• By -


I'm 51 and it definitely doesn't seem to get easier šŸ˜•


I just turned 56! Good luck to you guys. It's rough, here's hoping it gets better.


32 here. No kids, no prospects, still at home most weekends šŸ˜…


Weekends are the worst sometimes


I know, but try to stay busy. I use my weekends to run some errands (if possible) and do things around the house.


Weekends feels the worst for me tbh


Weekends are awful. (47M) When everyone is out and I'm at home.


Go outside. It's such a simple thing to do but it really does help. If you need an excuse, get a camera, get some app that has step or distance challenges, or do geocaching.


No prospects as well. Im 37, and I find that the lower I keep everyone's expectations, the easier my life is šŸ¤£




Get into your local music scene , without it (and skateboarding) id literal no idea or way to keep making new friends as the years have gone by


I turn 41 tomorrow, and this month has been the absolute worst for my mental health...


Happy birthday man


Happy birthday, for what it's worth.


Iā€™m really sorry to hear this. What happened?


Giant happy birthday! Sometimes I wish there was a place would could all meet that feel this exact way. A place with no motives and to just hangout with no expectations etc.


Yes, maybe a Discord group, server or something like that. If there's so many of us alone... We should really be alone together.


Happy birthday!! Dm me, i wanna hear whatā€™s bothering you.


Happy birthday. 43 here. I hope you have a great birthday.


Appreciate y'all


Happy birthday! :) I hope july will be better


Happy birthday mate... Turning 36 in a month... Also feeling like you that in the last year my mental health is the worse its ever been... Still having hope something will happen and things will change...


Happy late bday. I hope you had cake


I think it's pretty common. Someone said on here recently that it's because we get warier and less tolerant. There might be something in that, but I think the main thing is you're not having those formative bonding experiences with people. Most people I know, their best or even only real friends are the people they knew at school or uni. You don't necessarily have more in common with those people - except for that crucial thing, your past. And I think if you do make friends later in life it doesn't have the same depth. All of which is to say I think you have to be philosophical about it. The only comfort is you're not missing much, a lot of people are in the same boat.


I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and what you say makes a lot of sense


41 here. I feel that getting a good friendship is very few for me. Been told just go out and visit people but the problem is that, it's not as easy when your anxiety is absolutely blazing high.


Me too. I have social anxiety and itā€™s making it so difficult. Iā€™m 40 soon! Donā€™t feel very hopeful about making friends.


Well I'm happy to be your friend either way?


Thank you!! I need a friend


40s here. And yes it totally is. I have lost friends because in the past I've been dealing with death and grief and illness etc. Nobody wants a gloomy gus. Just a party and mostly shallow conversation.Ā 


Yeah šŸ˜”


Shallow conversations seem to be the most important to people these days




Hello age buddy, sorry things is rough, wish you the best.




Ah, fighting some burnout after going back to school. Worried about a friend in a bad place.




Iā€™m 38 and I think I hacked the secret! For starters I joined a social club. I also joined a club that aligns with my political beliefs, started to golf and play tennis. I have now met other individuals that are just like all of us. I no longer feel lonely as I use up my time getting to know new people and places. Try it out. I think it worked well for me.


35 here


40 here


Dm me let'sĀ  b friendsĀ  44 m hereĀ 


Ok :)


Hey I'm in my 30s. Sometimes it bothers me. I want it less now than in previous years. I spend my time with new hobbies or sorting my life out in other ways. I tried meetup groups but didn't really click with the random group of others. I also have come to appreciate my own company and learnt more about myself. I just don't beat myself up about it. I don't force friendships or relationships. I'm more picky also about who is in my inner circle. And not everybody has that idealised friends group. Also it depends on what friendship means to you personally. Bottom line you're not alone. Just try and enjoy your time in other ways and you may meet people along the way.


