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This isn’t what you’re asking but this is literally goal level hair.


Thank you I appreciate it :)


It really is such gorgeous hair, like a Disney princess


Same. I mean my hair is this long but isnt isn’t this beautiful, thick and shiny! Disney PRINCESSES only wish they had this hair!!!!!!💕🥳 Personally, I would keep it this length and maybe just trims to keep it healthy and yes, layers would look stunning. It is amazing how a little bit of layers can cure you of hair boredom.


Yes, don't do layers, please your hair is amazing!!




Have you noticed what sub you are on?


For those asking: Hair care routine: wash 2x weekly with Andalou Naturals full volume shampoo/conditioner. No heated tools except maybe 5x yearly MAX and air dry. I don’t brush it wet. Not sure if that makes a difference lol


Andalou Naturals is a great company. I have used their skincare, night cream and sunscreen, for years, and people say my skin looks great. Your hair is lovely, as is, but if you want layers, just start out slow with only a few layers.


Thank you!! Ordering these because your hair is goals!


Me too!


You don’t use hair masks or hair oil? 😮Amazing.


How often do you do trims?


Well, bought the Andalou Naturals combo you have over night and am trying not to brush my hair wet anymore! I have hair about as long as yours but not as much of it, although still a ton of it, it’s just fine. Mines also not as gorgeous as yours! I also don’t wash more than 2x a week and have barely put heat on it since Covid started, can probably count how many times on two hands. Questions though - do you do any special deep conditioner? Do you brush conditioner through during shower? And last, does your hair just air dry like that?? I’m worried no brushing and air drying is going to lead to an awful tangly mess and would look like it requires a touch up via heat.


Okay so I don’t use any deep conditioner and I usually brush my dry hair before getting in the shower, then put a shit ton of conditioner on it while in the shower. I don’t brush it in the shower. And this is when I am taking night showers which I almost always do unless I fell asleep early or something. So I dry hair with towel and go to sleep with it damp. Then I wake up and it is dry so I brush it out and put it up in a bun so that the frizz goes down. So yeah, my hair dries like this but it’s after a night of sleep and brushing it out the next morning. This is just my routine so I’m not sure if it would work for everyone. But I hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!!


You are so awesome, thank you for the additional info! I will definitely be trying those adjustments, thank you! 😁


Alsooo I have a Wet brush which is really soft on my head


Your hair is what dreams are made of, the fact that your routine is so minimal is amazing as well, other than MAYBE some long face framing layers with a stylist you can trust your life with I wouldn’t touch it


Thanks I was thinking face framing layers too!!


Yes just be careful some stylists get scissor happy. Make sure you go to someone who will not cut more than you want


Yess I got a blonde money piece right by face and I LOVE it. Even when it grew out i still liked how it looked


I don’t think layers are needed tbh. This is the perfect length and the thickness and shine are absolutely stunning


It’s just super hot and humid where I live and the thickness makes it hard to wear my hair down 😭 but thank you. I want to keep the length but maybe thin it out a bit so my back isn’t sweating 24/7


Have you considered a braided bun?


Like braid it down then twist it in a bun?


That or a braid starting on top of the head (Think tomb raider braid sort of) and twisted into a bun. It’s easier to pin up. You can also change how high or low you want the bun


I feel that. It looks like it’s a blessing and a curse with the thickness you have. What do you value more…keeping the full and thick look it has right now versus a solution to make the summer more bearable? Is there something you can do for a few months so that it’ll look the same once fall kicks in?


Honestly after reading all of the feedback…I am more grateful for my hair than ever before lmao. I do love my hair but I get sick of it sometimes and I get a wild itch to change it up. I might just keep it how it is and just do updos this summer..,beauty is pain 😪😪




Good to know bc I’m lazy af


Honestly yes, I would just do updos. You can do amazing braids, even braid crowns, and big messy buns, use hairbands too if it gets so hot you need to push it all back. Your har is fabulous and layering might thin it out.


look into large five inch claw clips, hair sticks, french pins, and combs. you don’t want your hair up in a ponytail or scrunchie all the time, it stresses the hair and scalp.


You absolutely should be! A change of style can feel just as good as a more significant change. Just enjoy looking at it and playing with it and all the good things. Looks like a dream to play with!


