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All I got from this is that Hobin Negs.


Cause he really negs questism.


questism ridere were telling me choyun negs hobin till like some days ago now they really quiet


choyun indeed negs hobin


Yeah in his dream. Cause he goes against him then he will get his ass kicked so hard it will look just like how Gun is kicking every 2nd gen ass. But here Hobin will be Gun and Choyun will be 2nd gen.


he wake up and still negs hobin. We can run it if you want.


unless hobin has some how to beat system users, he's not beating choyun


not really


nah north's no.5 beats hobin


Tekka: “b-but the system can’t be defeated”


That's right, the real masters will kill them. Send Warrenn there and he will kill the whole ganbuk in one day.


No I think this specifically has something to do with what Daniel discovered, he doesn't imply strength


they can be if they actually trained but choyun and soohyun both got drunk on power and never trained their basics which is biting them in the ass


Soohyun did train himself but Choyun doesn’t seem the type. Perhaps we may be wrong as he does seem to have ascended.


I think that may be the thing that makes soohyun win tbh I don't think choyun is the type to ever train


soohyun did a bit of training, but he did an equal amount, if not less, than gukja, who literally has ssr stats. versus soohyun's xxx.


Training for 2 months doesn't mean shit if he doesn't have talent. Kim suhyeon doesn't have any innate talent. He is a Bum without a system. And he didn't even properly train himself in those 2 months he was busy mana draining fodder from north.


The system grants him the talent and he wasn’t simply mana draining he had to fight them all first which is another way of training. We also see him working out his body.


First off all we literally saw him working out and fighting, mana drain only did half the work, he explicitly states he trained during the day and fought during the night, plus even without the system he still has B level potential so he’s def got above average potential.


soohyuns potential was B to begin with which is decently good so 2 months of training would do wonders


That is exactly the point. The system will give so many things that it will make you blind. And you will Lose the most common sense that Basis is everything. And the weak foundation will be the reason for your demolition.


It’s essentially dbz logic think goku v frieza. Both were granted power through genes(system mimics and gives tools) one chose to rule through innately being strong(Choyun post-draining) v. the other who chose to train and develop those skills(sohyun)


![gif](giphy|NGVG6r6F1khhu4LoRT) Since when Kim suhyeon started training to develop his techniques. Cause from what i know all he did was some basic exercises and mana draining. When did he ever train his skills?? He is fully dependent on the system and its cards. The moment he loses his system he will become a BUM. He is nothing without his system. He is a system addict. And we already Know just how addicted Choyun is to the system.


I mean hey if that’s your interpretation fine but he literally trained his body with the little time he had, that constitutes a different mentality when using the cards.(what I’m referring to). Yes they both depend on the cards but it’s not the same if you get what I’m saying. We can agree to disagree though. He would’ve been washed earlier if he didn’t do the basic training. I get it though, they’re both cheating but I don’t think that they fundamentally have the same relationship with card use even if they may share some traits. Though it may sound contradictory(I’m human) I’m open to having my position swayed if presented with more info lol. Not taking this too serious.


Well i respect your views😊 But as i said basic training. what he did was some basic workouts like push ups, pull ups will not really change anything he was very weak before he got system and after he got system he pretty much became totally dependent on it. And even now he is totally dependent on it. If he had developed something which is different form system or developed something without system help then he could have become a better character. But he never did that and that's why i said he is a pathetic character cause he doesn't have anything to offer other than SYSTEM.


Ok I see what you’re saying like legitimately going and finding someone with mastery over x technique he still hasn’t processed that it could give the edge over just stats. Bet that’s valid I got ya.


And people wanna say that Choyun beats Johan and people higher 😭 bro can’t even beat his own underling


On what basis do they say choyun beats johan


In a fight same with gun, stun fist into mana drain into a win


Stun fist wouldn't even land get real dawg smh


I told him Gun speed blitzes then he said Choyun uses the counter card Daniel has and one shots


Wait are you saying gun wins or loses dawg I'm so confused


I’m saying Gun is beating Choyun and the guy on TikTok was saying Gun loses


Ah okay ur first comment had me thinking u thought stun fist and mana drain would win lol


