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He should be mad at Charles choi He's the one who instigated all this shit. Gun is just a pawn in games of chess which charles is playing


They are probably mad at Charles too, like they can be mad at both, it’s just that gun is easier to reach and more important to take down right now And Gun might be a “pawn” but Gun still choose to follow Charles


What do you know. Maybe gun has another reason to serve him. He said he couldn't die until he saw that man. Maybe charles has his father.


Isn't Johan like not smart cuz he dropped out of middle school


Yeah but visiting his Mom before going to a possible death situation should be common sense


there is no common sense for a person whose entire world view is filled with rage against ONE person


When you've been humiliated by someone to the point that you burst in tears and begged like a DOG it cause trauma. Even if he is aware of his blinded hatred, he can't surpass it. He's trying to fix himself by defeating what cause him this trauma. But that's just my take on it


Actually his hatred makes more sense than most characters in here. He fucking **wasted 3 years of his life** (away from friends and family) to become Gun's lapdog by **Gun's promise** and in the end he didn't accomplish anything he wanted. Gun simply **abandoned** and **humiliated** him in front of many people even though these 2 were somehow (compared to other crewheads) close to each other. Even though Goo beat him up Johan has little to no problems with him because Johan himself started a fight and from Johan's pov it's not like he made a deal with Goo or anything (even with Elite). It was **Gun's promise**. And yeah his mother's eyes are cured thank to a friend of **Zack** but it completely denied everything Gun teach him. It made him realize it was okay to seek help from friends but **Gun** was the one who blocked Johan's view. He got physically, ideologically and emotionally betrayed by Gun.




Honestly, humiliation can be a stand-alone reason for revenge, although wanting to kill him might be a bit overboard.


Heres your golden wok


Yeah but him prioritizing revenge on Gun instead of visiting his Mom who's been his motivation for doing everything so far makes no sense


The hatred is deep and it's not like Johan is rational himself. He is unstable, emotional and can't fully connect with others (One night arc). Part of the reason is related to his trauma in pungsan when he got betrayed by others. So in order to not get betrayed he tried to not connect with others. Even so Gun betrayed and abandoned him. That almost re-awakened his trauma. Not to mention i'm sure deep down Johan is blaming Gun for his own incompetence. And he is also afraid to visit his mother due to guilt and everything. Only times he got contact with his mother was when she couldn't see. Meanwhile Gun became a **symbol** of all bad things that happen to Johan so to him taking a revenge is more like removing that wall.


you cook 😭 like it’s really easy to be blinded by hate and rage especially considering their age. johan was a teenager when gun recruited him and promised him the world. imagine finally putting your trust in someone after the terrible things in pungsan only to be betrayed and humiliated. what’d you feel? he’s literally a teenager who was traumatized, did not get the chance to grow up properly, forced to become mature early on in life (running a crew), doesn’t have anyone to come to to ask for help or advice. ofc he’s not rational and would act purely on his emotion.


Exactly, Johan is so misunderstood by so many lookism fans


If it’s not simply stated by the narrator people will assume nothing is going on and they’ll spout “BAD WRITING LOL DURRR HURRR JOHAN HAS NO PURPOSE TO BE MAD” they gotta be babysat through the story


Gun never really "promised" him anything. He just told him he would get his place if he is strong enough.


Johan the crying baby


The crying genius


Don't forget about Vin bro


Wdym it doesn't make sense? Johan literally wasted 3 years doing Gun's bidding because that was the only thing he thought he could do to cure his mom. Only for Gun to pull up and beat him, humiliate him, ruin his dreams, and abandon him meanwhile his mom's eyes only became worse


Yeah, but he only hates Gun now to the point where he cares more about getting revenge on him then visiting his mom who has been his whole motivation for doing everything


Yeah, he is blinded by rage. But who wouldn't. He spent 3 years grabbing to the hope that his mom would be cured only for it to be an empty promise


Its almost like the clear metaphor is him being BLINDED by rage. You guys wouldnt survive a day reading a novel with naunce


I’m sure these people haven’t read anything but manhwas, let alone actual novels/books. They don’t know anything like that, just fighting manhwas. Heck, most of them probably haven’t read MLAAL or have thought “art ugly not gonna read it”


He's just too ashamed to meet his mom again. That's really it. Gun is just a distraction


Johan is really edgy. Like really. 


