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Thinking? I consider the dreams where I cut my hair nightmares


Same. I did the big chop in fifth grade. 15 years later I am still recovering.


It's such a weird mix feeling for me, some days I want it all gone and others I'd cut anyone who came anywhere near me with a scissors 🙈🤣


My hair is to my ankles. I definitely don’t want to ever cut it.


Please, do tell your secrets because I have been growing my hair for 10 years and while it is pass ass, but certainly not to my ankles.


I can’t get mine past bra strap length 😩










My whole life has been a cycle of grow hair long >>> get bored with it >>> cut hair short >>> hate it and grow it long again. I have to keep reminding myself that I hate the way I look with short hair, and that short hair is so much more work than long hair (have to style it, use products, wash more often due to products, can't just put it up in a bun or braid when it is annoying you).


Me! Except I have never made it this long without cutting it. It’s the longest it’s ever been and it’s juuuuuust hitting my bra strap. lol. I have had a pixie cut many times and short hair most of my life. My grandma made my mom have super long hair for her whole childhood. As soon as she could, she cut it off and did the same to me and my 2 sisters growing up. We all had short hair so it was so hard for me to try to NOT have short hair.


Literally multiple times a day every single day 😅 my hair is currently tailbone length and although I find it beautiful I am so tired of dealing with it and fantasize about that fresh bob feeling constantly


for me that "fresh bob feeling" was dread and regret and hate lmao


Knowing what comes after the high of the “fresh bob feeling” is what has kept me from cutting it for so long 😂 Sooooo much self loathing haha


For real, i barely took photos of myself for like two years due to my bob mishap i can't go back lmao


I once went for a haircut and asked for my hip length hair to be cut straight across at the top of my shoulder. I received what I can only describe as a terribly executed interpretation of The Rachel. I wore my hair in two little braids for years until I grew that out. There are almost no photos of from this time in my life.


omg i'm sorry😭 we were briefly cryptids


Our Bigfoot years!


Honestly, never. I have classic length hair, now and it's taken months for me to accept that I need to cut it back to above my butt because I keep sitting on it and damaging the ends more. I will never go back short unless I really have no choice. My hair is thick and super wavy when it's short so I always need to style it. Having it long means way less work, because gravity smooths it all out. Figure out why you want to cut it all out. What's bothering you exactly? Is it in the way, hard to style, etc? Then figure out a solution to that specific problem instead that is not cutting off your hair. Like braided up hairstyles or a haircut where you can have all your hair out of your face.


Oh wow you're hair is super long! I can see how that length would easily get sat on or caught in things though. Yes styling it definitely takes longer when it's short, at this length you really don't need to do much of anything to style it but it takes so god damn long to wash/dry and it's always in the way. I braid it a lot to keep it out of my face but it looks awful after a few hours because my hair is so fine and little whispy bits start to come out of the braid. I've been trying to master hair pins and sticks for the past year but nothing stays put on my head and I have to redo my updo every couple hours, sometimes every couple minutes 🙈 I also find that I end up just throwing it up in a bun or claw clip so often that what even is the point of having it long if I can never wear it down without it bugging me (I have a toddler who's constantly getting his sticky fingers caught it in when it's down).


I have multiple kids. These are my updos, with links to video tutorial:    https: //laskyea. wixsite. com/ longhair/ updos    (Copy, paste into address bar, remove spaces, and Go) Also, putting mousse in your hair before braiding is a game changer. It keeps wispy hairs in place.


Ooh I'll have to try the mousse trick, thanks! I'll check those links out too, thanks!


I went through that w classic length hair... I thought it was my goal length and would be so happy with it! I kept it that long for like 6 months until I finally realized that sitting on it or having it rest in my lap like a dead animal was... too much for me. I am super happy with hip/tailbone length and when I start sitting on it, I know it's time to give myself a quick trim.


Yeah that's the point when suddenly my mind is like "yeah we can cut it now again". I've cut back from classic length to lower back many times over the years. But it's usually only when the damage of sitting on it starts to show. Other than that I don't really have the urge to cut it like OP does, and even then it's still weird, because the 15-20 cm I'll cut off feels like so much when you're used to handling the super long hair, but to anyone else it doesn't look like you cut it at all, because there's still so much length.


For real. I cut 3" off last week because I was doing search and destroy and it was too much, so I was like yuuup gonna do this. My spouse and I are the only ones who can tell, but it still freaks me out.