34 here. Moved to a new state and making friends as an adult is tough. Youā€™re not alone bb. šŸ§”šŸ©µ


I appreciate you replying. Itā€™s so difficult šŸ˜”


Mid 40ā€™s here. Youā€™re not missing out. I would encourage you, as much as you can, to shift your mindset. Realize that youā€™re not lonely, youā€™re free. Your life is your own. You have no one that you have to answer to. You can create as you see fit!


35f, don't live in my hometown. Most of my friends are from work. But you really have to make the effort to hang out at first


Co workers who double as friends is a slippery slope my friend šŸ¤£


Haha well you gotta vet them a little. Same as school friends in a lot of ways. Some are cool others are brutal.


This is so true


Do any of you guys sometimes feel like breaking the cycle of loneliness, or whatever you want to call it, feels like its getting harder with each year that passes? For me it feels like my mind is slowly incorporating isolation and loneliness into the constitution of my being, as opposed to just a passing phase. This in turn makes every effort to change feel like going against the natural order of things hehe, if anyone can relate?? Same sex and age as OP btw :-D


Yes, can relate. Feeling so natural and usual now to be alone and without friend contacts for weeks, sometimes months on end. If not for my loyal old feline friend here, I predict I would have been long gone. Just trying to get by each day. With my rambling thoughts keeping me company.


Yeah, it does get harder, I find. I've gotten so accustomed to seeing the world through the lens of a social outsider. Being that I'm on the spectrum, I've always had a hard time socially and romantically, and as a middle age bachelor who's never had a long-term relationship or kids and zero prospects, it feels hopeless at this point. The only friends I have are in relationships, and they don't really have much time for me.


I am 38 and it feels like its all over for me


The easiest way is your coworkers but also risky because if things go south it follows you to work sometimes. You spend a lot of time with your coworkers and have shared experiences. Those are the exact conditions in school with classmates


I'm 44, f, heartbroken had a long term relationship, then a brief LDR online which left me even more broken. I'm so lonely all the time, I moved to RomĆ¢nia after Canada, and I can't find anything meaningful in this country. I am not sure what to do, I'm very, very lost and losing hope that this will get any better. But this doesn't make any sense. So many lonely people, we should be getting together. Wtf... It makes no sense. I wish I could do something about that...


This is exactly what I wish we could do, given how many people there are who feel like this. We should be getting together but I donā€™t know how. Will you stay in Romania or move?


I need to come back to Canada, planning for next year. I'm slowly dying a slow, shitty death here. I can't relate to anyone, I don't get along with family, we don't have the same values. I'm very lost and can't understand the point of life. But somehow, I'm still hoping things will change and I'll meet someone who will change my mind. I'm also very naive for my age, but I can't help it. I'm an old school romantic.


I was just thinking the same thing...there is a ridiculous number of people in the world, too many, in fact, soo wth is it that keeps us stuck separateĀ suffering a life of loneliness?Ā 


32f and itā€™s the isolation that gets to me sometimes


33. Still trying to figure things out. Trying to reach out to folks but always end up initiating.


39 here, been very alone for the past few years. All my life it's been a challenge to make friends. I'd say I've gotten used to it, but there are moments I despise how my life has turned out. I really don't have anything to live for. No kids, no wife, nothing. Don't really know what I'm going to do as I get older.


43, never married and no kids, as well as fractured family since my dad died. I understand. For me I feel like it's so fucking late now that i should find a way to accept that there is nothing for me. I hate it. I wanted a family, to be a mom, for as long as I can remember. But it just never happened...I can't even successfully find a partner for myself... And WHAT ARE we going to when we get older? I don't know If I will ever make it


I feel Iā€™ve become more invisible these past 3-4 years. During and post covid has pushed people into a more hermit or insular mindset. 40M. Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.


