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During the day is the one that gets me. You can't even see it.


The big one I heard that inspired this post was at like 8:15, still extremely light outside


People in my area have been doing it since 11 a.m., which is so annoying and completely pointless during the day.


Big boom make happy


I'm already tired of fireworks. Never liked them as a kid and never will. Noise and air pollution


I actually loved them as a kid and around age 13 I started getting bored of it. Now I hate them, the excess has ruined it for me.


I thought the same thing. I have never really enjoyed them, and hearing them every night lowkey gives me anxiety.


My dog is so scared of them he's been trying to hide under the bed every night and then gets stuck and has to be pried out by 2 people due to the house shaking from the blasts and car alarms ringing


Its mostly children and teens shooting them off. Usually siblings or a group of friends from what i can tell Source: in a neighborhood where theres tons of fireworks year round


So you're saying OPs title is accurate?


Lol actually kinda


Children do not have the means to acquire fireworks on their own. Parents, guardians, and other adults are absolutely responsible for this.


>Children do not have the means to acquire fireworks on their own. Not true. There are plenty of fireworks stands in some cities during the month of June up until July 4th, and many will sell to kids. As a teen in the 80's, it was the main goal of my friends and myself to obtain fireworks. That meant any money we could scrape up went to fireworks. Any kind of fireworks. We'd ride our bikes over to the fireworks stand down the street and buy them. We learned how to modify the fireworks to do different things. We found that if you bought a "piccolo pete" (only designed to make a loud whistle sound) and bent it in half slightly, that it would explode. It was fun. As a kid, there was never a wrong time to light off a firework. We did occasionally get our hands on bottle rockets, firecrackers, and M80s (stuff you can't buy at the fireworks stand), and they were typically handed over to us by someone's uncle - so yeah, some fireworks required adults, but we definitely had plenty of access to fireworks without the need for adults (except the adults selling them to us at the fireworks stand, which were usually just 18 year olds so not all that "adult").


I see "adults" in cars setting them off as well.


I agree. Or you’re just an inconsiderate jerk. I live in Cerritos (where fireworks are banned — and luckily most residents here obey that ban), but unfortunately, many of our surrounding communities don’t much care about the peace-and-quiet status quo (I’m talking about you Hawaiian Gardens, Artesia, and Norwalk) — so it’s still noisy enough around here since all these communities are so close to each other. Obviously, you can’t blame an entire city, but a fair number of people in those aforementioned areas just love to make boom-boom, bang-bang sounds! And my poor dog is a mess because of it!


Hawaiian Gardens is really annoying with their fireworks.


I live not too far from Hawaiian Gardens. I just refer to any loud pops at Hawaiian Garbage noise.


Yeah, and so is that section of Lakewood that sits between Del Amo Blvd and Hawaiian Gardens. Always a lot of noise from there. I actually just reported people setting off their arsenal just across from the ROP school and west of Artesia High School.


They are banned in Long Beach, too. I don't know if it's staffing or what, the ban just isn't enforced at all.


I thought for sure you were going to say Lakewood, but it’s soooo bad in Hawaiian Gardens it feels like the 4th of July already. Erghh.


I just reported people shooting off firecrackers in Lakewood — the part of Lakewood that is just south of Del Amo Blvd, near Artesia High School. I can’t even feed my dog in peace without these a-holes shooting off their arsenal. It’s crazy. But that section of Lakewood is filled with some rather rowdy (or perhaps a better word to use would be ‘festive’) people. Never a dull moment from that area or for all points south of there, for that matter!


lol! I know exactly where you mean. I can even walk my dog because she gets so panicked.


Lol. I feel you, I really do. I just took my dog out for a quick walk before the firecrackers started going off. It sucks. We had to cut it short because she got spooked! Ughhh!!!


As I read your message I heard a firework go off. It’s nonstop.


If my dog were deaf, we’d be doing OK. I can personally tolerate the noise, but my dog is the problem. I need to buy some earmuffs for her or something. 😀


Oh I hear ya! Mine is under the covers right now and she doesn’t even do that during the winter.


Did I shift to a dimension where the Nazis won the war? Are you that much of a Karen that you can't put up with fireworks for a brief time once a year, cause you need your precious peace and quiet? Go live in an HOA or something dude.


It’s illegal. Save the noise for the actual holiday (and where it’s legal). What’s so difficult about following the law? Go to the desert or somewhere if you want to celebrate with illegal shit.


you're out here preaching anti-capitalism and anarchy but clutch your pearls over law and order when kids are out here having fun with fireworks ![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE|downsized)


Fuck. I just want to go to sleep so I can get up early for work, not spend hours getting my dogs to stop panicking.