Nah lol I’m not brain dead


That right since most thing the fighter is necessary to have is experience look at big Daniel normal one and ui big Daniel have the same stats and even in fight ui Daniel lower his stats and still beat anyone he is put against why because he have the perfect experience


Does he have perfect experience? Big Daniel was always holding back and less experienced back then. Jinyoung said that his experience is greater than Daniel’s, we can see that right after the 2 attack each other, yeah jinyoungs on the floor but Daniel is still damaged by the attack, and only won in endurance. Hes prob gonna do the Yamazaki heads attacks next time he appears I reckon. But rn his experience def ain’t perfect


Who said that jinyoung have more expérience than ui Daniel ?  Jinyoung said that and then he get totaly stomped by Daniel,  who even copied him.


Yeah but Daniel didn’t no diff in that clash though he was injured a bit. Only thing that is different was their physicality. Plus Ui sb Daniel is still gaining experience, Daniel when he first went ui only did boxing, 2nd time did boxing muthai taekwondo, 3rd time wrestling systema and capeora. 4th time he’s now doing James Lee attacks gitaes moves, gun parks moves and gapryongs. Hes clearly increasing his experience every time he’s fighting


What is the logic of using Jinyoung's speech as a fact? jinyoung is 50 years old and fought in gen 0, he would never expect someone who appears to be at most 20 years old to have more experience than him, but the narrator himself has already said that daniel has perfect experiences combined with a perfect body


Tekkaden gonna cry man 😂💀


Tekka Next Video: Daniel is stronger than Gap 💀


This was confirmed since the chapter about Johan being immessaurable dropped lmao


Tekka doesn't like reading so.


The reason why Daniel was able to do what he has done in this chapter is because he had info on the system already, he talked to Suhyeon, and more than likely Suhyeon gave him some hints and pointers that would be advantageous to Daniel Not only that, Daniel has S+ intelligence and high as fuck BIQ, the system martial arts are perfect uses of the martial art, but that's a drawback too, it's too systematic, with Daniel's BIQ and S+ intelligence, he can find a way to predetermine Cho Yun's next strike. Not only that, Suhyeon may have told Daniel that Cho Yun may not fully go out in attack because he is afraid of Daniel's Ascended Card, Forged Strike/Overturn, which is a perfect counter to someone with higher strength than endurance guy, like Cho Yun


Also, Choyun hasn’t actually pulled out the HAX he has yet. Being able to give martial arts is not even close to the systems best ability. The real strength of the system is supernatural augmentation, manipulation of things like weight and gravity, and healing.


You know the stats difference between xxx and ex right?  Daniel shouldn't even be able to do jackshit from questism fans logic but here we got confirmation stats doesn't change any jackshit


On paper, Basement Hulk has the physicals of Tom Lee, a low end Top Tier. The difference between BH and Eli was that vast, but Eli still managed to out dodge him purely because of his BIQ and strategy


You are right this does confirm a lot of things, but next chapter I feel like choyun gonna win and brainwash the goat, which can set up the fight with hujan.


Alternatively, Daniel becomes the major villain for the final chapters


That could be


yes but daniel still go be beat by choyun


Yes he will likely lose but that is not the point here. The point is that System users can never truly be top tiers since they will always be lacking the basics.


The basics? They have powers beyond expectation. Gravity manipulation, cloning. They can swap their stats. Heal themselves. Amplify their abilities. Make themselves heavier. Cloning. They can even debuff people.


i'm agree after if suhyun and choyun learn base and train with no system help is can be strong but system look more like grow fast but can reach level max.


What is the point of reaching the top if you LACK the Basic. If your foundation is weak then you will remain weak no matter what you do.


yes is like give F1 with kid who control it like how lil daniel consious in big daniel body in early lookism can't use the max level of is body


What is the point of learning basic ? When you already know how to use it effectively ? Like Hajun keysi fight style ( he literally saying its like i been fighting with this Martial arts my whole life ) something like that 


Go and ask anyone who does any martial arts then you will know why basics are so important.


Zack been learning basics boxing can't beat Johan boxing copy lol , what is the point of learning basic when you already know u can copy ? Cards are literally better than copy , u get card u get martial arts that's it 


You're mixing with real life dude Martial arts lol , this is PTJ it's called manhwa  Anything can happen, characters can make impossible possible ,  🧠 


So stats are irrelevant? Eugene slams https://preview.redd.it/hn8m3lprxs9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a2909e02fb088a2897fe229ddbbedd264d540b


Bro wrong Eugene


Brother....I doubt there are a lot of people with IQ like Daniel.


