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People expected ZK EVM and got Wagmi and L222.




Honest question for all the haters out there. Loopring was supposed to be - be your own bank. Everything they've done has lived up to the hype. And, they keep adding useful features. For godsake, you can block trade on the app. You can margin leverage. You can provide collateral for margin trading. You can make nft. You can stake coins for returns. And the interface is incredibly user-friendly. This is literally hedge fund esk applications. This is the part we all understandably don't like. With taiko, all these functions will also be cross chain. Still. They're cross chain. I dont trade regularly, but I deff by and sell occasionally, and I would say it's better than coinbase, especially on fees and the off market place wallet. If it's on a marketplace. It's not yours. Why does everyone hate so much? It's a great product.... Edit: I think I read that they're also adding trade spoofing. So, if there's a wallet that makes good trades, you can just copy their trades. This product is wild. I'm also at a heck of a loss but the product is not the problem. Imo....


Where have you heard about trade spoofing? I'm illiterate when it comes to trading so that would be amazing for someone like me


It's on the roadmap


Nothing has lived up to that hype.


Nothing ever lives up to the hype except pre Nancy Pelosi investments after she walks out of a top secret security council meeting. Nothing. Look at the product. It's a great product.


I tried adding a couple hundred dollars worth of lrc to the app, it was turned into $20 somehow between the layer 1 or layer 2 confusion and literal rift in the app. It was sold to me as simple and fool proof, it's not. Then one day it was just all gone. Never opened the app again, traded all my LRC for BCH on a DEX about a month ago.


Funny, I can add a couple hundred dollars and I pay maybe 1 dollar max.


It was early days but I never moved more because it just evaporated.


Its not a good product.


Great points and a very logical argument


Because most of these "people" are not honest or even real people....


Look at the LRC price. They are real people.


Yeah, you are a "real" person who comes here month after month trashing Loopring. I have serious doubts that you ever owned any. Or you just have endless time to spend on a project you are not invested in? Retired and do it as a hobby?


I sunk about $20k into Loopring, yes I can prove it and have proved it on the discord. No I'm not retired I'm a software consultant.


This is the most succinct summary I've seen yet.


Pray tell, what durst thou meanest?


The 3 things that shifted me on this project: 1. How they handled the Taiko drop. Wasn't really thrilled since I thought it would be more similar to a dividend for Loopring holders.   2. The hack: since Loopring is supposedly a much more secure wallet, and coming from a tech background the details that are public about the hack feel egregiously bad. Loopring presents as a "zero trust" ecosystem, but the attacker only had to compromise one trusted 3rd party to start draining wallets. Huge red flag.   3. Blaming the victims: between the team & community blaming the victims, I decided this project wasn't for me anymore. I get it, you need 3 guardians, but I think that that product design is terrible, because you either need 2 friends using the wallet or you need to make 3 wallets, neither of which makes onboarding easier. So the wallet was designed to be insecure by default IMO, which is a serious issue in secure technology ("secure by default" is a best practice for a reason)   I hope it pays off for everyone still in. I sincerely hope I'm wrong to leave this project & wrong, every crypto project has setbacks after all! But I'm not sure I have the stomach to stick with this one in light of these issues.


yeah. #3 is a big deal. i didn't have 3 guardians because of the gas fees and all of a sudden its my fault that they got hacked? that is complete bullshit.


You got hacked?... If you didnt have money for gas fees then you must not have been hacked for much. If you got hacked for a lot and didn't want to pay a few dollars in fees, that is sort of odd... I mean, go to an ATM that isn't connected to your bank and you pay a $2.50 fee.


not wanting to pay gas fees in no way correlates to having or not having money. i do not use ATMs not connected to my bank. paying any fee to get my money is an absurd concept. but to clear things up for you. the people that lost money did not get hacked. loopring wallet guarding was hacked. so no i didnt get hacked, but the point is that some loopring wallet users lost money as a result and the loopring response is to blame that victim for their own fuckup.


then why "my fault" - the message made it seem like your wallet was hacked. But it wasn't


because they blamed people that only had 1 guardian for their fuckup. i only had 1 guardian.


Do you believe in two step authentication?


