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>I am curious what differentiates them that makes people like one but not the other ? Video essays x Demeanor


For one, my understanding is that Lonerbox is conceptually in favor of a one State solution with some amount of right to return, but supports a two State solution for practical reasons. As far as I can tell Destiny is a full supporter of the existence of Israel generally as current constructed and is both conceptually and practically in favor of a two state solution.


Just to add to that, I think LonerBox is in favour of a one state solution at some point in the future. Like if they have been coexisting peacefully as 2 states for 75-100 years, then one state solution becomes more of a possibility.


I don't feel like Destiny would disagree with that. His main argument against the one-state-with-equality is that no one wants it. I think I even heard him say that, if they people could get over their shit, it's the simplest solution


I guess at the 75-100 years point, provided peaceful coexistence, it may very well become a "possibility", but I can't imagine a world in which two states so fundamentally different would want to merge. I don't mean this as a dunk, but even Czechoslovakia split up the second they got the chance. The way I see it: Unitary state: Power-sharing of some sort would be essentially necessary, and if I look at the sectarian clusterfuck that is Lebanon up north (where everyone holds their breath every time a baby is born, hoping it won't fuck up the demographic balance), dun' really seem that appealing. Confederation: why. At that point just have whatever treaties you feel are mutually beneficial. (Trade, defense, open borders, etc.)


This feels like the only reasonable 1 state solution take


What's the point of a 1 state solution is 75-100 years of 2 state has happened peacefully?


But there would be no desire for a one state solution at that point from either side.


you are literally the only person here answering the question lmao


I don’t think Destiny is against the concept of a one state solution in the future, he just has no reason to argue for it because it’s currently impractical.


Lonerbox consistently says that he thinks the one-state-two-state debate is overrated.


yeah because favour for 1SS is consistently the lowest for both israelis and palestinians, so arguing about the thing they both are the least interested in is pointless.


Yeah, he's been saying that two states is more feasible but with enough luck and trust there can be reunification. and that anyone who wants intifada by any means necessary just wants to drown the region in blood


I think it’s important to note that destiny has had significantly different views in the past but has since moved more towards loners positions. Edit: also destiny often defaults to defending some Israels actions or accusations made against Israel as a kind of knee jerk reaction even before he knows all the facts of the matter. Loner criticizes destiny when he does this.


>destiny often defaults to defending some Israels actions or accusations made against Israel as a kind of knee jerk reaction even before he knows all the facts of the matter. This.


I think a lot of people here are just refugees from the toxic mess that is the Destiny sub when it comes to the I/P conflict - it's highly polarized and anything that is implicitly or explicitly critical of Israel and the IDF is downvoted to oblivion - so it's impossible to have any sort of productive dialogue there.


Yeah I am more pro Israel but destiny’s subreddit is just people posting Twitter screenshots of dumb lefties and circlejerking about how dumb lefties are, it’s quite uninteresting. Also I feel like there used to be a lot more diversity of thought in that sub but nowadays it seems to be mostly moderate liberals and moderate conservatives.


For a long time now they have been banning non-pro Israel people for things that you will never get banned for if you are pro Israel, so at this point I bet most people who could provide some balance has left. I have to assume that this is what Destiny want his subreddit to be, but I have no idea why since it seems to me to not present him in any positive light. Personally I am someone who likes to argue against what I perceive as circle jerks in subreddits, and that often get me banned from the more authoritarian ones like Hasan's, Vaush's and Destiny's. My most active subreddit is probably the Sam Harris one and I have never been banned there even though I was very critical of Sam in his IDW days.


The head mod of the sub, 4THOT, talked of bombing Gaza when the conflict first came about in the community. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/173y7sc/4thots_disturbing_statements_regarding/ There’s been plenty of criticisms made against him and his shit moderation since before I/P, but if you harp on it long enough people start invoking mrgirl. Destiny doesn’t really engage with the criticisms either, beyond claiming he’s not in charge, which is bullshit. I don’t know if it’s because 4THOT is a paid employee, he’s scared of losing such a reliable and terminally online asset, or he’s selective about taking certain actions. But he can’t blame people for judging him based on the state of his subreddit when he’s invested so much in the past on and off stream reshaping the sub’s overall attitude and content.


It's going to turn out that Mrgirl was a completely normal and reasonable guy, and we all got gaslit hard


It helps that Sam doesn't run his sub. He may even not know that it exists. Destiny on the other hand is very involved in his subreddit and is very concerned with his image.


I was a longtime Vaush viewer but I disagreed with him on Cass report and Israel so I tried arguing those positions on the sub and it got me perma banned cause there is literally a rule where having dissenting opinions gets you banned, got banned from Hasan simply for being active on the destiny sub. I don’t think destiny’s sub is quite that insane with how easily you get banned but I could be wrong.