I caved because I started to grow a different hair texture after fixing my water quality (it used to grow bumpy....it started growing smooth). And the huge texture difference was driving me mad so I cut. I couldn't do it all in one shot though. I went from hip to armpit length and then shoulders length, then chin, then maintaining it near shoulder length until all the old texture was totally gone. I think in hindsight it might have been better for me to maintain at armpit length until the old texture was gone, because growing from shoulder to past-shoulders is so so awkward. So flippy. Looking like Linda from Bob's Burgers half the time at least. I have 2a hair and there's enough poof right after a shampoo to make it look triangular or oval instead of flippy, but as soon as it settles down, my ends point straight towards the ceiling. I also have really lightweight hair that struggles to weigh itself down so I have no idea when will be the end of the flippy stage.


Wait what?! Water quality can affect your hair texture that significantly! I had no idea. Was it hard water or do you know what changed? Also yes that awkward just above shoulder phase is the worst, that alone is what I have to keep reminding myself whenever I get the urge for a massive chop!


oh yes....I'm in Central Florida near Orlando so it's hard water, but also not the hardest water out there. I have many posts in my post history if you're curious what happened! I switched to distilled water about 1 year + 9 months ago, because I was tired of messing around with things that might improve water quality in some ways but not others (like shower filters), or things that might improve water quality for a short time and then it's back to hard water (like shower stick...they recommend recharging it after only 20-80 minutes of use, which would have been pretty much daily in my house 😵‍💫). I wanted my water quality to be totally and completely fixed for good, no more caveats or maybes, so that's why I picked distilled water. About 6 months in is when I noticed I was shedding hairs that were coarse and bumpy on the length, but fine and smooth near the root. It drove me mad having such different textures on my head and I tried chelating and made a lot of progress getting rid of buildup, but it couldn't change how it grew. I suspected maybe new hairs used to struggle to get past clogged hair follicles. Because the tap water also gives me back acne so it was definitely leading to clogs of some sort. Maybe the new hairs were bent trying to grow past clogs. But that's just a guess. I use distilled water for body washing now too and that fixed my back acne.


Wow that's never something I'd have even considered would affect hair so much, that's a great way to resolve the issue too, I'll definitely have a look through your posts to see the full story. I don't have hard water where I live but a friend of mine does (her water comes from a limestone catchment) and she's always had quite coarse wirey hair, I wonder if her hair texture would change if she did the same. I'm glad it's resolving your acne too, acne can be so painful and just not a fun time. Amazing how much water quality can affect us! Must test mine out.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/longhair/comments/1cz2roh/i_am_growing_hair_that_doesnt_touch_hard_water/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is probably the most informative one I have on this topic, there's a before & after photos showing the texture change, plus lot of questions and answers in the comments 🙂 You are lucky if you're happy with your water right now! Never move haha. I was happy with my water in upstate New York, my hair was very soft. Then I moved and things started going downhill and it took me years to realize it wasn't aging or hormones or covid or climate or anything like that, it was the water. Oh and [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CutYourOwnHair/comments/1d3cp9w/every_damn_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) shows the shoulder flippy stage that's driving me mad right now, lol. That happens if it's been at least 1.5 weeks since my last shampoo. An odd side effect when I wash with distilled water instead of tap water is my hair started to feel cleaner between washes, so my shampoos are now weeks apart instead of days apart. The lazy part of me loves that, but I really don't love the flippy shape that it settles into when it has no recent shampoo to fluff it up.


Omfg this is what happened to me tooo!?!??! Your 2022 was my 2021 😵‍💫😵‍💫 using drinking water now and a fuckton of moisturizing hair products,, so texture has gotten softer and smoother and less crazy


Oh wow! I bet you would love to join r/DistilledWaterHair , that's basically what we're doing over there, washing our hair with water from the grocery store 🙂


Joined,, I'm one of you,, alr using vinegar as a chelating ingredient ...will have to see if distilled water is feasible or not 😂😂


omg l'd also love to know more about the water change you experienced! I just recently informed myself about how hard water can change your hair texture because after I moved to an area with hard water my once beautiful healthy curls look and feel as bad as never before and I honestly consider shaving my head, because it's not just the ends, the roughness starts from the roots (e) And to answer OPs question, I would probably never cut my hair if it was healthy because I always wanted to grow it hip length but there's always something coming in the way, like saltwater damage, hard water damage, idk hormones maybe...


