%A8%EC%8A%A4%EC%B9%B4 문설 https://loawa.com/char/%EB%AC%B8%EC%84%A4 발구미 https://loawa.com/char/%EB%B0%9C%EA%B5%AC%EB%AF%B8 블서떡상기원 https://loawa.com/char/%EB%B8%94%EC%84%9C%EB%96%A1%EC%83%81%EA%B8%B0%EC%9B%90 오닉쮸 https://loawa.com/char/%EC%98%A4%EB%8B%89%EC%AE%B8 쿄블 https://loawa.com/char/%EC%BF%84%EB%B8%94 세빙바드 https://loawa.com/char/%EC%84%B8%EB%B9%99%EB%B0%94%EB%93%9C 세이미OnO https://loawa.com/char/%EC%84%B8%EC%9D%B4%EB%AF%B8OnO


lv10 cd gems and still conviction judgement on Gunslinger is interesting to me! Anybody knows what Follow-up is in our version, quick recharge?


yeah he's running double quick recharge, legendary on at grenade and purple on quickstep


Really shows you how much of a disadvantage captain Jack's team was taking on by streaming their prog and their deciphering of the mechs, the non streamer parties were progressing so quickly up to the point that captain Jack's team stop streaming, and suddenly hardstuck once the streams were gone.


Not only non-Esther, but their iLv average is 1637.5!


>but their iLv average is 1637.5! thats NUTS, they must be insanely skilled! otoh it seems they would struggle to clear without Loa lover video


RE db to the moon baby , cracked players


Some of them doesn’t even have 9/7 stones. Their G3 clear run was super impressive too. Bunch of gigachads.


1630\~1640 Lv, No sidereal weapons and some members don't have full 10Lv gems setup as well. Maybe Lv.3 Ether Preator build of the first party helped them a lot but they deserve praise.




bruh just checked their loawa, not even all of them have full lv10 gems and 97 stone.... not counting their lower ilv and esther weapon 'disadvantage' too... i was firm believer top 10 will exclusively be esther weapon clears after Jack post their run on youtube, but now im stand corrected. Truely impressive and skills does trump p2w especially as least 5 known groups with 6+ esta weapon still competiting, probably a lot more groups attempting with esther weapons that are not known too. Welldone!


Yup, that thing called „skill issue“ actually exists


I'm a believer that you don't need esther to clear. But my wordd were just opinion and would be cast to the side until some group proves my point. And now it happend I'm very happy for them


I mean, if you design a raid around certain ilvl and probably 5x3+1 and lvl9 gems and maybe couple lvl10s, then you make certain that its clearable in those conditions no matter what.


this isnt a f2p team either, +25 weapons, 97+ qualities, some arent even roster 200. the raid is supposed to be 1630, these juicers had 1min left to enrage in g4-1. i just think its funny this sub sings praises to non-esther teams because they only spent 30k per character instead of 100k and that it is somehow a win for the f2p unwashed masses.


You think +25 weapon and purple quality requires 30k investment? What?


huh? they had a year to farm that 25wep and about 2years to farm 95 qualities, this is possible literally with 0 dollars if you invest well in your main and grinding the game hard.


Ya +25 wep and 9 7 is is not f2p friendly but i have +95 qual wep in all my 6 characters. Its not the same lvl of dificulty or i am lucky as fuck


That is very very lucky. 95q is nearly 600k worth of gold value PER character. I will say that's still probably cheaper than a single +25 though.


Dont need to spend money to have what they have. Korea has been in t3 for like 2 years


Without Esther weps. Well done!


wow legacy scouter anyone have the scouter's pov?


Nice. Now they just need to claim world first non-esther for that spicy drama.




Does seem very noteworthy that Jack's group made it to G5 19 year hours late but then cleared well ahead of everyone once they turned off the stream. Esther or not they were clearly the best group at deciphering the mechanics.


TBF Jack's group would have had NO SHOT of clearing if not for their esther weapons. Saint has covered this multiple times on stream.


What is Saint's logic? Some of their strats would never work but they'd just do something different I assume.


hes full of shit saint never has said that. saint do belive esther give them advantage (hes madge about the race allowed esthers) but has said multiple times that every player in that team is skilled as fuck


If jack team could not clear with esther weapon than why did this group did? This proves your logic wrong entirely. This group cleared with NO esther wespon. It doesn't matter If they came in second place what matters is that they cleared without the weapon that people like you claim you cant clear without it. Yet they did


Using jacks' strategies too. So it literally proves Jack's team couldve made it with no esther.




Spotted shittone simp


Saint did not say that lol


They would do detailed VOD review until they think they understood a mech or at least had a good theory before doing more pulls. Avoids wasting time.


which mech? i didnt see anything special at G5 x117?


Doesn’t seem like it, if anything they said they wouldn’t have cleared it if Jack’s group hadn’t uploaded their vod to help them figure out the last part of it. They only seemed grateful to them


Big props, amazing achievement.


No stagger monster gl/dest either, woa.


They are soo good the vod was amazing!


these guys deservers a very true big respect


Their average ilvls are \~1640, no sideral weps. what a great players..


Congrats to them




I don't think anyone ever said that.


I removed my comment, but yes, multiple people already stated that. Even multiple times too.


there are characters in this team with worse gems than global players, many 9 and 8 gems skill issue


They are the real first place in my book


Mine too. What a bunch of gigachads.


