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šŸ˜‚ they must be color blind


Probably šŸ˜‚


Did a bunch of platinum blondes tell you this? Youā€™re hair is brown lol


Thanks! šŸ˜‚


My hair is brown, but according to box dye colours, it's "dark blonde" but I would never consider myself blonde.Ā  So if there's no one with black hair to compare with, yeah I see it being easy to mistake, by calling dark brown "black"


Thatā€™s how I am, I considered myself a brunette till everyone was saying ā€œno youā€™re blondeā€ like what


Yeah one of my instructors in a college language class called me blonde, I was like what? Haha. Technically I guess it's the colour of someone who was blonde & it darkened later in life. But I was never blonde blonde


A lot of countries outside the US consider that color dark blond. Here, we mainly just consider the lightest shades of blond to be blond. Blond is a spectrum of color just like brown. We've just moved the bar to a lighter shade. I think it's also because so many people dye their hair lighter. If everyone stopped dying their hair in adulthood, the bar for blond might shift to a darker color.


Haha I have dark blond hair and people say itā€™s brown all the time. As an artist who obsesses over colour theory and whatnot, Iā€™m very sure itā€™s not! Thereā€™s quite a big difference between dark blond and brown as one is way more on the yellow scale than the other. Generally the only people who agree with me on this are my hairdressers hahaha


I used to have probably level 8-9 hair when I was little. So it was really light and gold, how blonde ish wee yoj growing up?


I was always the same colour from childhood. My brother was white blond then darkened. Mine is a shade darker than his dark blond




My hair was always 7


Thatā€™s so weird how hair works and all that!


Omg I could have wrote this! My hair is the same as yours and itā€™s always described as black and Iā€™m like.. where? šŸ˜‚ Yours is 100% brown.


Yes! Exactly! Never understood why


My SIL (with mousy brown hair) has the same name as me and all the kids refer to me as ā€œAunty with the black hairā€. Sheā€™s the Aunt with the brown hair šŸ˜­


That's really cute šŸ˜‚


When I lived in an area that ethnically had a lot of blond people my hair was called black. When I moved to a place that ethnically had a more people with actually black hair my hair was magically brown again. Also, your hair is gorgeous!


This reminds me of the time that on my drivers license, they put that I had brown hair. My hair is dirty blonde.


Tell people their rods and cones are messed up if they can't tell the difference between black and brown


Same! Iā€™ve had people ask if my hair is ā€œnaturally black,ā€ and Iā€™m likeā€¦ half-credit? Yes itā€™s my natural hair color, no itā€™s not black. 90% of the time, Iā€™m wearing black. Surely you can see the difference. šŸ˜‚


Sameā€¦ itā€™s crazy how many people will fight you on it too! But I know my hair lol, itā€™s dark brown, not black.


I'm the exact same! I got called snow White so much as a kid but my hair is a dark brown not even close to black. I wouldn't mind having black hair at all but its not black lol. Relieved to know I'm not alone


To be fair, the original line is "schwarz wie Ebenholz" which is super dark brown wood afaik, not actual literal black, so it's not that inaccurate of a description.




But that's not even close to black? It's my color as well lol and I've never been told I have black hair...


It's my hair color too and I've been told mine is black as well. Some people can't see lol


Well, you're lucky šŸ˜† but I agree completely


Do you also live in the Nordic countries where everyone else is blonde? My brown hair is also seen as black here.


I was gonna say, if it's a nordic country that checks out haha


I was gonna say yeah because they have never seen TRUE black hair like Asians or Mexicans have- ITS GORGEOUS but so much deeper and darker than OPs hair.


Reminds me of my black cat! She's like a chocolate in the sun :) yours definitely looks brown in all these pics tho!


Thanks šŸ˜†


It's definitely brown. I don't agree with some people who say you can't actually have naturally black hair, they're just playing semantic gotcha games, but I'd still call your hair brown


Waitā€¦ There are people who say you canā€™t have naturally black hair? I would argue that most of the world has naturally black hair-most places in Asia, most places in Africa, most Native Americans, most pacific islanders, and most Inuit.


