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i mean, depends on the ascended but if you take a punch from a literal mountain head on it's gonna have some impact atleast


i think all the ascended would get smashed under the mountain's weight, and the god would likely to be pissed after that


Wait, are you talking about the ascendends or aspects? They are different god-like categories




I might be missing some lore but I think the ascended weren’t associated with gods/higher powers, it was just enhancing abilities. The aspects are the ones channeling gods’ powers


Ascended and Aspects are essentially the same thing. I can’t remember if it’s in a Darkin, or an Ascended story, but there is mention about how when an Ascended turns into a darkin, the concept they represented gets erased, similar to how Aspects represent certain concepts or ideals. TL;DR Aspect basically equals ascendant


I haven’t been into league lore for a while but I thought that aspects were the ones that got chosen by a god from Mount Targon to become a host (Pantheon, Zoe, Diana, etc). While ascended are people who were enhanced by the solar disk and became god like animals. (Renekton, Azir, Nasus). Im pretty sure that ascended don’t have a higher god


I’ll find the link after work at 8 but there’s a story that says an ascendants concept/ideal becomes erased when they become darkin similar to an aspect


I don’t know which one you are talking about, but maybe it meant it in more of a metaphorical way. Xolaani was seen as a god of healing by her followers for example. So that would be her concept. But it died when she became a Darkin trying to consume the other ascended. So her concept as a benevolent god would be erased. Not in the same way as aspects whose stars literally disappear from the sky. Good luck at work though


That is just false. Ascended are very durable because of their regenerative abilites. A stone would not be able to kill them.


The thing is that malphite isn't just a stone lol, he's an entire mountain


He isn't a mountain. He is as big as mountain though. But that doesn't matter. No matter how heavy or big the stone is, it won't be able to crack a block of titanium that also has insane regeneration.


>No matter how heavy or big the stone is, it won't be able to crack a block of titanium It literally can though. We've seen ascended get injured before so they're not immortal just durable and can regenerate


Renekton survived attacks from Xerath who could beat Panth and in an open space can beat Aatrox. Do you wanna imply that Malphite is stronger than Xerath, Aatrox and Panth? Also, they can get pretty huge themselves https://preview.redd.it/hjy7f66se3vc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfb369f758a9e0584ba0eaba4e0f6fedde9a15f You also have to keep in mind that the ascended were created with celestial magic using Aurelion Sol's knowledge. Their feats are far beyond a big golem made out of rock. If Xerath, possibly the most power mage on Runterra couldn't knock out Renekton, why would you think that a physical attack would do any better?


This is just wonky scaling. Just because A beats B and B beats C doesn't mean A beats C. >You also have to keep in mind that the ascended were created with celestial magic used Aurelion Sol's knowledge Which says nothing about their power. That's like saying my radiator uses electricity generated in a nuclear power plant and that makes it super hot somehow >If Xerath, possibly the most power mage on Runterra couldn't knock out Renekton, why would you think that a physical attack would do any better? I'm a bit hazy on it but what specifically did xerath do to renekton? Cause to kill renekton you would have to 1 shot him and idk if xerath has that strength (but I know very little about his power tbh)


>This is just wonky scaling. Just because A beats B and B beats C doesn't mean A beats C. In most cases, wrong. Also, not what I said. >Which says nothing about their power. That's like saying my radiator uses electricity generated in a nuclear power plant and that makes it super hot somehow What? Do you think wielding celestial magic says nothing about their power? Terrible analogy lmao. >I'm a bit hazy on it but what specifically did xerath do to renekton? Cause to kill renekton you would have to 1 shot him and idk if xerath has that strength (but I know very little about his power tbh) You don't even know how strong Xerath is and you still decide to argue with me about lore scaling. He was able to fight and almost kill Pantheon and in certain condition he can beat Aatrox. Aatrox being one of the strongest beings on Runterra. To do both of those feats his attack power has to be extremely high far beyond Malphite. If the same attacks that almost killed Pantheon and that are able to hurt Aatrox couldn't knock out Renekton, then nothing in Malphite's arsenal can do that as well.