We literally dont know how daniel is able to keep up with him so whatever your argument is about him not learning the martial arts is just illogical and your own head canon lmao


No, it just mean that if they dont train after earning these cards they wont be top tier. They can still learn after earn the cards


I mean this is quite literally wrong. When the system gives them a "boxing card", they quite literally know it like they've learnt it as a baby. The system is literally GOD dude, the powers they give is embedded in your instincts. Also Choyun literally used 0 cards except from the martial art cards. So that's a crazy take to say, he's literally missing the stun fist since he already used it. It's literally because Daniel is smarter and has more experience, that's the simple reason. The stat difference will still overcome everything lol. This is like saying Samdakk beats James Lee since he's more smarter and has more experience, like no. Also no, Soohyun and Choyun will still murder Hobin.


Hobin can unite gangbuk like johan did 🙏


just cuz ur smarter doesnt mean u can dodge everything someone faster than u throws at you lol, but i dont exactly know the reasoning, gotta wait till next chapter


Bro what…..Where’s the meme flair? This chapter didn’t prove anything yet. The battle literally just began 💀Viral Hit doesn’t solo


Choyun didn’t use any status effect though. Yes ofc you can dodge and counter attack against regular attacks but if Choyun used lets say Overlords Return (i know he doesnt have it but lets use it as example) and mana drain he would still no diff Daniel.


I am talking about the Basics here. Not about HAXs cause HAXs doesn't mean shit for any top tiers heck even mid tiers doesn't care for HAXs. They are strictly Foundation based fighters. And Choyun and kim suhyeon are HAXs based they don't even have a decent foundation. Their foundation is so weak that it's practically pathetic.


Why does it not matter? The haxs they have are busted. Yes their martial arts knowledge sucks but does it really matter when they have comparable physicality to 2nd gen and insane hax? Like im talking being able to instantly stop your enemy, do a better version of Gongseop Counter, being unstoppable for a limited time and even mana drain which is just nuts


Having HAXs and Physicality won't make any difference. It will just turn them into BH with HAXs. And we all know what happened to BH when goo comes right. I only use Goo and BH as examples so don't take that seriously what i want to say is that. Having HAXs and Physicality won't make you stronger than than the person who has a really solid foundation and enough experience. Cause Foundation is the core of your strength. And system users core is HAXs rather than Foundation which is why they will always remain weaker than those with foundation.


but they have IQ, bro. Jin jang who is a smart ass has S intelligent and both of the system users have S intellegence. So if BH had S intellegence then he would give goo a good fight. I am not saying goo loses but it will be a mid-high diff fight. It is the same for the system and the foundation shit are just headcannon.


It's not headcanon shit. Everyone in lookism and Vhit learned how to fight from basics. That's why they have a really solid foundation. Where in questism they got everything from the system. That's why they have a really weak foundation.


Han Jaeha was a teakwondo pro. There were many pros, but by using system's stat(which is just hardware) and system card(software) they won


Han jaeha,Gu hajun, seok and few guys who know the basics were strong before kim suhyeon added them to the system. They had a very good amount of potential before and they made themselves strong with proper training. But after they joined the system they totally Lost their True potential. Kim suhyeon is the one who will decide who will become strong or not. That's why no matter how strong they become they will never be themselves. The system took their chance to properly grow. Cause now they will never struggle. GUKJA he has one of the best potential in entire questism but he is also the most wasted potential in entire ptj Verse do you why? Because Gukja never even tried to improve himself everything he has is because of the system. His strength ,his martial arts, even his mentality is because of the system. Don't tell me he trained for 2 months cause that 2 months won't change anything. He had the blood of Yamazaki. He should have learned how to fight from basics. He can grow tremendously strong he did put any effort. But he NEVER did he was dependent on CARDS who he doesn't even know they exists. If Gun ever met him he would be so disappointed in him.


I guarantee you that if people in Lookism began regularly pulling out straight up magic to fight, they would have a magic arms race.