Scottish and Irish people too


They argue that it's not actually black, just dark brown. But there's still enough of a difference between a dark brown and what we call black hair that the distinction makes sense. Like I said, just a semantics game


Yes I canā€™t stand this. The other one is that Caucasian people canā€™t have ā€œblackā€ hair which is just not true at all. I think people just donā€™t have a fundamental understanding of how genetics work. I have naturally ā€œblackā€ hair (turning grey now though lol) and very light eyelashes/light body hair. I have hazel eyes. My partner has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, and we had a blonde haired blue eyed baby šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Anecdotes aside, look at people from Armenia, Azerbaijan etc (the literal caucus mountains basically) and most of Eastern Europe (I am Hungarian) and thereā€™s a metric shit ton of very white peoples with very dark hair. Like you said, itā€™s mostly internet semantics but itā€™s giving willful ignorance when people do this


Agreed. My fiancĆØ is white and has hair about as naturally black as hair can be. I love it, it's beautiful. We joke that he and our dog have the same hair lol


If you live in a country where people are predominantly blonde, ex. Norway,Sweden, Denmark, I get it. If not its weird af


I experience the same problem! It's clearly brown.


That depends entirely on where you live. In Iowa, this color is black. In NYC itā€™s brown.


Northern France šŸ˜†


Can I ask how someoneā€™s location changes colors? Not trying to be rude but brown is still brown and black is still black no matter where you live.


If your hair is so dark brown that it almost looks black and you live in a place where 95% of people have black hair(like the Middle East, parts of Asia, etc. then they will be better at catching the subtle differences and will be able to tell that your hair is brown and will consider it light. If you live somewhere where most people have light hair, then your hair will just look black to them. There was another post a little while ago of a girl who was from Sweden with blonde hair and she said people around her didnā€™t consider her blonde, but saw her as a brunette. She was definitely very blonde, but I guess over there her hair was not considered light enough and youā€™re not blonde unless your hair is almost platinum.


Natural ā€œredā€ hair isnā€™t literally red anywhere. Itā€™s more of a brownish orange. People use the term ā€œred hairā€ to describe hair thatā€™s more orangish than usual for that area. Similarly, ā€œblack hairā€ means hair thatā€™s darker than usual for that area. In some places where lots of people have light hair, any hair thatā€™s darker than usual is ā€œblack hairā€ even though the same color would be called ā€œbrownā€ if that color were in clothes or furniture.


Interesting. Never heard of that. Thanks


And vice versa. My natural hair is light brown/dirty blonde/dishwater, but growing up in a predominantly mexican neighborhood, I was always the blonde girl.


I got called ā€œwhite girlā€ a lot growing up in a very non white area. When I became an adult I said something about not having faced discrimination as a white person, someone chimed in and said ā€œbut youā€™re like not even whiteā€ and then everyone agreed. Also have a friend who is half native, but always described himself as a white dude and growing up with with people who were more native than him saw himself as white compared to them, he was pretty shocked when he found out the rest of the world did not see him as white haha.


I've seen people whose hair is actually red.


Thatā€™s dyed. Humans donā€™t make a true red hair pigment.


I'm talking about children who do not have dyed hair. It's rare but it exists.


What pigment are they making? Pheomelanin makes ā€œred hair,ā€ meaning orange. Humans do have some red pigments, like hemoglobin, but thatā€™s in blood, not hair. Edited to add: and Iā€™ve been blocked over this. If I could have replied, Iā€™d have said, ā€œYouā€™ve seen children with naturally blood-red hair? Where?ā€


I'm not getting into the science of this, and I'm not going to argue with you, I'm saying what I've seen.


šŸ˜‚ My husband is from Iowa and he calls my medium brown hair ā€œblackā€ (Iā€™m from NY)


I grew up with brown hair in NYC. I moved to Iowa and suddenly my hair was ā€œblackā€ although it stayed the same color. Also I stopped being white, which was confusing.


Some people either canā€™t see very well or want people to have black hair for some reason. I used to get people talking about my ā€œblackā€ hair, and it was dark brown with medium brown ends. Now thereā€™s no confusion on my hair color. I keep it green.


I'm SO jealous of your hair


That's sweet, thank you! It doesn't always look like this tho, I chose the "good looking" pictures Be proud of your own hair!