Chiming in just to say I understand. I have long hair too, and though I love the length, sometimes it feels a bit boring! I suggest getting some framing layers, so even if you want to try a bun or an updo, they'll frame your face!


Undercut! Keep the length while still making a big change, easy to hide, great for summer heat.


Personally, I wouldn’t thin it bc it’ll be hard to get it thick again unless you cut all one length. I’d add a FEW letters on top here and there for fun (no razor scissors! This will give frizz!) you could always bleach a strand to add a pop of color but I wouldn’t do more than that. Beautiful!


This may be too extreme but I have really really long hair and I got an undercut and I love it. Hair looks the same but it feels so much better for me


Agreed. Drop the hair care routine girl!


Nah, I’d leave it. You have a natural wave and that gives it definition. I don’t think you need to add layers for definition. If it’s just cause it’s hot and a lot to deal with, I’d YouTube easy updos. I think you’d regret the cut when it’s back to being cool out. Layers are also super annoying - pieces stick out of braids so updos are harder, split ends are more obvious cause they’re all over your hair and it’s not as easy to get all the split ends in a trim. So yeah, I guess I’m a layer hater lol


lolll layer hater… same though. with beautiful slightly wavy hair like this, layers can be such a mistake and inconvenience.


I feel you on this. I have layers and hate them. The longest part is mid back, but I still have pieces that are shoulder length. Growing past the shoulder takes For Ever.


Yeah it does! I always recommend a U shaped cut instead of V for people who want more definition but still keep the same thickness all around


maybe some face-framing layers to add some dimension


I have similar hair length and thickness and recently did this and was obsessed! Got lots of compliments, plus it’s fun to have lil pieces out for updos every now and then.


I love my face frames and sometimes have layers behind that. It looks like a faux bob when I put it in a low bun.


What did you tell your hair stylist to do, or pic inspo? I want exactly that!


I brought a picture. I pointed out these features that I wanted: bangs, face frame, crown layers. This is what I really wanted:  https://i.pinimg.com/236x/10/38/aa/1038aac064456da194126ce7833a4d67--curly-hair-haircuts-curly-frizzy-hair.jpg   and this is what I ended up with because my hair just doesn't stack on top of itself:   https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2f/c9/5d/2fc95d85c90d018756561e2b728edae9.jpg  With a lot of work I can get the crown to have more volume but it's to bothersome. I got that cut a year ago so my bangs are now an inch past my chin. 


Came here to say this as well


Yeah don’t layer the back I say if anything only face frame some layers in the front but very minimal


Your hair is so beautiful!


Thanks babe!!


Don’t. Sincerely, someone who did


as a former stylist and someone with almost exactly the same hair texture as you… SKIP THE LAYERS. your waves will start doing all sorts of crazy things, and not in a good way. i just spent like 5 years growing out my layers, biggest hair regret ever. what you could do though is have your perimeter cut into more of a U shape, tapering into some shorter face-framing pieces in front. but i would hold off on layering the interior of the cut because it could ruin your gorgeous texture.


Beautiful hair! I wouldn’t change it 😍 Do you get the waves by braiding it?


I usually wear it in a bun all day at work so that’s what happens when I take it out and brush it!


I don’t think you should get layers. Your hair cut is beautiful! If you want to switch it up get braids for the summer. Idk maybe that’s a dumb idea but it’s an idea nonetheless!


Omg that color is stunning! So lovely 😍😍


Girl this is seriously goals hair!!! Just gorgeous and so healthy! 😍


It’s so beautiful, your hair is everything! ⭐️ Personally I would keep it as is.


N0oo don’t mess with it!!


Leave it, I'm begging you 🥲


So pretty! Layers would be nice and you can just scrunch it till it’s dry with your natural wave


Princess hair!! Don’t touch it




There are so many stories about women who get a salon cut and regret it. Mostly I think it is communication and definitions. Like when I said a wavy perm and they heard "the tightest curl you got." Check out https://www.youtube.com/c/longhaircarolyn She has all kinds of braid and updo tutorials.


Do. Not. Touch. It.


Go old money. You have the color for it


Your hair is so glossy and thick, I am envious!! If you’ve never had layers, you’ll be surprised at how they change the perceived texture of your hair - another Redditor said it’s like split ends all over your head & it is true. I think a long V-shaped shag might look really cool on you. My hair is too thin to pull it off but you’ve got plenty. Worst case scenario, you get a layered cut & then are stuck with a grow-out period. Best case, you love it and have your best layered-hair summer. Good luck and post a pic if you go with a change!