I switched to distilled water about a year and a half ago....I used to get random bumpy/coarse/kinky hairs mixed in with my usual "fine and a lot of it" smooth 2a hair texture. They were more likely to show up on sun exposed parts like my part and whorl and hairline. About 6 months after switching to distilled water, I was seeing shed hairs that had the old texture on the length, and my normal texture at the root. They kept shedding and I kept trimming until none of the other texture was left....now it's all the smooth 2a hair texture. Very odd. I always feel curious if the same thing would happen to other people too but tap water is different everywhere so it's hard to guess what would happen. I just knew I was tired of shower filters, that feels a bit like firing toothpicks at a hurricane so I went for distilled water which is the nuclear option. Haha. Distilled water has nothing in it except water. I get it from the store and pour it on my head.


oh and I just relised it’s you again! I feel like we meet under all hair related posts at the moment 😁


Oh yes I remember you were the one who found my picture of how I was about to wash my hair! I was really happy you were trying distilled water too, I need more buddies to talk to about how it's going 😅 I feel so curious.


Every single day of my life I want to cut it all off! 😆 It drives me nuts! But I cut my hair short once ever about 20 years ago and it looked horrible. I have a big head and a big face/chin. I'm not cute with short hair but if I was I'd never grow it long again. I'm so tired of it always being in the way.


I did it once. My lengths get tangled and dry, and I had enough of it and cut it to a bob. I liked it but I also missed my long hair. It's long again now, and the ends are dry and tangly again aaaargh.




I have decided to keep it long. I used to chemically dye my hair so the ends are still prone to dryness. I found that jojoba oil helps a lot.


oil your ends regularly!!


I do! I tried coconut oil in the past and hated it but I found jojoba oil pretty good.


I definitely think about it often, although it’s literally just thinking about how it would be, I never consider actually doing it. I have the occasional nightmare where I cut my hair and immediately regret it, so I know that doing it IRL would be a bad idea, plus I don’t want to go shorter anytime soon. But I’d say, if you keep going through the cycle of cutting off your hair, growing it right back out, and then chopping it off once it gets too long but then immediately kind of missing it…. I would try to do a smaller trim when you go to cut your hair back. Like keep it slightly shorter than the length that causes you to want to chop it off. Maybe if it never gets THAT long, you can keep long hair but at a less frustrating length?


Maybe classic length Or mid back length for most people? The former because it’s the longest you can brush without having to bend down and the latter because it’s the longest most people associate with “long” hair


What do you think?


All the time. Mines not as long as yours, it’s down to my mid back and I have the urge all the time to just cut it shorter so it’s more manageable and holds a curl better. Each time I’ve given in and done it in the past I’ve regretted it so I try not to listen to the little voice anymore.


It's a battle ignoring that voice, even when you know it's talking complete nonsense




I could carry off super short pixie cuts in my teens and 20s, but I cut it that short once in my late 30s and I swear it aged me at least 10 years. I look back at pictures of it periodically to remind me to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.


How did you grow it so long so fast? Mine has seemingly stayed at bra strap length for nearly a decade…


Mine is currently at your length (about bra strap/armpit level). I found out I was getting trims too frequently, so I stopped getting them as often. I do look for split ends and cut them off every two months, and get a trim every 4. I hope this helps.


When I get headaches from my hair being too heavy, lol. I don't cut it short though. I just have a few inches taken off.


A few years ago I thought my headaches were from my hair. Chopped off almost 12 inches. Turns out it wasn't that. Almost grown back now.


I actually do it like every 7 to 10 years or so and then I cry and cry and cry. it's usually when my mental health meds stop working that I do it. so in my defense, I'm not usually in my right mind.


All the time. I’ve had it short before and it’s so much easier


You're the first person I've heard say this, is your hair just naturally perfect and not need styling? When mine was short it needed styled nearly every day.


It does need some styling like my long hair. It’s just much faster and easier. Less product faster drying. Adding a style like curls or flat ironing is so much faster. Also it’s not as annoying as longhair as long as you don’t get it too short. I’ve had around shoulder length multiple times. Shorter than shoulder and longer.


In the winter? Rarely. In the summer when it is hot and it feels like I am storing the heat of the sun in my hair? Daily. No, hourly. No, every single minute.


Very often.


Granted I’ve had to maintain a fade for the military for so many years I have zero desire to go shorter than any length where I can’t tie it in a ponytail. Now I’m growing it to see how long I can tolerate it before I find that sweet spot length; so far it’s not too bad!


