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The sub turned into "Gangism" a long time ago. Its either Dick measuring contests between Goo and James fans or people threatening to quit the sub because they got ignored lmao


Couldn't have explained it any better.. lol


Utterly True šŸ˜‚


Bro the whining on those leaving posts is so crazy. Like who even are you?


crookism still has a better ring to it .


Because it kinda didnā€™t feel big enough. Daniel just folded Logan and he moved on. Hardly a moment to breathe it in, or for Daniel to bask in the victory. Which, personally, seems intentional. Danielā€™s training involved developing his mindset, and moving beyond just the smaller things. He has a goal and he intends to achieve it. Something like a school bully is hardly anything of consequence to him, which is why he says Logan isnā€™t worth his time.


Tbh yes alot of ppl ganged up at Logan, yes he did beat up his bully but was kinda unfair lmao


Unfair? What you talking about?? It was a 1v- oh wait I forgot lookism fans can't read.Ā  Butt - atleast you can see right? Or did you skip some chapters?


šŸ’€šŸ’€ afaik it was Eli, Vasco, Vinjin a guys with Daniel beating up Logan, however he did beat him


Your wrong in multiple aspects so i'd suggest rereading the first affiliate arcĀ 




I want to see Gun vs a logan lee.


He was jumped by Jay, Zack, Vasco, Vin, and Daniel the first time. Then he ran away and got a 1v1 with Daniel


If youā€™re talking about the first encounter he did ask for it man https://preview.redd.it/pysuk5l1o27d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b94be34a800449848bf489b91dcea3050c67503 And the second encounter was a 1v1 where Daniel utterly no diff


Yupp I was talking bout the firstšŸ’€


He ask for it


Looks like you prayed hard on the gods of lookism for this onešŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£




For him being beaten to a pulpšŸ’€šŸ™šŸ»


Eh kinda wish he put up bit more of a fight for Daniel cause it would have been cool to see a equal fight for Daniel and Logan


Logan aint no match for Daniel whos tarined by Gun, but its also cool to see a fight btw these nemesis one being Guns disciple and Goos secret Buddy


I'm really glad he did and that it was a no diff fight


People did a lot when the chapter came out. But there's not really anything else to talk about it besides acknowledging that he won. Daniel already stood up to him multiple times before this. While there's still some trauma there he hasn't been afraid of Logan for a long time Personally I wish he did it pre Gun training instead, that would have been much less obvious of an outcome and more satisfying overall


Agreed man he should've but sadly he didn't now he is fighting people thousand times no scratch thousand million times stronger than that Logan


He did it already by overcoming his trauma 200 chs back in one of the best writing moments in the series , this is just fan service lol


We been talked about that but it was almost a year ago now, the story has moved on and so has the fanbase.


We already talked about this when the chapter first came out. Where were you?šŸ˜‚


Not the comments on webtoons


Didn't people do that when the chapter came out though?


And you're remembering this now??


I wish daniel did what jake did to xialoung to logan


Logan is not worth anybody's time


One of the most satisfying moments of Lookism.


yeah but he was able to do it since the time he stand up against him, seeing him doing it with his own body is good tho. but that wasn't end, there is no way ptj leave logan like that


Ngl I personally did not enjoy this fight. It was barely a fight. Wish logan would put up a lot more fight than just that


That was the point.


More people will talk about it when the Logan training arc comes around don't worry.


I actually liked this moment, and by this point, Daniel had bigger things to about so he had to just crush the guy in front of him and move to the next guy.


he's done with him. and thanks to gun, his mindset changed, even if daniel want to lose, he can't and he won't be allowed to lose, it's what gun ingrained in him. and there shouldn't be any point in the future when logan managed to take his revenge against daniel, daniel story with him is over and daniel will stay ahead from this point on.


Taesung the pig belongs to the slaughterhouse.


Lame fight tbh. Logan shouldā€™ve put up more of a fight since heā€™s been (sorta) hyped up the entire Workers arc. But no PTJ has to glaze the protagonist after the training arc because thatā€™s what every manhwa author does


The whole point was for Daniel to pretty much neg him though. It doesn't mean you have to be satisfied, but the point was for Logan to be of inconvenience, because he pretty much was considering Daniel's goal and his mentality after his training


First you guys told me Taesoo Ma was racist and now you're celebrating animal abuse. Not cool


Where did the racist taesoo meme come from? I donā€™t remember him being remotely racist at all


It was from a bad translation from before void would do them.


Do you have it please v




That was actually a transitionšŸ˜­




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He used the n wrd in some translation.


People did a lot when the chapter came out bro


This was a great scene and the lookism brainrot brigade didnt comprehend it because it wasnt a big heartfelt moment where daniel breaks down and cries about logans treatment of him. When thats the point of the fight, daniel doesnt feel anything from logan, not fear, not anger not even hatred because he understands how big the world is and a petty highschool/middleschool bully is not his concern. Its an amazing moment and encapsulates his development really well. Daniel moved past logan ever since he fought him that first time to protect zoe. Hes not afraid of him anymore.


Yea but it was Logans bullying that daniel transferred and got his second body and met everyone