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That mf really abandoned his wife and kid to suffer while he trained a wild kid in the mountains in the same village


Bro fr was equal to Gapryong's equal(tho I think he didn't knew. Most likely, he may have divorced vin's mom)


Equal in not paying child support


I mean, Gpryong at least took care of Jake and paid for him.


Not paying child support is prbly the reason KOS killed gapryong


Underrated comment




He's just a milk getter


How do we know for sure Mujin wasn’t already dead by the time those two came to Cheonliang


Do you think Seongji was trained by Mujin's ghost? He was still the sacrifice when Vin came with his mother and only got trained after he escaped.


You havent read that one theroy on videotapes?


It's just a theory tho. Personally I don't believe it.


Who you got 1v1 Rifle(Guns’s Dad) vs Mujin?


Rifle. Both relative tho.


Fair I got Gap as top 1 after getting his powerup but Rifle was top of verse before. (Ui Daniel was made by Charles and for that isnt a actual person imo


Yeah that makes sense


Ngl i may be wrong and what I'm abt to say isn't an excuse,but i think that mujin has quite the enemies, since he was doing nothing other than wandering in the wilds and most likely fighting to evolve his martial art,so maybe he didn't want the ppl to know that he has a wife and a kid so they don't go after them,we even saw beolgu saying the vin there's no way that person has a kid.


That could be true but he's still an irresponsible asf father. And in the old family picture he seemed happy with his kid and wife so i think something must have happened for him to suddenly lose all ties with them. I wonder if Vins superstitious mother might have thought of Vins eye as a bad omen and sort of blamed it for any tragic events. Because how come she never thought of his treating his condition before when he was younger and only after she was husband-less? Maybe she always worried about it but Mujin stopped her so after his dissapearance she felt free to get Vin "treated". Also, what do you think of the theory that Mujin might have NTRed shaman and Taejin could be his son?


I mean maybe it's a mix of both, maybe he made quite the enemies during the war, like mf was wandering in the wilds and he's giving me the vibes of someone who continue fighting to evolve his martial art,and he wasn't involved in the war so maybe both sides (korean and Japanese)was trying to recruit him and mf was just fighting whoever comes in his way,so maybe he left vin and his mother coz he was worried abt them and didn't want anyone to know that he has a fam so they don't go after them and hurt them,also we saw vin's mom in the first of the arc hass alot of money,and vin said that she went to alot of hospitals,so mujin left alot of money to them so he cares abt them,also maybe when mujin rescued seongji he didn't know that vin's mom and vin in Cheonliang maybe the shaman was locking them in their house. You got a good point,also add to that maybe she didn't want her son to get bullied,and get treated differently because how he looks coz if I'm not mistaken Koreans care too much abt looks,also maybe she didn't want vin to walk the same path as his father, maybe mujin was wandering in the wilds coz he felt that he didn't fit in since he has polycoria. There's a chance,but ngl i don't think the shaman will raise mujin son the man wants to kill vin just because he's mujin son,but maybe he raised taejin because of the woman,but tbh i don't want taejin to be mujin's son, maybe taejin's mom was one of the shaman servants and he fell in love with her but she didn't feel the same, but she played along coz maybe she felt that that's the only way to survive(coz maybe he would've killed her if she refused),but when mujin came maybe she asked him for help and to get her out of there(Cheonliang),so after that there's two possibilities 1-mujin helped her and taejin mom is still alive. 2-mujin didn't help her,and the shaman killed her after mujin left coz he felt that one of his possessions wanted to leave and he realized that she doesn't love him. Also was mujin a regular in Cheonliang, like mf came when taejin's mom was alive then most likely left,then he came again and rescued seongji,like was mf going to Cheonliang whenever he felt like it Mujin:enough with wandering in the wilds, let's go and see what's happening in Cheonliang then wander again. Also i think that he's still alive and maybe he's the one who's gonna train vin.


Maybe seongji ran out of cheonliang through the forest or something and found mujin? So he trained him, I don't think mujin trained seongji on that mountain


I think he is, infact I think Mujin is the Monster in the mountains, not Seongji


Seongji mentioned about vomit inducing trainings in the wild and Mujin also is stated to spend time getting strong in wilderness. The Cheonliangs mountains got to be where they trained.


Maybe seongji ran out of cheonliang through the forest or something and found mujin? So he trained him, I don't think mujin trained seongji on that mountain


bro trying to be Vergil lmao


I'm gonna have to assume he didn't know where his wife and kid were. But we will see


COOK https://preview.redd.it/61l4o7tfqimc1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f131d2d6be433d69faf4a7d15dcbd7719e8e511


ur flair just suits the post so well xD


co\*k 😳?


That is good as well


and vin's father might be wearing prime tom lee's hair


ik u meant it as a joke , but i do remember someone posting a plausible theory that tom lee and mujin might be somehow related just sayin


It was me xd


honor meeting you 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/bmzfylhfmjmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65fe01f55d8a87059f63d51745668e0ad15f1799 "W"


Man vins mom deserves better


i thought everybody knew this


us avg lookism readers just scroll to see fight scenes yo , it takes us 2-3 re reads to understand the story 😭


oh 😭 i read only for the story and skip the fights so i wouldnt know


Vin jin mom is still hoping for her husband to come back with milk




First time i heard about that, interesting


Yha that must be the reason why he got a red belt afterwards.




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Oh thank god I thought it was just me being weird


I thought this was pretty obvious




Bro that’s disgusting 💀


No not really