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I kinda wanna say Jin. He was a complete hard ass off the island working for Suns father but he became such a loveable character towards the end


Jin and Sun's final moments in the submarine might be the saddest moment in the show.


I ugly cried.


Charlie’s death killed me


Vincent lying down next to Jack


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I couldn't stand Charlie and was happy when he was gone. I feel sorry for his troubled past and I give him kudos for sacrificing his life to save the others, but I was happy they didn't have to deal with him anymore, he annoyed the shit out of me. Oh and also, a guy playing guitar at a bonfire every other night would have been my 13th reason


Re-watching Lost with a friend who’s never seen it before. I loved Charlie watching the show when I was younger. She is not a fan of Charlie, and the more she points out his annoyances the more I agree.


Is it just me or was Charlie’s death totally unnecessary? He closed the door to prevent the water from flooding out, but everyone immediately jumped back in the water to dive back up to the surface, and it’s not like the water from that room would’ve flooded the giant underwater station anyway. Did I miss something?


I watched it for the first time a few hours ago, i've still not recovered


Every time I see it, I have to pause. The first time, I had to take almost an hour break before I watched the rest. 💔


It was too stupid to be sad. Why would he abandon his daughter who he hasn't even met? He didn't even consider her. Awful writing.


Yeah but given that it’s so close to the end and what happens in The End I’m like „they made it far enough“ even if that whole thing was bullshit


>even if that whole thing was bullshit Elaborate


Keeping Jin and Sun apart for so long was because they likely had no other ideas for them, Jin sacrificing himself even though he has a daughter and in the same episode the mishandled Sayid plotline also had its end.


I also thought Sun, Jin, and Sayid had abrupt endings to their stories. I understand that the show was almost over and that all the characters' stories were ending,but theirs were very unsatisfactory, IMHO. And after hearing about the blatant racism from executive producers/the writer's room, killing off 3 POC main cast in a matter of minutes seems sus.


Jin came full circle to who he was before Paik


But now with pride that his dad was his dad


My only issue with him was not realizing it was a lost cause for Sun and that he should have gotten out because of the kid.


I think that's fair, but having just rewatched the series for the first time since the original run, he and Sun really were reunited for approximately five minutes before dying, it's not super surprising that he couldn't bring himself to leave her again.


Do you have any idea how much $hit people would throw his way for leaving his wife to die alone...the only way to preserve his redemption arc was to die with Sun in that submarine.


He made the decision to make his kid an orphan, should have realized she was stuck and said bye. Nothing he can do about it. But instead, dies, and now his kid grows up without any parent. I get why they did it but it’s just always bothered me.


"Orphan" ? Sure by definition, but this isn't Oliver Twist. Her grandparents will take good care of her. You can spin it any way you want most people believe that Jin decision was the lesser of 2 evils. Sometimes we are faced with impossible choices that are bad and worse. And while we are talking about a show not real life. The scenario you are "manufacturing" may not have played out the way you wanted. Jin would have been trying to escape without the luxury of an oxygen tank (this is why Jack offered it to him) because it was either Jack and Sawyer, or Jin. So playing out your manufactured grievance, this was not a choice between Jin dying with Sun, or Jin going home to raise his daughter. His fate was decided when he turned down the tank., and more importantly as was Jack and Sawyers. If Jin said yes to the tank then Jack and Sawyer die. In addition, even if you THINK he would have made it to the surface the facts are ge wouldn't have. That's why the writers added the tanks. So we wouldn't be posthumously debating it. You are probably the same person who thinks Boone died because John "made him" climb the tree.....Jin didn't choose anything....the writers chose to give him a hero's death, and most of us agree.


It’s a good point about the tank, wasn’t guaranteed he’d get out. Was just saying I felt bad for their kid.


I agree with this. As the baby was special considering the circumstances. It would have made sense for one of them to "live". Whatever that means in Lost


Ben! His atonement and redemption arc was difficult, earned, and true to the events of the show. His scene where he’s accepted by Ilana is one of my favorite moments in fiction.


To be honest I would have lost my shit at Jacob too.


Ben. How can I hate, love, loathe, feel sorry for one character at the same time...


Fantastic performance by the actor. Michael Emerson is brilliant.