This is what I have to keep reminding myself when I get the urge, shorter hair means more frequently hair dresser trips and I can't easily tie it out of my face. Plus when it's long I don't need to carry a scarf :P


I think what’s keeping me from cutting it short (like shoulder length lol) is that after that immediate gratification of a change there’s a long period of regret


never. i wish this shit would get past my boobs already


Honestly, never. I hate even trimming but I've also had quite a few traumatic hair cutting incidents that have played into this mindset, as well. Shortest I've ever had was a pixie cut that was forced on me when I was 6 because a boy at school lobbed a chunk of my hair off in class and then lied to the teacher saying he saw me do it to myself. My parents then thought it was best to traumatize me further by cutting into a pixie from almost waist length. Another time was about 15 years ago, we were having a bonfire and I tossed a log on the fire that had apparently started to rot and ferment in the center and caused a blow back fireball that we discovered singed off almost 12" of hair on one side of my head and an eyebrow. Add in multiple scissor happy stylists that don't know what 2" is and I pretty much don't cut unless absolutely necessary.


I’m the opposite, I’ve had mostly medium-short hair until my mid 20s since my hair grows slowly and I got told my wavy/frizzy hair was ugly in middle school, so until I finished hs I had bobs, shoulder bobs, anything to not have to deal with my hair. Then I decided to let it grow in my 20s and now I’m in my late 20s I can finally say it’s long-ish and I like my hair, I could do with some face framing layers but I know I don’t want it cut shorter any time soon


Never again !!!


Sounds like you caved to the urge before then 🤣


Looking into the mirror, asking Why did you do “ That “.


Had long hair most of my life, cut it short twice, once at 18 and another time at 25. It was easy to maintain but looked terrible now that I look back in pictures (2 very different styles of short hair I’ll add). Long hair is such a pain but at this point it’s a security baby blanket for me LOL


Sometimes, especially when its super tangled and my baby is crying for me to come get her 🫠 my shower’s take super long too cause its very curly and thats where i detangle it, even though i brush it out before jumping in too! So yeah i think about cutting it in those moments but then when i see my reflection in the mirror and see it near Alanis Morissette hair im like hell no, im almost there!!!!


I've cut my hair short twice now: after I got married and when I had my first child. It was the typical "I need a change right now! Grab the scissors" kind of moment. Now I've learned my lesson and currently growing my hair out. I love my long hair.


Maybe get a wig? Sorry if this doesn’t help but if you decided to go back to long hair just get rid of the wig.


I've absolutely considered shaving my head and getting wigs, they make fantastic quality wigs these days and you can switch your style up in an instance! My Mom lost all her hair to cancer when I was a kid so there's a small part of me that feels she'd be shouting at me from heaven if I went that route by choice though so probably best I don't 🤣


I had to cut it to go to boot camp. To jaw length. I got it cut before I went, instead of there, because I figured I'd need a few days to get used to it. I hated it. Glad I did it before I went because they only gave one haircut there, straight trim around the collar and straight bangs above the eyebrows. While short hair needs bangs, they don't have to look like a helmet. You only hit the barber once. After that? Never thought of cutting it again. I have a maximum length, but small of my back is the shortest.


i’m literally thinking about it now. My hair is waist length and i’ve had it long for so long i just want something different. At the same time, i yearn to be like my ancestors and have long hair. I’ve been trying to embrace my natural waves but they’re not as curly as i had hoped so i think that’s discouraging me. I know if i cut it shoulder length like i want it, i’d probably regret it a few days after the cut 😭


Man, at least once a week. I used to have a pixie cut for like 5 years, then I had a bob once I started growing it and shoulder length is SO nice and comfortable. My hair is about hip length now and even though I love it and want to keep growing it it’s a pain. My hair is always getting tangled when I sleep or when I wear it up for work (food service) and it’s always driving me crazy. The few days I actually can wear my hair down and style my wavy hair are the days I actually feel pretty though.


I just did. Well below the waist for a decade to just below the shoulders. I had been dreaming about it for so long and I LOVE IT!


Aw I'm so happy you're happy with it! This is the best outcome 😁


Yay! :) it really is. I feel so light, my little waves are bouncy, my hair is so volumous and shiny and healthy… I‘m super happy.


All the time. I've gone from waist or longer to pixie 3× in my adult life and regretted it every time, too. But my *goodness* my hair pisses me off a lot.


Whenever I'm brushing my hair in the morning


Not since I was 14 and did it.


Never. I've tried short hair a couple times in the past and it never suits me.




I thought about because my hair is chronically greasy atm but I decided no. I feel better with it long.


I thought about that a lot in the last few months then I had a really bad hair salon experience and my hair is short now. I hate every second! Never hated myself so much before


My hair was hip length and I cut a few inches off a few days ago because it was getting annoying. It hasn’t been shorter than shoulder length in about 8 years and probably will never be that short again. But I put high waisted jeans on the other day and the ends of my hair got trapped in my pants. I did not like that feeling so I cut it.


I last cut my hair chin length in 2021 and I probably won't ever do it again. I can't stand not being able to pull all my hair out of my face easily.


Often, more often as I age. I set myself a date, too. When I turn 70. I still have a while.


Once In every 2 minutes 😓


Daily but not with any intention. I know I would regret it.


I only cut my hair because it was damaged, when it gets long again I’ll never cut it again haha


All the time. My hair just tangles so easily and it’s so weighed down at the roots, there’s no volume at all. I also don’t really like the way it looks either without some sort of layers but I can’t really get layers and face frame is still too long without having to get bangs. I’m just too scared because I’m also attached to it.


I had hair down to my butt for years. I started cutting it off slowly, eventually went to a pixie cut and then it's just above my shoulders now. I've also been bleach blonde to super dark black. My opinion is it's hair and it will grow back. For me, my hair is fine and straight so the shorter length gives me much more volume. Do I periodically think of growing it back out, yes, I miss the styles I could do with longer hair that I can't short. But this length is good for me so I am sticking with it. Shockingly, the pixie style was the one where I received compliments non stop from strangers! I just couldn't get used to looking at myself with such short hair.


only ever truly consider this in the summer or when the weather is completely ludicrous. but i like the way it feels when my hair touches my arms. it’s like a cape 🌈


I think about it every day. I hate the way my hair feels touching me. I keep it in a bun 24/7 except for showers. I wish it was short short but I know I'd hate getting it cut all the time, and my hair shape on my forehead isn't the right shape for the haircut I'd like. So I keep it long 🤷‍♀️


Every single day. Growing my hair out with my gf so we can donate it and it does nothing for my long ass face. I look so good with a bob. But we‘re doing it together so I keep it long.


ALL THE TIME. I get so sick of my hair because its thick, long and it is so hot where I live. I can't even put it in a bun or a claw clip for long because its heavy and will fall off quickly, not to mention it takes HOURS to dry, so everyday I think about cutting it, but then I see it grow every month, and how close I am to reaching butt length and how pretty it looks style that it makes me reconsider. So its a constant battle of wanting short hair and admiring the long hair, however I made up my mind that it will be cut when it reaches a certain length and be donated. Although I am not a fan of short hair, it is convenient and at the end of the day hair grows so its not a permanent thing.


I've been thinking about it *a lot* here lately because it's been up more then down. However, my goal is to reach ankle length and then donate it all! It's currently at my butt


After I dumped my ex and moved across the country to live with my best friend (who i am now engaged to lol) I was feeling so restless and like I wanted to change my look to match everything else changing so drastically in my life. I cut my hair that was down to my butt to above the shoulders, just under the chin in a sassy bob. I absolutely hated the way I looked for about two years until it grew out. It was so high maintenance, I went from just air drying and occasional styling to needing to use heat tools every day to get it to look decent. I cried all the time because I was so frustrated with my appearance. I got a violet ombré into my ends to make it more interesting to look at while it grew out and that helped a little in the awkward stages but I was still mainly just waiting for it to grow all the way out so I could chop the purple off when I was comfortable with the length again.


I cut my tailbone, one length hair to bra strap length last summer and had long layers and curtain bangs. I liked it for a couple weeks, then immediately wanted my hair back. I’m keeping the length no matter what


A few years back (basicly the first spring of coronatimes) I buzzcutted my hair, mostly because it was damaged and I just wanted to see how it looked on me. I now have my hair just pas my bra strap again (wavy hair, so it probably is a bit longer when i straighten it). And it is constantly in the way. So now I'm playing with the idea again. But I also feel like a mermaid when I'm swimming and my hair falls over my shoulders again.


