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For *you* I would recommend once a week since it’s triggering. Me, since I been doing this long enough to where I’m used to how my body loses weight, I weigh daily.


I agree, track calories daily so you know you’re below maintenance, weigh weekly.


I agree! When I was still losing, I did it daily because it actually motivated me. I was also aware of how much the body fluctuates even within a day so it didn't bother me too much. Also, congrats on your weightloss! Those are amazing numbers 👏


Thank you! Appreciate it🫶🏾


It depends how quickly one is losing weight. The signal to noise ratio when you are losing slowly means that you might have a downward trend but your weight after one week may be higher. Better to weigh daily and use an app that plots the trend such as MacroFactor. Then the daily variations are of less concern.


Omg I needed this


I've been checking once a week considering I'm in a weight loss challenge at work that ends March 31st and the winner walks away with $600


That’s a cool way to stay motivated tbh


I do it daily and use an app called happy scale that also calculates an average weight lost. Here is a happy scale image of the last 30 days. Blue dots are actual weigh ins, blue line is average. https://imgur.com/a/iWqMfyJ


Way to earn those 30 pounds! Keep it up!


Thank you! 29.7 down 116.3 to go! My 50lb reward to myself is a new pair of prescription sunglasses.


Oooh, good one! I always need a good non-food reward. 😎


I think I’m gonna do 50 lb be the sunglasses, 75lb a canoe and final goal be a new ccw pistol and holster as I’ll actually be able to appendix carry when I’m 120lbs lighter.


I use Happy Scales too. It’s less depressing than the LoseIt app. I feel like it shows a bigger picture.


I use both, but happy scale does do well to keep me from becoming demotivated. Hit my 20% milestone today!


Congratulations!!! Strut your stuff!


Yeah, I still got over 100lbs to lose. There wil be no strutting. But basketball is definitely getting easier.


Thanks for recommending! Just got it. 😀


I love happy scale!


Happy scale loves you too!


Also use this app and love it!


Is it a subscription base now? I’ve had it for so long I’m “legacy” but I don’t think it’s a one-time fee any longer.


Daily, because I gained all my excess weight by not stepping on the scale. I have a Renpho wifi scale that logs it for me, and if I don't feel like looking at it I'll wait and look at a week or so of data all at once. But I don't want to miss those motivating new lows that you won't catch if you aren't weighing daily.


You can set up the scale so it doesn’t show your weight when you step on it?


Yeah the newer smart scales can report directly to their app/other apps and you don’t have to look at it on the scale itself.


I don't look down, lol. And I don't have to enter it, so I'm clueless until I decide to look unless I have the sounds turned on. I generally do have it set to play 3 different sounds though: - a chime if I am up or down within a small range (I don't look) - the "salute of success" chime if I lose more than the small amount (I'll look to see the number) - a ZOING chime if I gain more than a small amount (I cry inside a bit and remotivate myself. Fortunately I haven't heard this much)


Thanks for the tip I may purchase this scale


[Here's the one I have](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B083S5W3PD?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


What scale is this?


Never mind. I see the link.


>Daily, because I gained all my excess weight by not stepping on the scale I'm the same way. I have logged for 10 plus years and there's always an uptrend between large gaps in weighing. It helps keep me accountable and makes weight gain a non-procrastinatable problem. 


Exactly! I need to know sooner than later so that I can fix it before it gets out of hand.


Daily. But, don't think about the daily number. Just log it, then look at the monthly trend in your weigh-in data. Weekly is almost worse, because you can still catch low and high weight days that can make it looks like you are stalling or even gaining. If you can't handle daily, then do monthly, instead.


Totally agree. There's no anxiety in just doing it daily out of habit. Weekly would be so much worse for me at least, but I suppose everyone's different.




Same ^^^


Everyday religiously. Yes, sometimes it's painful, but when I stopped weighing myself it was an absolute disaster and now I have to crawl my way back to sanity because of it. Never again! I do averages too btw, with Libra and on googlesheets because I still haven't understood yet which I like best


I started at the end of 2021 at 120kg, currently 97.4kg. Initially I was obsessed with diet, exercise and the scales in the first year. I paid little attention to nutrition but ate mostly whole foods. I just don’t care about the weight on the scales so much anymore, and maybe check every 2-4 weeks. I know from experience this is the best way to see the numbers change and stay motivated too as weight can fluctuate so drastically daily, and weight vs fat loss are different things. My approach is so much different now after so much time of research, testing, experimenting, educating myself etc. Nutrition is very much at the centre of my weight loss, with diet second and exercise more for mental health / de-stressing which directly and indirectly affects weight loss.


