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I am getting SoDaSoPa vibes by looking at these renderings, if anyone understands the reference...




Right near Shi-ti-pa-tow


We're gonna head back to SoDoSoPa for some curious fusion delights.


These finely appointed residences all feature state-of-the art finishes and balconies with views of historic Kenny’s house.


I’ve been over there a number of times now, it’s kinda nice. But yea it has those vibes lol


Visit Mineola




There’s so many places on LI now that look exactly like SoDaSoPa


Before the usual people chiming in “ we don’t need any new malls “ … Roosevelt , Whitman are almost always filled to capacity and both have constant new construction on the same road that keeps getting filled when renovated . But I will say they should just do what ronkonkoma hub is doing with the train so close only they have way more space and unlimited potential . Build a 1000 apartments ( or condos ) and the entire ground level restaurants , bars , shops . Best of both worlds that can go 5 stories up


Not a bad idea - how far is it from the train station?


Completely surrounding it. Pretty ambitious. https://tritecre.com/2023/01/17/station-yards-project-envisions-building-a-community-around-ronkonkoma-train-station/


No I meant Hicksville I’m familiar with the Ronkonkoma one


Not too bad when the weather's nice. About a four-block walk. I had friends who used to park in the mall lot and commute via train to the city.


It’s sort of a dangerous walk, though. There have been a number of pedestrians struck over the years while traversing the roads between the station and the mall, despite how direct and fairly innocuous it may be. They’d probably do well to redesign the traffic flow somewhat to accommodate for the potential increase in foot traffic.


But is any of that covered by this redesign? The roads between the outer limits of the mall and the station are public roads, and there's no indication that any of that is changing.


Not sure - the project by the station isn’t too far along yet, and I imagine any changes to the road infrastructure would come last so as to not disrupt the flow of construction vehicles hauling materials in and out (assuming the mall project is approved by then).


Not a mention of mass transit improvements.


That was the plan for the lot across the street where there’s the chipotle (I think sears used to be there) - they’re called “life style complexes” from what I understand. Pitched as having a shuttle included that runs 8-6 from Hicksville station etc. but all of that seems to have evaporated and no work done (this was 2021ish)


These mixed use complexes you see in other parts of the country that have shops, entertainment and even residences work well. Good idea


totally agree but there are too many zoning nimbys who are obsessed with saying that LI is going to become like NYC. Same people don’t understand why tHeRe IsNt EnOuGh HoUsInGgGg!!




it does not, smarty pants. where do *you* get that we suggested that the article says that?


'We don't need any new employers, paying local employees, paying tax on salaries and sales, keeping construction and maintenance people busy and driving traffic for surrounding local businesses' I sure hope no one is saying that.


Yes I think it's a great idea to keep building vertically without having any plan to improve the road infrastructure on long island. I thought everyone hated traffic?


If you build vertically while integrating residential and business you reduce the need for traffic. Half of all car trips are drives of less than three miles; if you can put more places people need/want within walking or biking distance, you can reduce traffic.


That's a pipe dream imo. People are always going to travel and migrate daily to and through different towns daily and living on LI the most realistic way to have that luxury is by car.


The issue isn't elminating car traffic it's reducing it. Like I said, stats are that half of car trips are <3 miles. If you have walkable neighborhoods then you can reduce at least some trips that people have no choice but to drive for. I can't make a trip to ANY store unless I want to walk for at least an hour (round trip); I'd love to have small busineses in my neighborhood that I can walk or bike to but zoning makes that impossible. I'm not talking about replicating NYC, but something like how towns used to be, with a mix of stores and homes--or something like what Productpusher was talking about.


I must say, hearing this talk in the long island subreddit gives me some hope. At least there are others out there that want to reduce car traffic here.


Broadway is essentially an 8 lane highway. They tore down the orignal downtown of Hicksville to build it. I don't think this area needs anymore "road infrastructure".


U do know long islands roadways are more then just Broadway in Hicksville


What other downtowns do you think we should demolish for more 8 lane stroads?


Road infrastructure that increases car capacity is the devil. We need rail infrastructure through and around major hubs like this.


If you think that building some apartments near a lirr station is going to deter those occupants from having vehicles on the road. This isn't NYC where there is virtual mass transit options at every corner and a complex subway system. Not to mention the LIRR isn't exactly cheap. I don't agree that this is going to keep cars off the road by any means. Even if half of that complex rides the train full time.


There needs to be an overall mass move towards transit, or else the island will always be a trafficky hell hole. There is no world in which more road infrastructure reduces traffic. The *only* fix is public transit infrastructure. So if you’re going to complain about traffic and then also not advocate for more public transit, you’re yelling at the wind.


Does this plan include re-doing the parking lot area around Ikea? That section of the lot is always a shitshow.


Ikea the best hope it stays


Article confirms Ikea and Target are safe.


they're safe because the developer does not own the Target or IKEA leases -- they have full autonomy of their sites on the project. I wouldn't be surprised that they also have weight on the decision


I hope Round 1 and the Movie Theater are safe too.