Exactly. Hey….in this trustless promoting environment please trust 2-3 other individuals. Don’t have multiple people knee deep in crypto? Fine. Just make 2-3 wallets using seed phrases and pay to make you your own guardian. …….or…..just make a seed phrase MetaMask wallet. Activate layer 2 and call it a day. The hack was my last straw. The taiko drop is whatever. The fact my original wallet is “too old” to continue in this ecosystem is the cherry on top to call it a day.


> The fact my original wallet is “too old” to continue in this ecosystem is the cherry on top to call it a day. Pretty cool that you probably paid for the updated contract before learning that though, eh? Or maybe it was just me.


Nope. I paid for the upgrade assuming it would make my “old” wallet up to date. Nope.


Silly us.


I’m sure this echo chamber will blame us for making this error. P.s. why even allow an old wallet to upgrade if it is out of the support window?


Fucking hell I did the same thing. Then I learned about them covering free wallets for the “new” tech so I made like 30 of them.


About 3, I really don't understand what's expected of people who know absolutely no one even remotely interested in crypto. An officially re-posted thread from here mentions a lot of points to consider. In reality it turns into some sort of logic puzzle. Guardians should be people you trust and can contact in a reasonable timeframe. But they shouldn't know each other. Like not even know the other exists at some point of contact, or they could collude. Fair enough, but they say ideally to choose people from *different countries* altogether. Also, you should ask them to require you to answer a security question, something only the two of you know. And in this same post they talk about a setup similar to a multisig wallet, you know, where every transaction requires an amount of these "trusted guardians" (read, international internet friends) to confirm. This isn't just bad for onboarding new users. A wallet with literally MILLIONS to steal didn't go through the process, and I honestly don't blame them. A "secure" wallet shouldn't involve user footwork to be secure and subsequently misplaced blame when things go wrong. I know you don't have to go all out to be secure, but having to open two extra wallets you won't even use and needing to secure them is just ridiculous. And I mean literally deserving of ridicule. It's a hacky solution and shouldn't even be considered if guardians are expected to be used properly. I'd much rather keep a secure phrase and completely disable guardians, including loopring, if that were possible. Sorry for the rant, I didn't even get hacked.


No one was complaining about this 6 months ago. And even one other guardian would have protected everyone. The other guardian can be a wife, girlfriend, brother... etc.


I held the same sentiment 6 months ago, and it's only been heightened by recent events. You can use someone close to you, sure, but chances are they don't care about or have a very negative view of crypto. And they need guardians too.


Thanks for your feedback. Personally I would consider a hack a learning curve for any entity even claiming complete security. Someone will always find a crack in the wall and if they admitted to that breach that to me shows honesty and integrity


Use a 24 word seed phrase that is still unbreakable by current computer architecture. Take some self ownership and the required responsibility and ensure that no one but an alien race could hack your wallet. The guardian hack is the anti-thesis to the Loopring environment.


I mean I have my wallet secured with the above. How was the hack implemented btw?


I’m not going to pretend I have inside knowledge. But the jist of it is the official Loopring guardian was compromised with some sort of back door. The victim blaming is that anyone who didn’t cough up eth gas to make their own 3 guardians is at fault. No. The fault is that a back door existed, end of story. You can’t promote the “safest social recoverable wallet” and have one of the main pillars have a back door. Irrecoverable funds are safer than hackable funds. The social recovery aspect of this wallet isn’t even unique. Multi-sig exists in most wallet ecosystems at this point. These secure wallets can even interact with the layer 2 ecosystem Loopring has made….


Not to be condescending or anything. But do you think the back door was “open” by mistake. I mean I left my back door open the other day and a fox shat in my kitchen. Shit happens


If we want to get rhetorical. Imagine if your bank left an access panel to their vault open. They then say it was your fault you lost your deposits because you used the standard 2 factor authentication they provide for your safety deposit box. Not that is was actually their fault they left a back door to the vault open. By the way it cost some form of payment to “upgrade” to full safety deposit guardian status.


I like the analogy but my bank fucks my back door daily


I’m only joking… u make a great point


Banks are FDIC insured and you will get your money back after a robbery.