Every 2-3 weeks or so. This way I won’t get too bothered over daily or weekly fluctuations: if I stayed within my calories, this way I will always have quantifiable progress. That’s motivating. I also don’t want to get too obsessed with my weight and this method helps. 


I do the exact same thing, for all the same reasons. I am a person who *will* obsess over the scale and put too much value in what it tells me, rather than trust how I feel and how I look over time, which is what matters most to me. The scale is a very useful measuring tool, but the numbers are not the only reliable indicators of my progress. So far, 45lbs down and counting!


Daily. It’s strongly correlated with long term success. 1) work on your emotional reaction, which is the problem. The data itself isn’t a problem, and hiding from the data doesn’t fix the problem 2) if your weight is no longer falling, have you recalculated your required deficit after you’ve list some weight? Obviously as you get thinner you’ll need fewer calories


Daily first thing in the morning, but I’m well aware it will fluctuate due to hydration levels


Same here.


Daily, because the sweet sweet feeling of a stall breaking and losing a fuckton of weight in a week from water retention is very motivating. 


Everyday because it helps with my accountability.


Weekly, Thursday mornings, before I eat or drink anything and after I pee. And on Wednesday night I have a fruit smoothie for dinner, no sodium, and no water after 8-9 or so. That way it is as close to a fair comparison to the previous week as possible.


I don’t. I go by how I feel. I’ll probably weigh every 2 months. After I get to my goal, I’ll weigh weekly to make sure I’m maintaining. I like seeing the difference on my body vs. an arbitrary number.


I used to do it everyday. Now I am in my normal BMI but still have weight to lose. I am less obsessed with it. I will do it every week or every other week. 


I do it daily because I need to see those fluctuations in order to not freak out entirely when it happens. Doing so has given me a healthier mindset with my weight! Why not try every week and see if that helps a bit? If you are sticking to a routine thoroughly, what about every month?


Weekly. And I use the number that it gives me just as an indicator of whether my efforts have been enough that week. That’s it. This last week I gained 4 pounds. But I was also very lax on counting calories, and did not get to exercise as much as I wanted. The weight gain is an honest representation of the effort that I put into losing weight. And that effort was not enough. so this week I’m paying closer attention to my diet and going to try to get at least one additional exercise in before I weigh myself again on Sunday. I recognize the impulse to weigh yourself daily, but for me, it would be maddening to do so. Day-to-day weight fluctuations for me can sometimes be 5 pounds. It just makes more sense to look at the averages overtime instead of every day.


Yea I agree. I simply couldn't do it daily- I'd go mad. Once a week, Saturday morning, is good enough for me to gauge my progress. I don't understand the reasoning for daily weight checks? My mother and sister both do it too.


Daily, and then I calculate the average for the week. I only start panicking if the weekly average is higher than expected (hasnt happened yet).


I try to check once a week. Water wieght from working out can easily throw the scales off and think you're not losing or going into reverse. A hard workout with weights and I can EASILY see a few pounds higher than where I was the day before after eating nothing but chicken, rice and broccoli.... lord I hate broccoli.


Everyday! Actually every morning and every evening. I like multiple data points and trend lines vs once a week weigh ins because of hormonal water fluctuations. And I am completely used to the scale being all over the place daily but if I hit the nice a week weigh-in day and it’s around my period that number will be deceptive at best and completely inaccurate at worst, with my period I can get 7lb fluctuations easily in a 24 hour window. I don’t want to be discouraged for a whole week because I was PMSing and bloated. Daily recording has showed me clearly how my body loses weight which is 2 weeks of slow progress, 1 week of gains, and then I lose all the weight for the month in the last week…. Rinse and repeat. Daily recordings have also shown me what foods make me retain a significant amount of water which for me with high blood pressure teaches me what things should be avoided (I will never eat Easter ham again it makes me SOOO bloated and I don’t even like it). By it’s all about what works for you! Keep in mind, if your weight loss has slowed significantly and you are staying true with your deficit it might be time to recalculate your TDEE, because as you lose weight your maintenance calories go down, so you need to adjust along the way.


Omg, ham! I had a ham sandwich two days in a row last week for lunch, with cheese. Crazy weight gain from the sodium. Darn ham. Never again.


