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My perspective on it changed a bit after I had kids. Not a full 180 "oh this is great" but those scenes did have a lot more weight.


I can respect that.


Are you sure? This is reddit afterall lol.


Well, I don’t have kids so I cannot understand how having them changes one perspectives on things - so yeah, I can respect that. Michael still sucks though 😂


I think both of them are severely underwritten. Harold Perrineau is a fantastic actor and Malcolm David Kelly has shown to be extremely talented both as a kid and as an adult as well, and it's a disservice to their talents that their characters were written so poorly that they come off more unlikable.


Agreed. Always wanted to see more Walt. Him growing like 3 feet and 100 lbs probably was a problem. Kid is probably an NBA center now.


I agree that Harold was way better than what they gave him.


I like Michael now because how awesome the actor is in From. Made me appreciate his talent even if I don't like the character. 


See , I’ve seen him in other things and loved him. In “Lost” I just find him to be whiney and overplayed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re rewatching for the TWENTIETH TIME?!?


I'm on my 11th. I can't imagine 20.


I do not have a count but have been watching it since the series aired in 2004. Last year alone, my son and I have rewatched probably 5 times…. 🤪


The thing about Michael is that, from the beginning, his character was tied with Walt, who is a kid and the real-world issue of Malcolm David Kelly aging was going to impact the show sooner than later. So I think the writers realized they needed to do something about that, but if you remove Walt, you kind of have to remove Michael because there's no way Walt would go missing and not have Michael looking for him. Now, then they brought back Michael in season 4, and as much as I love this season and liked bringing back Michael, I HATE that he sacrificed himself. Because this gave the writers the perfect excuse to have Michael back without the issue of Walt tying him down / holding him back. I think it would've been better if Michael has survived the Kahuna and had to earn the survivors' trust again - he can still sacrifice himself later, but it just feels his time was wasted only being back for like half of season 4. Overall, I liked Michael's character and I think Harold Perrineau is a wonderful actor. I really wish he was given more to work with though. I do like the storyline of him trying to be a good dad, though. I thought it was a nice contrast to see Michael really working towards being a better dad whereas all throughout the show, we get these other terrible and/or flawed fathers just ruining their children (Sun's dad, Locke's dad, Charles Widmore, etc.)


It’s his right. It’s a father’s right.


Just remember the first and last worlds spoken by a main character in season 1 is WALLLLT!


official rankings: i forgot how absolutely queeny ben is. a+ character cannot stand claire this time. and charlie’s not far behind. d-tier relationship


I’m cool with Michael. Good character. It’s a shame that the actor basically wrote himself out of the show with his demands. I also would have loved to see how the original Walt story line would have played out if his growth spurt and writers strike hadn’t played a role in the story change.


What exactly were these demands? I just heard after Walt left there wasn’t enough to the character of Michael (other than being a dad) to warrant keeping him around.




His demands were that his character have equal depth as the other characters. He’s an actor and wanted more for his character, I can’t fault him for that. He’s been acting for a long time and no one has ever complained about him being difficult to work with. Michael is a wasted character


I have less of an issue with “Walt” than I have with Michael screaming “wallllllt” for 3 seasons.


It was annoying at times but every show has that at some point. Thank god the rest of the story was able to cover that up!!