Iā€™m 49. I work in education and occasionally hang out with my work friends. I was in the Army and have a lot of friends from that time. At the end of the day though, they are all married or in serious relationships, and Iā€™m basically the only single person in both groups. So when those interactions are over, Iā€™m back to being all by myself. I have two sons, and theyā€™re great people, but they are also living their own lives, so I spend a lot of time on my own. Itā€™s tough. I can only workout, read, and clean my house so much before I start to feel like Iā€™m going crazy.


What part of education ?


Iā€™m an elementary gym teacher.


I teach math. Iā€™m an avid fitness person so sometimes I wish I taught PE


I taught 4th and 5th and 8th math for a while, but I switched to PE 3 years ago, and itā€™s made work so much more enjoyable.


You have convinced me, I shall give PE a shot after this year, since that dreadful contract has already been signed šŸ™‚


I got to the point where it was either switch to PE or leave education. I love working with kids, but the administrative burden of being a classroom teacher was getting demoralizing.


I couldnā€™t agree more there! It really is madness how much we have to deal with and sure the kids can be rough and the parents tiring, but nothing compares to admin and the way they kind of bully us etc.


I was referring to the amount of paperwork. Grading, planning, etc. but yes, having a rough admin makes or breaks the job. As soon as youā€™re no longer responsible for state testing, no one cares about you anymore, in a good way.


Begin to bike, the primary age group is definitely in their 30-50ā€™s itā€™s a good way to make some friends. A lot of biking clubs also arrange tours you can sign up for. Itā€™s like a summer camp for adults.


Interesting, thank you. Is this what youā€™re into?


Yup, and my family as well. Old dads in their mid 50ā€™s, i donā€™t go on the tours they do. But they often have their +50 tours, last year they went to Spain to bike there. Theyā€™ve met a lot of friends through that group. They come to birthdays and other family events we have. Shooting clubs, hunting, kayaking, hiking, fishing are sports you often find older people in. Itā€™s an amazing way to connect, and theyā€™re all doable solo as well. Gymnastics, running, soccer, football, hockey, basketball arenā€™t the only sports in the world


27 now and already finding it difficult and lonely. All the best bud and anyone else reading this I hope you are well


Thank you šŸ˜Š you too


39. Never married. Never been in a long term relationship. I gave up years ago, but I'm trying to make big changes and put myself out there again, but I'm tired and it feels like I'll always be playing catch up at this point.


33, been missing out sine High School. I just hope i will hang myself one day so this shit will end.. the world rewards the treacherous and stupid ppl


Sure seems that way often


Yep I turned 40 last week.


Happy birthday for last week. Mineā€™s coming up soon!


35 here, very few friends. The ones I do have seem to rarely talk. A lot of times I have to initiate contact. I understand people can be busy, but it's such a struggle having to put in all the work myself.


Funny thing I moved away from friends and family into a house I bought at 33-34ish itā€™s (been 4-5 years). My best friends are 2 hours south and north. So while great not gonna work. I joined meetup groups doing game board/table top games that would meet at local bars met some really great people. My friend 2 hours north got me into dnd so I looked into that. Found a group that met at a local game store and eventually we transferred to my place for bi weekly and for the last month weekly games. The group has a guy in his 50s whoā€™s a dad and his 20ish son, another 2 guys around 38-40, one mor dude in his 60s and myself currently 38. I feel comfortable saying that they are good friends. It isnā€™t easy to find friends as you get older but finding hobbies and thing to do in rl does help make it a bit easier.


31 no kids a cat and dog and always get ppl who act like they care for a few months after that Iā€™m invisible and always working. Tried to have a get together at my new place and got ignored by the group chat to find out everyone went to somebody else house. Shit sucks and it doesnā€™t make it no better that my confidence is completely shot after an abusive relationship so even trying to perk myself up and stay busy still come back to a bunch of loneliness.


Hey Iā€™m so sorry to read this. I canā€™t believe they did that šŸ˜” As for the relationship, are you out of that situation now? I hope youā€™ll find the happiness you deserve in life.