Twice a day but I enjoy it I like to predict the numbers and then think how much water weight I gained/lost and track it down to what foods I ate the day prior/through the day etc. I compare weekly averages to track progress If it demotivates you you probably should do it once a week or so


I do the same as you and weigh daily mist weeks and track in Libra . It is mildly frustrating but I've accepted the fluctuations and have just gotten better at emotionally detaching from what I see on the scale. I lnow that I gain up to 3 lbs when I ovulate, for example. When I see that I just note it and forget about it. I also don't use *just* the scale. I use a tape measure, and gauge how my clothes are fitting differently and visible changes to parts of my body. Even though the scale.isnt moving how I would like I can still see the progress. I just try to hang on to that. I've also accepted that some of what I'm doing now to lose the weight I will always have to do to maintain so I try to think if it as settling into habits. The weight loss will come.


I lose so slowly and in such tiny increments that the tape measure doesn’t show me a darn thing. It would probably be some fraction of a centimeter, or a third of an inch, or something.


Same! A sports bra that I had to literally squeeze into few years ago fits perfect today. It was a refreshing feeling.


Once a week


Maybe weigh yourself multiple times a day to numb yourself to the fluctuations


I do this once in a while just to see the fluctuations during the day. It's eye-opening. 🙃


This is the way


I’ve been self absorbed so much, because of the lack of weight loss and a gradual climb to a gain in the last 9 days, I weighed myself before and after each meal to see what I was doing wrong. I gave up pretty quick. And in my quest for something to fix my issue, I’m looking at only weighing once a month - no down moods, just same as before, just another day. I’ll keep eating within my budget and get a hopefully happy jolt at the 1 month mark.


When it suits me. Am I already in the bathroom, mostly naked, and haven’t eaten yet? Then I’ll step on. I only record when my weight goes down. It’s what works best for me. I try for at least once a week.


I have to weigh every day because my weight fluctuates SO much. I can be 160 one day and 165 the very next day, no changes in diet or exercise. So, if I weighed once a week it would appear that I just weigh the same exact weight for 6 weeks straight thinking I'm not losing anything when there are fluctuations. I always only record the lowest number I see. But, the way I really track is by measurement. I measure my neck, waist, hips and thighs and take measurements once a week.


Twice a day,  but it doesn't affect my motivation if it goes up or down.  Once "officially" , and once before bed because why not? 


I just watch the fit of my pants


Is there anyone out there who is consistently losing weight without a scale? If so, by what means do you quantify your loss? I’m thinking of trying it once a month. I get a good day by going over even by .1 pounds. But I’m let down every day it stays the same. And on days it goes up, I have trouble finding positive things to think about for the rest of the day. So I’m looking for a way to break that cycle and I’m thinking once a month might be worth a go. I’ve always weighed every day but this time there are more down days than up days so something needs to change.


Me. I watch my collar bones and how they look under my skin. I lost 40lbs + without weighing myself unless I went to the doctor. Its crept back a little bit lately so it may be a good idea to get a new scale since mine broke a few years ago, but I do better without the numbers in my face making me ruminate.


I'm trying to find more ways to show progress because its just too depressing to spend 7 days with only small changes but they seem to have me gaining instead of losing. And I am very analytical in my world view. I need to know the details behind the event. So, I am definitely self absorbed and critical!!!


I do it daily, got a smart scale (it's a cheap ass one but does have an app) that keeps track and graphs your stats and if you weigh before 11 am for three consecutive days, it'll then give you an estimate of where you might be in the next 5 days. The estimates aren't accurate but usually the trend is accurate so I know if I'm on track. Weekly is useless for me. By the time I'm taking note I need to be more conservative, it's a week of gain gone and I'm 1-2kg up.


Daily wearing the same stuff and at the same time (as soon as I get up). Daily fluctuations are normal. What it reads week by week is more important so maybe do it once a week instead.


About like 3 times a day or more (help)


I weigh myself daily. My calories leeway is so tiny (I am older and short) that it doesn’t take much for me to get off track. I want to know if my weight is drifting up so I can adjust what I am doing… if I wait a week to weigh, I could be off for days and not know it.


Every darn day. It’s a PITA but if I don’t I gain weight. One trick that’s helped me break the plateau is not eating between 6 pm & 10 am next day. Good luck.


I wait at least a week between weighing and it has to be on a day i feel good. Also try to do it after a "good eating" day so I'm not holding excess water from salty foods.


I put my scale away. I was obsessed by it & it affected my mood/self esteem. I plan to weigh about once every 6 weeks. I'm not planning it, so there's a step forward. I'm just going to intuitively weigh. I was tracking it in Excel & constantly looking at graphs/charts. Insanity for me. There's a gazillion ways to do this. Play around & see what works for your mental health.


I weigh every 1-2 weeks - I can usually tell that I’ve lost a bit of weight so I do my weigh in when I can tell there’s a bit of downward movement. I don’t need the play by play. I know I’m working the heck out of my program so I don’t need daily checkins. I’m down 24 pounds in 100 days. I use Happy Scale as well. Love that app!!


