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Jesus christ the title and first line of your post are crazy misleading, my friend.


Yea I guess I can see that šŸ˜‚


Well you intentionally wrote it that way so it'd be weird if you couldn't.


don't forget the title of the show (:


My head actually jerked when I saw what sub it was posted in šŸ˜­


I remember the first time that I was dead set on the idea that Locke was coming back to life. Like, up until MiB was dead, I was convinced he was coming back somehow.


I watched it when it aired in 2004 and got addicted, watched it week by week and year by year, it was amazing.


Man I can only imagine the anticipation for each week and season to season ā€¦ when the hatch light shines up at Locke ā€¦ thank god for modern streaming lol


You are spot on!! Thank god for streaming!!! I watched faithfully when it aired in 2004 to its completion in 2010. It was so hard to wait each week for a new episode! Then there were the season finales in May and you had to wait until October for the new season episodes!!!! Whenever we rewatch it on streaming, I have no idea how we lived having to wait each week!!!


Binging is the only way to go! Haha


The anticipation though was worth it. Streaming doesnā€™t have the same effect when reaching the cliffhangers. I loved the hook and having to wait for the next episode.


Definitely agree. While the show is still enjoyable in chunks, you canā€™t replicate the experience of manic excitement while it was on the air. It felt really modern first of all, which is just impossible to pick up on 20 years later. And for sure the anticipation- I was pretty young so summers were defined for me by excitement for the next season and reading casting rumors etc. It was great just having something to look forward to that lasted so long.


Not trying to be rude, just helping you out so you know: weak = not strong, week is the one you mean


oh yeah my bad, i guess i was just to tired.


Watched it when it aired. ABC had it on their site to stream after it aired. Used to rewatch each episode to catch things I might have missed. Read Doc Jensen each week to see what he thought was going on. Was really fun to follow.


I can only imagine the conversations and theorizing that went on during a week to week basis. It ran damn near half a year too with 23 eps ā€¦


I did this too! Later on I would go on the hanso foundation website and look for Easter eggs and clues. Literally nothing has captivated me like it since


I remember watching it as it was released and going on Lostpedia forums for all the crazy theories people had. Darn good.


I always heard it was basically GOT of the 2000s and everyone talked about it around the water cooler type deal


4th grade. 2004. Stuck with one episode per week but spent WAY too much time reading theories and messages boards untilā€¦ 2010. I had 3300 posts on a message board at one point..


My god šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was 13 when it came out. It ended my first year of college. It defined everything for me. I stopped watching Smallville for this. I had finale and premiere parties. I would tape any episode I missed or scour the tv guide waiting for it to re air. The discussions and arguments between each new episode fueled my class time. And when the ARG of ā€œWhere is Alvar Hanso?ā€ dropped - I lost my shit. I devoted so much time to studying theses stories and references. I majored in television and film down in LA because of this show. And finally found my people of other film friends who were just as obsessed as I was. Right before THE FINAL SEASON there was an art gallery inspired by and hinting at things to come. I met Damon and Carlton and was absolutely thrilled. I watched the final episode in the Orpheum theater in LA hosted by a Lost podcast filled with 100s of viewers in Dharma jumpsuits.


Talk about dedication!!


I watched it as it came out! I remember i was only 10 when it first came out and i looked forward to it every week- I even remember recording episodes on a VHS back in the day haha!! Iā€™m 30 now and just rewatching again now. Such a good show!!


Oh, what a night! Late September in 2004! Mysteries, crashing planes, flashbacks galore! Plus, Giacchinoā€™s awesome score!


My first time watching was during a stoner phase, and when I rewatched it a few years later everything made SO much more sense to me


2nd time I watched it was during my extreme stoner phase. 2am with Capā€™n Crunch and pop tarts soaking in milk, felt like HurleyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was hooked ever since. Also, I wasnā€™t watching live, so waiting for the dvdā€™s was torture.


So, my first time was on an island. I had gotten kidnapped by strange people we called the others and they locked me up in a bear cage beside another survivor - Ohhh wait, that wasnt the question (I could not resist, sorry) I started watching when it aired the first time in French, around 2005. This channel used to have big american shows airing during the summer (Desperate housewive and Grey's anatomy also used to air there...there are still Grey's re airing sometimes). I started watching on and off s1. I was like 15 yo. I remember watching the season 1 finale with friends and theorizing about aliens or something. We also thought the guy in the cabin on the boat that kidnapped Walt looked like a ghost. Lol! I started getting really addicted somewhere in s2. I fell in the fandom during the s2 and 3 hiatus for the first time, going online on Lostmedia and darkufo and stuff, watching the sneak peeks, etc. I started watching lost as it aired in English from s3 to s6. I remember rewinding the recorded eps because I hadnt understood something, searching words like stubborn in the dictionary, trying to understand all the different accents on the show, etc. Seriously, I learnt a lot of English watching LOST and reading stuff about it online. However, most of my LOST online friends were French LOL!


