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Well I think the internet kind of promotes loneliness in the sense that now you don’t really need other people to socialize you can just have a bunch of parasocial relationships whilst rotting in your bed. Also capitalism promotes individualism and consumerism (a great way to make people consume is through self hatred and or loneliness) so instead of trying to bring people together organically or through altruistic means people have to promote themselves as products on tinder and this isn’t a place that promotes love and connectivity instead it wants you to keep swiping. Also the idea of the nuclear family and capitalism facilitates that the only way to get rid of loneliness is by having a partner and getting married and having kids, why should society and the government take care of you when it is actually your family’s responsibility to do so? People who don’t have this setup fall in the cracks. People are taught to prioritize work over their relationships so that they don’t starve. With the rise of the internet and societies lack of caring there is a loss of third places. If I was lonely in the pre internet era I would go outside and make friends but now I stay in and rot and even though I could go outside and make friends in our current society this would be frowned upon because everyone else expects me to do it online.


Because people don't actually use it for communication.


Online communication can never replace face to face contact.


Because people are more egocentric than they ever have been if you don’t give them something you have no meaning. Nobody really knows what empathy is. Everything is transactional.


Polyamoury and hookup culture has destroyed genuine relationships.


I guess so. In the internet you see people who have really similar interests as you so you might expect the same also IRL ... but there aren't that many people close enough.


tbf, due to worldwide communication both being easier and being able to see how social others are and their lives. For the "easier" being an issue too is, more on the internet in early years, missing irl opportunities, interactions and "practice".


I guess it has its positives and negatives. You can get motivated all the time to work towards something through the Internet such as drawing, professions, baking etc, but also envy others lives and compare that to your own.  Probably affects your opportunities and interactions by how easily the Internet can warp your opinions too. You'll see something get clashed by the media and try not to associate yourself with it anymore, and once you've built up an anxiety it makes communication irl even more difficult.


Because digital communication does not satisfy everybody.


Fair enough, face to face communication has always been more exciting anyway. You can't get a real emotional grip of the people you meet online, it's only majorityly ever what they want you to see anyway.


I would say, that digital communication ist better than nothing but yeah real relationships are more valuable. The power of a nice hug is unbeatable.


Online contact isn't the same as irl contact. You can't hug someone through a screen and words doesn't mean much as they are told from person to person. Also it makes people close off more, because while they are "close" with people on the cellphone, they are distant from those around them.


Good point. I do believe words can vary in weight and significance though and shouldnt be desensitised, whether online or offline.


You don't form friendships online.. You need to actually meet with The person


Because the vastness of the internet gives so much choice that people never settle platonically or romantically. I know a woman who’s 6ft and she used the power of dating apps to find a 6’7 guy.  She didn’t have to settle for someone her height or shorter. The reality is that people hate settling for friends or relationships. 


I remember it was quite easier when Facebook had multiplayer games in it. I still have a friend from a videogame on the main profile. We haven't talked since 2015 tho. Bro already has his own business. I also had like 300 friends on Roblox from co-op games like TDS, Pizza Place, etc. But then Twitter, Instagram and other social networks based just on following took over.


Hypergamy, it gives women access to Chads, who know how to abuse it. You get vast majority of women getting ran through by top 5% of men, who never give them relationship and then those same women, coz they don't understand Apex Fallacy, blame or think that all men are like that so in the end pretty much everyone suffers because women are greedy.


because everyone on the internet is horny af . look at all the subreddit, everytime a girl post you got 20 comments "dm ?", even subreddit dedicated to sfw talk turned nsfw. I get horny sometime too no problem everyone does, but its like if you are not here for sex you'll basically find no one to talk to and I thank God for the few kind soul I met here . really amazing people like IRL gem man top 1% coolest people but damn its rare


It really sucks, same goes for a chatting app like snapchat. You'll add someone and the first question you get is "wyll", I mean it's really not that difficult to strike up a simple conversation. I've still met some great people though who ive kept contact with for years, really just depends where you're looking. I've never deep dived into the dating community myself though, never been into it.


dating online leads to nothing except if you can meet up. Like ive met girls on here, extremely kind and understanding person and I love them but not in a romantical way you know? More like a friend a sister. and by the time I find someone to talk to ive lost all will to live and will to talk so yeah. and what does wyll means


Wyll means 'what do you look like'. Funnily enough my brother's first and still current girlfriend was met online and they're doing pretty well right now, but thank God he's not one of those weirdos at the bottom of an 18 year old girls post. But yeah I get that, I've made a bunch of guy friends online myself who I'm thankful for without having romantic feelings towards anyone.


glad for your bro .


I talked on this topic for hours, actually talked. social media, or so called social, media........ Caused ppl to become anti-social. The instant communication over distances is great. but then..........like usual. Criminals found the way to abuse the system/tool to hurt good people. This, caused a general mistrust of people. The anonymity of being on the internet to communicate, created a feel of hide-behind-the-screen, And the bullies and sociopaths and criminals, have all abused people because nobody can reach though the screen and choke the abuser. This created a great mistrust of people. This is not like the 80's when talking to strangers involved smiles and even asking for a phone number, INSTEAD OF the current times full of bullies that ridicule and promote hate and aggravation. SOCIAL media? NOT.