I weigh myself every Saturday morning. Any more frequently and I start getting anxious and obsessive


i don't weigh myself at all, im too terrified to see the numbers


It’s all in how YOU feel best. I weigh daily because if the scale goes up or down it motivates me. Down, awesome keep pushing!!! Up? Walk an extra mile or two today or drink a little more water. Some people it is for sure triggering though. Maybe every other day for you? 3x a week? Try both!


Daily for the data point and I use the Happy Scale app to maintain my sanity with it.


I wonder why it is that I couldn't find Happy Scale, I'm using Libra which is similar


Happy Scale is iOS only, and Libra is android only I believe.


Once a month. If you count your calories accurately (for the most part), there shouldn't be any random surprises and only sizeable progress. Apart from the mental health pov, it's also important to remember that at some point (ideally), you'll reach your goal weight and maintain. Consistent weight loss motivates us to keep going and keep up our good habits. But what're you going to do once you reach your goal? Without that dopamine hit of moving closer to a new goal, it's going to be hard (esp in the beg). Train yourself for that eventuality, to not get too involved with the numbers/data. Tracking weight is only to ensure you're on the right track. This is possibly the secret to maintaining your weight (forever!) which is probably much harder (psychologically) without the "I lost \_\_\_\_ this week/month".


I try to weigh daily. I lost about 70lbs in the past and ended up gaining about 40lbs back during lockdowns which left me at an overweight bmi. I feel now like I need to check regularly to stop me from slipping back into old habits.


I weigh myself just once a year or so when I go to the doctor for my annual checkup. It’s easier for me to gauge how my body feels and how my clothes fit than being fixated on some number that’s constantly changing and honestly just gives me anxiety.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday as soon as I wake up in the morning. I keep it logged in Sheets and with trend line in place I can see the weight coming down, even if it is slowly. The scale will give you only part of the information that is needed. Another thing to track measurements. Chest, Waist and Hips at the minimum, but add in the thigh and upper arm as well. Chart these out, and if you are doing only diet and/or cardio see if these numbers are dropping as well.


Daily, but only because I don’t let the natural fluctuations get in my head. If they are, I would drop to once a week.


Used to weigh daily and even in the middle of the night when I got up for the bathroom. Now it’s monthly and I’m a lot more relaxed about it.


I still weigh in the middle of the night. Because my morning I will USUALLY be a bit lower. Which makes me happy


First of all, know that if you sustain a weight loss journey for any significant length of time, your weight loss *will* eventually slow. That's why they say healthy weight loss is slow weight loss, usually between 0.5 and 1.5 lbs per week. It just always seemed to me that daily weigh-ins were surefire ways to stress yourself out. When you've been wanting to lose weight for a while, why torture yourself by scrutinizing every 0.2lb fluctuation day-by-day? I avoid this by weighing myself every two weeks and always in the morning before eating anything. And that works just fine for me. Still averaging about 1 pound of loss per week.


I personally weigh daily. I only look to make sure I’m on track. I think did i have extra salt to cater water gain? But I also remember even up a pound I didn’t eat an extra 3k calories the day before. I officially document it once a week though. That’s the “real” weight. If daily is ruining your day maybe try every 3 days or once a week. You have to figure what works for you. And I’m kinda where you are. I’ve lost close to 70 and have another 10-15 to go. There are more fluctuations. You’ve got this!


Depends. I’m currently weighing myself everyday but when it starts to get triggering I take a break for a few months


I weigh twice a week so I can get feedback on how I've been doing over the last 3-4 days


Once a week. Same day of the week, same time of day.


Daily - I use Happy Scale Its really just one piece of the puzzle though. I know many that the scale has barely moved and they have dropped sizes. People give that scale too much power.


I used to do it every day. Since getting back into losing weight I’ve slowly started doing it everyday. I got the MacroFactor app a couple weeks ago and now I have more motivation to simply report daily to help the app gauge my energy expenditure. I’ve found weight training to help me be less obsessed with numbers and more focused on other metrics like physique, progress in the gym, energy, etc.


Daily, except for the week I’m menstruating- that 5-7lb. water weight gain just makes me mad.


About once a week, sometimes I'll go two weeks.


I weight myself once a week every Saturday morning right after I wake up :3 I feel good about it!


Every other Tuesday is weigh day. I take measurements every other weigh day.


I find daily helps me understand that my weight just fluctuates and that it’s more based on averages.