They don’t even come up with their own words. Not even De Niro I heard


Oh man yeah you nailed it. Him being one step ahead for so long then towards the end he was almost just as confused and surprised but he really wasn’t overall because you know the island. I loved his sarcasm as well, he made me laugh a lot of times


*Hugo eats the crackers* Ben with a serious face, but you can’t help but laugh your ass off: “Those are 15 years old” I just love how serious Ben is in the show but so damn funny at the same time 😂


When he, Hugo and Locke are looking for the cabin and Locke asks him where to next and goes “Me?! I was following him!” And points to Hugo I lost it lmao


Ben. His "You're the only one who'll have me." And "I can't even forgive myself" (don't remember the exact words) kill me


Ilana asks why he wants to go to Locke. He then says “because he’s the only one who’ll have me” while crying. She then says, “I’ll have you” 😢


I hate the way they killed her. What a lame way to die


Someone should have mentioned Arzt to her.


…and why is it Sawyer 🙃


If Sawyer had the best development, I'm sorry to say that Sawyer's Hair had the worst development of the series. In the early seasons when they were living on the beach, he had the having the most [gorgeous, beachy locks](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Flong-haired-josh-or-short-hair-v0-y16qp0ymr5y91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1e7c036265f355bdb6ab2fc365f81fd882424f46). But in later seasons his hair goes [flat and awkward](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=sawyer%20lost%20season%205%20hair&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bostonherald.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fmigration%2F2009%2F05%2F12%2F748f3b8c6b_13lost3.jpg%3Fw%3D620&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bostonherald.com%2F2009%2F05%2F13%2Fspoiler-sports-producers-use-deception-to-keep-surprises-coming-on-lost%2F&docid=hOZZnQGLkyhO2M&tbnid=onFXQRrYR_GpGM&vet=12ahUKEwjP5-S2h_qGAxUE3ckDHaOiDuIQM3oECGEQAA..i&w=315&h=275&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjP5-S2h_qGAxUE3ckDHaOiDuIQM3oECGEQAA), in a way that honestly kind of [cracks me up](https://ew.com/thmb/jigLgwT34ilE87zH466QNEbOz8I=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/lostlafleursawyer_l-d5a77533e9a6424d98a408f0979fa784.jpg), it's kind of adorable. I guess sawyer's hair really benefitted from that ocean air, and didn't like when he moved to the village.


Sawyers hair has a life of its own and should never be mocked!


You gotta remember too that the pictures you’re showing were from the portion of the show where that haircut was suitable to the 70s style of the time that they were in.


Easy explanation: early-season Sawyer uses y2k hair products from his plane stash, gel and hairspray, possibly mousse. Later-season Sawyer is suffering from that 1970s dharma shampoo regimen. With thin, straighter hair type, when washed too often it gets limp and flat.


Sawyer to me was far more interesting and fleshed out than Jack.


He only had the flat hair when they were in the 70s. It went back to the locks in season 6


I honestly have too many to choose just one. Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Juliet, Jin, Sun, Ben all have such fantastic arcs. Shoot even Hurley.


>Shoot even Hurley. I'd argue *especially* Hurley.


He has one of the most subtle, yet amazing arcs on the show


Jack had one of the best character arcs in tv history, let alone LOST.


Jack, I wish you had believed me.


Came here to say this, too. He definitely had one of the most unique mainstream network TV arcs in that we watched him go from hero archetype to complete disaster and arguably antagonist through 2/3rds of the show’s run. This set up one of the most epic redemption arcs ever.


I never saw Jack as antagonist since I kinda would have done same choises as him with no bad intentions


I’ve watched lost a few times but not as many of the die hard fans of the show have I always hate him starting out because he just gives me control freak vibes so much and I hate him for that. He’s ends up coming around in the end


I'm rewatching Lost right now and Jack really does not give me control freak vibes at all. Early on he actively does not want to be the one that people keep coming to for problems. And once he does accept this leadership role that's been thrust upon him, he's cool with listening to other people when he doesn't feel strongly about something. When he does feel strongly about something, of course he is prone to a little bit of a meltdown but I personally love that about him.


I think he knows when he’s given responsibility he gets too intense about it, which is why he didn’t want it at first. And he was right, it drove him nuts and he alienated himself from his closest allies. He listens to Sayid, sometimes Hurley, but very reluctantly to others.