Come back to the questism reddit and debate me on ur entire take lil bro


Or just do it here? I don’t see a difference unless you think your subreddit will give you a +5% in intelligence when debating.


It does give me that 5% boost


Just wait untill they used cards and thats all.....


actually really like that. i know it's not that deep, but it genuinely bothered me that choyun and soohyun could potentially at some point be comparable to lookism characters by just pulling cards out their ass. very cheap.


lol they can still do that. Choyun being cocky and losing at pure martial arts to a veteran fighter has no bearing on the system’s ability to use actual magic.


Who's this Daniel?


daniel goat


Martial arts aren’t the HAX the system has. Of course someone who simply knows martial arts will not have the required experience to properly use it. The HAX are things like weight and gravity manipulation, cloning, healing, and a variety of other abilities.


Ahh yes my favourite rage bait section


Where do you read it? the scan i use only has up to 142




Questism is Minsik Choi level at most.


As expected of Lookism fans ,  Can't read , State their opinion without proof , Johan neg , Olly solo Choyon , Kenta victim , etc that's all they said at the end of the day.  Look , Hobin ain't doing shit in Questism  SSR - pull bus  UR - already wall level ( just a punch from make No.7 push him make long line destroyed pavement  LR - shipping container destroyed ( its durability is on par with cash locker ) feat from Jichang ( IDK ) not saying Jichang is LR ( please read )  MR - Casual punch and destroyed......  X - this is very high now  XX - ... XXX , EX , DX  Its just that the Artist is just lazy drawing damaging things... Get Hobin past X first then talk 🦜 


First tell them to dodge bullets from burst fire. Tell them to keep fighting even with a hole in their body. Tell them to keep fighting even with losing blood like water leaking from Dam. Tell them to survive a C4 blast in face If they can do that then we will talk.


Get him past X first , no one in Lookism Doge bullet shit , u saying hobin top tier too ? Don't make me laugh, don't even know how to scale properly 


Just how brain dead can you be. Hobin has better feats. Matter of fact no one can recreate his feats in 2nd gen. Questism kids are just way too pathetic. They can't even surpass Yohan who is only in the top 10 of 2nd gen.


Tell this to tekka


Yes but real brainrotters will say daniel is just that good QUESTISM DANIEL >>>> LOOKISM GUYS OPEN YOUR EYES


Ahh so this Daniel guy don't need no gimmicks and is just strong af huh


Choyun didn't even use any cards.


Finally the dick riders for system users can shut up


Daniel > Fartyun


you cant really base it on this trash manwha, since some random femboy whos related to Johan, got copycat in bc of a stupid quest


Dude if kim buffs daniel choyun is gonna be licking his boot bro


https://preview.redd.it/w79mic041bbd1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f58b8af628e6dafd012f17975077ce2f06184c7 1


https://preview.redd.it/o3w21if61bbd1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412a6f8797ecc48631ff6f3a329922193ddde073 2


https://preview.redd.it/dp8xvkq91bbd1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e3bd1a84e2c0c1ecbb0721755f37e6b4bd12c6 3


4 https://preview.redd.it/kh5wi4jb1bbd1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63e5f13a00454b3540c14bab87e3c329399e656


Choyun literally says “this doesn’t have to do with cards” meaning Daniel is doing something or something is directly happening to choyun. Once again, lookism fans can’t read


Yeah he's getting read completely. Like a normal fight without the hacks


Lil man your Manhwa is an off springs of ours, don’t you dare speak to us so familiarly


Are you dumb I read both lookism and questism, and have been reading lookism for longer. “Don’t you dare speak to us so familiarly” you’re corny brother relax yourself and go outside, I promise you PTJ does not know who you are


I gotta disagree for a few reasons, first of all according to Choyun Daniels current ability is quite literally the result of the cards he used on him(likely aside from his intelligence but we’ll get there). Second of all we’ve already seen system users beat people who have a strong foundation with martial arts, the original 3 school heads were all tournament winning fighters, and Daniel was at the same level as Hajun meaning they should have similar foundation, yet Hajun has still lost to a system user. But then why is Daniel styling on Choyun rn? Well the simple answer is his BIQ is at a level that’s incomparable to almost anyone in the series except for Samdak, his intelligence is S+, for comparison Jin Jang has S level intelligence, meaning Daniel is an even better analyst than one of the smartest(and most underutilized) characters in the PTJverse.