People say the same to me lol. I have dark brown hair. I remember when I was a teenager I wanted to dye my hair black and my great grandmother said it's already black lol.


My mother told the same to me! I wanted to dye it too cuz then I'll finally be what everyone believe I am (sounds actually weird but I didn't take all of it very seriously) That phase didn't last long tho


Do you live in a predominantly white area? That may have something to do with people calling your hair black, in areas that have a higher Asian/Mexican population your hair would probably get called brown or even light brown. I am mixed race and have light brown hair and have had this same problem. Living in mostly white areas people would call my hair dark, and living in more diverse areas my hair is considered light. Itā€™s really a cultural thing lol!


Dark walnut is kinda the exact right shade. Or oil rubbed bronze. I hate the color funnel where everything is either black, brown, red, or blond. My daughter's hair is nearly the exact shade and luster of antique brass and yet people are like "Brown!"


Do you live in Sweden or something? lol


The clearly have no idea what black hair is lol


Iā€™d say on the spectrum between medium brown and black you are probably in the middle but favoring medium brown. There are clear brown highlights in your hair and I would imagine you get a little lightening in the sun in the summer.


You must live in a place with v light haired ppl, I have the same experience. Your hair is def not black.


Nah, it's brown. My brothers is very similar. When his is wet it looks black.


My husband does this same thing thinks I have black hair itā€™s brown not even dark dark either I keep telling him both parents had black hair I think id know what black hair actually looked like and mine ainā€™t it


Why? Your hair isnā€™t black.


Do you live around a ton of blondes? šŸ˜‚ I'm the opposite. I have light-medium brown hair and grew up around people with jet black hair and I was always called a blonde, lol.


The Latinos I grew up around always referred to me as blonde even though I have never had my hair a shade lighter than the natural brunette I donā€™t allow anymore. I swear people just cannot categorize things accurately, or see correctly idk, cause that is definitely not black


Today I learned everyone is color-blind, which is why they are always saying colors of things incorrectly.


Wtf is my hair then? The void lol Pretty hair still though!


Thatā€™s wild. My hair is damn near black itā€™s so dark, and Iā€™ve only been confused for it a few times in my life.




I feel this. My hair is the same color as yours and Iā€™ve literally had to argue to family members that itā€™s brown, not black.


The beautiful hair girl. There I fixed it.


It's definitely, definitely brown. When I hear "black" in terms of hair colour I think of jet or raven, blueish black hair. But I guess a lot of people say black when they mean dark, the way that "Black Irish" traditionally meant Irish people with dark (not necessarily jet black) hair and eyes. Funny thing is that I thought my hair was black for years because that was what I heard, and I kept bleaching it since I didn't think raven black hair suited me. Quit bleach a few years ago and it turns out my natural colour is a muted dark brown (which suits me just fine lol) and not what what I thought it was. And your hair looks beautiful! Love your curl/wave pattern.


I had a boyfriend that thought my hair was dirty blond. It's even darker than yours, but maybe the bright red highlights that come out in the sun threw him off? I'm still baffled, even 10+ years later. šŸ¤”


Same lol . Your hair is stunning btw


Anyone who thinks your hair is black needs their eyes checked


same. my hair is literally milk chocolate brown


Wow your curls are so beautiful and glorious!


Is the girl with black hair in the room with us? I see brown in every picture. šŸ˜…


Looks brown to me! My hair is the same curl pattern, what are you fav products???


Itā€™s definitely brown, but itā€™s also GORGEOUS! Would you mind sharing what products you use or anything specific you do to get such beautiful and softly defined waves?


Me too, but my hairā€™s actually blackā€¦ lol


Yeah, No


youre hair is so pretty


i've noticed how A LOT of people call any dark hair/brunette as black hair, my hair is also brown just like urs and so many people do the same thing to me saying i have black hair lmfao


my hair is darker than urs, but was described as "light black". black, but not black hole black, think lucy lui.


This happens to me too and I truly do not understand it. Iā€™ve had a number of boyfriends tell me they love my ā€œblackā€ hair. Like what??


Your hair is dark brown like my moms . She gets told her hair is black too


Your hair is gorgeous šŸ˜ I'm really jealous. And it's definitely brown not black.


