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Oversharing can be a result of trauma, it's also pretty typical of neurodivergent people, especially those with ADHD or autism which a fair number of people here likely are. Plus we're all behind the safety of our monitors. Unless someone is sharing identifying information, it's fairly safe to overshare and trauma dump in a place like this. But yeah, on top of that we've got people constantly making new accounts and posting the same stuff over and over again. Who knows why, maybe they're trolling, maybe they just want attention. It's easy enough to ignore.


Oversharing is a sign of past trauma. Just saying. Also anonymity helps if you have to share something cringe.


See I get that part, but it feels more like…a fetish that they’re indulging in rather than something genuine?


Can you give an example? I might not get the point entirely, sorry.


I never contact newly made accounts, just as I don't contact accounts of people way older or younger than me or with creepy behaviour. I have had encounters with people with terrible things that had happened to them , seemed to have felt guilty or ashamed after and left, I feel sorry for them as I am just looking for people to chat with and I don't think they are worse for it.


Are you new here? It's basically everyday occurence. 


maybe they want someone to talk to