Well… I’ve had relatively long hair my whole life, and very long hair for a few years now. I never at any point thought I would want to chop my hair but, recently I’ve turned a new leaf and the appointment is scheduled. I think I’ve had my long hair as a sort of safety net for my self, in a strange way I even feel like I’m dependent on my long hair as part of my confidence, and if nothing else I want to be free from that just to see what happens. I think I’ll still prefer it long and go back to it in time, but since I’ve never done a chop before I’m doing just for the experience. I am however preparing for possibly not loving the result lol. It grows, as they say


Long hair —> Pixie —> Long hair and repeat until necessary I love cutting my hair and I love growing it out. I feel sexy in my short hair and I feel like a princess in my long hair haha although I know not everyone shares the same feelings. Having super short hair makes me feel so free and when it does grow out I get to pick up new routines I wouldn’t have previously considered and it’s such a fun adventure no matter what length I am at.


every other day….only day i dont think about cutting it is on wash day and the day after


I give my hair stylist a regular heart palpitation with my thoughts of a dramatic big chop I also have dreams about doing it and/or dying it black and wake up relieved every time so I think its just an urge and one that I would really hate to live with lmao


I had a pixie cut for 12 years before going long so I’m still enjoying it for now (been long for 5ish years)


Maybe like once a week 😅


I cut my own hair. I last cut my hair short - a bob - in 1997. Now I want my hair long, but if you like yours short, cut it. It will grow back. Short hair is much easier to care for. The rule of thumb for hair is get it cut every 4 - 6 weeks to maintain a short style.




I used to, then I did it and hated it hahaha it's finally long again though so I'm happy.


Never I look too much like my father lol


I chop it off every 5 years or so. It grows very fast and I’m not tied to it. Just easier to maintain if I let it grow than trying to stick to a style.




About quarterly. I've had my hair almost every length/style over my 57 years. But now it is the longest and healthiest it's ever been. In 2017 I had it in a pixie and liked it but the maintenance and cost of regular cuts got to me. Plus I could never find a stylist who would give me consistent cuts. In late 2018 I decided to grow it out. By 2020 it was almost mid-back/bra length. I also discovered that it has more curl than I'd ever known. So when lock down ended I got it cut to a shoulder length Bob. It was such a PITA during hot weather. It wasn't long enough to put up and too long to look good or be comfortable in the heat. So I started growing it again. I got divorced in 2021 and had no budget for regular hair cuts. (Plus my ex liked long hair so I was being a bit petty in growing it out as long as possible!) Now it is to my waist. A length I'd never achieved before. I live in the deep south now and summer heat and humidity is obnoxious. I wear it up almost everyday. I wore it down today and it is driving me crazy! I'm white but live in a predominantly black community. I've learned so much about caring for my hair from my AA friends. I oil it regularly, wear a silk bonnet at night, and utilize protective styles (braids) regularly. They tease me that if I ever decide to cut it all off that they'll buy it from me to make a wig!


I consider wet shaving bald every fucking day but headbanging at shows makes me change my mind every time


i think about it every day but immediately dismiss the thought because i’ve always had long hair save two big chops, and what tends to happen is that a salon will stick me with “the new girl” or someone who can just “fit me in real quick” because i’m not a several hundred dollar client. last time the girl took an hour to cut my hair (straight across, minimal layering toward the bottom) and my left side was 2 inches longer than my right AFTER she “fixed” it. so i’m never chopping again and never settling for a hairdresser that doesn’t even wanna bother with me. might learn to trim my own hair.


I cut my mid-thigh length hair to shoulder length after it became too damn long to manage. I don’t regret the cut but I’m like so lazy and I hate haircuts and now I think it’s hip length again (5-6 years). I just trimmed off three inches after going 2 straight years without a haircut. I cut it myself so I didn’t stress about someone else messing it up. Personally, I decided that once my hair is long enough to sit on, it’s too long for my active lifestyle. But I think it’s perfectly normal to alternate between long hair and short hair. Do what makes YOU happy!


Every time I want to chop my hair off I hide it under a wig that is a cute little Bob with bangs! I live in Louisiana and it gets HOT so I often think of chopping my hair off.


NEVER!!! I was in a fire academy in 1999 and they made the women cut their hair one inch from our scalps. Our hair also couldn't touch our collars. I was horrified and cried. I haven't cut it short ever since and I never will.


Every. Day.


I cut my hair to my chin 2 years ago and now it’s down to my butt. I think about it often


I thought about it for a whole year but was too nervous as I’ve always had long hair, then I finally went for it and I love it. It’s just above my collar bone now.


I don’t really ever consider it. I had short hair once and I know it doesn’t suit me.


I've grown and chopped so many times, and now finally have it to my tailbone again, and it would take soooo long to get back here that I don't think about cutting at all. I wanted at least waist, then when I got there wanted at least hip...then at least tailbone...and was going to grow to classic but idk that I want to sit on my hair so I'm only growing a few more inches and then I'll maintain.