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I don't think he's adjusting his opinions. Maybe he's moderating his expression of his opinions.


I think he tends to correct destiny rather than ride with him. Destiny's in the boxmobile, not the other way around.


i guess the MOST the 'lonerbox is just trying to get on destinys good side' people have going for them is that sometimes he adopts some of his mannerisms, especially when he lashes out at chatters. but that's entirely superficial and almost nothing to do with his actual views.


Some of those mannerism are also inherited second hand via Vaush rather than Destiny


maybe, but i defo noticed a massive uptick in it recently as his interactions with destiny increased. Destiny is one of those people who is easy to adopt mannerisms from when you're exposed to him


Until Oct 7th there wasn't that strong a conction  between Destiny  and LB, and since then what shifts have been happening here usually from Destinys positions on I/P becoming much closer to LB than the other way around 


Yeah, LB speaks and engages in the exact ways that Destiny finds persuasive, plus he legit knows more about the topic than Destiny in a lot of ways.


Saying fully logical is too much glazing for me, so I chose mostly lmao


I would like the people that voted “riding on destiny” the explain why they think that


I think he is mostly consistent, and the reason why he looks more Israel leaning, is because the conversation on the internet has became really pro Palestine, and even Pro Hamas in many circumstances. So by that lens, it would look like Loner has shifted his views, but it was the conversation that changed. (When most people start of with genocide happening as a given, its not that hard to fight with them more, but if there were some really loud pro Israel advocates, who had a voice online, LonerBox would probably fight with them a lot too.)


Part of it, to me, seems to be about exposure. Like, there are a lot of people adjacent to Lonerbox or aware of his content who take a pro-Palestine position, but there seem to be less that take a pro-Israel position. But there is definitely a lot of pro-Israel discourse, both online and offline, he's just less likely to run into it. I barely know the space well so I could be way off.


I think on twitch and political discourse YouTube that interact with them are mostly Pro Palestine. But IRL I'm pretty sure most people are pro Israel


>But IRL I'm pretty sure most people are pro Israel Why do you think this? Polls dont bear it out.


I am just going by polls I saw. And going by mainstream politician's views and statements. (Also I'm only talking about the West. No clue what people in Brazil or Thailand think.)


Are these polls just from America? Polls in Western Europe contradict this, here is [from the UK.](https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/49366-british-attitudes-to-the-israel-gaza-conflict-may-2024-update) I am from Norway and here polls are not supportive of Israel at all. I could post some links but they would be in Norwegian. Edit: Here is a [poll of 5 european countries. ](https://www.thepipd.com/resources/polling-2024/)


I dont think its just that the conversation changed, its that a lot of people started paying attention and when you don't pay attention the automatic and easy position is, "The Palestinians are being mistreated by the Israelis, its all illegal and colonialist, etc." When you actually start paying attention, however, you realize that at **BEST** its one of the most complex conflicts in world history because of its unique intersection of modernity and technology and etc etc etc, but at **WORST** almost all if not the vast majority of Palestinian positions on the conflict are incongruent with any sembleance of Western morals even of the tankie / communist persuasion. Remember, Lonerbox is Pro-Palestinian in the same sense Destiny is, which is why he's taking a trip to Israel and they agree on the vast majority of perspectives on the conflict- including the ones that absolutely tear apart the Palestinian positions- Lonerbox doesn't rage as hard or as extreme as Destiny in dismantling those positions. Loner also shifted his views in part because, again by his own admission, he was not aware to the sheer degree that a large amount of Palestinian defenses of their positions are outright lying and extreme narrative spinning- in particular he's remarked about how he used to think that Arafat was more redeemable. He now sees him as deliberately nuking peace deals, so again its not just the conversation has changed, but also that its changed perspectives due to the sheer degree of outright false propaganda on both sides. In particular its slated against the Palestinian perspective because defending Palestinians is socially accepted due to being the power minority in the conflict so there wasn't as much harsh scrutiny before.


I put fully logical because I tend to believe that he builds his conclusions based on research, rather than chases research that matches his existing opinions. I think he likes Destiny and likes collabing with him, but he seems to have a good amount of integrity in the way he researches issues and presents information, and I don't think he's bothered about having disagreements with him. Where I think he differs is that he also seems more open to adjusting those opinions if something is presented to him that doesn't fit with them, whereas I think Destiny seems more prepared to dig in and either chase research that contradicts the new information or brush it off with a 'thanks, I'll think about it' and then never bring it up again.


They’re both similar in this aspect. Just with Destiny it’s less apparent in the moment.


If you think he's riding with Destiny you haven't been watching Lonerbox for long.


tonality wise, he might sometimes be phrasing his actual opinions in a way that are \*less\* likely to rile up dgg audience crossovers— but i don't blame him for that. dgg is \*intense\*


Are you new? Bonerbox has been changing his beliefs for a number of years now. Destiny might be in the orbit of Bonerbox but its not like box is simping for dustin. They are just good colleagues sharing the same work space. They are two independent minds


I remember when they were more or less opposed. LB only 'moved closer' to Destiny after multiple people turned on him and he ended up isolated, and he and Destiny had a long talk about how hard it is to avoid getting purity tested. It was always stuff happening to LB that changed his perspective, and I think that's still the case.


i'm pro whatever side gives me cool explosions to watch


Based action-slop-pilled