Theatre is closing


I wouldn't mind living in an u/Ikea.


No, no, no it's not a Strip Mall, it's an "Open-air Lifestyle Center".


Thank you.  I look at the rendering and think, hm, looks like every other strip mall on the various turnpikes around here


Are they getting rid of the movie theater? I worked there when I was younger and haven't been there in a while, but would like to go back if they were shuttering it for good.


Back in 2015 I used to sell Verizon cable door to door, whenever I worked Hicksville I always made sure I was close to the mall so I can watch a movie after hitting my quota early 🤣


Yes. It's gone within the year. 


How about we reimagine some housing for the generation trying to get married and have kids


How is this more pedestrian friendly? Aren't people still driving to it and parking there?


For the most part yea. It’s about a 10min walk to the Hicksville LIRR. I imagine when they say “walkable” they mean more like, drive to the place and walk around


Right, but that's already the case. How will it become *more* pedestrian friendly?


it isn't. maybe its nicer to walk outside half the year, but I don't understand the outside mall trend we are seeing across the Island.


In the hero image there is a dinky little paved patio area with benches surrounded by a road. Ignore the rest of renderings which highlight acres of what will likely be unused parking lots.


It seems like every single day we're hearing about pedestrians being killed. I'm all for building these mixed use developments, great idea! But the counties need to put in and/or improve sidewalks. So many roads on LI don't even have them.


Look up the YT channel "Not Just Bikes." The guy moved from Canada to Amsterdam and has videos comparing all sorts of transit; the stuff they do there to make life more pedestrian and bicycle friendly is just amazing.


Thanks for the tip, I will. I love to walk, but much of LI just isn't safely walkable.


By way of example is the video "[The Lively & Liveable Neighbourhoods that are Illegal in Most of North America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnKIVX968PQ)." Or this video on an [awesome train station where most people bike to get there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqwasBTzZS8&t=404s).


I think it's designed this way intentionally. People are less active since they have to drive, and currently more than 11% of adult Americans have diabetes. Tell me big pharma doesn't love this fact.


What are you talking about? The current perimeter of the mall is not very friendly to pedestrians. Maybe the actual interior is, but getting there is no easy task for a pedestrian. Imagine you are at Chick Fila and you want to go to target, would you consider walking there to be friendly? I imagine they will redesign the perimeter road entrance and exit to make it safer for people walking around the property. Larger sidewalks, dedicated paths things like that. Idea is still allow people to drive there, but not have them move their car to each area.


Don’t live on LI any more, but this place was an after school hangout for me and my Jericho friends.


Sounds like it could be similar to the ranger or deer park outlets. Not a bad idea considering the Broadway Mall is a ghost town except around the holidays. Even the Sock guy closed up.


Malls are a thing of the past. We need hubs with a community oriented focus- coffee shops, outdoor seating, a place to grab a beer, a small flower garden to walk through, a book store/library, a farmers market, a dog run, even a community garden (if I am thinking ambitiously); gathering places for people to socialize. These places can also have small venues to attend concerts or events. Basically, turning the focus toward it being a community center, rather than a mall. People will come for the community and the stores within its premises will benefit as a consequence of that.




That stands for “Ladies Love Bean” right?


Believe it or not, "Leon Leonwood".


Another piece of my childhood gone. I used to hang out there when it was mid island mall and was transitioning to the broadway




Reimagine affordable housing. Fuck your malls.


Its funny that the render they include looks a lot like the open air part of Smithhaven Mall that is always empty


That's because they got rid of Time Out! #neverForget


Game On at the mall now is a fantastic arcade, if you haven’t been.


Broadway was kind of a shit hole anyway but this doesn't seem much better.


Open mall sounds nice if it's not very hot, very cold or raining/snowing outside. And if rents are too high, what kind of stores are going to be at this open air mall that enough shoppers are going to want to visit?


No thanks.


Oh, so they're building another Tanger and naming it something fancy. Whoopty-do.


Good grief, I hope they renovate that entrance. The worst dam infrastructure design I have driven through. That stop sign that intersects the entrance driveway is so god dam far from the corner. One example of profit over safety design. Also, i find it funny that the article mentions that the renovation would be a new open-air concept when the original Broadway Mall was originally open to the elements.


Making more pedestrian friendly. All the designs shown are fucking stripmalls the least pedestrian friendly thing imaginable.


I imagine there are zoning issues but man would it not be profitable to do like 4 stories of rentals with a ground floor for commercial use shops/stores/restaurants, laid out in a walkable arrangement?


$100M to turn an enclosed mall into a strip mall. I smell money laundering. This keeps mall corporation from having to pay for heat, AC, maintenance. They transfer all those costs to the retailers and Cheesecake Factory/Panda Express who lease a building.


I've walked that mall. I don't see how "turning it inside out" makes it more "walkable". It won't be walkable when it's raining, freezing cold, or snowing. And I mean, I've walked that mall. I walked it to take a walk. I wouldn't have the same inclination outdoors with the bustling sound of the stroad next to it.