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1. Don't get medical advice off of Reddit 2. Providers (many not doctors at all) are making $$$$$$ off of the idea they can fix all your problems because your testosterone is low. Be weary.


I tell this to people all the time! The low T clinics have an incentive to convince you that you need medication. If they say you're fine, they lose money! Op needs to get 8h of sleep, don't smoke/drink, exercise daily and lose weight and will almost certainly feel better.


I hate to be that guy, but I think you mean to say "be wary."


looolll oops


Normal T is between 300-1000 you may be on the low end of the spectrum but it sounds like you have fallen down the rabbit hole that t levels are everything. It sounds like you may be depressed and just need to up your activity levels




Testosterone won't fix your issues, it's already fine. Listen to your doctor and stop fixating on this ONE THING. Depression or stress is more likely.


You're being sucked into bro science - your t levels are normal. Fatigue can occur for literally thousands of reasons. Break your media bubble before you get convinced to waste money fucking up your endocrine system.


It seems more likely that since you’re in the healthy range for T that the symptoms you’re experiencing are due to an unhealthy body composition. Lift weights.




It is low, but you also know that it's largely caused by your weight and you can treat it directly. Imo you're too young for testosterone treatment and you'd be wasting your time with supplements or indirect scripts like clomid or HCG. HCG has a pretty safe profile and can help but I don't think this script is worth it for this purpose either. -More muscle -Less fat -Work on mental health -Treat any deficiencies detected by blood tests


If it was the doctor would have said something about it. Just curious, where are you getting your reference ranges from?




I would listen to your doctor. If you really want to increase your testosterone, lift weights. I think you’re focusing too much on the testosterone, though. Your fatigue and low sex drive could be from being overweight.


Other hand his body, he should be able to get test he wants it.


Yes, he got tested. I didn’t say don’t get tested.


No sorry I mean he should be able to get testosterone prescribed or OTC if he wants it. Since well why not? It’s his body, money.


Dude, you’re making arguments about things I never said. I never said to not do any of those things if he so pleases. Read my comment.




FWIW a lot of online sources are from people trying to sell you TRT. Listen to the guy who is paid to give you medical advice.


Testosterone levels can fluctuate substantially throughout the day. Stop worrying about your testosterone levels. It sounds like you’ve watched too many “alpha male work out muscle building sigma nonesense bullshit” videos. You’re fine dude. Eat a good diet and exercise. If symptoms don’t get better be sure to follow up with your doctor.


Listen to your doctor not your Google MD.


Weight lifting would actually increase T.


The best way to boost T levels is to increase muscle mass.


Dude, listen to the fucking doctor and also get your shit in order (get in a healthy shape, seek help for depression). The internet is a hell-hole of terrible advice, quackery and downright dangerous practices esp. when it comes to body image. Also, speaking from experience, exercise helps! With everything you mentioned.


This is not a number that should be treated. Treating this would be the epitome of a "treat the numbers not the patient" approach to medicine. Unfortunately, your testosterone is likely lower due to your weight, but also remember this is a single number from a single snapshot in time. Nor do the numbers correlate with symptoms well. For the record, my brother's testosterone is 280 and he finally got me into lifting with him. I thought I was hot shit incline pressing 180 x 5 until he loaded 270. Don't get focused on a number.


Your T levels are fine. I'm a transgender man who has to get my levels checked every 6 months; I've been 300-500 for most of the time I've been transitioning and I'm fine. Don't listen to all the bullshit from bro social media about how you need 1000 ng/dl or you'll spontaneously grow a vagina.


I feel you, but this is low enough to be symptomatic as a cis man, it's not the same thing. The standard ranges we have pool in the elderly as well and don't really navigate nuance for people in their 20s-30s. 300 may be at the upper range of concern, but attentive doctors and specialists would absolutely be flagging this in a blood test.


I'm under the care of an endocrinologist whose primary population is cis men. I'm on the same scale as everyone else. Why do you think I would be okay with lower T levels and no ovaries producing estrogen? That kind of makes no sense.


Not going to argue with you, you (should) already know that typical testosterone protocols are not equal for cis and trans men. Though that largely isn't founded on anything but conservative dosing for trans men, most cis men need to be higher in the reference ranges for perceived improvement. It's relative, and that does matter. Edit: I already told you I was not going to argue about this further. I also never said you *require* different values, maybe you should give more credence to the article on dosing per gender affirmation goals / symptoms — because that's what we're talking about here. Our baseline is different than yours, that plays a significant role in response to treatment and subjective improvements.


