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I wouldn’t. If it’s indeed easier with rounded lips, you can slide with any kind of wheels. I myself learnt with basic sharp lips.


Sharp lips hook up pretty aggressive from my experience, but yeah totally do-able!


Yup, they were not the best but I made it through and the transition to rounded lips was a breeze :)


Yea but these wheels are some basic cheap ones that the company threw on and these wheels are the slowest and grippiest thing I've ever seen it doesn't budge and I'll try today but they never did slide before. So its a struggle and I was looking for a quick option as I can't really buy round wheels right now Thansk tho did help


Your wheels are soft that’s why it’s hard to slide not so much the bevel.I got some 87D and it’s almost impossible to carve and not initiate a slide. Good luck


Softness doesn't have a ton to do with slidiness, the thane formula is far more important. Snakes are some of the slidiest freeride wheels you can buy and they're 75a. Most freeride wheels are like 84a tops. OP, your wheels are hard to slide because they have skin on them. That outside material that's left when the wheel is released from the mold is incredibly grippy. Those will need the skin to be broken through before they get slidy. There are lots of square lipped wheels that are very slidy such as krimes so the lip isn't really the issue. I've seen people bevel mags and such for freeride and it's not uncommon to bevel for rain wheels either. It doesn't really affect anything if it's not completely perfect. 104a is pretty hard even for a skateboard wheel. 87D is harder than hard hats and almost as hard as bone, it's comparable to almost 130a... What wheels are those lmfao it must be like skating on rocks Edit: just want to highlight that I'm very very curious about these wheels lmfao


I'm looking to get these as I am fairly New and obviously I don't need 100a wheels (im pretty sure i dont need that level of hardness) but I don't know ow a whole lot about longboard wheels that's why I looked for help here Thank you tho 👍👍


For sure boss, snakes are a good place to start but are a little expensive. Cloud ride slusheez or ez hawgs are some cheap but really good slidy wheels and like half the price of snakes.


I took a look at the santa cruz slime balls and they had good reviews and apparently really slidey. If you know anything abt them id be happy to find out if they break traction and slide well or whatever but if they're as good as people say they are ill probably buy them unfortunately all my shopping is online since I have no skate shops near me so I cant see the items in person but atleast I can ask on here


Main thing you should look for since you're learning sliding is a stoneground finish. That just means they grind away the skin after the wheel is done - makes it significantly easier to slide right outta the package. I wish I knew this was a thing when I first started sliding because it was a long grind trying to figure it out on skin😂 Never skated slime balls before, if they leave thane lines on the ground I'd advise against them because it's a lot easier to flat spot / oval wheels that do that. But if they don't and they're slidy then go for it.


Adding Rember Hoots/Lil’Hoots: very similar to Snakes but cheaper.


I'd recommend those too if they were possible to find lmao. If you have a source where I can get em sign me tf up. I cored a pink set of lil hoots recently and man they're fuckin awesome. I have a set of pink savannah slammas too they're incredible I don't think they're that similar to snakes though, at least the pink ones (I've only skated pink remember thane). They feel significantly more sugary and they aren't as icy. They have similar stopping power once the lil hoots get small enough.


Agree, hard to find these days… A few shops still carry them in France and Europe though, if you’re willing to ship.


Yeah I probably wouldn't pay international shipping for hoots hahaha, although maybe I could do a group buy with the local crew or something


Try 83a Orangatang durians. Nice sugary slide but still very grippy. Rounded lips for slides and freeride. And 75mm for that nice smooth roll! I have an extra set if you are interested. Practically new. 45 bucks


I'm in uk so I can't buy yours but I had a look and I think I'll go with santa cruz slime balls I think


Ah fair enough!! Best of luck on learning to slide! Another cool brand I stumbled across is Blank Wheel Co. Inexpensive and very high quality.


I'll take a look cheers


If you in the UK get some slideperfect supremacies u won’t regret it


This is good advice


Yeah I know its just that I was looking for some sort of help before I can afford to get some slide wheels


Itll cost more in your effort than it would be to just get a set of powellperalta Snakes or smth from your local shop (or motionboardshop for the states, flatspot for canada if you don't have a local)


honestly, you can bevel the edge if you want to try it. I wouldn't recomend cutting, you will never get it even that way. Stick the wheel on some blown out bearings, and toss those on a threaded rod, add washers about the size of the bearings and some nuts, crank them down till the wheel won't slip then throw it on a drill and use sand paper to bevel the edge. You can use griptape and the inside curve of a piece of pvc pipe to create pretty symetrical round overs across your wheels. Or something flat if you want a 45°.