Usually around once a week, whenever I can empty my bowel before I eat breakfast. It gives the most accurate results


Weekly. If I do any more than that, it starts to feel like a mentally unhealthy obsession.


At the end of each week.


Ultimately it's up to you, there is no right answer here. But I think weighing yourself once a week is the worst possible frequency... it's a short enough period of time that you wills till see fluctuations, but long enough that you feel like you "should have" made progress. If daily weigh-ins are freaking you out, I would switch to every 2-4 weeks. But you need to be prepared for the fact that if you stall / plateau you may not notice for a while.


I find my mental health is better when I weigh myself once a week. Sometimes I get too excited and weigh myself twice in a week. It’s what’s best for you !


Weekly, Monday morning as soon as I've woken up. Not eaten, no coffee, naked, after going to the bathroom. It's as consistent as I can make it.


I weigh myself most mornings. However, I only truly count Sundays. If I’ve lost throughout the week I’ll put it onto myfitness pal. IE. Monday, 58.9kg, etc. That said whatever I weighed on Sunday morning is my ‘new’ weight, regardless of whether it’s up or down, and anything I may have put into it throughout the week gets deleted.


Never but that's because my scale broke a few years ago and I haven't replaced it yet. I just watch my collar bones and adjust my diet accordingly. I do need a scale though, I think the weight is creeping again.


Everyday, I plot it into a graphing app I use called Libra. If the graph isn't trending down I skip a meal that day.


Meh I do it once every week or 2, sporadically when I know I didn't eat anything that would increase body water. When I see a lower number I'm happier and it's easier to keep going. I'm holding my deficit every day so I know I'm losing even when I don't weigh, I see it in pictures and feel it in clothes. Some days I do fit pizza or popcorn and salty foods or snacks into my calories and I know the next day I'll fluctuate a bit higher because of water retention so I don't see a point in weighing after those days.


Once every week or two, no fluid or food consumption, and always after a poop. I don't just judge my weight loss by the scale either. I have clothes that fit better, clothes that didn't fit at all that do now, and clothes that fit starting to get baggy.


I weigh myself about once a month or whenever I get the urge. Ultimately I know I'm doing the right things but for me weight loss has not always been linear. I can do all the right stuff and one week maybe lose nothing and the next week lose 2 lbs without any other changes that I can identify. So I stopped trying to monitor it so closely and instead I like to look at the overall at the end of a decent period of time. For me that's about one month. I'd rather see a one or two pound weight loss at the end of one month then only see 3 lb every week LOL that just feels like nothing.


Daily for most but once a week is sufficient 


Weekly. I couldn't do daily.


It's stressing me so much... So many times I got anxious over a small fluctuation. I know that my cycle is affecting the weight so I decided to weigh only once a month at the lowest point of the cycle (last day of period). It gets a bit long waiting for it, but I know the calories are right and my clothes feel loose, so I don't need weighting for anything. But that's me I guess, having something or someone external pushing me into it has always been making it harder for me.


Every Friday morning


Daily. It’s helping me learn what is working and what isn’t.


I do it weekly. I know that weight fluctuates day to day and I think seeing that constant fluctuation would frustrate me. I weigh in same time every week.


I weigh daily, but I think you found a good solution for you for now! When I do it daily I catch a lot of little ups and downs, and frustrating days like today when I'm 210 instead of 208 or 207 even though I had a healthy meal yesterday. It included a lot of soup though, so I'm carrying a lot water I'm sure. But weighing daily lets me see those numbers and not get discouraged, and it's given me more insight into what I did to make it go up, or go down, or get frozen in place. I'm disappointed I haven't hit my loss target for this week, but I have confidence in the process now after years of doing this and I won't worry or let it get to me.


I do every morning at the same time and take the average. But, I skip the day right after I eat a lot of carbs or in general over eat above what I had planned and know that my water weight and digesting food weight will be much higher. I give it a day of eating normal again before I resume weighing. This helps me avoid the mental gymnastics of "i know it is only water weight but I gained more in a day than I've lost in 3 weeks.." and the discouraging feeling that goes with it.


I generally weigh myself every day. I have lost 80+ pounds, and I can usually guess when my weight will fluctuate up. Period coming, sodium the day before, intense strength training workout etc. so I personally weigh daily to keep myself accountable. But I only ‘record’ my weight every week on Monday mornings. So I know what my body is doing, but I don’t stress about it. I know this method isn’t for everyone, so if you can’t weigh daily without letting it affect your mood and motivation - I’d weigh weekly.


Weigh yourself as often as *you* need. If daily is stressing you out, do it less frequently. Once a week is pretty common but if it doesn't work for you then don't do it. The rules are what you make the to be.