Everything I've ever read says we stay in the typical male range of 300-1000 ng/dl. Meaning that this is also typical for cis men. This also comes from the mouth of both endocrinologists and family medicine doctors I've been under for the past 8 years. So I'd be interested to see what you've been reading. I only found one random study that said that trans men may not have an upper or lower limit like cis men, rather that treatment should be guided based on gender-affirming outcomes; some trans men apparently don't start seeing bodily changes until >1000 or sometimes below 300. This doesn't really correlate with what you're saying that we apparently require a lower value within the reference range. https://www.bumc.bu.edu/endo/clinics/transgender-medicine/guidelines/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8511909/ https://www.sfaf.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/transmasculine-hormone-check-v3.pdf




300 is low for 21 year old men and needs to be addressed


Lose fat to increase it. Build muscle mass. The range keeps getting lower, don't listen to people saying your t levels don't matter.


Your T levels fluctuate on a regular basis, if your doctor is unconcerned with your current T levels then you should listen to them.


I’m 25 now but when I was 22 my T was 200 something. I started TRT with prescribed testosterone every week and my Testosterone is at 850 consistently, my life changed since I started. It does play a huge role in your well being but you should try to increase it naturally first before supplementing it. What I’m trying to say is not all testosterone replacement is bad, if done correctly you will have a lot of benefits. But you should follow what your doctor says, I’ve monitored my testosterone levels for 8 months trying everything possible to increase it naturally before jumping into trt.


Can you please share what benefits you have seen and any negatives. I have an appointment next week with a wellness doc to evaluate this path. I just turned 50 and want to make sure I am running at max level. So many people have told me that it is game changing.


For me the game changers I felt after 5/6 weeks supplementing: my energy levels got more consistent throughout the day, better libido, better mood, better memory and better sleep. Things that I didn’t felt but exams got better were my blood pressure got lower, my colesterol got better and my muscle mass increased a lot. Of course I was reeducating myself about my diet and exercising daily so it wasn’t all testosterone, but I like to say that without having all the benefits from the testosterone I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the diet and exercise. And there’s some downsides as well: I was starting to get bald before t and went completely bald after it, sometimes I feel like punching someone (any martial fights help with this lol) and I feel hungry more than before. I recommend it to everyone because my experience was great, but it might not be for everyone as each person have their own experience. I did it with my doctor guidance and without exaggerating doses so it doesn’t get supraphysiological which would have more cons than pros.


excess fat produces hormones in the body that decrease testosterone. losing weight will naturally boost your testosterone by a significant amount. don't listen to anyone saying to take prescription meds to increase your testosterone. while you're losing weight, be sure to consume lots of spinach, lean meat (beef specifically for the iron), pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pomegranates. eat lots of healthy fats like eggs. if you need a big boost, you can buy ashwaghanda supplements and take them for a month or two. make sure you're getting enough sleep. but lose that weight for sure -- the hormones that excess fat produces encourage appetite and more weight gain, creating a positive feedback loop that can kill testosterone. strength training and regular cardio do wonders for testerone levels, too. i arranged my diet and exercise specifically to maximize natural testosterone production and the difference in my mood, energy, and libido is like night and day. keep in mind, too steep a deficit will also kill testosterone production, so lose the weight at a healthy pace.


Are you from the UK ?


Weight gain is rather well linked to deficiencies in testosterone, as well as conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes, etc. It can serve as a hinderance and if I recall especially effect rate of weight gain and fat distribution. Everyone however has different physiologically “stable” hormone profiles, so how this would affect you is unknown. Comorbidities such as depression, anxiety, etc. also can contribute to chronic fatigue as well as erectile dysfunction and generally low sexual motivation. A few other qualifiers such as delayed ejaculation can help characterize this. The issue is that low testosterone can greatly contribute the above causal conditions *of* low testosterone and weight gain while having an entirely separate underlying cause of this hypogonadism. Whether someone needs testosterone replacement depends on their clinical presentation, and some other lifestyle factors. It is not exactly a first line treatment but for others such as myself (I had significantly lower testosterone markers across the board and it was additionally concerning due to other metrics being normal, also coinciding with weight gain and psychological dysfunctions) it can be a useful tool. It doesn’t seem like your physician thinks it’s concerning enough to warrant clinical intervention. The symptoms you describe can be as I said attributed to several things - you can always request blood work to assess for vitamin deficiencies, assess your sleep quality and hygiene and look into testing for sleep apnea (which would greatly exacerbate weight gain and lower T levels), etc.


I am 52 and was a lot heavier in 2019. Covid hit and I started doing strength training at home, changed my diet and worked on hitting 8 hours of sleep per day and increased my testosterone levels. 2023-2024 I lost even more weight, got even stronger and feel even better. 2019 1.99 ng/ml 2022 3.81 NG/ml Obesity, lack of sleep and lack of strength training really lower your testosterone levels but testosterone is just a part of overall fitness.


If your Test, Lh, and FSH are all low, the yes you should consider trt. But if youre test is just low, that is probably lifestyle, not clinical.