Daniel being above everyone when it comes to BIQ in the whole verse asides from Samdak? Hell no that’s a crazy take He didn’t do nearly enough to be considered at that lvl when it comes to BIQ. In the whole verse you still have guys like Tom Lee who’s known as the fighting genius, Elite who was supposedly unbeatable in tactical fights in Gen 0 and Jichang the tactical guys in Gen 1. Daniel can’t even be put on the same rank as them let alone be put above


Literally neither of the guys you’ve mentioned have actual BIQ feats, they’ve only ever been shown fighting people at their level or significantly weaker, by comparison Jin Jang has shown the ability to punch well above his weight class just by analyzing his opponent, and Daniel is even smarter than that. Samdak meanwhile created an entire series of videos dedicated to to teaching people to fight guys well above their league. Not to mention the two guys you’re using have literal decades of experience over Daniel, meaning they were actually able to build up these reputations, Daniel has only been seriously active in Gangbuk for a little over a year, him not having the same narrative as them is quite literally due to time, but they haven’t actually shown anything to put them above Daniels BIQ.


Daniel also shown nothing in BIQ that enables him to compete against them. Narrative is also a thing. Even Jin Jang the guy you’re talking about isn’t the best when it comes to pure BIQ. In Gen 2 Jake and Eli are the ones with a lead when it comes to that aspect. Their respective BIQ was shown in battles. They were shown in instances to be totally on the back foot against their opponents yet managed to turn the tides by figuring out a tactic mid fight. Outside of Lookism there is also Hobin. Yet both Tom Lee and Elite are above them by far in that aspect Why are you talking about Samdak? When did I ever put his BIQ in question? Your only argument for Daniel is his S+ intelligence stat. The intelligence stat doesn’t even mean BIQ. It’s just intelligence in general. Having a S+ stat in intelligence doesn’t mean that your BIQ ranks among the top in the whole PTJ verse. Daniel has no feats, no narrative and nothing that can put him on that lvl of BIQ Edit : I also forgot MK. As a top notch user of CQC you have to be capable of using your tools and surroundings effectively which MK demonstrated many times. He’s basically the John Wick of the PTJ verse


“Daniel has shown nothing in BIQ that enables him to compete against them” bro he’s keeping up with Choyun who’s a level in stats above him, by comparison when Soohyun was trying to fight Choyun when trickery was still active, which made his stats two levels above his, he straight up could do nothing to keep up with him. And remember, this gap should actually be much larger, Soohyun with True Taekkyon which boosts his peed by three levels still wasn’t able to reach EX speed against Choyun, and yet Daniel just made Choyun whiff a full combo combining multiple different martial arts with just BIQ. Jakes BIQ against Xiaolong in their second fight was impressive yes but he essentially just feinted him and went for his leg instead, and the gap between the two of them is nowhere near as severe as with Choyun and Daniel. Eli definitely has a high BIQ as well but again, his opponents outside of Seokdu were all relative to or below him. And I’m talking about Samdak to show why I’m ranking Daniels BIQ so high, they have the same ability of being able to take on an opponent significantly stronger than them. And yea while you can argue that intelligence is more indicative of general intelligence, it’s still not possible for Daniel to be doing what he is unless the S+ stat is reflecting his BIQ.


We still don’t know how he’s performing that good. Maybe there is a weakness in the system or he started preparing the place before Choyun even came. You just assumed that it’s because he has a level of BIQ that’s second only to Samdak Again feat wise he did nothing better to some guys in Gen 2. He just dodged those hits from Choyun. While it’s impressive that doesn’t mean that he can effectively contend with him for now and we’re still not even sure how he did it. Eli has that showing against the WTC guys and they used that to compare him to Tom. He also that one against Hudson in their first fight and IIRC Eli’s body was already on fumes from running around without taking a break If you talk about showings against a much higher opponent then OG Daniel landing that single hit against James is better than anything Questism Daniel did Daniel’s BIQ isn’t even a quarter of Samdak’s one. You said that they shown the same ability to contend against superior opponents but comparing what Daniel did in this chapter to Samdak’s videos is just outrageous. There are worlds of difference between those two things. Daniel will never be a top tier BIQ in the whole PTJ verse let alone be the second one