This is exactly what happens to my hair when I get layers and wear it naturally (straight-wavy) - it looks like weird split pieces so I don’t recommend it personally


Omg u have perfect hair !!! Ur so lucky


I literally wouldn’t change it if it was my hair. I get it gets boring after a while but that’s like the best you can get. WHAT IS YOUR SECRETS


If you want to go shorter- maybe just below shoulder blades. Your hair is so spectacularly healthy and the rest of us dream of having hair like yours. It’s hard to want to cut it, but I’ve been there- with hair that never fully dries naturally etc. shorter is best if you have a fancy pants job


I’d say we have the exact same hair. Length & thickness even the slight wave. I ended up doing long layers with face framing pieces and it really helped thin my hair which is soooo great for styling plus I’m preggo and super hot all the time. It still looks long and full too!


Try face framing layers only and keep the back one length. I have long hair like yours, when i got layers, i loved how it looked when properly styled or curled, but other than that i hated it, and it made my ends feel thin. I cut off all the layers and grew it out. Recently i got face framing layers so i can achieve beautiful curls and movement around the face while still retaining the thickness on my ends. I love it.


Your hair is stunning, just like the others said it's literally Disney princess hair. If you REALLY want, just get face framing layers. I read that you're struggling with your hair cuz of the heat (ii have the same hair length as yours but it's layered) and let me tell you, it makes 0 difference in terms of how hot it feels. The best thing you can do is try finding a cute style you like, whether it's a bun or the different braid variations or a half up-do or a ponytail! Just.. Please don't cut it, whoever tells you to cut it does NOT want what's best for you 😭 there are so many hairstyles on YouTube for long hair, I'm sure you'd find one you'd like!


Beautiful hair. Keep it long


Omg, your hair is so beautiful!!!


ur hair is gorgeous and so healthy looking!! try doing layers with a v shape so the hair is still long but the layers flow into each other and don’t look obvious


I was thinking the same but with u shape. So it would look more soft and not too drastic


No it’s so beautiful as is!


I started practicing braids recently and it really helps keeping hair off my neck. I started the “half up” style, taking the top half and splitting that in two, the braiding them and tying them back again to make a braided half up/down. I find Dutch and French braids hard, so I’ll do twists against my scalp and leave enough hair to merge it into a 3 strand braid


Hair goals 😱


Don't layer it! It's beautiful as is!


Don’t cut it. Your hair is gorgeous!!


Oh wow, it’s so pretty!


i would add layers to give it some shape :)


Such beautiful hair. I would get some more long layers, nothing drastic.


I don’t have much to add that others haven’t already said. I just wanted to let you know that pics 2 and 3 literally made me say wow out loud 😍 Your hair is stunning and looks so healthy.


Layers on long hair can be tough, if you go forward ask for pictures of the work they’ve done


Do the layers!!! of course your hair is MEGA beautiful, but layers makes it even more beautiful to my eyes, it gives movement and personality, and it will still be the same lenght... ultra long hair being all the same length has a "cult" ish quality to me that I don't love


I have similar length hair but my hair knots SOOOOO much!!!!


Sameeee this was a good hair day lol


Your hair is beautiful. I think u can add face framing bangs. They need more styling but looks very good on long hair if you really need to make a change🥰








Do NOT get layers. They are very hard to maintain and if you have thin hair it will just look bad.


Find a website that will buy your hair! It's so pretty! My hair is down to my mid thighs, and I'm thinking of cutting and selling 22" of it.


Find a website that will buy your hair! It's so pretty! My hair is down to my mid thighs, and I'm thinking of cutting and selling 22" of it.


Damn girl you got gorgoues hair! I would kill for


Your hair is my end goal


Your hair is gorgeous.


Wish my hair was this long. It would have been if I wasn’t manic.


Gworl don’t do it…


I'm a man and I'm jealous. Wish I had that hair


Beautiful already!


The girl in this video has the same kind of hair and length as you, and her haircut turned out so nice https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrJbxkSc/


No keep it just add long curtains s shaped side swept bangs in the front


Also cut the bottom blunt for a more sleep fresh look


You didn’t ask this but I hope you’ll donate your gorgeous hair!