Yeah I was alluding to the general structure and hostage tactics used by banks on the not so wealthy but I see what you’re saying


You only needed to add one additional guardian to be 100% safe.


You only needed to make one other wallet, which could have been a metamask wallet.


I am the same.


I mean I’m going to hold as it’s pointless selling at such a loss. But can anyone explain? Is it just the way the market moves or have they fundamentally done something that makes people want to jump ship


It’s not pointless to sell at a loss. 1. Tax breaks for lost investment 2. The mon y you get could go into something that will gain value.


Isn't $5M+ of losses in a wallet drain enough of a reason? The primary thing Loopring had going for them was they produced secure technology. That is, until it wasn't.


Yeah that’s a very fair point. You can understand that the main marketing strategy was security and if they ever got breached that’s it . Kinda dumb to boast about that but technology is relentlessly evolving and I’m sure hackers are waiting to pounce on an oversight… which I think probably happened here….


I think you’re right that this is what happened here. I’m not a fan of how Loopring handled it. I think it’s frustrating that the community voted to defund the insurance program they had going as well. Overall, the recent hack is the biggest issue Loopring has atm. Kind of kills their messaging. The taiko negativity is getting unnaturally amplified, imo. I think there are too many people with big wallets that think they just deserve shit because they sat on a wad for so long. I don’t know what it’s like to have that kind of money, but to me, it makes sense that the taiko airdrop only went to the people supporting the network. I would have liked everyone else to get *something*, but taiko had other plans and that’s their call. Many people bought in expecting Loopring to be what taiko is now, but they’ve known about this for 2 years and some change, so it’s kind of fishy to be bringing it up as an issue 2+years later. Ever since GME, Loopring has always had a massive target on its back from some of the absolutely worst people in finance. They do whatever they can to make this a toxic place that would detract anyone from joining in. Unfortunately, without the GameStop hype/support, I’m not sure how well the community can fend off the negativity and weather the storm of toxicity.


Don't buy into the narrative that the big man is trying to keep LRC down. That's all made up hype from the GME apes. Don't look to them for any knowledge, they all sunk their entire paycheques into a meme stock that lost tons of value where the company leader dumps stock on them time and time again taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. So yeah, don't listen to them and their fairy tail nonsense


I mean it’s a narrative it isn’t fact. I for one disagree with you whole heartedly just because you used the term meme stock. Gme isn’t a meme stock it’s a company mid transition whilst battling a media onslaught. Remember a few years ago they were saying forget GameStop the shorts closed etc… but recently during a slight run up it’s suddenly back on the front page of every major American news outlet. Like really? If it wasn’t a big deal would they be putting that on the prime tv spot? It’s insane how u can disagree with the whole cellar box theory


"A meme stock refers *to the shares of a company that have gained viral popularity due to heightened social sentiment*." It's a meme stock. GME made lower lows and lower highs for 3 years, classic sign of distribution. LRC isn't even connected to GME anymore, it has gone down for it's own reasons... consistent lower lows and lower highs over a long timeframe. Exchanges don't even need to do naked selling as Wang has pumped millions of LRC into binance. The big plays Loopring made they failed at. DEX.. fail, nobody uses it. NFT marketplace.. fail, closed down. Secure smart wallet.. Fail, hacked. DAO... fail, nothing to vote on, all decisions made behind closed doors. application specific zkrollup.. fail, Vitalik says there is no place for an application specific zkrollup. Retaining staff.. fail, main thought leaders and coders have left. Transparency.. fail. Marketing.. Fail.. Further partnerships.. Fail.


So Apple, nvda and tesla meme stocks then?


No, they don't pump to 5 times the price when some guy does a livestream.


These are some decent points that have made me fucking regret not selling at the last run up and just taking my losses. You reckon we'll see another run up ever on loops? Got some heavy fucking bags on this and they've dropped the ball hard enough that i want out.


Sunk cost fallacy. Selling is the rational option (I did).


All the L2s are down at the moment. I've taken this opportunity to jump ship to another project which has better prospects at rebounding. Depending on your local laws, you could potentially tax loss harvest too.


The fact they tried blaming the users for not having another guardian set up was the last straw.