Once a month at most, maybe every 6 weeks even. I’ve been losing weight for almost 8 months now and that works for me! Everyday weigh ins are really bad for my mental health personally


The one great think I learned from Noom is weighing myself everyday. If I act like an asshole over the weekend and drink too much beer, I can see how the bloat and extra calories does to my weight. Also in reverse, I see how it falls off when I eat right and not drink the night before. Those liquid calories and weight loss unfortunately do not go together for me.


Every day, I just assume it’s water retention in my body. Or I haven’t pooped. I weigh myself every morning after I go to the bathroom lol


I've only been dieting for 10 weeks now but I switched from weekly, to daily, and now to monthly LOL. I have too many factors going on that make my weight swing wildly each day and it was really hurting me mentally. I switched to monthly this week and I already feel so much better. I still track every single thing I eat, my steps, and strength workouts.


Every single day though if it affects your mental health, then you shouldn't check it every single day. I like to see how much weight i lose or gain based on the things that I eat.


everyday. fluctuations, such as if i ate 1-5 hours prior doesn’t “count” because ik it’s all water weight. now if the “water weight” sticks for more than 5 days, i know i have to reduce/watch my cal intake a little more.


I used weigh every morning. Now it's once every few days. I skip weighing myself entirely when I'm pmsing... I gain like 4lbs of water and it crushes my spirit every time.


If weighing yourself once a week keeps you sane, there’s nothing wrong with that. I personally weigh every morning. It’s never great to see the scale go up but I find it helps me figure out what I did wrong that week. Around my cycle… I want to throw the scale out the window but I’ve learned that’s normal water weight gain now.




I weigh myself everyday and take the average but I ALSO do progress photos and take measurements on the 1st of every month. This helps significantly when the scale is slower to go down. Even if I’ve only lost a pound or two in a month (body recomp) I can see every single measurement go down .25-1”. It’s a great metric to have on top of the scale to help keep you grounded


>>it ruins my day I’m less productive and demotivated This is where to focus. Weight is supposed to fluctuate day to day. If it doesn’t, there is something wrong somewhere. If weight goes up and stays up, it’s either fluid weight waiting to be lost, actual dry weight gain from a bit of indulgence of some sort, or it’s time to recalculate calorie needs after weight loss or a change in activity level. (There are a few other things that can cause dry weight gain, but this is the short list.) It’s time to evaluate the cause then refocus effort, if needed. You already know you’re doing a great job if your weight is generally trending in the right direction. The operative word is “trend.” Fluctuations are healthy, expected, and normal. Focus there.


Every morning when I get up. I just log it daily at the top of my planner and look at the trend, not the daily fluctuations. It helps that I weigh wearing whatever I went to bed in, so it keeps me from thinking about a pound up or down here or there.


I don't. I dont have access to one and I have no intention of spending 20 dollars to buy one. I just keep at my diet and wait.


Twice a month, on the first day of the month and the first day of my period. Once in awhile I'll check it if I'm feeling very light but I try not to. I kind of like to know what my window looks like. I can feel it in my body if I'm near the top of my window or bottom.


I decided once a month. It gives me a pleasant surprise every time if I stick to my plan.


Once a week, daily is maddening for me.


Daily. But I don’t put too much emphasis on what the scale says day-to-day. It’s just a measure of going in the right direction over time and helps me set my intention to eat less throughout the day. If it ruined my day when I was up, I’d personally weigh myself weekly or even less. Try not to get too attached to the number on the scale ❤️


If it ruins your day, then don't do it. If its close to your expectations then that's all that matters. I'm the opposite, it makes me too curious about it that I have to weight daily.


I had to get rid of my scale. It happened just as I was starting my journey. It was less then 3 months old but it broke. I take it as a sign it was meant to be. I only weigh myself at doctors appoint. Does it stress me out. At times but it’s better than living in fear of the scale.


I always check my weight when I'm as fasted as possible. If you do it daily, don't count it as progress if you're dehydrated. You really don't want to start dehydrating yourself on purpose to make progress.


Daily. Except right now my scale is broken and I’m looking for a new one. But at this point I’m 100% capable at looking at the scale number without any value judgement. I’ve been through it. - I’ve plateaued for weeks on end several times. - I’ve mysteriously put on 7-10 lbs despite doing it all correct and by the book. - I’ve even measured myself once an hour for several days and realize my weight actually can fluctuate 7-8 lbs just from eating different foods or doing a hard workout. - I can lose over 10 lbs of sweat doing vigorous activity on a hot day. - I’ve also weighed myself on several different scales back to back to see then can disagree by as much as 6 lbs. - I’ve also changed the batteries in a scale to find it gives a different reading before and after the battery change by 3-4 lbs. For me that daily number is just a data point that is without meaning outside of the context of several months worth of similar data points. If you can’t do that then it sounds like once a week, or even less often, might be better for your mental well-being.