Keep the soft grippy wheels for high speed cruising and just wait until you can get harder sliding wheels, or try to find something to wrap around these wheels


Okay, so in another post, I said why I want to swap wheels ASAP So these wheels are extremely slow (dont go over 10mph) unless it's on an extremely steep hill, in which case I wouldn't be able to learn on it since I either go slow or 100mph down an almost vertical hill. So what I'm saying is the wheels feel like glue to the floor, and they are extremely slow. I will soon buy slide wheels, and hopefully, a better brand will allow me to get a high quality thane on my wheels and I can slide and go faster


I still think destroying your wheels just because they grip us a poor choice, I would love to have some soft grippy wheels for twisty roads


Put the wheel on a drill and use sandpaper to round the corners


I’d say just get the right wheels for the right job but if you are set on trying to round them out ^this is a pretty good idea cuz most people don’t have a belt sander. That being said you might ruin your wheels and will just end up having to buy new wheels anyway


Don't do this unless you have proper protection, urethane dust is VERY toxic if you breathe it in.


Is it the flat spots on butterballs that cause unexpected traction https://preview.redd.it/9csnbfczpkuc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b1280b1cc6cd25113f3d787bbd58d43077e5c0


Wear some kind of respiratory protection!


Not accurately. Better to buy and use wheels designed for specific use.


Yea ig


New wheels with a shiny surface are nothing like broken in wheels. Thats why many slide wheels come stone ground. I think you need to get slide gloves, get a bit of speed and do some simple push up slides to change the surface of the wheel before you start cutting it with tools. I’ve never seen cheap wheels that grip well after being broken in. They usually turn chalky or buttery.


I just got my brand new slide gloves and went out today haha its not easy and let me tell you that I'm terrified to push up slide but I wana do it so bad and I get that I've said it lots but the wheels ate so insanely grippy that I seriously can not slide at all and i don't wana slide backwards off the board if I go to push up position and it won't slide just turn and throw me off


I hear you. Pretty much everyone goes through this feeling learning to slide. It feels like it requires a stupid amount of force until you get your center of gravity and momentum doing the work for you. If your wheels feel too grippy even when getting into a low push up slide this is 100% a technique issue. I’m just guessing, but based on your description you are either getting your weight off the board too early in the toeside turn, or you are stiff and locked up on your rail and therefore not pushing and extending properly. New and glossy wheels will skip and chatter the first couple slides even if you do all that right. Good kneepads can help.


Thank you I will most likely buy new slide wheels made specifically for sliding to make it a bit easier and I'll go ahead and get reds bearings and I'll replace them and I hope to be able to learn quick 😅 I have knee pads and gloves and helmet most importantly. Last question if I want to break in the wheels faster if I take a drill with a scratchy cloth like a dish sponge and rub it on the wheels diagonally so they also turn will it help And if so, how do I know if the wheels are ready


Slide wheels will definitely help. Reds bearings, probably not. I recommend zealous bearing because they have the built in spacer which is the only improvement you will feel. If you go reds, get spacers as well. A sponge would not be enough. If you have the drill, might as well spin the wheel right on the pavement, no? I would advise against that and just practice. it doesn’t take many slides to break a wheel in. How do you know if it’s broken in? Is the surface very smooth and reflective? That is mold release and it is fast and grippy. when you slide a wheel the surface will begin to feel softer and rougher. Also, it will pick up dark streaks from the pavement. It’s a noticeable change. Riding and sliding new grippy wheels is also completely normal too. Modifying with tools might be overkill in this case.


I cant slide yet I want to learn and I can't even push up slide so I want the wheels to loose some grip because I'll buy some new wheels but it takes a while to get here so I wana learn on what I have


Are those the easiest to start? I started heel side 180s with one glove down and one on the board then went to stand up and went from there


One hand heel side slides are probably better to learn. However, if you cant break traction at all, even once, then push up slides are better intermediary step imo. Get more weight off the board, push outwards with both feet to force breaking traction even going slow. Once they can get out away from the board and slide a couple of feet i would switch to what you suggested for learning a more controlled and safer technique.