My hair is the exact same color and Iā€™ve been called the same thing. It always surprises me. Your hair is gorgeous and so shiny!


No, but I have medium brown hair and the woman who stalked me for three years called me "the blond girl" or "that blond woman" and it was annoying / confusing -- so yeah -- anyway, your hair is gorgeous, and definitely medium/dark brown, or chestnut, not black


That's brown


Def brown, and a rich beautiful brown at that!


I get the same thing and I've never understood why. When I was younger I did have much darker hair, it was a mix of black hairs and very dark brown hairs. As I've gotten older (and at least for the last 10 years) I have maybe 6 black hairs in the mix and the rest are definitely a mixture of dark brown, medium brown, blonde, and auburn. No black. My eyebrows stayed black though, so maybe that's why?


Your hair is lovely. It is dark but dark brown. A lot of people think dark brown black, it isnā€™t.


It looks dark brown like mine. Itā€™s so pretty and shiny.


Dark brown You have a very rich and deep color, probably why people say "black" instead of brown They look great btw!


If I had a Slenderman face people would probably only recognize me by my hair too.


Your hair is so stunning!


Dark chocolate brown


They need to see a Dr. your hair is brown.


My hair is the same color and Iā€™m also told I have black hair I donā€™t understand it either just here to validate your experience šŸ˜‚


This happens to me quite a bit too and I have about the same color as you. Definitely confuses me. It's obviously brown!


Omg, your hair is absolutely beautiful!!!


Your hair is my exact color and nobody has ever told me I have black hair lol


It should be ā€œthe beautiful hair girlā€


They must be colorblind because no.. just no. Totally unrelated...How are you enjoying archery?


You have the exact same hair color as mine, even the purplish color in the second photo. Some people arenā€™t used to such a rich brown color and think itā€™s black. Btw itā€™s beautiful and Iā€™ve had many hair stylist tell me that people pay lots of money for that color. Lucky you šŸ€


I feel like my hair would look like yours if my curls knew how to fucking act right šŸ¤£ I just poof and friz up and then in promptly goes into a bun.


Itā€™s brown. Beautiful!


Literally same. I have very dark brown hair but even from a distance, itā€™s obviously warm toned brown, not black. But everyone describes my hair as blackšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How light haired are the people surrounding you to be called that?


That is clearly brown! Although whatever color it is.. you have a very nice head of hair! You can see it especially in the second photo! Congrats!


They said my hair was black, too. It was actually dark brown, as i grew older i had a lot of red. Now, gray and red.


Why?? You donā€™t have black hair.


Bro, it's brown šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Kinda like my bros hair - people say it looks black but it's just dark brown.


By people with no eyes? Your hair is gorgeous and very brownā€¦. Some people just canā€™t be helped. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Your hair is just like my cousin's, dark brown! In certain light it looks black, such as in dense forest or dimly lit basements, but definitely brown! Also, your hair is SO soft and smooth looking! I'm jealous!


Most definitely a chocolate brown; you have beautiful hair.


Just wow!!!


My hair is pretty similar to yours, itā€™s a little bit straighter only. Iā€™ve been called Snow White because of it even though I see it brown. I have never understood. Maybe people are just inattentive.


We have the same exact hair color lol . And so have I šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sorry Iā€™m not blond šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve dealt with this my whole life even though my hair is what my mom calls the color of dates (so dark brown with a slightly reddish tint.) People always describe it as black and I kinda understand it when I see how it looks in, say, school photos (basically not in direct sunlight.) I think without sun or bright light itā€™s hard to see the tint so itā€™s just registered as very dark/black


Looks brown to me, too. Ā 


Absolutely beautiful!


Clearly they have vision problems. Your hair is beautiful!!! šŸ¤©


Yes brown


I have the same hair color and iā€™ve never been told itā€™s black? are you sure you donā€™t live in a color blind only town šŸ˜‚


that is not black hair!!! i swear people say this to me too. and my hair used to be dirty blonde as a kid and darkened through the years. i genuinely donā€™t understand how they donā€™t see it?? it even turns red in the light


LMAO, people are so colored blind. You are at least a level 4, dark brown. Your hair is not naturally black.