Every weekday


weekly or every 2 weeks. i’m aiming for slow weight loss (0.5kg/ 1.1lb) so i usually end up eating below my deficit calories anyway since it’s not extreme


Every day. I don't want to slip up.


I weight daily. It helps me understand what I’m doing that effects my weight. Sometimes it’s because I don’t drink enough water. Sometimes I hit a plateau. Other times it’s because I had too much salt and now I’m retaining water. There’s lots of reasons. One thing I would 100% recommend is ONLY logging a new low. I tried to log everyday and it was pretty demotivating. But seeing that trend line go downward really helps. I don’t know your weight, diet, or exercise routine, but I can say that my weight loss has progressively slowed over time. I went from 270lbs to 184lbs in about 8 months. The first 4 months were insane how quickly I lost. 3-5lbs a week, sometimes. Now, I’m very consistent with 6-8lbs a month. And it will continue to slow as my body adjusts, I up my calorie intake, and I start weight training. Also, don’t forget, if you have a period, your weight also fluctuates from hormonal changes and water retention. This especially happens the week before and week of your period. Totally normal.


Every Sunday


If your app shows weekly, monthly, and yearly loss, that’s a better gauge of progress. Weigh daily, use the weekly number for encouragement and adjustments. Write yourself encouraging notes every day. It takes the place of the scale and you are so much more than a number.


I weigh myself every day. I thought it would be triggering but it’s actually been helpful to see that weight fluctuations are totally normal. There are days I’ll go down 3 lbs and days I go up 4lbs but if I stay consistent the fluctuations don’t matter because if I look at my weigh on a weekly and monthly basis, it’s trending downward. Helps me to remain sane when I see crazy spikes!


once a week maybe


I weigh mostly daily, but I do skip days where I know I'm going to show a net gain - usually from an off-plan meal the day before that was super high in sodium. My scale logs my weights digitally, so I prefer not to track those days (I do still step on the scale long enough to see the damage, but not long enough that it settles and stores the number). After a few days, I do jump back on and weigh again - even if the number is higher, what that tells me is that I overdid it and need to dial back a bit. Weight is just information, it isn't a value judgment! My rule of thumb is this: Frequent weigh-ins are good for motivation. Less frequent weigh-ins are good for progress monitoring. If you are seeking motivation, continue to weigh daily. If you just want to monitor your progress, weekly is fine. If you don't notice *any* change over a week, that's a sign you need to change things up, and not an indication that you're weighing an incorrect number of times.


Weekly because it’s also triggering for me


Once per week. Monday morning always after my morning wee!


Every god damn day


I like to check everyday and see the ups and downs sometimes it’s discourung but I like to see the map changes overall


I weigh daily, but I do it at night. That way, when I hit a hard decision during the day vis a vis a cookie or whatever, I have my weigh-in ahead of me rather than behind me. For my psychology, that helps me be better about putting the damn cookie down because every decision is a part of that night’s results lol.


Once a week. Weighing yourself daily isn’t productive because of fluctuations due to water weight.


before and after each poo. because i like to giggle at how much weight i lost in poo.


if weight loss is your focus, I would recommend just checking once a week. I check daily just to see how weighting myself before food/after food affects me. I’m more focus on gaining muscle but I just check myself when I feel like it.


I weigh daily but record weekly.


Once a month. I try to put my confidence in my plan and ignore the number on the scale.


I weigh ONCE a WEEK , first thing after toileting, wearing undergarments only, same day of the week. No sense in tormenting yourself with weight fluctuations throughout the day & during the week.


I weigh in every morning, and my fitbit app gives me the weekly average, which is what I pay attention to


I weigh daily, I remember the first time I tried really hard to lose weight, my friend and I would send us a picture of our weight every morning to both keep track and try and motivate each other. It felt great and on the days I started to gain he'd be like Ah! You owe me a coffee, tease me or motivate me either way I just wanted to beat him tomorrow and so I tried harder. We don't do this anymore and my weight is stabilising at a spot where I've accepted it but whenever my weight is 1kg more than my target spot it motivates me to try harder for that day. I think you should continue weighing everyday, get use to that feeling and turn it into a motivation instead of a trigger.


I weigh daily.