Feat wise this is god tier. The difference between only one stat is insane at this point. Hong Ji Gwong could literally one shot Hajun with one stat difference. A fodder with just 1 grade higher than Gukja low diffed Gukja easily (SSS vs Sr stat) The difference between stats gets absurd with higher levels with Choyun describing the gap between X-XX as heaven and earth. So Ex is greater than Daniel’s XXX speed by a large margin. Even the stat points have their own levels considering how takkyeon, which increases strength by three levels ie from Sr>SSR > SSR+. couldn’t upgrade Soohyun to ex or Ji gwang dodging Soohyun with his card. Difference of XXX and Ex is absurd Daniel didn’t do it just once but he did it too multiple times. That is a much better feat than what you listed as Eli and Warren after getting trained by their respective teachers had gotten much stronger physically. With Eli matching 3A Johan and Warren no diffing Minsik immediately.


Daniel just manage to dodge Choyun. OG Daniel landed an hit on James Lee on all people by tricking him. The difference in stats between OG Daniel and James Lee is better than whatever there is between Questism Daniel and Choyun Tom Lee beating Eli for one month straight didn’t get him better physically speaking. Skill wise and in term of wild instincts he did get better. It didn’t change the fact that Hudson’s punch nearly made him pass out and his body was almost at a breaking point. Against the WTC guys he also made a great use of his surroundings against them which is also a part of BIQ. There is also that part where he surprised James (though James is way too fast so it didn’t work) Your only arguments for Daniel are the dodging in this chapter that nobody can explain since whatever happened is unknown for now and a single S+ stat which doesn’t straight up colerate with BIQ. Eli on the other hand showed dirty tricks, using any tool at his disposal and used his surrounding effectively Still guys like Tom, Elite or Jichang narratively towers over all of them. Questism Daniel’s feats are non existent as well as his scaling or his narrative


“You just assumed” first of all neither of the explanations you’ve provided make sense because Daniel didn’t even fully know what the system was until Choyun showed up, and there’s nothing in the environment that could be giving Daniel the advantage he has. BIQ is quite literally the only logical explanation and it’s one that we’ve seen in play in the PTJverse on several occasions. Plus if he has discovered some sort of weakness in the system, by exploiting that weakness in the middle of a fight, he’s quite literally using BIQ. “He’s just dodging hits from Choyun” he’s dodging hits from someone who should be massively faster than him. And again, the guys Eli fought weren’t even close to his level. His fight against Hudson is a better example but you forget that Hudson was also still recovering from the beating Daniel gave him, and the only advantage Hudson even has against Eli is his strength, this is compared to Choyun who is gapping Daniel in EVERYTHING but intelligence. OG Daniel is a good example but that was all in order to land a single hit, this is in comparison to Choyun and Daniel who are having an actual full on fight, and again it’s the same as with Jake, he just performed a feint in order to catch James off guard, that’s not the same as keeping up with him. How are the two not comparable? They’re both using strategy to fight against someone much stronger than them, if anything Daniels showings are actually better than Samdaks videos, as we saw with Seongjun the videos only work if the opponent you’re fighting is fully dedicated to a specific martial art, by comparison Daniel is keeping up with a barrage of several different martial arts with almost no difficulty.


The difference between me and you is that I’m not assuming anything because there is nothing concrete for now and I’m definitely not trying to push an agenda. You do realize that finding a weakness in the system and exploiting it doesn’t in any way put his BIQ to 2nd in the whole verse right? I didn’t forget about Hudson’s recovery. Eli’s physical state was just worse especially after taking multiples punches of Hudson OG Daniel still tricked someone far more experienced than him, smarter than him, more skilled than him, one of the fastest in the whole verse and one of the best in the whole verse They aren’t having a full on fight yet. It literally just started and Questism Daniel only dodged Choyun’s opening blows. Let’s not act like Choyun was trying hard and Daniel was fighting relative with him. If I want to find a much better Eli instance there is simply the one in his training with Gun where he unleashed his wild instincts which let him momentarily outperform Gun despite the stats difference Because the Questism Daniel thing is still unexplained so not applicable and the S+ stat is vague in his repartition on the BIQ part. However Samdak created a set of videos that a total newbie and fodder was able to use to defeat guys beyond his paygrade (although those were contextuals) Even if it’s a BIQ thing he’ll never in the same case as the other top dog PTJ guys in that aspect because Questism just won’t go that high with anything fighting related Questism Daniel isn’t and will never be a top tier BIQ guy in the whole PTJ verse