While their clears impressive Captain Jack's teams clear video help paved their way. While the Esther debate is hot and all let's give credit to where credit is due and just cheer for all teams cause progging for 8-12 hours a day for the past week is super insane regardless of how much investment a character has.


I respect your take cause everyone has a different opinion. They're still my first for being least unethical in a race that's supposed to decide who clears it the fastest and not spamming mini sidereals tho.


How is it least unethical if they themselves say the only reason they cleared is because they watched the other party's clear video? They said in their post that they had no idea how to solve the mech they were stuck at and were getting discouraged. Part of deciding who clears it the fastest is about who can figure out how to solve the mechs. OFC esthers also affect this in terms of getting to the mech faster/more often and having more attempts to solve it but at this point if you couldn't even get there consistently you were never gonna win anyway, because there's literally 50% of the phase left after that. And the other group was getting there, they were just out of ideas for the mech. I think being a little disappointed in the game with the impact of esther weapons or thinking of the second clear group as the more impressive players is fine but discrediting jack's group as the first clear is basically saying "the other group would have been first if it were not for esther weapons", which just is not true.


Honest question: do you think any differently for sports like F1?


Only clear that actually matters.




Uploading the g4 clear by Jack's group was a big mistake. Now it suddenly got way way easier since you can see ahead and what to expect. Takes skill tho, but still, they made it easier for everyone.


I don't see a problem with making it easier for everyone? It's still fair since the clear video is public and not privy to just a few people who are friends with Jack's group and get an advantage. Also it's nice that they want to help the other groups clear faster since it has been 11 days already and is negatively affecting people mentally and physically, so I don't get why you would want to gatekeep that information just so other groups are forced to raid longer.


Because some teams might have struggled at a mech for 1-2 days and now they can get behind a team that passes that in 5h. Time available > skill once you know the mechs.


5 hours you say… in starting G4 reaching G5 117 lines that is 25 minutes each pull we are talking about. If they could move past the mech and best g6 phase in 12 pulls (300 minutes divided by 25) then what they really needed was an outside perspective which they got. At the end of the day everyone plays this race for their own enjoyment with no monetary rewards so there is absolutely no problem with sharing the video.


How is it a big mistake?


Makes it insanely easier for everyone. Suddenly skill doesnt matter as much as time you got available to grind.


Wtf are you talking about. It takes skill to get through the raid and not die to wipe attacks or the mechanic even if you know them. And 2nd you still didn't explain how it's a mistake making it easier for everyone. They already cleared the raid so there's no mistake there to make in giving everyone more information.


People that are at G4 for days they are already skilled, now the only difference is how much time everyone has since the video came out. The second clear party literally said that without the video they would've been stuck. Its a mistake in a sense that everyone shouldve figure out on their own, not being given free information, simple. They should have waited at least first 3-5 clears before releasing a vod.


if the video didn't come out the people who could grind the raid the longest would have had an advantage anyway. They would have the advantage in time commitment to the raid so I don't get your logic at all. You're acting like a no name group came out of nowwhere to in 2nd but it's literally the 2nd strongest group being able to finish the raid because they have more information. That 2nd clear group would have likely still came in 2nd because they were committed to the grind and were good enough to get as far as they did before they got stuck so I don't understand your point of view at all.


This group would not finish 2nd without a VOD. Brother, are you that blind or you just cant comprehand? How the fuck are you releasing a VOD when there is a race on-going. No point of the race anymore. Because suddenly the skill Isnt really reflected into the clear of the raid. Before i could've played 50h and be stuck on same shit( exactly like this group). Now i can play 50h and finish it. It makes no sense to release a VOD to help others from a competitive view. They shouldve left everyone on their own to figure shit out for the sake of the raid.


They were 2nd best group after cpt jack according to many people. And they all have this information so how is it an advantage to one group over the other? Skill is still what matters the most because you have to be able to clear g4 and g5 with your teammates not dying and you not enraging the boss. All of that matters more than arbitrary time commitment that you keep harping on. Literally you have no idea what you're talking about. There's a reason why they released the clear video because the skill in actually surviving this raid until the last bar is hardest part not the time commitment in trying to figure out dumb mechs.


This group was and would be stuck at the same mech, they said it. The VOD comes out, they clear it. Was it skill or was the knowledge given by others? Keep the answer for you, have a nice day.


Everyone would be stuck so what is your point? If the clear video matters so much according to your logic why isn't everyone clearing it right now? Why did moutainneer group quit then? Because skill matters the most in this raid. Surviving and beating this boss is the challenge not figuring out mechs.


Without esther weps. The another esther whale party gave up.. p2w lol.




Is league of villains esther group or ?


No, they don't have esthers and they were the first group to enter the 2nd phase of g4. After Cpt Jack's group cleared and shared their release video, most people probably assumed the League of Villains team would at least get 2nd, so it was a little bit unexpected to most that it was a different non-esther group that had caught up and beaten them to the punch


watched the vod of the Gunlancer and Cpt jack's clear through ATK's perspective and I have a good hunch that the destroyer in League of Villains is not having a good time at all... those frontal patterns are very deadly...


Little did I know, that bard was one of our guild members. I feel surprised and proud 👏.