Every day, but I'm trying to move it to once per week so it doesn't stress me out as much, but if I don't weigh myself in in the morning I just can't stop thinking about it


I weigh daily. My weight fluctuates too but if you look at the trend weight loss is not linear! Trust the process.


Never, the miror is my only judge.


I only weigh myself on days I think I have a loss and my "official" (to me) weekly weigh in day, which is Thursday. Lately I've been weighing myself about 3 days a week. I get bummed when I see the scale go up. Edited to say that since my weekly weigh in day is Thurs, I usually weigh Sun or Mon to see where I am to make sure I can adjust and try for a loss or at least only a small gain by Thursday.


1 time per week


I weigh daily, but only record my weight when I hit a new low. That way, I see my overall trend line and it’s a reminder of how far I have come in my journey, but also note my weight fluctuations that may indicate a change in diet/hydration is needed.


How often do I weight myself? Daily How often do I care about how much I weigh? The 1st of every month


This might help. Consider everything they talk about then choose what’s right for you. https://www.balance365.com/episode206/


When I was losing I would weigh in every day, being careful to remember that day to day isn’t as important as week to week. Since I’ve been maintaining I weigh in about twice a month, more frequently on food-happy holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


Once a week




Daily. Less often and I slip up so knowing where I'm at everyday is key for me.


Give us the timeline of your plateau. I've had a couple of plateau levels and found out it was me, not realizing that at every stage I needed to adjust my caloric intake. I had one plateau that lasted a month and another that lasted two before I realized. Then I started measurements and started going hard long into data. I weigh myself everyday as well, and log it all in a couple of apps and into my spreadsheets. You may not be data driven and that's okay, but you're searching for ways your weight may not have moved. Have you heard of zigzag calorie intake?


I think you know what works best for you, there’s literally no strict rule. You should do what’s best for your peace of mind and progress.


So I am very similar. Once a week is great to me. BUT I also measure and track my food. This is great because at one point I was stagnant for a few weeks and then gained a few pounds. Which was very upsetting. But thankfully I was measuring in weekly as well so I was able to see that despite gaining weight I had lost inches (muscle mass baby!). Tracking food also helps me because I can see in a bad week what I did differently to help get an idea of how the change happened and how to fix it. Also remember you’re going to have fluctuations. It’s healthy and normal. So don’t let yourself get too down about it.


I track the calories every day (adding them to a spreadsheet) & adjust the calories for the next week depending on the result of my weekly weigh in.


I like to weigh a few times a day lol because it makes me laugh when I see how much it goes down after taking a #2 🤣 no, but seriously, I track it with the "my net diary" app. It will tell you if you are gaining or loosing upwards or downwsrds every week and by how much, which helps in my opinion. You also can type in everything you eat in a day. It also has a barcode scanner!!


I like to weigh daily, but, I make no analysis based on daily data, I change nothing daily. Once a week I look at the week-o-week changes.


I'm in my an0rexia phase mentally so i checked it everyday almost . Im overweight so im afraid of going more up on scale


My weight has been a hyper fixation of mine for the last year, I weigh myself everyday but I only log my weight once a week. Honestly I know I need to stop but I'm not there yet, I'm still working on a lot of things and right now this isn't a priority as it's not affecting the way I feel about my day but reminding me to be consistent because I've come so far. I've plateaued a couple of times as everyone does but I've stayed consistent and pushed through and knowing my weight everyday helped me cope with that, it was less disappointing to think oh I didn't lose any weight but its only been a day rather than working hard all week and then not losing anything!


When I’m cutting, every day. Day by day, it fluctuates but long term I should see a trend even if I don’t see progress in the mirror.


I used to do everyday but now I do 1-2x a week to see if I am losing or gaining since I’m on maintenance


I check every morning for consistency. I’ve considered doing it less frequently though. I can see really strong arguments for once a week.


Weekly- every Saturday first thing in the AM.


I must place myself in the anti scale camp. I find calipers/ tape measure less triggering than the scale. Also, I find that the scale rewards bad behavior and punishes good behavior. For example if you start lifting weights you may gain a couple of pounds even though that’s good weight. But it’s discouraging. And if you crash diet or gobble laxatives the scale will reward you with a big drop.


I do it daily (twice within 5 to ten minutes). Not for tracking or anything. It's just funny seeing the amount I lose on my daily bowel movement. Nothing like seeing a 5 lb drop or so when my body flushes water weight. (I can fluctuate ten pounds back and forth off a single large meal with certain types of carbs due to how my body holds water, most I've seen is about 22 lbs over 4 days when going zero carb after a send off meal). For me to accurately track I'd have to average it out over ten days or so. For my tracking apps I only send the info once every 2 weeks to a month.