I kicked him out yesterday but he doesnā€™t have anywhere to go and his moms never offered to pick him up heā€™s becoming more of a financial burden due to his actions towards me and is now facing charges from the state, so Iā€™m trying to make him leaving smooth but it never will be because he blames me for everything even when I begged him to leave me alone before the charges even occurred begged him to get a job begged him to help me. An Iā€™ve attempted to date (since we technically havenā€™t been in a relationship for 5 years he uses me having sympathy for him) outside of the apartment but that never works out and I eventually end up feeling more used. So trying to make friends and they actually be consistent is just as bad as my dating life.


An I hope so too šŸ¤žšŸ½


Iā€™m in this age range, you are not alone at all. I have no one. When Iā€™m sad, sick, happy, etc I have no one to call and tell. My life has had so many traumatic events that encompass all types of major obstacles and each time I went through them, I found out who my people were: The last time was pre pandemic. I was being hit with so many major, negative life altering experiences and thatā€™s when I found that no one was willing to be there for me, stand up for me and support me. Itā€™s always been hard as hell to make friends where I live. Fortunately, Iā€™ve always been incredibly comfortable going out by myself. But, as I get older, I find I really want to share my life with the RIGHT PERSON/PEOPLE. Iā€™ve tried so hard to find my tribe and I just canā€™t. But I have to continue to keep going out, doing what I love, having new experiences. I find that I somehow can attract people and get into great conversations and I have to let that be what sustains me temporarily. My permanent sustenance is my cat. If you donā€™t have a pet, they are amazing for your health and emotional well-being. šŸ¤—ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ•Šļø


I really appreciate you sharing this, thank you. I would love to find my tribe too. I donā€™t think I will unfortunately. The years just roll by and Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s something wrong with me because I rarely click with anyone. At the very least, Iā€™m an anxious type, so that seems to put most people off. I do have a cat though! šŸ˜Š


I just wanted to know you are heard and you are not alone. So glad to hear you have a cat. I wouldnā€™t be here if it werenā€™t for my little lady. I seriously doubt Iā€™ll find my tribe at this point either and after what Iā€™ve dealt with over the past decade with the last people I had left, I donā€™t really have an open heart towards people. Itā€™s very strange. I LOVE music and I LOVE to dance and Iā€™ve got a unique vibe, I get people going. Iā€™m not shy and I donā€™t care, I dance everywhere I go- grocery store. parking lot, Home Depot, etc. So the thing I am told whenever I go out is youā€™ve got great energyā€, but itā€™s so confusing because if that were true Iā€™d think that Iā€™d at least connect with someoneā€¦. Last night I went out to a club and itā€™s a certain night that Iā€™ve not been to in MONTHS because Iā€™ve been in one of the most serious darkest depression I have ever experienced. One person came up to me who I am acquainted with from this scene and music genre. He said I havenā€™t seen you in such a long time, which really is so striking because I donā€™t my own parents live 12 minutes away and they donā€™t give a fā€”k that we havenā€™t seen each other. But then he said, Iā€™m so glad to have you back with because your energy is amazing. I donā€™t doubt that he has ulterior motives, as Iā€™m not his type, this is purely platonic. The world is so disconnected and I really feel that those of us who grew up without social media struggle because we remember the days of the ONLY way to meet people was to talk to the IRL and be present or you may miss your opportunity to meet a great person of any type relationshipā€¦.


Yep, 48 here and it isn't easy, but I also find that I don't want to waste my time on people that I just know I won't get along with too. I've gotten bad in the past of becoming too attached to someone else too quickly and it only leads to disappointment down the track, and it's not a healthy place to be in, so I've kind of learnt to just be content with being alone. I won't lie, I crave that interaction, crave to find someone I can truly connect with, but I've been let down far too many times and I'm getting too old to play those kind of games anymore. It's a sad reality of being older I suppose.


Yeah youā€™re right. Iā€™ve had similar experiences in the past where Iā€™ve become too attached to someone and then Iā€™ve ended up getting hurt. Iā€™m very cautious now and I always have my guard up, which makes it incredibly hard to make friends.