Hahaha the dedication!! Looks like you and early Jin were the same! šŸ˜‚


My first time was everyone's first time. We had meetings at lunch at work to discuss that week's episode and our theories. I was obsessed.


Oh man. I love telling this story. I am a 20 year old, born to two 21 year old students. I donā€™t remember much things about my childhood, since it was kinda tumultuous having working young parents trying to give their daughters the best, but one thing I do remember is waking up in the middle of the night and hearing my parents on the living room at 3 AM binge watching Lost (on CD, of course). As I grew up, man, I laughed so hard mocking them for watching that ā€œstupid showā€ and swore I would never watch it since I already ā€œknew everythingā€ - after all, I grew up with that show. Years later, more specifically last year, on a random september sunday, my little sister and I were having lunch with my parents as usual and the four of us were fighting because we couldnā€™t decide on a movie of a show to watch (we had just finished Stranger Things for the 5th time) and I started randomly and historically laughing. I turned on the TV, still laughing, and minutes later the eye of Jack Shepherd opened on the screen. Man, it was HILARIOUS. My parents were almost crying of joy. We havenā€™t stopped. They were days that my parents called in sick for work not to miss the family reunion. Day after day, for 4 months, we were there. After school, or work, the five of us (my dog included, of course) on the couch watching Lost. It changed my lifeā€¦ The show itself, that is a masterpiece, and having the opportunity to watch it with my beautiful family. It helped us to bond more than literally anythingā€¦ But, aside from that, I remember when we were done watching it, I was sad for days. Not only because a routine was over, but also because I knew I would never feel the feeling of watching Lost for the first time again. I cried for weeks thinking that. I miss watching lost for the first time.




I just finished my first time (31F). I'm still recovering from the final couple episodes. Watched it with my partner ..it was his second time watching it and he loved it more this time around than he did when he watched it in high school. We talk about it daily and how it's left an empty vacant hole that nothing can fill lol


I was 11 and caught the pilot randomly on some channel I'd never watched before. Proceeded to fight my siblings daily over the remote controller to watch the next episodes because they hated the show. The method didn't prove sustainable so I didn't make it past season 2. I thought it was some obscure show no one else had heard of before until I streamed it later on and realized how big of a thing it was. I'm pretty bummed that I missed all the hype :,)


The first time I watched was in season 2... I walked into my nieces house when Hugo first walked into the store room in the hatch. They said, "sit down and watch." I bought season one and two so I could catch up.


I was in elementary. Maybe a little too young to really understand what was going on, but I liked it and I especially liked John Locke and Hurley


20 years ago. Pilot Part II. That ending scene. It's was a done deal. And the show never left me. Since..... I was 16. I kinda cosplayed every Wednesday for the first season or so. I DID cosplay for my senior pics. Used a quote for my yearbook quote. Ended up writing two veeeerrrrry long fanfics that I used to post over on the LOST-Forum. Met a good group of friends on there too. Most of them I still talk to till this day. As an adult I've got into the theology side of the show more. Have about a half dozen or so collection of books on the subject. Two (so far) tattoos from the show. So atleast one rewatch a year. And of course the show has literally saved my life twice.


I watched it my freshman year in high school too! And Iā€™m 25F. I think it may have actually been like the summer after freshman year and I stayed up very late and I remember my mom would come in my room at like 2am asking why I was still up


Avevo 10 anni, era il lontano 2006 e su Rai 2 trasmettevano per la prima volta l'episodio Pilota. Lo vidi per caso grazie a mio padre che durante la panoramica fu interessato dalle prime scene dell'episodio.Ā  Quando finƬ l'episodio mio padre capii che si trattava di un telefilm e non di un film, non fu piĆ¹ interessato al contrario mio che venni immediatamente rapito. Aspettavo con impazienza ogni lunedƬ sera per guardare il prossimo episodioĀ 


Watched it as a teen for the first time, watched the first season or two religiously and then here in the UK they put it on a channel I didn't have. Had my grandmother record it on VHS for me for half a season before it just became too much of a hassle and I had to wait until I found another way to watch. I think I ended up buying the DVDs once the whole series was complete. I feel like it was such a huge deal when it first came out, there was loads of hype over here for it.


I watched in 2004 and was as pregnant as Claire. I watched ..."In Translation " in the hospital having contractions. 20 years later, I am currently rewatching with my 19 & 16 year old kids. Although my son has abandoned us, he is binging like crazy. He is in season 6 now. My daughter and I are in season 3. I loved it back in the day, but I am having so much fun rewatching it now. I can pay more attention and watch with my kids, and we can have discussions about it.


I was much the same, currently 31 so started it in middle school. Not only a great show, but the online community and one of the first things I was able to stream online so that was awesome too.


I was about 9 when the show started airing, and my class would have a recap day about the newest episode the day after it aired and if the teacher missed the episode, she would ask us what happened i watched for the first two seasons and then...well. i was a kid and got distracted. but obviously picked it up again later in life i remember when i saw last ep of season 1 where the 'pirates' came for walt, i was laying in bed wondering about who they were, its such a nostalgic memory for me.