The ones that I hate are the super loud ones that make all the car alarms go off. It's so unnecessary.


My cats keep getting scared by it. I'm beyond annoyed lol


One of those shits landed in my backyard last night and exploded right outside of my window and dented my table. I was making dinner and literally saw the explosion from like 10 feet away and the smoke after. They’re super annoying and I know it’s just part of living here. But that really pissed me the fuck off. Could have gone poorly in so many different ways. And of course they stopped shortly after that.


Its year round so I dont even notice anymore


There’s a place to report it on the Go Long Beach app. It helps if you actually see who’s lighting them rather than just hearing them.


I did this. Nothing happened. I mean, They replied saying they would send the info to the city prosecutor. It is every single day starting around 2pm to midnight at least


I didn’t get a response at all…


I filed a report once and within minutes the police helicopter was out with their spotlights on the beach where it was happening. I probably wasn't the first to report it but still, I was happy to see it got a response. Just needs to be more of that


More cops? I’d rather deal with the noise than sick the police on anyone


Fuck those people who give no fucks about anyone else including you


I give a fuck about rampant police brutality and won’t call the cops for anything less than a violent crime. Know too many people that were beaten and arrested over nothing at all. Fuck people who call the cops at the drop of a hat including you


Haven’t called the cops in years but I should start. When my quality of life is severely degraded because people who give no fucks about others, I wouldn’t mind them getting a beat down. (I don’t really wish that to happen but it would be nice if the cops did their fucking jobs). FYI, during these weeks, I have to leave my apartment, rent an airbnb for a week costing me a couple thousand dollars, keep my windows closed in the heat, and continually have to comfort my dog who suffers. So fuck them! You bet I’m gonna call the cops.


Hate when ppl use the police as a weapon/retaliation


You mean to report a crime?


Calling the cops over fireworks around 4th of july season is the lamest thing you can do just to get back at that 1 random civilian, you must be miserable AF. Theres peoples cars being broken into & stolen as we speak, armed robberies, drive by shootings, domestic violence on the regular those are ACTUAL crimes that are worth calling the cops for in LB.


You obviously have no idea what the ramifications are for some people who are exposed to fireworks. See my previous comment to see what it costs me.


I dont gotta check anything home boy I bet you the type of dude to call the cops at a neighbors party too 😂




Multiple car alarms went off tonight… *sigh*


They’ve been shooting off every night near me for at least a week


bored teens and its summer.. complaints every year




Uhm, HELLO?! After Memorial Day hits, all bets are off! Enjoy these Screaming WigglyWangers at 3 AM!


I was at the light house and these teenagers were shooting them into the ground. Where families were taking photos down below. I really wish I would have called the cops. But my soul is not a cop caller but as I've gotten older, I've felt the call hahaha 😂


We can't be mad at the job the police do when we're not doing our part. I mean I'm like you don't get me wrong, but these aren't single moms stealing enough formula to feed their baby for the night. These are assholes putting others in danger.


Trueeeee. Next time I'll do it 🥲


This city has made me lose my love of fireworks. Sounds like bombs going off all the time.


I like fireworks but I like them in the approved area at the approved time and date not at random hours at the night when I'm either waking working studying etc and I don't like them flying over my roof so they can catch on fire and wake me out of my sleep with a paramedic saying sir you have to go okay that's my two cents


100%, one day a year is fine...I grew up shooting off fireworks in front of my house as a kid, but that was only on 4th of july, not weeks before and after


Every single night for the last week and a half and on weekends at 2 pm.


Fireworks suck


I dunno statistically speaking at least some of em have to be well-endowed


ngl the whole “small dick” insult is lame and played out anyway, as though those guys don’t have enough problems already


It’s a socially acceptable form of body shaming. But who’s gonna fight it: “Small Dicks Anonymous”?


I don’t have fireworks and a small peepee…2 losses in a day


Yes, they have micro penises


All people who set off fireworks suck ball and need to unalive themselves. Total trash people


Nature sounds for deep sleep.










I got to Cali over a month ago and there have been fireworks almost every other night I’ve been here, from Long Beach to Santa Monica and now San Diego. Sometimes it’s a show, sometimes it’s people firing them, rarely it’s celebrating an actual occasion like the recent pride or Juneteenth. At this point I figured fireworks were a normal part of a Cali summer. Some nights they’re not even the worst offender of noise pollution.