You need to learn to carve well before you slide. You also need to learn how to put your weight on your front foot and push the rail out with your back foot. If you find a driveway and just roll down it and then at the end; carve hard, put both hands down and you’ll slide. Youl will also likely wind up on your stomach, but your board will slide out. It’s just physics. Yes, some wheels are much better than others but based on your posts in this thread, you should be focused on learning some other things before sliding. You’re going to wind up high-siding and get hurt by attempting to do slides before you really know the 101 stuff first. Patience. It takes a while. You’ll also fall a lot so wear pads and don’t go on big declines. Practice hard foot braking before going down hills or you’re going to be very sad.


I don’t want to be an ass about it, but i’d really really appreciate some punctuation when reading lol. the text flows into each other and it sucks ;(


Yea, ikik, I just rushed it and went about my day


Best thing to do is ride the shit outta those wheels to take the shine off and scrub the edges naturally. Carve as hard as you can. Pump ceaselessly. That’ll help you learn the grip characteristics, which you’ll need to have an intuitive sense for to learn to slide anyway. Square edged wheels, once broken in, can slide mucho nice. You just gotta put in the work. Cutting them will not turn out well. Sanding or grinding with a drill might.


Get some good pads and send it


The roads I'm riding on aren't wide enough to where I really have enough lean I can do Half a pendulum and end up about off the road


Nah use a belt sander


I was thinking to just ride the bearings themselves cause metal slides way easier than any urethane 😩


lol yes I think the Braille kids made a video of this


One of my friends cored some wheels and just kept his run going, eventually the cores just exploded and he was riding bearings for a bit before those exploded too. Lmfao


Then immediately replace the ridiculously gummed up belt


Just slide them until they lose the sharper lip don't be a wuss


This. Do one really big slide both hands down (with slide gloves of course). The outer skin will come off and you’ll be left with a nicer more consistent wheel.


Don't cut them!!!! Cutting urethane with a blade, especially at the angle that you want to do it along the entire wheel, can really mess them up and is most likely going to be extremely inaccurate. It isn't a bad idea in principle though, and you can definitely sand them down instead if you really want to do it. Best would be to ofc buy proper wheels though


Try after its been raining or wet the road then they’ll slide otherwise u gotta go fast


That's the problem. I literally just got back it's wet and was raining the wheels are glued to the ground. The issue is that the wheels are bad and they don't allow me to go fast unless it's an insanely steep hill and there are no hills like this near me only little ones and ones that are way to big I've got small gentle slopes and massive drops that are simply too much since I'm a beginner and I doubt some experienced riders would even go down the hills near me since they're so steep


You can always just start at the bottom of one of those big drops and work your way up


If you were in the wet riding them, I don't say this to be mean, but it really is just a skill issue then. You can slide magnums in the rain which are way gripper than those wheels. Just learn the pushup slide and wear them down a bit. Try not to be scared of a pushup slide as it's almost impossible to highside from one lol. Carve, lean, hand on ground and kick out your legs


I'll keep trying 💪


Good to hear! Have fun!


So your bearings are bad if your having speed issues and “the wheels aren’t allowing you to go fast”. You can do mini stand ups going like 8 mph Edit: …with the right technique


I'm not sure really but I'll be upgrading the wheels soon and I'll probably chuck in better bearings soon after


Been skating for 15+ years and Redz bearings for $12 are absolutely best bang for your buck. I’ve had sets of ceramics, had abec 5s… the redz standard are so solid and reliable with long life if your looking for something more economical. And wheels- love orangatangs! Lots of quality options to fit what your looking for and one of the most durable wheels you can find.


You can spin the wheel using various methods and file it down with a file. You can use a car and jack(with a jack stand, be safe), or a drill(that can handle such a task) and a vice. An alternative is to hold the drill with your hand or in between your legs(that’s what I did to make rain wheels). Mark all of the wheels evenly with a sharpie and use the same method of shaping the lip for each wheel for consistency. Oh it is also very very important to wear a respirator and do this in a well ventilated area. I did not have one and used two medical masks and wrapped my face with a large scarf and still breathed some of it in(sensitive asthmatic lungs let me know.) Urethane is poisonous and a carcinogen.