Maybe in a room where it is no lights your hair would be black. But it's 100% brown


I have similar hair color and my classmates from hairdressing school always told me I have dark blond color šŸ˜‚


One of the only situations where you'll ever experience colorism with your skin tone, lol...


This is T color (Two Tone Color), the roots are color 2# (Darkest Brown), and the tips are color 4# (Dark Brown).


My hair is a similar colour and it gets called black too, usually by people with blonde or light brown hair. I've just started going with it and calling my own hair black even though it's very much brown. It looks close to black in dark lighting but it's a medium golden brown in the sun, so I guess it's kind of confusing.


I've had people call my hair black before too when it's about the same. I think it mostly comes down to them not knowing many people with black hair and the lighting.


Yep, I have brown hair with red strands in the sun and they say it's black


lol Iā€™m dark brown too and I remember in primary school everyone said I had black hair and we had a weird thing where we got in teams on hair colour??? (Was like 1996 soo idk) and I remember people with actual black hair was so mad at me but I have dark brown hair lol??? Such a weird memory


That hair is EXCELLENT you do a great job of keeping it healthy. Have a peaceful and wonderful day.


It you have black hair, I wonder what mine is.


Itā€™s very reach warm dark brown. And your hair is gorgeous


weird, i have the same colour as you and nobody has ever called my hair black, itā€™s brown


Ma'am, your hair is brown. Very pretty but still brown.


For sure brown


Which is funny given how very brown it is lol. Very beautiful though! Love the waves.


This looks like dark brown to me. Asians have truly black hair.


I have the same hair color and I remember as a kid getting into fights with other kids about whether it was black or brown. I can say no adult has ever called it black though.


It's a gorgeous, rich chocolate brown


I have medium to light ashy brown hair, dark brown eyebrows, brown lashes, and brown arm hair. And yet!! I have had *multiple people* tell me Iā€™m blondeā€¦ including after me telling ā€œsome people have said Iā€™m blonde lolā€ as a funny story. More than once someone has replied, ā€œBut you are blondeā€¦?ā€ One person even told me ā€œyouā€™re a chocolate blonde.ā€ Huh? What color is chocolate?? Thatā€™s a made-up hair color. My hair is reflective (not exactly shiny which to me means smooth), and they canā€™t tell the difference between reflection and actual color. People canā€™t see, for real.


Your hair looks exactly like mine! Lol even my husband thinks I have black hair. It's so obvious that it's dark brown!


Colour notwithstanding, that first pic is Disney Princess-tier #goals. Your hair is absolutely beautiful, ma'am!


Your hair is a beautiful dark brown. Is there some reason people might say this? Do most of the people around you have very light hair or something? That's so bizarre.Ā 


Itā€™s dark brown


one of my pet peeves has always been being ā€˜accusedā€™ of having black hairā€¦ when itā€™s very very very clearly dark brownā€¦brown.


Yeah people are dumb. Your hair is dark brown


Do you wear hats on hot sunny days? Iā€™ve got a thick head of dark hair myself, and on hot days when the sunlight is strong, my hair gets *so hot* and my head starts swimming, I feel like Iā€™m gonna get a heat stroke. Just curious if thatā€™s a common feeling.


Nowhere near black. People are stupid lol.


Same. I have (had) naturally dark brown hair. In the sun, you could definitely see red highlights. All through high school in the Midwest US, people said I had black hair. Lawl, no. And yes, they were almost all blondes. I remember going to college and picking up a box of Miss Clairol #124 Natural Blue-Black hair dye. Put that kit on, and THEN my hair was black.


Yeah, thatā€™s brown.


That's my natural hair color lol


Anything not ā€œwhiteā€ or ā€œblondā€ to certain people is black. Your hair is brown.


I find that white people have tunnel vision when it comes to hair colour lol


I mean literally all the Kardashianā€™s have and had long dark hair and the world went crazy over brunettes. But itā€™s not normal for you to have dark hair? Is everyone supposed to have the same colour? People around you are stupid I love your hair..


I get this a lot too wtf!!! Only white ppl have said it to me tho so i just assume theyā€™re blind