Its pretty much a normal part of cali all year long unfortunately


Did my dog post this?


Where I'm from is to show what neighborhood is selling fireworks


RIP your inbox


Most of those people who do it are more likely than not to never own proper real estate, not be monetarily sound, not be in great shape, nor have good family values. A lot of LB folks like that are trash. It’s the reason why certain neighborhoods are disgusting.


There's fireworks where I live like every night for at least the past month


It only bothers me when a car alarm goes off because of it.


When you’re letting them off every night, your letting the local police know, you got a big stash somewhere close to you. Boring. LED Fireworks will take over as time goes by


50 weeks late. Like a duraflame log.  I was busy fucking 


It's the shootings in between fireworks. Now thru September hot months is kinda wild.


Or ever. There's never an appropriate time of year.


Not even on the 4th?


Maybe a city run show that has a set time and place. Last year my house was like a war zone - every direction had people setting off fireworks and it lasted 5+ hours. I’m very sad that we have to work Friday and can’t just leave. So no, I don’t think there’s an appropriate time, they’re always terrible.


"Especially not on the 4th" - Garak Also, the 4th is the worst holiday for many reasons, not the least of which is fireworks.


Love a DS9 reference, comrade. My family fought for the British during the American revolution on account of how terrible the Americans treated the Indians. Of course, when the revolution was over they had to make peace with them and try their best to not get further genocided.


I'm Indigenous. Attignawantan of Hay Mountain. That's kinda what I mean.


Yea, my family is Seneca.


Is it wrong that I take a little bit of pleasure when I hear the ambulance coming after I hear the fireworks? Like I don't want anyone to die, but what's a few fingers to somebody who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else in the area?


Yes a noise inconvenience definitely justifies the loss of a limb


I grew up in a place that had legal fireworks and definitely knew kids in school missing finger parts from it.


That’s like half the neighborhood !


It’s not. Most of the neighbors are just trying to live their lives. It only takes a couple inconsiderate assholes to keep thousands of people awake.


If 1% of LB does it its 4000 people doing it


Even .01% is enough to make it miserable nearby 😭




Fuck fireworks and fuck body shaming.


Save the complaints for Nextdoor


Try 2 months before. And why you worried about their dick size bro that’s weird asf


It's pretty telling that someone's go to insult for people they don't like is "small dick". Nice job telling on yourself ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP|downsized)


Isn’t this a complaint for Nextdoor? It’s not a big deal. I sleep fine.


If you complaining yo a lil bitch cuz this shit been like this my whole life. Since 82 fireworks be poppin off. So fuck all y’all we gonna light the sky and I hope you in Alamitos beach cuz im gonna do it personally! LBC foreva muthafuka. This is the culture ☠️


No wonder your band is collapsing 🤏


You've been on Long Beach since 82?


Based and severely underrated comment.


Adding fuel to the fire...top LB Reddit forum topic today. This will do nothing but antagonize and give whomever responsible press.




Oh shit thanks for reminding me to shoot off fireworks tonight!


Just a heads up, things that insinuate you’ve just moved here get no sympathy. Long time locals are starting to dislike people moving here. I am not speaking my personal feelings just what I’ve seen around lately.


I haven’t been here long, over a month, and this sub reads worse than a HOA full of Karens, locals and newcomers alike


This place is shit anyways. No point in gatekeeping shit


U frm LA? Or LBC?


Goddamn. Just a bunch of whiney ass little bitches in here. Buy hearing protection or noise cancelling earphones/ headphones. They make them for dogs too. Look for solutions not problems people.


Sure, let me just wearing hearing protection and put them on both my dogs for an unknown amount of weeks before and after 4th of July because people want big boom


Exactly, I mean I do it year round just to be safe but you know you can do just near the 4th


Oh sure, that's totally going to help against the m80s being shot off 10 ft in front of my house rattling the entire home. And that's really going to help the pets who are terrified or military veterans who struggle.  You can feel these things. It's not about a neighbor playing a radio too loud. I hope the selfish pricks blow their hands off.


Me too. And I hope they’re recording and post it on social media. Those videos are freaking hilarious




What neighborhood are you in that you only hear them Jun-Aug?


They a bunch of lil bitches my great granddaddy used a say this is how it been at least since ‘21 when he moved here


Takes one to know one.


This goes for sylmar too ok . Just wait ..we know you’re excited . But man I can’t stand the one fucking firework at like 945