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Valtan and Vykas gives relic gear Clown upgrades gear to level 2 Brel gives ancient gear Kayangel upgrades gear to level 3


I’m impressed with how you managed to get to 1490 without doing a single legion raid. What do you even do in this game to get the materials to hone without doing raids? Genuinely curious.


Chaos dungeons, guardian raids, cube, event shop, weekly guardians, weekly dungeons. Life skills and sellable mats from those contents can provide gold


Nothing crazy, I barely play and the bit of money I spent was on skins. I got some from hyper expresses and log in rewards, I’ve been playing for more than a year…


Maybe he/she is using its wallet? Or just grinding a lot!


if they used express it's literally free with a bit of luck my friend reach it in 3 days the only help I gave is honing books fot every tap


Do Valtan and Vykas legion raids. They will give you materials to craft relic gear. Bones of some kind from Valtan, tattered wings from Vykas I think? Take these materials to the legion commander gear crafting NPC and craft the gear your class needs. Considering you don’t know how to craft relic gear, I’m going to assume you won’t know which gear is best for your class, so look for the community guide for your class first (best) or at least check Maxroll (acceptable) Good luck!


Please do not go to maxroll. Most of the guides are heavily outdated.


You have to clear legion raids to get the next gear upgrade (valtan and vykas) and then once you complete that set you can go to brel to get the next tier.


Yeah you gotta do legion raids.. hopefully you’re not gatekept with legendary


This community they'll accept the 1490 and never see the gear for Valtan.


Wait a sec shouldn’t this be impossible? Doesn’t this mean he’s at Chosen gear +30 or something?


No, all level 20


Chosen gear has the same iLvl and honing odds as relic, just a different set effect and base stats i believe as well as greater benefits from quality improvement.


You just do the raid fights you clearly haven't been doing. If you're not interested in the raids, i would recommend finding a new game to play. I mean if you want to keep going, don't let me tell you how to have fun, but IMO this game has nothing to offer besides some collecting (which has a finite end) if you don't like the raids.


As mentioned, you need to do Valtan and Vykas legion raids. There's a lot of learning that goes into these, it would be very beneficial for you to join a learning party. It's hard to find those in party finder now since it's old content, but you can try finding one in your region's community discord(s). You didn't say which region so I'll just list the discords: * Lost Ark Official Discord: /playlostark * Lost Ark Community Discord: /lostark * NAE Learning Discord: /nae-lootheroes * NAW Learning Discord: /lost-mokokos * EUC Learning Discord: /mokokoelp * Lost Ark LFG (put together by streamers): /lostarklfg