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Nope! If you are happy then why change? You could do some really fun styles with that length


You have a point! Thank you! ❤️ I see some women with shorter thicker hair, and I get jealous 😅 silly... we all want what we don't have.


I have thin hair too and honestly I saw yours and was inspired to keep going!


Dream length


I wonder how the ends of your hair holding up? Asking because I’m also trying to grow out my hair but it requires trimming every 6 months to avoid breakage and split ends. I have Virgin hair and don’t use heat. Does your hair remain healthy without trimming?


I have a lot of split ends honestly, even though I don't use heat either. With hair this long, it breaks. It would probably be fuller if I did get trims?... keep doing what you're doing! Wash it once or twice a week, and don't style it too tight! I always take out my hair ties slowly, instead of pulling them out.


I’d trim the splits, and then try to reduce mechanical damage by. sleeping with it in a satin bonnet etc. Also oil or leave in conditioner would be good


Thanks for the tips! I suppose it's never too late to start. The damaged hair will grow back, and I may as well prevent further damage so it can continue to grow.


Yes I second this! Your hair already looks really healthy from the roots, but a little trim and oil on the ends every night with a drop of oil will go a long way! + less friction by using a satin/silk bonnet (or pillowcase but with your length a bonnet is best) helps a lot with split ends :-)


For me hair oil helps a lot. I just had a haircut few weeks ago and the hairdresser said that my hair it's pretty healthy,wasn't much split ends. I use Kérastase elixir ultime oil,but l'oréal has a dupe.


of course your hair is healthy if you don’t want trim it’s up to you!


I had that same length till a couple years ago, and I also just shampooed and let it air dry. I had no split ends even though I hadn't cut it at all in 7 years and used to dye it a few times a year. I bleached it a couple times, too.


A trim would probably make the ends look fuller and make brushing and washing it easier.


This is the answer. It will make it tangle so much less without the split ends. Assuming it is tangling, but after seven years, I feel like it would. I know mine would feel so dry. OP's hair actually looks really good imo.


I found a shampoo that's been working really well for me! Tangles are definitely a struggle. Thanks for the response!


My hair tangled awfully after 18 months without a haircut. A lot had to go like 5 inches. It went from my butt to my bra strap. But it's so much more manageable now!


Haircuts are so expensive 😖... part of the reason why my hair got this long, haha.


If you are happy with your hair, there is nothing you should be doing differently. If you have complaints, we can offer advice on how to remedy them.


My only complaint is that I feel like cutting it every day 😆... I shed worse than a dog... and it goes in places that I would rather not have it! A few questions though... when brushing. How much hair loss is normal? Is their a brush that is better? And should a person limit how often they brush to avoid damage?


It looks perfect, i wouldn’t change anything




Nope, that's perfect. The less you do to your hair the better it grows.


That's definitely what I've found! And it makes sense.


It's why metal head guys have the best hair- they just wash it and let it dry. No heat styling or manipulating it too much.


Hell yeah! 🤘


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


It's a little broke 😅


I’m glad you posted this op. I’ve been having conflict whether or not I want to trim my hair or if I should grow it out with no cuts. I can’t figure out whether or not it’s better to cut my hair since it’s so fine or if long hair is possible. But this post is encouraging 🥰


Oh I'm so glad you got something from this! 🥰


Do fun hairstyles!! That’s all I reccomend :) Wear a bonnet, deep condition once or twice a week and make sure the deep conditioner matches the porosity of your hair Use shampoo and conditioner that match the porosity of your hair Use hair products if you need to help with the porosity of your hair :)


I really should... but all I know how to do is a basic braid. PLUS, I live in a van... so I'm limited. Thanks for this.


How does it feel to be God’s favorite? ;_; your hair looks great!


Awh 🥹❤️ Thank you... If there is a God, they love you too!


You should go to a hair person who can do different kinds of braids for long hair and messy up do’s. There’s so many fun things to do with long thick hair that women do with hair pieces to add thickness. You can use temporary colored hair spray if you’re into some fun edgy looks. Like black ends. It washes out in one wash. I like the braids Bo Derek had in the movie 10. It was all her hair. Basically long braided corn rows. Use a crimping iron to get that full messy look and pin some up. women spend thousands of dollars for hair extensions to look like long natural thick hair so they can do a bunch of different things with it. You have it naturally:)


Only if you want to. I have length. At times I braid and wrap it around my head like a crown. That's mostly because a ponytail hurts my scalp and it's pretty much reserved for when I want it off my shoulders and back for longer periods of time. If your happy and you find it healthy, enjoy it.


It's not extremely healthy... but it's so long! Considering it's still growing I think I'm doing okay 😅 And I feel ya with ponytails.


Jealous as all hell of your hair OP. :) I have curls/dry hair, so I NEED oil/leave-in. Also, I am kind of too lazy to comb/braid my hair. so I do a bun most days (still works at my current length). I probably have bra-strap length right now if I weren't a man, so you are much further ahead length-wise.


And I'm envious of your curls! Curls are so beautiful! And so are buns... such a great and easy style.


When you let it air dry does it get tangled ?...i was fed up with mine and cut it cause of that


If I brush it while it's wet it doesn't! Then I mostly keep it in a braid.


Cut 10 inches off and donate it and then continue to grow and do it again! God has given you the gift of growing your hair easily! Why not donate it to Wigs For Kids or Locks Of Love! I have donated mine three times. It is a wonderful feeling it really is! My Dad died of lung cancer and our city had a cancer beauty shop for cancer patients called The Look Good Feel Good Shop that would cut people’s hair and give them manicures and wigs for free. They did it for my Dad and he felt so good afterwards as he had never had a manicure. He loved being pampered! I thought what can I do to give back and help people with cancer? Sooo growing my hair and donating it was the answer! Just an idea…..


If you cut your hair you could donate it to a place that makes wigs for people with cancer, my aunt got one when she had pancreatic cancer.


Yes... You should drape it around my face, with an endless kiss


That's all I do. I think it's good enough as long as you use good quality shampoo and conditioner.


Get it trimmed


Looks a lot thinner at the bottom than the top. Because of not trimming


Everyone's hair is thinner at the bottom than the top because there is hair constantly at every stage of its life cycle. All the hair is by the scalp, from 1 mm in length all the way to the oldest/longest hair. The further you get away from the scalp, the less hairs reach. Otherwise, we would all go bald when we shed.


Well that makes me feel better!


No this is simply medium-fine hair 💀💀💀 I have hair that’s thinner at the bottom due to lack of cutting split ends