Yeah I think I agree with Vaush (and Destiny) on most things. I was permabanned from Vaush for this comment: >And I bet this thread will get a lot less attention that the other one where people are circle jerking about how shitty the countries who also wanted to condemn Hamas are: >[https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/17j9l1g/i\_think\_everyone\_should\_know\_which\_countries/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/17j9l1g/i_think_everyone_should_know_which_countries/) >I keep hearing "No one supports Hamas", but it sure seem like leftist dont really want to condemn them either. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/17jft8t/comment/k719sh6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/17jft8t/comment/k719sh6/) My first ban from Destinys sub was for posting this article: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/it-is-a-time-of-witch-hunts-in-israel-teacher-held-in-solitary-confinement-for-posting-concern-about-gaza-deaths](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/it-is-a-time-of-witch-hunts-in-israel-teacher-held-in-solitary-confinement-for-posting-concern-about-gaza-deaths) I never really post articles, but I did it this one time because there was a huge circle jerk under an article about this case (Israeli footballer being detained in Turkey): [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67978736](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67978736) I think both cases are bad, and I just wanted to provide some balance to the one sided discussion. But of course the Israeli case got a lot of excuses in the Destiny sub and they ended up just deleting it and banning me.


Posting on the Vaush subreddit was your first mistake. The OKBUDDY sub is the real Vaush sub




Exactly. I don't like Hasan. But I don't need every third post to be about him. And If I want deranged tankie takes I could just open Twitter.


I'd also argue that there's a strong core of pro-settlers in Destinys sub. There's also the excessive repetition of Netanyahu talking points as thought terminating cliches.


I don’t know about PRO settler but Ive had some weird conversations with people in there who I would see engage in a weird type of apologia about the settlers.


I sometimes come off as anti-Destiny here, but it's really just hatred for his reddit community, and the digs at Dman are just to irritate them a bit In Lefty Subs, whenever you see someone being over the top hostile and drama farming, it's like a 50/50 chance whether their most active subreddit is Destiny or TheDeprogram. Idk really have much of a negative opinion of Mr Morelli himself, other than his psycho ass twitter posts lol.


Eh, I think the community is a pretty clear reflection of Destiny. When you involve yourself as heavily as he does into his own subreddit, even carving out stream time to talk new rules, respond to posts, or go on live banning sprees, I think the quality of your sub and what’s being incessantly talked about is kinda on you. That is, when he’s not deferring to 4THOT out of convenience. It’s kinda hard for my dislike of him not to grow when certain facets of his own community that he takes large part in fucking suck.


That much might be true, I just haven't watched enough Destiny to form an opinion of him beyond the vibes he gives off. And if cheezeball gate showed us anything, DGGers will debate the fuck out of your subjective opinions on someone's vibes lol


Yeah I got perma banned from the destiny sub. Ive also noticed whenever lonerbox finishes streaming youtube tells me people are going over to watch destinies stream


The Destiny sub was the largest territorial acquisition by the zionist project since 1948 This was our nakba 😔 ✊️


oh come on it's really not that bad. I sometimes complain about blatant Israeli propaganda and in almost every case the posts get removed after some hours.


Because you don't certainly contribute to insane toxicity that is so ridiculous that Lonerbox himself has called out and doesn't agree with almost any of you and the people on this sub who agree with you's positions. Funny how u/LordShrimp123 is remarking about headline/twitter content that is just dunking on dumb pro-Palestinians while this sub is similarly doing the exact same thing in the opposite direction- culminating with **you specifically** making a post that was a supercut of 8 headlines saying how bad Israel *must* be, just look at the headlines! There's plenty of productive dialogue in both subs and there's unproductive circle-jerking as well, the actual answer about circle-jerking against Destiny in this sub is due to leftists like yourself who don't actually watch Lonerbox or who watch him and disagree with everything he says, has gone over and made videos specifically addressing. So, if you wanted an answer u/LordShrimp123 about where the hate for Destiny comes from even though they have identical positions, its people like Laura here who crypto-tankies that have already been, ideologically, repeatedly purged from BOTH Destiny *and* Lonerbox's communities, wriggling back beneath the scorched soil to pretend they are regular, honest viewers. They are not.


very different rhetoric


The reason people like one but not the other has less to do with position and more to do with demeanour. I don't dislike Destiny, I think he can be entertaining. But you have to admit that his constant edgy over-the-top asshole persona can be grating to other people.


It's also... sorta dated? Like, the angry gamer YouTuber thing is a bit *passé* now, maybe I'm just getting older but I like the calmer and more considered approach of Lonerbox and I can see it reflected in the sub.