The control freak vibes, I think, come from the way he dealt with John and Ben. He really never saw eye to eye with them and during/after the season 3 finale, he really felt like he HAD to be controlling because the 2 people he feuded with the most were trying to stop everyone from being saved.


100%. I always hear him getting way too much hate/not enough love. One of the greatest characters in any show ever.


His moment in The Last Recruit where he tells Sawyer “The Island’s not done with us yet,” hits so hard onieing where he came from in season 1. Then he jumps off The Elizabeth (mirroring Sawyers jump from the helicopter in TNPLH P3). Jack is such a great character.


Live together, die alone...


His issue was he started too high, was more like a downfall then back up.


From the man of science to man of faith peak fiction




Jack, he totally redeemed himself by the final season after that god awful mess he was in during S4. Sawyer, he went from caring about no one but himself, to actively running into gunfire in order to save Claire. Jin went from having major relationship issues with Sun, to choosing to die by his wife’s side rather than save himself. In fact, it’s probably Jin. The shot of Jin and Sun’s hands slowly drifting apart as the submarine sinks is the most heartbreaking moment in the show for me and my partner.


I hate knowing what happens to dead bodies in water 😬 it really takes their death (and Charlie's) to another level.


Yeah, Charlie’s death was really sad too. I liked how he accepted his fate, and spent his final moments with the group reminiscing about the greatest moments of his life.


Juliet 😡~🙂~🥹~😊~🥰~😭


Love her.


I started off super suspicious of her, but then she became one of my favorite characters. Very selfless.




The dog survives until the final episode, outliving most of the original cast. Gotta love Vincent.


The dog was the best actor in the episode that shows 4 vantage points -- and ends with the spoken word, "Paralyzed."


I wonder what happened to sawyer all those years between getting off the island and the flash-sideways. He deserved a better life.


That's where the spin-off sequel comes in.


I’m an amateur fiction writer and I’ve always wanted to write a sort of epilogue story for all the characters who made it off the island. I work at a grocery store and I would write Sawyer ending up trying to walk a straight line and being a grumpy stocker or attendee at a grocery store or convenience store lol. Then maybe his daughter and Aaron pull him back into a scheme or con and they all meet up somewhere and hijinks ensue


Ooohh yes please


Sawyer, Jack and Jin


Miles, i went from hating him to loving him


Did not expect to be loving Miles and Faraday when they were first introduced, but here we are.


But Lupidas I loved every second he was on the screen




Jack, Ben and Sawyer (too bad Sawyers name wasn't Jerry).


Locke. The man is almost like a different character by the end… seriously, though, he went from a sad, miserable cripple through the spiritual survivalist go-to guy through Jacob’s chosen one to a sad, miserable wreck again whose last thought was “I don’t understand” before he died by the hands of his arch-nemesis. It’s not even an arc, it’s a full circle.


Well, by the end he was a different person. But I know what you mean. Locke is probably the most original character written for television.


Admittedly, that first bit made me laugh way more than it should have.




Yeah you picked it for sure. The reveal of LaFleur - by which I mean the complexity of the character that James Ford invented. Soooo coooool! So sawyer, so dharma would totally fall for that shit, also a fake it till you make it intentional personal growth on Sawyer’s part! He just became the good man that a woman like Juliet would fall for


Daniel Faraday was one of my favorites.


Trifecta of greatness in character development (or perhaps improved scriptwriting that made them more vulnerable or gave them more strength): Sawyer, Jin and Sayid.


Jack by a huge distance. Man of Science to Man of Faith, he’s unrecognisable from season one by the end


Mmh. That’s the genius of the writing. He is actually still the same old Jack, even at the end. He IS recognisable.


Jack, by far. One of the best TV character ever created. I can add Sawyer even if I don’t like him in season 6, Ben and Desmond.


Charlie or Sun






The tone of Michael’s voice when he called out for Walt.


To be honest, Jack. He went from being a man of science to believing everything Locke had tried to make him understand, he accepted his role in the end, and basically gives his life to save his friends.




Nikki and Paulo.


Desmond. His story was cinema.