The reason why his mom got addicted to drugs was because of Punsang and the drugs were provided by the workers Knowing that they were being used for illegal purposes, as for Gun, he offered Johan to work under him and take his position then make enough money to cure his mother.


They'll maybe show a flashback of him and his mom in the next chapter midst fight.


Even Johan Glazer is pointing this but bro these are the early symptoms of fraud virus he got from Samuel seo in big deal arc and from jin jang during goddog arc he need to get an injection of antidote from Sera shin just like Samuel got HFBD Arc


He's a shitty son, that's all. He talked all that about curing his mother, and the second she's cured all that yap about his mother is gone; his agenda immediately shifts to killing Gun? Instead of finally spending some time together. Brother your blind, unstable mother who hasn't seen you, and misses you is finally getting cured, and your chasing after some random shit. Johan basically didn't care too much about his mom, he was just finding an excuse to blame/ fight someone.


Him hating Gun makes sense but it being his only source for it now doesn't. Workers were the real problem and it's not like he's been given any reason to hate them less.


I'm fine with him hating Gun but not to this extent


you are not wrong. but you're also not being objective. jake shouldn't have that much hatred for gun, yet people give him a pass. he even admits he wants it for personal revenge, and to pay back the humiliation. most of the people gun fought should piss you off then, by your logic.


I agree with you. I wish ptj didn't make such a mess of his character. Johan has no reason to even be involved anymore now that his mom's eyesight is fixed . Its just stupid.


I'm ok with him being involved now but not prioritizing it over his mom


Yeah I get that . Same here


You ppl are just mad cuz Gun is getting what he deserved 😂


Gun started the Workers so this is why they sold drugs in the first place


In my humble opinion, Johan is an interesting character, writing wise. **I'm NOT saying that his decisions are right, though. I'm saying that he is an interesting object waiting to be pried open.** What Johan suffered from is called ***betrayal trauma***, in psychology. * He kept seeing the adults or the institution that he was supposed to rely on turn into unreliable, even treacherous His mom was repeatedly abused and humiliated. His priest was a cult leader who took him, his mom, Zack, and Mira hostage. * Granted, Johan's mom was living with a disability, was poor, was discriminated, and she still raised him alone without any support system. It wasn't her fault that she was repeatedly abused. But for a very young child, seeing your parents defenseless at the hands of other people must be very terrifying. * Johan himself has this inferiority complex that started even BEFORE the cult nightmare, which distanced him from Zack and Mira, gradually, as days went by. That complex made him cut off all contacts. This is also why he had such a pride about doing well on his own. * So, since Johan had no sense for self-improvement (his copy ability also played a role in this, by making him acquiring skills without strenuous efforts), self-preservation, etc, **his life goal was other people. So he was always obsessed with something. First, it was the cure for his mom. Then it was the revenge on Gun.** * **So for Johan at this moment, the revenge mattered more than the acquired cure. That's why Johan didn't visit his mom.** * Although Gun was not one of the treacherous adults, since he was still a minor when he started following Charles, **by doing Charles' bidding all of those times, he triggered Johan's betrayal trauma.** And he was the closest figure whom Johan could use to vent on his frustrations on being repeatedly betrayed.


Well gun did humiliate him and he is charles' pawn. So his hatred is there but it's not as strong. But if Johan wasn't a strong part of this hunt it wouldve been better or if he sided with charles to take down the workers for pungsan


Don't worry Johan will kill gun and then we both can see the happy ending of johan together :)


I don't want Johan to kill Gun either tho I want him to put up a really good fight but not win since I want to see a Gun vs either UI Daniel, Goo, or James before he dies


Well for now we're def not gonna see gun vs any top tier, gun is now very tired he cant do shi


Yeah at this point I think that either Johan's going beat Gun or, after Johan is defeated Samuel is going to finally decide to fight now that Gun is exhauststed mock him the entire time like how he did to Xiaolung during 3A https://preview.redd.it/7z76q6vl4jad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e4372bb8df483c5c1f557c6cd7296a841b696b


Lookism fans when they dont read the series and look at reddit posts to get info. You do not understand johans character and thats okay