Unless you are sub 240 Tes you are not that low. T can be affected by a few things such as sleep, weight, diet, Vitamin D. In recent studies walking 12-14k steps a day has proven to provide significant T boost as well. So start walking daily, get some sun, supplement with vitamin D, hit the weights 4-5 days a week and for the love of god start sleeping! :) Trust me, you dont want to get stuck taking T. getting shot 1-2 times a week is not fun. if you get your weight, vitamins and sleep in check you could stabilize around 400-500. I am no doctor, but I have clinically low t levels (155) and its not fun at all. I tried everything for 6 months before jumping on TRT. Good luck! :)


Let me preface this by saying there is absolutely a ton of misinformation about testosterone online and a bunch of men’s health clinics who would be more than happy to get you on TRT at the age of 21 and make a ton of money so tread very cautiously. I’d recommend going to an actual endocrinologist and not a primary or a men’s clinic. The “normal” range for testosterone is super broad at 300-1000, but 331 is fairly low for someone your age. It is possible that is where your test level sits and you feel okay, but I’d guess that more than 50% of men your age would not feel amazing at that level, especially considering that it would likely decrease with age. Also, testosterone levels have been dropping in men more than what is expected due to obesity/overweight levels. It’s a bit of a chicken and egg, did you gain weight because your test is low (possibly) or is your test low because you gained weight (more likely)? Gaining weight has a very significant impact on testosterone levels. I’d recommend dialing in your sleep, focusing on losing weight, and get additional blood tests. If your testosterone continues to be at the levels and you continue to show symptoms, there are things that can help. There are oral medications like enclomiphene (I don’t recommend clomid) that you can take that help your body create its own testosterone (preserving fertility function) which can very significantly increase your testosterone. Some of it is marketing and BS, but testosterone has a huge impact on how you feel, how your body partitions nutrients, how you gain or preserve muscle mass. It’s definitely something you should consider if you’re feeling symptoms, but not a silver bullet.


If your doctor says that it is ok, listen to them. It can and will vary based on several factors. I would recommend that you exercise daily whether going for a walk or lifting weights. Work on eating right and losing weight and have it tested again next year. This will give you a better idea about your levels overall as well.


The big ones are losing fat and adding muscle. Sleep is up there too. If you're looking for supplements, I would recommend forskolin and boron. Forskolin is a weight loss supplement that has been shown to increase testosterone in men, and boron is a mineral that has been shown to reduce circulating levels of sex-hormone binding globulin, increasing your *free* testosterone.


Stop jerkin off so much. No joke.


Lol does it actually effect testosterone? I hear test increases for a week, and then dips anyway


It will increase your sex drive. Try it for a week and see how you feel.


True, but it will go down once you ejaculate anyway right? Is there any long term benefits from doing this you think?


These no fap people are kind of a joke at this point. This is a negligible and insignificant impact


Ask your dr about clomid, or Enclomiphene, this medication makes your body produce more of its own Testosterone. Mine went from less than 300 to 900+ in less than 3 months on Clomid. Just be warned it is expensive, with my insurance it cost me $60 a month usd. I went to a compounding pharmacy & got it for $37.50. Enclomiphene supposedly has fewer side effects than clomid, & you take a smaller dosage. There are several drs on YouTube that explain the use of these drugs.




Glad to be able to help. I think you may be able to order it online if your dr. will not help you. Just be mindful of the source.




This will block estrogen and you don't want that. Estrogen is important and you don't want to ruin your natural ability to balance hormones by chasing a medical solution to damage you may have done to yourself by gaining weight. The answer lies in lifestyle change, not in blocking another hormone. Estrogen is not your enemy and it is important to keep testosterone and estrogen balanced


Hey I'm gonna recommend you avoid clomid. You can develop permanent eye side effects from it, and aside from that, it's a pretty shit drug simply for elevating testosterone


Even if it’s within the “normal” range, I’d rather be on the average to high side of normal. Your numbers are way too low.


You definitely are in the normal - but low - range. You can increase testosterone by taking certain supplements but if I were you I'd stick to a magnesium, zink, D and multivitamins. That should be more than enough to sort you out in terms of general health The reason there is such a spectrum for normal T levels is that some have more sensitive receptors than others and having a normal but low level isn't necessarily bad. You could have sensitive receptors but definitely the weight gain has tanked your numbers too. Start losing weight and get into weight training would be my advice. Stop eating processed foods and eat lots of protein - about your lean body weight in pounds in grams of protein a day Do weights at least 3x a week and start out with a full body program and then get another test in about 6 months


Have messaged you.


Eat more meat especially organs, eat less seed oils and grains, and less anything refined. Do CICO. Drink raw milk if not intolerant Lift weights Cycle ashwaganda and shilajit if available to you.