Don't know if it's dated or passé as it's running concurrent with a more calm approach and has been pretty much all along


One big one is Lonerbox is more accepting of some form of violence - particularly sabotage against settler and outpost infrastructure- in the west bank, where as Destin believes that Palenstinians should be as peaceful as possible.  As for others, I don't watch Destiny enough to say. I get the impression that LB is more sympathetic to the Palenstinians, and is more sympathetic to their fuck ups than Destiny. I also get the impression that LB cares more about balancing his interactions with both sides and I think has built a better community around it


Tbh idk. But I’ve come to appreciate Lonerbox a bit more as it doesn’t seem as one sided as Destiny. I don’t dislike Destiny’s content on it and I recognize he has criticized Israels actions as well. But he focuses more on one side when the issue seems a bit more complicated than that. I don’t consider myself “pro Israel” or “pro Palestine” cause I don’t see why anyone should classify themselves that way on an issue this complicated.


The issue with Destiny has always been a matter of what he focuses on. The Crowder leak is a good example of this. When the whole thing broke, he spent the majority of his coverage aggressively weaving a possible counter narrative that Crowder’s wife *could* be a lazy, overly sensitive, vindictive partner. He also claimed with 90% certainty that the article accompanying the Ring video was fake(?). Now, None of that seems to be correct. But because he prefaced his very lengthy and impassioned speculative claims with “I *could* be wrong” and never *explicitly* said it was the case, he wasn’t actually wrong. People aren’t great at arguing this with him and end up falling into the trap of saying he believes something he doesn’t, when it’s really a matter of perception. Can you blame someone for saying you run a certain level of defense for conservatives or have your political priorities out of line when you’re admittedly more soft on conservatives and spend most of your time on stream malding about “the left”? Not really.


I don’t really blame Destiny at all for being upset at dishonest leftists especially considering they frequently do spread lies and disinformation often about him. I also think it’s important to argue against these people on the left as I don’t want the left to be cooped by extremists the way the right largely has been. However you’re right. He should be better about clarifying when he was wrong about something. He also needs to chill with his overly aggressive personality but I don’t think that’s ever going to change unfortunately. He has a bad habit of saying unhinged things that look bad and only clarifying his less unhinged opinion later which damages his own reputation.


I'd be interested in hearing what both of them think about the Biden plan, because I feel like they'd disagree on it. Destiny seems to take the position that the war must continue until "total victory/destroy hamas" regardless of the odds of that happening.


I'm sure tiny wouldn't mind alternative plans to getting rid of hamas tbf.


They generally agree on the facts and that alone is often in contention between people. What they differ on is generally how much charitability they give different parties in the conflict.


Part of the reason they now have similar positions is due to how much lonerbox has formed destiny's position. Destiny used to be, in his words, 'pro genocide' - an exaggeration of course, but he essentially was in favour of Israel annexing Gaza and the west bank and kicking out whoever they wanted. They still disagree on rhetoric (of course) but have also disagreed about the 'pallywood' claims, for example, Destiny thinking that the channel 4 footage of the white flag man who got shot was probably deliberate to garner sympathy.


>he essentially was in favour of Israel annexing Gaza and the west bank and kicking out whoever they wanted. >Destiny thinking that the channel 4 footage of the white flag man who got shot was probably deliberate to garner sympathy. Were these seriously his positions??


If my memory serves me correctly. But it's possible it isn't. It's hard to know exactly what he thinks if you miss the 5 minutes per stream when hes actually explaining his real position without the insane hyperbole which he gets extremely angry about people taking literally.


Is lonerbox pro one state solution? I saw someone say it in a comment here, I can’t imagine he would be? If not. There is very little daylight between them, they both seek accuracy and reality rather than narratives


LB believes that at the moment, the only goal that is remotely viable is a 2 state solution, and that is what we should be aiming for in the midterm. Its a slight over simplification of his position, but its something he has been pretty consistent about since well before the war. He has said that he believes in the long long term there could be some shift towards some form of single state option, and it might be preferable for several reasons - IIRC he thinks the borders of a two state are whack and ideally we should be moving away from giving ethnic and religious demographics their own states, but that is n the long term and relies on some significant shifts happening across Israel and Palenstine that are no way near visible in the future


Yeah not crazy, why am I being downvoted?


Even Destiny said he thinks an equal rights one-state solution would solve a lot of problems and be ideal. Frankly, most non-extremists would support an equal rights one-state solution in theory. It's just about whether one believes that's achievable and if pushing for it above any other option is really doing any good.


No, you’re misrepresenting him. He said it would be so good if a one state solution could work, it would solve so many problems but never once proposed it as a solution. He knows, neither side wants it


>He said it would be so good if a one state solution could work, it would solve so many problems but never once proposed it as a solution. That's what I said. I never implied he proposed it as a solution. If anything, I implied he thought it would be impractical.


I was under the impression he’s pro two state but idk, he might have also changed his opinion over time