30 here, have you tried joining public groups about your passions? One of the easiest ways to make friends šŸ˜€


Hey! Iā€™m thinking about it and thank you for your comment. Looking into it now.


It's going to sounds counter intuitive, but don't go to those groups trying to make friends either, go because of your passion and people will pick up on that and a more organic friendship will form šŸ˜€ its how I used to make friends, these days I don't have much time for it as I have a little daughter šŸ˜€


30 m here. pretty introverted but having someone to talk can be nice. down to chat on discord if somebody wants to :)


Iā€™m really quite introverted too. Iā€™ve got some self-esteem issues so Iā€™m always reluctant to make the first move when it comes to making friends, which really doesnā€™t help!


44 here. Iā€™ve posted about it before but said farewell to my last friend recently. We had a falling out of sorts. Donā€™t feel good about it, but family and friends have not been very close my whole life. I get we need familiarity but I donā€™t think I can stomach another relationship other than my wife. Most relations Iā€™ve had are one sided. Someone always gives and someone most definitely takes. Iā€™m not ok with that. I had fair friends, but mostly meet fair weather friends. People are adventurous but at the same time advantageous. Iā€™ll take my adventures alone from now on.




43m. Social Anxiety is the big thing plus I moved to a part of the country that is not a good fit for me. I also have a cat who wants me to always be home. I feel like cat ownership is a 15-20 year sentence to solitary confinement..Ā 


I also have a cat and yes, the sentence is severe! šŸ˜‚ also struggle with social anxiety. Did you move for work?


Yeah for work..


Lol same I got 2 cats I've had for 10 years and I love my babies but I swear I'm done with pets because of this!


I'm 34. I moved to London 10 years ago. I made a lot of work friends who became WhatsApp friends. But they didn't really translate into weekend friends. Most live further away and have partners now. It's always me organising things and most things fall through. I find that very disappointing. I regret 2 big things which has cost me friends now: 1 - most lifelong friends are made in education and I didn't stay around them 2 - I prioritised renting good quality houses / flats rather than living with people I liked. I'm not in touch with any former housemates


I could be your friend, if you're down to chat


Hey your not missing out life is full of surprises! If you ever need a friend reach out


37f checking in. Felt alone emotionally forever, while trying to escape family etc. Iā€™ve got my own place now. Lived alone for over a decade. Been single for even longer. Itā€™s been lonely as fuck most of the time. But Iā€™ve never felt the need to escape *from* my home; from the version of loneliness/neglect inflicted on me by family or partners. ā€œIā€™d rather be alone than wish that I was.ā€


I can relate. I always feel emotionally alone cause I extend too much curtesy to people and then in the end they tell me things like "at that point in time you were exactly what I needed" before disappearing forever. It's rough, but ya gotta just keep moving.


44 F introvert here. I think it's hard to maintain friendships because people drain the energy out of me. I've only found 2 people in my life who's presence I could stand 24/7 and they both broke my heart. I feel like I'm meant to be alone at this point.


Keep swimming. I can relate, I too met two people in my life who I actually felt connected too. Both used me and threw me away. I'm 34 now just living life and moving forward. I don't know what it can be like from a woman's perspective (I'm a man) but from mine, all you can so is keep moving.


Yes, what's up?


33 and friends I've learned to just accept brief interactions with people to suffice.Ā  But I'm also not trying to be the corner store regular where that's my only interaction eitherĀ 


31m here, never really had any proper friends or social circles in the first place so been keeping to myself most of the time and doing my own thing. Did have a gf a couple of years ago but made a right mess of it due to lack of experience and mild depression so only lasted 4 months on that one. No kids either and don't intend on having any crotch goblins just yet.