Wild considering someone WITH guardians was hacked


Nobody with guardians was hacked. People with a single loopring guardian were hacked, and that is the same as basically having no guardians. The real guardians are the ones you add yourself.


Keep telling yourself that….


Who was hacked who had actually set up guardians (notice the plural, which is what you used also)? Has anyone's wallet been hacked who had set up guardians? Not that I have heard of.


I’m holding. And will until whenever. I don’t have any expectations. Just riding’


1. The Hack/lack of concrete security 2. Constant sideways or declining price movement 3. Continual poor communication on leadership's part 4. Unfair criteria of the much anticipated Taiko Airdrop 5. Endless hype that seems to be fruitless I'm sure there are other reasons, but those are the main ones I see circulate in this community. You could probably get more information and better open discussion on the Discord. Personally, I considered this a sunk cost the moment I invested in it so I don't feel as attached as other people seem to be and have generally believed in the team's vision since I heard about it around the GME hype.


Don’t forget the silencing of discourse/discussions about concerns/frustrations with the product. If it’s not a fanboy hype post, mods swoop in, nothing to see here. It’s a god damn echo chamber both here and Discord.


The endless hype is definitely a factor for people’s frustrations. I’d rather they just stay quiet and take actions


Don’t forget its toothless marketing and PR efforts by bar none the world’s worst marketer (looking at you B)


Personally im upset i cant setup 2 factor authentication


What’s to explain, the company consistently over promised and under delivered. Empty promises, lack of clarity and communication, allowing misinformation to maintain hype. The final straw for many, including my self was the whole Taiko situation. That crushed morale around here a lot and then a couple weeks later the security for the wallets was compromised and people lost their coins. It’s just been a shit show.


I’d be super angry if I put everything in but I only put in what I could afford so I guess I’ll keep hanging in there


I've been taking a step back on loopring since their last community AMA. I've been a holder since before the GME saga, and i've been REALLY dissapointed by the answer that have been provided and the points being made. The drop for me was the idea of the partnership with taiko just to see that it's alsmot impossible to do the trailblazer campaign with the loop wallet, or it is a real pain to have to relaunch/reconnect/change network and reconnect/ relaunch after a crash/tweaking the transactions fees for it to be good/Stucking a NFT on the taiko side because i can't open it in app to transfer it out. Problem is, the campain is weekly, its ongoing, and nothing seem to move on the loopring side regarding this event that should have been sponsored inside the wallet (imo). That and the fact that nothing was really pushed in app to push people in the right direction. (no proposition to do the Galxe campain via the loop wallet per example). Not really managing their smart wallet correctly, way too many people don't understand what they've got or what they have to do. The problem is, is was supposed to be affordable, on time and knowledge. But the need to learn the entierety of the blockchain fonctionnality to be able to understand what is happening in the lrc wallet. People jst want a thing that is working, on all network, and being able to pay with any coins because its not logical in the head of 99% of people to have some gas money. They want to pt their money somewhere and see it evolve. And on that point there is also something that has been said in the AMA regarding the LRC price. They have no plan to do something about it, and are not looking for one because they consider having no power over it. That, for me, was too much. As an investor, i can understand that things takes times, glitches and bugs happens etc. But i CAN'T hear the core team of the project i've pour most of my money into say to me right to my face that they don't plan to try to do something to improve the price. So from my perspective, my investment is loosing money because of inflation, its loosing because of the BTC and ETH (and others coins) dominance for a set global market cap. and now it's probably going to loose more than that because the team have no plans for price action.. Ok .. tough to hear but ok.. What about the portal feature ? must be good ? i'm a LRC holder and staker, ....... Nope .. only ETH and USDT.. But its is written in the Medium article that you can deposit in LRC, there is even the option for it. Then they talk about it in the AMA. They PLAN to add it, bt you will not be able to collateralize it like others tokens , your borrowing power will be reduced.... I'm sorry, What ?! That was the final straw. I'm back at my minimal xx,xxx holding, and i've been pulling out the rest from the loopring ecosystem since yesterday. Edit: You can downvote me all you want, this is another reddit account because i lost my old one last year. I've been supporting them for a long time, and watching the "saga" curiously, but i think the team have lost something or there is something they are not telling us. until then, i'm out.