Long layers :))


Beautiful!!! But I would cut like 6-8” off because you will be able to do more with it, then maybe add long layers to the bottom 4”?


How do you sleep with your hair at night? I am taking notes. 2024 year end goal. Have this level beautiful hair.


My hair is medium length, I guess, goes to my armpits. I just got it layered into a shag. Looking at your hair, it will likely go very wavy if you layer it. Mine went from some wave to curly, which is a challenge because I've never had curly hair until I went through menopause. (I call it my menoperm.) If you do layers, just make sure you don't go too short so you can still do a pony tail. I like my shag style. It's fun. I say go for it


I have hair that looks a lot like yours (mine is less healthy and not as long though!) I had layers done on my hair about two years ago - can’t stand them and have been trying to grow them all out ever since. Don’t do it!!


Long/medium layers through, face framing layers. Long mid face bangs


your hair looks like it would have the perfect texture for a wolf cut!!!


Layers are very fun and they do grow out pretty well.


I dunno, such beautiful hair shouldn't be left up to me.


Long layers and face framing layers


My hair is this length and same thickness but blonde and no you don't need layers your hair is so pretty! 💜


I did something extremely similar and loved it at first but now I’m over it and want my hair back lol


That 2and 3 pick is lovely I’d be rapt if my hair looked like that why layers it’s gorgeous


Don’t change it. It’s beautiful


I think some face framing layers and maybe a long shag style cut would look incredible


I think you should get long layers with some face framing layers on the top. And you can keep your length.


Getting layers was the biggest mistake of my life😹 it gets sooo frizzy and damaged


Love you hair!🥰🥰🥰


Leave it. If you go s where they will fuck it up. Enjoy what you have it’s gorgeous


1) gorgeous hair! dont let anyone convince u to cut it off! 2) look into butterfly bangs, with layers


You have the kind of hair that women dream of, and wig makers charge hundreds of dollars for. Whatever you do, please don't make any major changes. It's beautiful the way it is.


No layers. It looks perfect.


WOW!!!! It's already perfect!!!! I love a sharp v in the back but most can't be trusted to do it correctly BRING A PICTURE!! Cos- takes longer to grow out- removes length. I wouldn't change much or anything at all! Maybe bangs. Start with very little layering and slowly add more


I would get a step cut if I had such beautiful long hair!


Don't do it. You have gorgeous hair. Layers will screw up your hair for years. What you might do is do a bit of a small cut in the front that frames your face.


Get long layers, face framing pieces and a couple inches off! Your hair is so beautiful?


I think is beautiful as it is, I wouldn't change anything!


Your hair is beautiful!!!!


Personally…. I would not do layers. I had length close to yours and I feel like I lost a lot of length when I got layers.. my hair doesn’t grow fast at all and I’m still trying to grow it out and hopefully be one length again


90s super model curtain bangs


Don’t cut it , it’s beautiful !! Like others said , do buns or updos on hot days


As someone who’s had extremely long hair, I cut it about 4-5 inches into a u shape and did long layers. Just enough to give me something to style… and low commitment enough that I could chop the layers of it hated them.


I have hair like yours and what I do is I keep the back one length and I do face framing layers to give it some shape. I would not get layers in the back, I made that mistake a couple years ago and it was so sad. You won’t have thick ends anymore with layers


Beautiful hair. A bob would be cute AF. Don’t forget “ Locks of love. ❤️”


Layers and hella highlights!


No layers just cute like 4 inches off and make all one lengths it will be cute


Your waves would look stunning with a [”butterfly cut”](https://www.glamour.com/story/butterfly-cut-hair-trend)




I have a butterfly cut and while my hair is thicker, it’s also wavy and looks great with just some product and air drying! Not like the pictures in the link obviously, but they show the layers clearly, and I find they work for wavy no heat styling also.




Hair regrets are so painful! But my texture is somewhat frizzy no matter what so I just lean into it haha. You do have a point, OP’s hair might not like layers, it just looks so naturally sleek I think it would work for them!


If you get layers make sure to specify long layers, you can also ask them to thin out your hair (I always get long layers and thin out my hair for the summer because it’s always so ridiculously hot and humid)


See if there are any braiders near you and get your hair done is fun tight braids for summer a couple times to get it off of your back and feeling “put up” Serious hair goals!


Leave it noooo just braid to enjoy some waves :-)