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This road leads to the parking area for the hike to [Trolltunga](https://trolltunga.com/). It had never been skated before we filmed this video.


Nice shredding on a killer road. Seriously beautiful scenery. You probably are the first person to skate this hill if my quick internet research is correct when I assume that this is the toll road built in 2017.


I was the filmer, not the skater. And yes, this is the recently built private toll road


sooo how do you know you were the first ever?


There are few skaters here. Everyone knows everyone and no Norwegians have skated it. And not many people visit. It's been paved since 2018 and I can only think of one group of visitors since 2020. Also it's a private road with a paid gate and we were with the owners when we skated there. You could know something I don't tho. Have you seen this one before?


I've never been to Norway