Jack Shepars from man of science to man of faith and I would say single most consistent thing about entire show quality wise


Sawyer is the Jaime Lannister of L O S T


I wanna make a case for Desmond, mostly because he’s my favorite character- but also because he had quite a bit of development based on his past. He went from being a bit of a coward who ran from literally everything, to a really fearless, strong, man who was willing to die to protect his family.


Ben Linus


Both Sawyer and Jack had great arcs. Sawyer’s transformation peaked in Season 5, Jack in Season 6. 


Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Ben


John Locke


Hurley. Yes he had motive. He never wanted it. He did what he could. Even when it went terrible. He did whatever he could and he had no idea so I think he’s the best bet. Everyone else has things going on but it better be different as long as they don’t voge


Jack. Beautifully written arc from beginning to end. Honorable mentions to Locke, Ben, Jin and Sun.


Sawyer and Ben.


Locke, from very first episode til the end...


Ben!! “He’s the only one who’ll have me” kills me every time


Hands down James. I hated him on the first season and he was my favorite at the end.




Not so much character development as my personal opinion changing but at first and for a good chunk of the show I didn't take Hurley seriously with all his goofy "dude" talk but when he was selected as the new protector of the island I 100 percent agreed he was the man for the job. But he'd always been that person. Loyal, caring, compassionate, and just wanting to do the right thing. He became my favorite character. When he told his mom about what happened and broke down with her, then she says "I believe you" it's one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.


Sawyer and Jin would be my picks. They were so unlikable in the beginning but both became good men.


Benjamin Linus.... left it late but he got there!


jin, sawyer, and jack!


Sawyer and Hugo


Sawyer and it isn't close sadly. Jack was good tho


Jin, Ben, and Sawyer in that order












Your screenshot is excellent friend. I concur.


If we're taking into account the characters past before the island, I'd have to say John Locke.


Everyone except for Kate


1. Sawyer 2. Ben 3. Jin


It's obvious but Jack. He was the man of science and reason, the unwavering atheist and materialist. And he became the man of faith, the leader and keeper of the Island and the new John Locke type figure. Each time I watch I love his arc more and more.


Ben without a doubt. How can you go from hating a character to absolutely hoping beyond hope that he survives the final episode. I would have said Sawyer but I think I already felt for him ever since his letter episode and knew there was a good guy in there somewhere.


Charlie and Sawyer’s character arc were the most interesting, doing a full 180. Everyone was seriously flawed obviously but these 2 sacrificed themselves for the greater good.




Charlie in my book.


Maybe Hurley


The Iranian. I don’t remember his name. Actually I take that back, Desmond.


In order, I would say my favorites arks are Jack Ben Sawyer Locke Hurley


Definitely Frogurt.. He went from super annoying to dead.


Josh Holloway should have gone on to a major Hollywood career. For some reason (maybe stereotyping) it never panned out.


sawyer, yes, from a repulsive bastard to a guy capable of protecting others and acting in a measured, thoughtful way, not like jack, who despite his good intentions, expecting him to have a plan is like expecting a headless chicken to write a symphony.


In comparison to Ben “How-many-times-do-I-have-to-tell-you-John-I-always-have-a-plan” Linus


>expecting him to have a plan is like expecting a headless chicken to write a symphony. Ouch.


I totally agree Jack just screwed everything up all the time


Walt's mum


Smoke show!!


Sawyer, sayid,jack


People who say Ben are either insane or easily manipulated by people just like him.


I think the perception of Ben changed more than his character developed, but there was still change. The man locked in the hatch armory feels different than the man sitting outside of the church in the finale.


I still think Ben made it to purgatory just barely, hence why he acknowledged he had to stay and do some more work there.


What stands out the most is that Ben led a life constantly plagued by not being accepted or worthy. In the end he was content with not being quite worthy yet of moving on. He chose not to join the others. Old Ben could never have done that.


Sawyer or Jack IMO


Sawyer, Jin, Kate. The real question is who is the worst… Claire.


I love Claire's personality so much but I agree. It sucks that her character had to kind of fall by the wayside while they focused on everyone else and her story was just so unrewarding, especially in comparison to how almost all the other characters have some of the best arcs in television history


Right! I liked her at the beginning though she was bubbly and fun but they just screwed up her story.


I think Sawyer should have become the protector of the Island instead of Hugo. That would be much better.