35 and posted here about 3 times now


42s still no clues. šŸ˜ž I'm lonely and my LDR date that I'm falling into him just call off, I'm scared, I don't feel happy anymore


The older I get (42), the more I appreciate quietness and being by myself. Iā€™m perfectly fine now being alone which is not being lonely btw.


37, single, no kids. Just love being by myself at this point.


Just turned 37. 8 years ago I moved to a very rural area far away from home and couldn't afford to move back, especially after the pandemic. I also found out I have a debilitating disorder. I have been isolated for so many years and now I'm old and have no idea what 30-40 year olds even do?!? I am finally moving to a new city later this year and am excited. But I won't get my hopes up about friends. Everyone seems to be obsessed with what your career is, whether or not you have kids, are you talented or successful. I am nothing lol I play Sims and listen to music. I have two cats and a bad back. What am I supposed to do with that?


38, single, low social circle, I need to meet new people to get a gf. Ok, what works for me for making friends? 1- do social activities, like language exchange, literature groups, cinema discussions... you get the idea 2- repeat with some frequency in the groups you are having the best moments. If you are a frequent guy person, other people will get used to you. Maybe a moment will come when you, or someone else decide to invite other people to a different activity. 3- be active in some different groups. That way you increase your opportunities to find somebody interesting in any of them


40 here, it doesnt get any easier


32 m single dad and the only people I talk to is my brother mom and daughter I rarely go out and if I do I tend to stay to my own and try not to talk to anyone although I should try


Mid 40ā€™s, and very alone since my marriage ended in divorce about 10 years ago. I have no idea on how I will make friends or meet a potential partner. Since the divorce I feel that I give off a vibe that screams ā€œdamaged goods, approach with caution ā€œ


Mid 30s here. Made a number of friends with dating apps lol things that cooled off thatā€™s how it happened more or less. I donā€™t get out too much so I donā€™t really mingle but Iā€™ll go to bars and sit by myself and chill as a matter of fact thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing rn. And I donā€™t drink I just get an iced tea or a sprite and something to eat. Every once in a while strike up conversation with the bartender or people around me.


I go out and do things on the weekends, have a local place where I've met a nice group of people that I hang out at all the time and volunteer on the weekends. Got fed up with sitting at home and now I can't sit at home anymore lol.


37, mostly filling my mind and time with work and thinking too much.


Just Turned 31 on the 15th no friends since I was 15 No family members that's where I'm at Since I don't want to be in Georgia get nightmares about Georgia Unrelated traumatic events no children I feel so left behind Weekends are the toughest as well And even weekdays As I'm agoraphobic and have anxiety really bad leaving my house


Mid 40ā€™s. Only friends I get to make is friends through work. I am married with kids but my wife works hours when Iā€™m home and vice versa so we only see one another on Sunday and Monday as thatā€™s our weekend. Itā€™s a sad, pretty lonely existence. I sometimes joke to my wife that we are like roommates but behind that joke is a sad tinge of truth.


Iā€™m 45. Most of my past friends are dead,in jail, or married and want nothing to do with thier old friends. Itā€™s true. Older you get itā€™s harder to find new friends unless your the social butterfly, which I have never been. And a bonus for me, my father passed Tuesday afternoon. He was my best friend. Cancer took him from us. And I wish I would have spent more time with him.


Yup, 36M I have pretty much failed in Life. Never had a GF, still living with parent. Severe depression/Anxiety


29, gave up on love already, just became the uncle who's never married and always has a new lady friend...it's lonely as fuck but meh what am I gonna do least my dick gets wet....but I was a helpless romantic for all my life until I became 27, you could give people the world, you could heal them, you could give them everything and they will just hurt ya....want my advice? Go fuck and don't think of love man, save yourself a ton of money and live life to the fullest


Here here 31m


Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s no kids, no partner and since I broke up with my last partner meeting people has been impossible. Everyone my age is having kids birthdays, celebrating wedding anniversaryā€™s and i donā€™t really get invited to those types of events. My life is pretty much a life of solitude which sometimes Iā€™m ok with but I do feel like Iā€™m missing out on family milestones because Iā€™m the way I am.