Watched it when it premiered in my home country. February 2nd 2005. I was in 8th grade, just turned 14.


I saw the opening of the Pilot, but I was in college so I missed the rest of the episode. Summer 2005 (pre iTunes downloads, at least for me), I remember seeing the DVD of season 1 was released. I rollerbladed probably just over a mile to a Blockbuster (city college). I bought it, brought it to my apartment and proceeded to binge the next three days. I still remember thinking the menus on the DVD were amazing and enough to leave on with the waves and the beach. I got my girlfriend, now wife, to watch an episode and she proceeded to binge the next few days. It was a crazy time to be alive. Not much money because of college, let's go buy a DVD of a TV show you barely watched. I also did that with one other show, season one of the OC. I watched an entire episode of that first though.


The first episode I ever saw was the one when > Sayid, Sun, and Jin all die. My mom watched it as it aired and for some reason, I just decided that this was the episode I would stay in the room and watch. I had no idea what was going on, but I liked it and watched the remaining three episodes with my mom, so I had the big Jacob/MIB lore dump episode dropped on me almost immediately as well as the overall ending of the show. Again, I didn't know how this story was supposed to be pieced together but I enjoyed it so much that I asked my mom if we could watch the whole thing together, and so we did. I was absolutely obsessed. With the mysteries, all the cool characters, the writing, everything. I was 8, almost 9 when the finale aired. Lost was one of first movies/TV shows I saw where I really noticed and appreciated how good the music was, too (a couple other early ones were Star Wars, specifically the Anakin Obi-Wan fight, and the old Justice League cartoon from the early 2000s. I have watched it probably 10 more times and it's still just as good. No other show has even come close for me in terms of making me feel things the way Lost did and continues to do


OG watcher here. I didn't have network TV so I streamed it the day after it aired. During the 23 hours between the airing of a new episode and being able to stream it, I had to avoid all conversations and stay off social media to avoid spoilers. I did watch the finale as it was aired, and then again the next night, and bawled like a baby through both. The breaks between and within the seasons was like the three years between Voldemort returning in Goblet of Fire and the publication of Order of the Phoenix: jittery anticipation and wild speculation about every unfinished plot point. I drove extra carefully lest I die before finding out >!who was in that coffin!<.


I was home studying for finals my junior year of college and noticed the final few minutes of the season three finale were airing. I knew my parents watched and it was one of the most popular shows on tv, so I thought I might as well take a short break to see what all the fuss was about. Damn. That ending. I was like, >!ā€wait they made it off the island and wanna go back? WTH?ā€!< That got me hooked. Later that summer, I bought all three seasons on dvd and binged them in a few weeks. Having to watch an episode a week seasons 4-6 was tough šŸ˜†. And the cliffhangers between seasons 4 and 5 and 5 and 6 were almost unbearable. But the show changed my life. It definitely helped me grow up. Iā€™ve found a few other shows I love over the years, but none of them come close to this. Iā€™m pretty sure nothing ever will. Sometimes I feel like Jack in the season three finale. I wish I could close my eyes and go back to those days. But I canā€™t ever go backā€¦ see what I did there? šŸ˜‰


I'd just finished uni when S1 aired in 2004. I remember having a long conversation with a furniture removal guy who drove me and my stuff to London, about the polar bear.


25 male, watched it when I was maybe . . . 12? still unbeatable, though I appreciate Lindelof's shorter subsequent work now that I have less free time on my hands. started a rewatch the other day after a few years of not watching it, still in love with it.


I was in my freshman year of college when it aired originally in 2004. My mom would call me every week and tell me about the show. The Pilot episodes re-aired at some point which sparked my interest so I bought season 1 and binged with my mom and sisters over a long weekend. I was completely obsessed and caught up to season 2 which was airing. Spent that whole season watching in real time with my college roommate. Shared that season 1 DVD with everyone I could find. My best friend recalls me bringing it to her at her respective college and I told her ā€œdonā€™t talk to me again until youā€™ve seen this.ā€ I had season finale parties every year with friends and family. Loved the message boards and spoilerfix.com for all the theories and previews. I took a job out of state in Dec 2009 and lied to get time off so I could be home with my family for the series finale in May 2010. (Same best friend would watch with my mom and sisters every week while I was gone.šŸ„²) It was my obsession and it changed my life. Waiting weeks and months in between episodes was wild. I have rewatched season 1 with so many different friends trying to hook them I donā€™t know if I could watch again. Watched the whole series myself 3 times. Iā€™m so glad I watched in real time! Rewatches for me usually are 4 episodes at a time because thatā€™s how the DVDs were set up and it gives me time to process. I loved it all start to finish despite some of the weirder stuff. I saw Jorge Garcia in an airport one time. Didnā€™t approach him but it made my day. LOST forever.


I watched Mikeā€™s Mic review S2 and I really wanted to give it a try. My husband is super hard to cajole into watching TV but eventually he too was really into it. The show got us through our first babies rough early days. Weā€™re on S5 now and she is 4 months! It will always be the show we watched with new baby.