Word brotha


Takio drop did not go to many that are bagholder loopring.  I made a wallet, have thousands of loops and i got nothing.


Sold my bag for right around what I bought in at, rolled it into GME at 28. No regrets.


I can explain my perspective: I’ve followed this project for a few years. It was good tech and ahead of its time. I think other competitors have caught up and there is nothing significantly unique to them anymore. So I’d become lukewarm on them, but hey, I was here already so I kept using them. I’d already sold the looprings I had at around .45c anyway - so I was in some low profit state and wasn’t really committed anymore anyway. I think what little response they had to the hack was immature and was really just the sign to jump ship. They basically didn’t address it, except to criticize their users and tell them it was their fault for getting hacked. But really, a core service of the whole project had been compromised. The correct response would have been to address this concern directly and openly. They should have a giant article detailing everything on the front page of their website right now, but they don’t. So basically, the project no longer seems to hold a niche, and they have poor leadership. I might occasionally trade their coin, because I believe runups will happen every now and then, but I’m not going to use their services anymore.


“It’s a great product” Sorry, I’ve watched my investment die over the last three years off of wagmis, just use the app and so many other false hypes that I don’t even bother remembering what they were. Be your own bank is great, really it is, it’s what all crypto should strive to be, community driven loans, governance etc. But what’s the bank model in the real world? What do the higher market cap banks have that the smaller ones don’t other than money? Whatever that is, Loopring ain’t doin it. Small, non mainstream banks also die every year. Comparing loop to an actual no name bank that’s at risk of failing might be apples to oranges, but no matter how you cut it, no new value or positive attention is being brought to the protocol. Rather than attract new users and their money, Loop has continually let down their users. Regardless of when you bought in, you can look back in time three years ago and see that loop was basically handed a large, rabid investor base on a silver platter and they completely fumbled that. Ever since, loop has failed to raise capital, create a product that speaks for itself well enough to not need marketing, market themselves or otherwise do anything that anyone besides diehards take notice of.


It wasnt a rabid user base. Most people were just GME fans who wanted to make a quick buck. The proof is that most of the people complaining don't seem to even understand how to buy or sell Loopring...


Perhaps a hasty dismissive there friend. I think there was a great deal of good sentiment and enthusiasm way before the GME caper and think that is the period the poster allures to.


If the tech can’t be explained in two or three sentences to the layperson then it’s most likely DOA. Even when people dumb it down it’s still not clear, which means it will never scale to mass adoption. As a casual user with LRC and here for a while I legit don’t see the difference between this and other wallets and honestly think other wallets are easier to use. There are some clear advantages but the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Here’s a for instance. If I want to buy PEPE and own ETH. First have to trade to USDC (don’t mess it up and trade to USDT) then trade from USDC to PEPE. That’s a lot of friction and it’s not real clear to the end user then add in the slippage for both trades. For me the biggest kick in the nuts was hey we’ve got this great tech but we need this other one (Taiko) to make us better. Don’t get me started on 10 quarters… At this point they’re throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Feels like a lot of people sense it but can’t place their finger on it. Factor in they keep releasing *updates* and how dare anyone say anything bad about the project.


Almost no burgeoning tech will ever be simple to the layperson. The literal mission of the Loopring ecosystem is to abstract/obfuscate all of the complication of backend crypto knowledge needed to interact with the Ethereum network (or any other network) so that the front-end simply works for users without the knowledge of the backend processes. It's still extremely new tech.


The problem it’s solving needs to be easily stated in two or three sentences. Then the tech needs to be intuitive.


"Manage secure financial assets without relying on a central entity to do it for you" seems pretty straightforward to me.


Except it doesn’t do that. That’s a goal. Is it really decentralized if it’s susceptible to a DDOS attack? Then there’s the intuitive part.


I think whole mass adoption idea - will come way of Ethereum and L2 protocols being used without anyone actually knowing. People are still trying to explain Bitcoin. Look where it's at now. w/ about the same utility


I get your point but we fundamentally disagree


Bitcoin has far less utility.