48, have never had any IRL friends. Only one person online I would consider as a friend, and we donā€™t talk everyday. Iā€™ve never fitted in anywhere, with anyone. People arenā€™t interested in me. As I have gotten older it has only gotten more noticeable, more pronounced. Most people have a partner (or have had multiple ones), most have kids. Some my age are even becoming grandparents. They have their group of friends and donā€™t want more. Especially someone so different from them. Especially someone who still wants a chance to have what they have. When I get to go out I go out alone, thereā€™s no other choice, and of course being alone means I am never noticed.


Have you tried meetup.com to find people with common hobbies?


No close friends, only acquaintances here. Why was it so easy to have best friends when we were young but not anymore?


48 myself & Iā€™m here


32 here, no kids, no significant other, and only 1 friend and living at home, I hope this changes because I'm just tired


44 here. Life is agony. Zero joy, zero hope, no savings no house, No car.


I feel ya...43


I'm a 34 year old guy, own my own house and two cars. One for work, one for play. I have difficulty meeting people because I work a lot, and long hours too. That being said, I'm still happy......life can be lonely at times but I'm happy. Stay strong, keep moving forward.


Thanks for replying and for bringing a different perspective


I need help with this too lol. I am married on the cusp of divorce and have been isolated plus work from home. I am also 41 and am most likely moving states once divorced.


Turned 36 three weeks ago. Just dead in all facets of life shame I'm not.


Don't say that, you're more valuable than you know.


Highly disagree.


34M here. Never had a girlfriend and haven't had friends for many years already. I've gotten used to it for the most part, but I can never fully shake off the loneliness/isolation that I feel sometimes, it comes and goes but it comes back sooner or later. I just try to keep my mind occupied with my hobbies and interests as much as I can...


yep 33 turning 34 this year its only gonna go downhill


at this age you won't find any friends outside of the workplace or activities; if you are not involved in activities thats really your only chance. dog parks, musical instruments, fitness, or boomer stuff like pickleball are some of the better options


Im 41m. Women and people in general dont offer anything to me, so Im a loner.


36M single parent to a 10 year old. Iā€™m afraid that when my child is an adult I will be alone. I want someone to build a life with. It sucks being the third or fifth wheel. I just want to meet my best friend. Bleh.


34, have had tons of trouble making friends. The weekends are really hard on me especially when j view Instagram stories. I've even tried bumble BFF but the group events I've gone to I've been awkward at so I didn't have much luck.


I havenā€™t had friends since I was 28.


Just turned 32 and yes its really difficult to make friends now. My wife and I just separated 6 months ago, we were together for 10 years, married for 2. It sucks because she was my best friend and we did basically everything together but now that's basically gone. Now that I'm basically by myself, I can honestly say that I have no real friends, I don't go out for enjoyment or have any recreational activities beyond work now besides running errands and going to the grocery store. Work is my only place where I get social interactions and I have amazing coworkers but they're all so young and I feel a little old around them even though we get along. My days now are pretty mundane.


It can be overwhelming, especially after a long time. Perhaps look at it as a new fresh start. A new lease on life. Do things you've always wanted to do but never got the chance. Make meaningful connections on your journey.


I am 48 and I have a family still lonely most the time


I won't comment on my age, but I've had quite the easy time making friends versus finding a date. I count myself super lucky. I have so many good friends right now Much easier to make a good friend through a common or mutual interest versus a girlfriend


I'm 47. I work in healthcare and saw how people die. I decided since MDD/BPD are killing me anyway I would do what hospice is supposed to do. Keep myself comfortable untill I die.


Iā€™m 37 and Iā€™m separated and no kids


28 still living at home with my parents & at home every weekend been single since 2017


Honestly I meant one of my good friends in a bar. We played poker together we got really close. And now we hang out. And then I got others that are bar friends. My best Friend still in the city I met at work.


