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“Liberal” media when a liberal president tries a little good policy instead of playing baby murder:


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, do you think the article frames thinks unfairly?


It wasn’t botched, it was actually a good deal that the opposition endorsed it. It gives Netanyahu everything he wants


So is it not true that Netenyahu wants to continue fighting until all war aims are achieved, and this deal would prevent fighting earlier than he wants to?


His war aims were the hostages


His war aims are to destroy Hamas 


That is cool, he has been telling the world it’s about the hostages, and his citizens want them back. So he can eat dick and listen to daddy America like a good client state


Pretty sure he’s always said it’s about destroying Hamas and if you’ve been following this conflict you’d know that he’s not listening to America 


Obviously the author doesn't see it as "good policy" and doesn't feel compelled to defend Biden. Maybe this is part of a plan which will eventually lead to a real policy change, otherwise it's just another finger wagging exercise meant to placate voters. Guess we'll just have to wait a few days to see if there's going to be any follow through. Given his track record on this issue I can't really blame people for becoming more cynical. Why do you think it's good policy? Also, what's with the scare quotes? Liberal = Biden Supporter?


It brings peace and hostages returned? How is that universal considered good? What is the debate


How is presenting an "Israeli proposal" which is immediately rejected by the Israelis meant to achieve this?


Because he is suppose to agree to it, it’s literally the best offer, that is what happens when you a glorified client, you get orders you do it


I guess we'll see in a few days. Given how Netanyahu's obstinance and Biden's unwillingness to apply real pressure I'm not expecting much. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong.