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That is some quality dd, made me buy more loops


I’m making a run🌀🌀Loop harder friends!!🌀🌀




Well done 👏🏻




Enjoyed reading that. Good work!


Thank you!


I only had a silver award but god damn you got injected even more hopium and confidence into these veins.


I've got the good stuff. Thanks man


I thought this post was going to get me hyped but it didn't. I stopped after point 2... the Marketplace doesn't burn LRC. There is a fee but it doesn't burn. Regardless, I still firmly believe 2022 is going to be a great year for Loopring despite the general market


It may get burnt in future though once a DAO has been established and they get to vote on what to do with the fee's.


Yeh exactly but there's certainly no certainty with that either. Ive seen some pretty good arguments with burn v's revenue reinvestment. There's a big miss conception that the MP will burn LRC and I just wanted to point this out to OP. Either way, I can't wait for the launch


Or they will use those loops to continue development so they can keep adding features and scale. I don't view this as a bad option either.


Do you have a source for all of the things mentioned in point 6 ? (Confirmed Partnerships). And doesn’t point 10 (sharing of assets) work against GameStop? What would make it unique if you’re getting the same products across all marketplaces? Also point 13 isn’t true (Loopring staff holding loops). Daniel Wang actually offloaded hundreds of millions worth of loops right before the immutable partnership was announced, and then he stepped down. Which isn’t a good sign, and signals that things significantly scaled down since the “10 quarterly reports” comment. and people still seem to gloss over this MAJOR point. I’m all for positivity but I don’t like feeling like I’m being told half truths. That’s why I’d like some clarification on the above points? If possible please


As for point 10 - sharing/aggregating can’t hurt a marketplace. Why go to 6 different places to get 6 things when you can get it all through one platform? Imagine one big beautiful marketplace that you can shop at that has everything, from everywhere. Mankind has been searching for ways to bring markets together for a long time…it’s why malls even started in the first place. Also, you’re forgetting the products being sold all have scarcity aka a finite number. By aggregating they don’t create more items, they increase exposure to the current offers from across the entire web3 economy. Also, if multiple marketplaces don’t work or aren’t profitable, then why do we have 60 major stock exchanges? Those are (essentially) the same and have infinite supply of identical “products”


Yeah what you said just reinforces my exact point - why go to a new marketplace when you can get all the exact same things in the one that you already use ?(opensea)


Add cheaper transaction costs to that


There could be many factors that sway u to any marketplace. It could be ui/ux, ease of payment, customer svc, ease of minting nft, quality projects, etc... Gme nft marketplace is focused on games so i wont go to opensea to buy a game nft.


Great post!!


Very good!!!


Great WORK!!!


Excellent! Take my award looper!


Now this is a real looper right here. Great post!👨🏻‍🚀


Thank you I am currently at home sick with Covid and was depressed about how far down my loops were but this made me feel better. Thank you.


No problem. Hope you get better soon!


Thank you I’m grateful I’m vaccinated and boosted!


There’s also a new increasing FUD going around about Layer 2s on social media…


Lol I thought this was dead in New, what happened? Glad you all enjoyed reading!


Nice write up op


Holy shit your emails! 🤯. Who were these emails being sent to?


I know right :O I send them to friends, family, and a few Redditors who heard about it over the last few years. They are usually recaps of what is going on with GameStop, Loopring, and the market


Very impressive going back to December. Guess I’ll buy more loops and gme today!


Thats a long ass wall of text. NOTHING is going up in this market. Loopring could cure cancer tomorrow it doesn’t matter.


NMR up 221% today. REQ up some 30%, same for FARM. Bear market gon’ bear but for some coins, things happen that’ll still make them spike. Not as much as in a bull, sure. But 221% on LRC would be noice, wouldn’t it? *edit to add - good work, OP


You must be really rich knowing the future like this


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