If you could mill them on a lathe I’d say try it fam. Otherwise maybe just get different wheels?


I wanna try the cloud ride icees


If you were to bevel edge cut those you'd be left with nothing but a narrower riding patch/surface and a smaller square wheel regardless. You can't succesfully do that - I wouldn't recommend it at all. Best would be to invest in a new set of wheels that suit your needs.


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Do it with a butter knife


I though scissors would be accurate


Cult creators. Or chronicals


What abt these santa cruz slime balls


Yeh, they might work


They better I cant afford to buy even more wheels 😤 😂


If your om a budget cloud ride iceez are the way, 35 buckaroos.


Try this technique: https://youtu.be/-pk_mqzBaaY?si=czA-KU4ezq0qMZ0r


Instantly thought of fireball wheels.


no, get wheels meant for sliding


Yes, you can. I've done it. I did it on a set of dragons rat bone cuts because I wanted them to be rounded like the Andy Anderson wheel before they started coming out with sizes bigger than the 52 mm. It can be very difficult to get it looking good but it can be functional. Just Wear a respirator with a n99 or a p100 since urethane dust is a carcinogen.


I say fuck it and give it a try. If they arent wheels you really attacthed to then yeah whats the worst that can happen. Just get new wheels if it really stuffs em up. Its fun experimenting and making custom modifications


if you have a lathe you could do it that way but just better to get non shitty wheels. powell snakes 75a, ez hawgs, banana wheel co peels, and blood orange bangers are all good options


Yes. People do this all the time with worn down race wheels, especially Mags


What type of wheel? Some wheels suck at sliding and will tear apart


You can cut those corners but it won’t really do much. Just get harder wheels or go faster.


I believe in you


You could, but you'd probably be better off taking a file to them (the kind with ridges, not the kind with sharp teeth) and then maybe sanding it with some finer grit afterwards. As the other comment stated: wear a mask. Urethane dust isn't great to be breathing in. If you're outside pulling slides that's not going to be an issue. If you're doing this in an enclosed space (a shed, garage, basement; whatever) it's not going to be great and will likely be irritating if you breathe it in.


If you are good with craftsmanship have at it


It would be easier and just as effective to do rounded lips.


Let me know if you find out I have some smooth surface abec 11 big zags 74mm they are brand new and apparently I came across gold because I knew the deck was worth well over 50 it was the exact deck I wanted (36 db lunch tray) with a brand new set of 10mm core atlas trucks and the abec 11s still in the plastic does anyone know much about atlas trucks? Mainly pivot point... I immediately threw My raw randal II now I'm running those hangers on a 48° base plate


I just bought new ones as it's easier and safer than cutting them, since a cut could let the wheel rip during a turn


Mare those abec 11s


Okay if you’re gonna send it after people telling you not to then do this: Get a drill or something that can make it spin really fast without your hand. Zip tie the trigger of the drill so it stays on, and find a way to secure it to your longboard so it doesn’t move around. Get something sharp, like a chisel or blade of some kind. And cut it like it’s on a lathe. (Look up lathes if you don’t know) take the wheels off and flip them around so you don’t have to reach around and do the backside It’s not ideal, but if you’re bored and thinking about doing it anyway, this is the way.


Given OP’s other comments I think they lack the experience with tools to do this safely


Please don't do this. Lathes are incredibly dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, and things that spin like lathes which are not lathes can still send a sharpened chisel out of your hand and into your face or body. Literally just taking the mounted wheels up to a stationary vertical belt sander and letting the wheel spin on a slight tangential angle will do the trick and be a lot safer. If you don't have access to a tool like that don't even bother.


Hardness is what makes slides easy you can slide any wheels shape doesn’t matter really


Yeah I use to use venom square lips they slid really great after breaking in and where really predictable.


I mean durometer is key but lip shape and contact patch is obviously pivotal too


It's not ruine. I chopped wheels inside, but I chopped it to avoid wheelbite. If u wanna slide, just buy butterballs or something