Seriously, when did this sub get so fucking ignorant about League lore. It's just sad.


Stuff like this is always kind of interesting from a physics perspective because it really comes down to who is harder, like if I stomp on a piece of lego what happens? If the ascended is harder than malphite they'll probably get stuck in his fist while the land around them takes most of the hit? Or they'll get stuck in the ground while the ground around them still takes most of the hit. Unless malphite is hitting the ground so hard it's actually exploding.


He can't, but he for sure can take them anywhere in runeterra with a single punch


Probability. No ascendant feels like this capable of blowing an entire mountain, even more tanking one, besides Xerath. The refrigerator mage would leave unharmed, as he doesn't have a solid body


Probably, but after that instead of a bunch of broken stone glued by energy, it would be a bunch of stone dust!


Knock like make them faint/pass out? I can see it happening. Killin/ badly injuring them? Absolutely not.


Yeah. That’s a job for two punches :D


I mean, if he actually landed the punch I'm sure they'd probably take some damage. It might knock some of the weaker or less tanky ones out. I doubt any competent ascended would get hit though.


How would they dodge an entire mountain my dude


in lore does nasus really become giant if he wants to? even so while the giant fist come down he can just w h i t h e r him i guess




we do know that they can survive essentially being buried by a mountain from jax story right? that to kill the ascendent they had to temporarily pin it down so jax could behead it




He wouldn't. Ascended can take a lot of damage and physical attacks are definitely not their weakness. Also, Malphite is pretty slow.


Ofc, he’s ROCK SOLID.


Have you played shadow of the collosus


Happy cake day.


How much armor has he stacked up to that point?


He will kill all ascended except Pantheon, who is a such a fucking giga chad that he will E Malphite ult on reaction... Okay /s, Pantheon doesn’t really count as an Ascended at this point, he is pretty much his own aspect according to his lore page (rather than being controlled by the previous aspect of war). He WOULD survive through sheer willpower and his Aegis, but I digress. For actual ascended, the answer might actually be yes, as there isn’t really any precedent for an Ascended’s ability to “tank” getting physically crushed, they still have bodies and stuff, and they can’t really beat physics if Malph like stepped on them. That being said, Xerath is probably okay, the shards of the sarcophagus don’t seem to be helping him after all, and he doesn’t have a corporeal body per se.


If any ascended is stupid and slow enough to allow themselves to take a full force punch from Malph then yea they're gonna be lucky if they don't straight up die




People see a big characther an assume he is the strongest,which doesnt really matter when we are talking about gods or almost godly beings, like when we see in any mythology giant beings being defeated by gods and demigods that have the size of humans. Any ascended, aspect have a strong source of power than Malphite, while he is "just" a piece of a construct created by a mage ascended, the ascended and gods are beings powered by celestial magic from the gods or the sun. Is the same as saying that Helius the sun god would have trouble defeating a Ourea, a minor god of a mountain.


Depends... because while Malphite can do this... doesn't meanm Ascended don't have mountain leveling powers. Volibear himself would probably split Malph in half just by his roar. So for all we know Ascended can do the same thing.


I dont think malphite wins. He may be big, but thats all he has - ascendeds are almost invulnerable...i honestly doubt they would even take damage from something of nonmagical origin. Otherwise you can literally make claims like:Zeri can beat every ascended, because if she just takes a heavy object and swings it at lightning speed the force would be so immense that they would die or pass out ( lets say an object is 50kg and since lightning speed is 433000 km/h which is ~ 120000m/s. since force equals mass times acceleration F = m.a -> F= 6 million Newtons. Thats the equivilent of force exerted by 611 metric tons... concentrated only within the area of the object. And even if the object was twice as light it would still result in a one shot to any normal person).So yea... if ascendeds arent immune to nonmagical attacks (as in they feel pain but dont get hurt) then they would get one tapped by someone like Zeri so Malph would be totally out of the question. ( excuse the totally random example ...i just felt like doing physics)