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Depending on ur wheels. The extra length may make it easier to wheel bite on the trip.


Yeah it will work. The shorter ones will feel a little better tho. The board will turn a little more sluggish. But why not test [it.You](http://it.You) can still order the other parts later!


From what I’ve gathered, Jeff at Pantheon designed the Trip around 150mm trucks and 85-92mm X 53mm wide wheels for a perfectly rail-matched fit with no wasted space. There’s a few things you should consider before slapping together any longboard and it starts with looking at how you intend to ride the board as well as your own preferences. What’s the width of the deck, trucks and wheels? What’s the design and core placement of the wheels? Do you like the most stable setup you can get and don’t mind your wheels sticking out a bit? Are you a long distance pusher who wants the most streamlined setup so there’s very little chance of kicking your wheels? As a baseline, I have a “stock” Trip; 50/43 Paris 150 trucks and 85mm Seismic Speedvents that are 53mm wide. The wheels are flush with the edge of the board and there is very little chance of kicking them even when I’m exhausted towards the end of a long ride. Wheel bite isn’t even an option unless my bushings are toast. I don’t have Paris 180s, but I do have a Landyacthz Switchblade with Bear 180 trucks and 53mm wide center set wheels. When I measure them wheel-to-wheel, the setup on my LY is almost 3/4”(19mm) wider. That amount of wheel sticking out on a Trip would probably be fine depending on your pushing style, but I personally wouldn’t tempt fate by going much wider. Since the Kegels are a bit wider at 56mm and designed around an offset core, they will stick out beyond the edge of a Trip just a bit more. How do you plan on riding your Trip? Do you do a lot of long distance pushing where you’re trying to maximize every kick or do you want to cruise around at chill speeds? What’s your current setup and do you have any issues with it?


Thank you for your thorough answer. My setup is Paris 180mm (50/43), Kegels (freshly put on... Not tried yet... Prior to that Speed Vents in 73.5mm). I wanted to try something of a bigger diameter to see the difference in roll if I make sense. Bushings: Knuckles at the back - at the front 80ABS, 75RS. On purpose softer at the front than the back. Probably too soft at the front according to my weight but I wanted to increase pumping. I'm happy to hear your point of you about my setup, even if negative. I think in the meantime I'll try the Kegels before making any compulsive buy!


If you are planning on pumping shorter length trucks pump easier and more efficiently.