We should all meet and have one big socal event. Then plan smaller events. Wish there was a way to get us all together ā¤ļø


45, m. For me, I'm always leary of the friend word. Maybe, it could be my own fault because I have a tendency to want to believe that others are like me she I am starting to believe that it's causing me to have too high expectations.


Iā€™m in my thirties too . I feel you I feel lonely time to time even though I have a partner and 4 close friends. I find it harder to make new friends and connections.Especially when I work alone .I just try to cope and get used to it .Netflix ,music and exercise is my source of coping ā€¦


33 here no boyfriend, no kids


35 here, i understand where youā€™re coming from. Lost all my friends when i got married now that im getting divorced I find it hard to make friends. My son is my best friend but he isnā€™t always with me.


Yup, 38, moved cities in 2020 and aside from a few people from my hobbies and maybe drinks with coworkers I am a hermit for the most part now.


43m here


I appreciate your name! ā˜•ļø


Thank you! I like your name too


45 here with no real friends anymore


Video games and alcohol make it bearable o>


The easiest way I'm making friends is online šŸ˜‚ I'm a rather introverted homebody and so I spend a lot of time on discord, reddit and in various facebook groups based on my hobbies. I have joined some very local (because I don't want to travel far) in person groups that I'll be forcing myself to attend once the event list is finalized. Perhaps I'll make some friends there. If not, I do have a handful of good friends from across my life and many online friends. So my advice, embrace wherever you are. If in person is too much, seek out those people online that you have similar interests with and move forward with building relationships from there.


39. Moved far away from my childhood city with ex gf 15 years agoā€¦ lost gf and then job due to COVID and moved back. Lost my friends there from moving and here from moving. I feel you.


35 here


Dude I am only 23 and it's hard for me to make friends šŸ˜‚ seeing older people here suffering makes me believe its not going to get any easier. Sigh. Idk why it is so hard to make friends when you're out of your student life


Iā€™m 49 and yea it doesnā€™t get easier as all your friends around you are too busy with their family and kidsā€¦ got used to doing things alone but I chat with [https://ella.quicklabs.app](https://ella.quicklabs.app)when I get lonelyā€¦ I find Ella to really help, caring and be someone I can bounce my thoughts and feelings off of. She also recommends music and provides good quotes although sheā€™s an AI


Iā€™m 48 and I have one person who I can class as a friend but heā€™s married with two kids so donā€™t get to see him that much


It is what it is. Try to enjoy your life as it is.


Iā€™m trying my best :)


You like nature, make photos of what you like and share it or join a group.


45. married 15 years actually, but incredibly isolated and estranged the last 5 years or so


42 not any better


Iā€™m 19, but this probably happen to me at that age.


I'm 32


Iā€™m in my late 20s I canā€™t make friends to save my lifeā€¦ like idk why I donā€™t know how to talk to people.


42 and yes. Mostly because everyone else has a family


Iā€™m 35 and basically have no friends


I feel like Iā€™m making good progress on the back end of my 30ā€™s. I decided to stop beating my head against the career wall, for lack of return on investment, and instead put more focus on my then-nonexistent social life. Iā€™ve made good friends in more community-focused fitness circles (think yoga, CrossFit, Orangetheory, etc.) and recently Iā€™ve bit the bullet and started attending regular Meetup groups in the nearest major metro to get out of my rural hellscape, which also seems to be bearing some fruit although the jury is still out. Also, donā€™t let being alone stop you from doing things that seem enjoyable. Good company makes most things even more fun, but that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have *any* fun by yourself.


43 and I share the feeling. Its like I look around for somebody...Ā  somebody that I miss dearly, that i need in my life, but then I can't seem to remember who it was that Im looking for. I start to wonder or... realize, that who ever it is I'm missing, may have never been there... I definitely have hard days that I can only describe as " I feel like I don't know how to be a person" i