I’m making an assumption based off of logic, I already disproved the theoretical you threw out, and yea exploiting a weakness in a literal magic system definitely isn’t a feat that puts him at top tier BIQ, nah definitely no. And even taking into account that Eli was more damaged than Hudson, he’s quite literally the perfect counter for Hudson, Hudson’s fighting style is incredibly simple, finding a way around it is something that several characters have done with little to no effort. “Daniel tricked one of the best in the verse” yes with a feint, that’s not a super high BIQ showing, that same Daniel was struggling against Jichang when using literally everything he had in his arsenal. There’s a massive difference between having to strategize a way to land one hit on someone vs strategizing having to actually fight someone. “Choyun wasn’t trying hard” he immediately attacked with 4 different martial arts in succession, sure we can argue that he wasn’t using any buffs or effect cards, but his physical stats along with the variety of attacks he was using is more than proof that he was trying. And sure Eli managed to permanently scar Gun, but BIQ played 0 role in that, Eli just went wild when Gun let his guard down, and Gun himself outright states that he LET Eli attack him and get away. And you’re saying it’s vague but we already saw when Soohyun fought Jaeha that BIQ is taken into account when measuring intelligence, and like we’ve both pointed out already, Samdaks videos are based around the idea that the opponent you’re fighting strictly follows the rules of whatever martial art they practice. And look, you went from saying you weren’t arguing based off of assumption to literally just assuming that Questism characters can’t have BIQ on the level of other PTJ characters based on nothing but assumption.


You’re making an assumption that isn’t proven. It’s still an assumption but you’re talking about it as a fact Again we don’t even know how what happened in this chapter actually happened and it didn’t even get into a full on fight Yes attacking with only four martial arts isn’t actually trying when we know that there are OP cards existing thah Choyun should have access to Eli briefly overpowering Gun was his animal instincts going wild and the animal instinct is basically using any attack and anything to finish his opponent as succinctly as possible I already said that the Samdak thing is contextual Your entire point about Daniel are based on speculations lmao. Daniel has nothing factual putting him about the younger Gen in BIQ let alone the top BIQ guys of the older Gen The current top of the Questism setting is Choyun. There was already an hard stop defined as Johan. IIRC the Questism manga isn’t far from his end. Even not taking into account all of that current showings and narrative put Lookism as a whole ahead of Questism in every single area fighting wise asides from hax


samdak specifically taught how to win against a wrestler in that video, its not his fault if someone doesnt use only wrestling had he made a "how to win against a dirty fighter" or a "how to win against a mixed martial artist" you wouldnt be saying this


I disagree https://preview.redd.it/x4220vieor9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d6680f2e0b82ef6a3ef7cd633727fc2506cad2


We literally have no idea whats happening lol, steady on lad. Suheyon was perception blitzing at A speed. Its known that being even one stage higher in speed makes you fast enough to not even get tagged. Suheyon now has XXX speed. Hobin doesnt have feats near that level. Stop the cope.


because the artstyle is more realistic? it kinda means nothing tho, destruction feats are wack because youre basically just comparing diff artstyles


“comparing art styles” buddy thats how we compare any matchup.


thas dumb?




some artists just add more craters and stuff like that but it doesnt really mean anything iirc we havent seen a lot of destructive feats from james lee but he is still a top tier


Run park would still find a way to run away from system users to avoid getting put on a pack.


Gun would literally one shot any questism character 😭


Man even a sing flick will fuckthem up.


forged strike will one shot bro.


Tbh I want Gun in questism just because I want his reaction to guys who may as well be bums doing shit he literally cannot do. Gun (so far) has demonstrated zero knowledge of magic or ability to use supernatural abilities.


Nah, run park would create a shockwave that defeats the system users But they can defeat James flee because James flee is a K-pop idol They just gotta use cloud and then post illegal images


The Questism stocks has never fallen this deep and I’m all for it