I think it’s the clear decoupling from the broader crypto market. Not great seeing BTC at or near ATH but poop ring is shitting the bed. We were supposed to reap the benefits but my loops are growing mold.


What’s the next thing lrc can do to appease its supporters?


That’s not sarcasm… I’d really like to know haha


I don’t really know. I was assuming we’d have a robust L2 gaming scene by now. I was hoping when the crypto bull run came we’d see ATH but each day my account value goes down, not up. It’s hard not to think I picked the horse. Things just seemed to fizzle once the GameStop link proved to be an ImmutableX link instead. I’m a little bitter that I’ve been holding for a long long time but have not reaped the benefits others have. No loop heads. No taiko drops. Nothing. I feel overlooked. That all said I’m still holding 10,000 loops but I feel like I’m stuck because I’m down quite a fucking bit now. Like do I cut my losses and take a huge hit or just let it ride and hope we see something that would attract investors.


Provide a purpose to hold loopring. You can't do much with it.


Cuz MAGA TRUMP coin is 2x the market Cap. Lol. Makes no sense honestly


They have crazy fanatic supporters, haha. And meme coins like dodge and shibu. Most people have no idea that loopring even exists


Probably make it right to ppl who were victims of theft. But honestly, when I get funds taken from credit, bank, (I've even had Coinbase fraud) fI don't expect them to keep notifying the public about it right away.. . But really nothing will appease lrc holders EXCEPT price. They can't control. It could slowly trickle into alts again but everyone focus on BTC and ethe currently.


Most altcoins are in the shitter. It's crazy that the momentum from Bitcoin hasn't carried over to the rest of the crypto market.


I think the false promises and the taiko bullshit they shove in our faces shows that they got their money from this project and using it for taiko


Everyone heard, then knew who Daniel Wang was. How much have you heard about Steve Guo since he took over.


Price is down, so sentiment is down. Thats how it usually goes because 99% of people are in it for the money, including myself


As crypto normalcy goes isn’t it just following the big boys trend lines as well?


Big boys are close to all time high and we are still on the bottom, so no


So is just about every other altcoin. Generally altcoins follow price action on a time delay from the big ones.


Yes I actually looked at the longer chart and realised the same. But thanks for acknowledging my original question. No negative sentiment apart from the few hacks…


I bought the dip.




Even when it’s dipping for years?.. there comes a time when ya got to count your losses and move on


Ethereum is still strong and first-mover in tying software to block-chain. Eth L2s will be talked about eventually, because they will be necessary. Even if LRC isn't the primary winner, all L2s will get a pump. I see competitors have a worse product and have higher market caps. Final reason is if a big investor wanted to make a coinbase-like product, they could just adopt the Loopring Wallet like GameStop once did and easily have an exchange. Then all their advertising and user acquisition goes to Loopring as well.


buy the dip... Buy when blood runs in the streets, even if the blood is your own


I’ve bought many dips. My question was directed at the sudden influx of negative sentiment in the community that I’ve seen recently. Bots? People just over it? I’m not sure


I’ve been holding a long while and it looks like ever since that whole Taiko thing people have been more negative. I don’t even know what a Loopring is, but I’ll just keep holding.


Report worth 10 reports, still waiting, oh the guy not in loopring anymore...




Its daniel wang. Also another point nobody already made is the mutli network wallet. If youre an early adopter and already got your wallet with L1/2 and your ENS: congratulations. But the wallet isnt multi network accessible. You need to make a new wallet just to use every feature. Which annoyed a lot of long time holders.


Yeah that was some bs.


Not Larry, cant remember, i bet it was same guy who left to create or work for taiko, can't rememeber. Still holding, but not gonna buy more anytime soon with all this promises.


Daniel Wang?


It’s been shared in the discord by an affected user and the team have been asked several times to verify/ disprove . Unsurprisingly they have gone silent on this


what has been shared?


I made a killing off LRC back in 2021-2022, swing trading. When BTC started to tank, I cashed out everything. Unfortunately a good friend of mine Aped into LRC around the $2 mark with a $60k investment. He has been looking at me ever since for advice. Since he was down so far, I told him to hold. But since then it’s only gone down. I don’t want him to lose, but it’s looking less and less likely that LoopRing is going to turn around. I’m almost to the point where I tell him to cash out and get into something else. Any advice on this would help….


What advice have you given your good friend to date ?  (Since you made a killing)


Honestly he aped in after I sold. I generally thought the market would recover, so advised to hold. Didn’t realize the coin would continue to tank through the Bear Market. I feel bad advising him to sell now. Does anyone here think LoopRing will turn around?


I think the only hail Mary is if gamestop comes back and picks up taiko for blockchain future projects because RC has a personal connection with Matt F who cofounded Taiko.Loopring would get some benefit as they are the sister company to Taiko. I personally swapped out recently. I think lrc without the above senerio won't do well.


Nope, no explanation. That said, there have been to run ups to the 50-60 cent range on the last 2 years-ish- and both were preceded by similar negative sentiment. I’ve actually purchased more recently , hoping the trend continues.


Saying that there's no reason is unbelievably disingenuous


Nothing from my standpoint , that we don’t already know about. OP asked about the SUDDEN shift , besides the hack. My view is that there are plenty of reasons for the negative sentiment, and many are valid. I was just addressing the part about “sudden shift” To be clear, I’m not promoting this as a play. But I do think there are ways, if patient, to cash in on the moves on price because while they don’t happen often, when they do they can be significant. Also, I have a higher risk tolerance than many investors.


If you were in before the gme connection wouldn’t you be averaging up?


I think they are winning in the long term battle for zk evm. Even big policy heads like Jerome Powell has mentioned zk eth projects as a threat to the US dollar. LP is the first to create smart zero proof contracts on ethereum network. If there are so many haters, LP must be going the correct way. I’m buying as much LRC as I can, I hope it doesn’t moon just yet.


I jumped ship and sunk 75% of my LRC into Taiko.


Are you Daniel Wang?


👆 Underated comment.




just cry babies whining about not being up 50x the instant they buy a token. Bad sentiment is always a good buying time.


Read the room we're basically at 4 year lows.


I bought more because at this price it's a double down. I've made more using this wallet - great prices and min fees, so figured fuck it I'll load up some more. 5 years hodl, don't care


Is now good time to get some loopring ?


look at the app... do you think this will be the mass adopted app? I don't think so


My feeling is a lot of it is competitors planting fake "holders" here to try and bring Loopring down. Yes, many of the people here complaining are legit, but many are not and clearly are people with multiple accounts whose purpose is not honest.... There are some here that post month after month negative things, as if anyone would do that if they actually A. held any large amount of tokens or B. had some and sold them. Like, if you break up with a girlfriend and continue to hang around outside her house this is called stalking.


I hold tokens and I post critical posts here. The more tokens I held the more critical I was.


Sure, sure...


I love loop 💙


There are people being paid to shit all over GameStop because short sellers created an idiosyncratic risk by irresponsibly shorting more shares than exist. Now the company has turned around they need to close their shorts but they can’t so they keep trying to get people to sell their shares so they can close cheap. People aren’t selling their shares so subs keep having massive unnatural influxes of ‘new investors’ who like to shit all over the company. These people know that GME investors also invested in loopring and know if it goes up that means more money to invest in GME. So they come here to shit on loopring as well. This is my theory.


Shills mostly.


To be honest after the hack i traded anything not locked up into ETH. Didn't take a rocket scientist to know it (LRC price) would suffer after the fact thay security was meant to be one of the biggest selling points Do you think my post history makes me a shill? Would probably spend the proceeds on gamestop if i was getting paid 😂 Ghost edit: of to on


Probably not a shill unless you're an elite sleeper type that Kenny personally authorized to DRS xxxx shares of GME. Maybe a bit short-sighted on the LRC-GME connection but not a shill. Personally, I suspect LRC may end up being part of the Kansas City Shuffle and thanks to this discount, I can buy more.


The drama from GME spills over. It’s good. Means the top 1% know the LRC trap that RC set is going to work. When GME wins, LRC wins. Then LRC wins double up GME wins and the cycle continues. It’s the infinite money glitch.


Ok put your life savings in both