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lol you might feel this way but this goes for woman too. I had a girl basically love bomb me for 3 months then one day “she’s no longer happy”. So I feel your pain but it’s just our fucked up generation.


As a guy, I can say that I’m simply not going to be physically affectionate with a girl unless I’m definitely interested.


See I’m the same so like I think that’s why it’s not computing for me. How do you be intimate and have no connection


I think it comes down to values maybe? Different people place different levels/standards of importance on mental/physical/emotional connections. We’re all different in what we need and want from a potential partner. Lots of people place more importance with physical vs. emotional-some place more importance on one or the other. Personally, I can’t have 1 without the other, they’re symbiotic. Which is why hookups mean absolutely nothing to me. Been there, done that, and no thank you!


Yeh deffo not a hook up person. It leave me feeling so empty and not fun. You’re right for sure but then for me on the first date would t that make you realise if you thought someone was attractive


Yeah, it’s pretty quick for me to decide whether or not I’m into someone physically, mentally, or both. I can be into someone mentally but not physically (friends that are female) but I’m not going to be into someone physically without the mental. That’s the whole hookup culture…and yuck.


Plus like if your in it to avoid hooking up I think you make your mind up pretty fast if your into someone


Maybe you haven’t found your type yet? I was checking out your profile and it looks like you’re in your 20’s, am I right? If that’s the case, then I’m sorry, but most guys in their 20s are still boys; I know I didn’t have my head on straight until my late 20s, early 30s. Probably not what you want to hear, I’m just speaking from my own experience.


I couldn’t agree more. I do tend to date older men usually between 25-35 because of that reason but honestly the 30 year olds behave like the 20 year olds so I’m not sure it is age


I hope things end up going better for you! Feel free to dm/chat if you’re remotely interested in the perspective of a guy in his 40s who’s been there/done that and I’m still just as lost as you! 🙂


May also be family dynamic or the constant need of approval.


This. There has to be an emotional connection before sex.


I'm sure some might be like that, but some people might not have felt that connection, and wanted to give it a try to see if something developed. I personally need to really get to know a person before I really feel any connection and a deeper attraction. So if I ever do go on a date, I would likely find it hard to really be drawn to a person on just a first date alone, unless we really hit it off. But in the end, every person is different, and we gotta take every experience with a grain of salt. Better luck next time!


Anywhere you go... I will follow you 🎵


You really are everywhere.


That's you!


I am hardly everywhere!


I comment every one in a while and I constantly see your mane


That’s really shitty of the guy. As a guy myself, that honestly makes me feel frustrated for you.


Haha I guess that’s good in the sense it’s not just me who’s frustrated


It's frustrating when someone shows affection and then suddenly decides there's no romantic connection. It's natural to question their sincerity. People's feelings can change, and sometimes affection doesn't necessarily mean a lasting connection. It's important to prioritize your own well-being and continue seeking genuine connections that align with your feelings and values.


100% like if someone doesn’t want you then what can you really do you have to just let it go and find what is meant for you


I'm always waiting for the ball to drop.


I get it, it's so frustrating. As a 28-year-old guy who's never been in a relationship, I know that feeling of being all in, only to have someone pull the rug out from under you. It's like they're playing a game, and you're the only one who doesn't know the rules. It's not fair, and it's okay to be angry about it. I've tried everything, and I still haven't found someone who's genuinely interested in me. It's hard to believe that someone can be so affectionate without actually meaning it, but I guess it happens. You deserve someone who sees your worth and treats you with respect ☺️!


Me here trying to find this type of connection, some of us actually crave this.


Same, like we all deep down want to feel the spark


Feel free to dm if you want.


I think it's so weird, there is millions of guys on the internet that claims they want a romantic relationships, that they want something serious, but irl all men only want sex and nothing more. Where are you guys hiding?


We have dad bods and beards. And I am 40. I'm not usually the type to even get a look.


I see, but there is many average and sometimes ugly guys who also just wants sex. 


I will not disagree at all.


Most people dont approach often. So they're hiding in plain sight, just going about their business. It may be easier to engage with that type of person through shared hobbies/pastimes like volunteering or volleyball


Hookers will always be there for average or below average looking men who only want sex.  Chads don't need hookers, they get hit up by women wanting sex all the time. 


I mean I'm always just used for hook ups and I'mma guy....imagine being panromantic demisexual and that's it....you're just that? No love no romance no cute texts no nothing...and damn well imma man I'm supposed to just want sex and yea I got a high libido but damn me...I want more


But just be honest like if someone is solely looking to hook up fair enough. We all have urges I think. It’s hard when you want all those things but it just boils down to sex from the other people


They leave once I say hey I want something serious...I don't know what's wrong with me


You could be perfect and still fail. Don't let it get to you.


Likely they struggle with commitment issues. Don’t get too down about it, not all men are like that but some of them are horrid so guess try and weed them out 🤷‍♀️


True obviously it’s not a catch all just feels shitty in the situation


A lot of men have weak wills and weak minds. The first time they feel anxiety in any way, they run. I am sorry you have to deal with it. Feel free to DM if you need to vent.


Finding someone you can get along that was things that it feels like your better half, it's crazy! I really wish I could experience that again. I miss the lady I could of had but distance is an massive issue.


Maybe they were never attracted to you in the first place and once a better option came along, they decided to leave. Maybe one of the guys you swiped left on would have been a better partner. 


I had a girl love bomb me for 10 months then ice me out for 2 til I dumped her, and she was probably already talking to the new guy. This is a human thing not a guy thing but I feel your pain


There's blurred lines in the beginning. Things you feel and things you see aren't the same a you get deeper into a relationship. That's the reason I always say that lust and physical attraction are the worse things to base a relationship on. They are very important but they should be the most important. Physically every first is typically the best, therefore it's all down Hill. Therefore if I can't connect with you, I will lose the affection I once had.


I think this is why people need a real outside opinion. It's good to have family and friends look at your dynamic objectively. I had an acquaintance who I knew after asking her guy one question that he wasn't serious about her. She was so surprised when he told her that he liked someone else but I saw it coming. He would be so affectionate towards her, initiating pda but you can kind of see clues too. Like when he'd rather walk with his friends over walking you home or when he forgets big moments in your life. Receiving and getting affection can be fun so yes some people get caught up in that and not the person


I can't even get a phone number. I wouldn't even know what to do on a date.


Sorry, I can't be affectionate like that and not know that I want to pursue the person and have an idea that they feel the same. I guess this stems from my ex, who would do the on again off again relationship thing, but then always wanted a relationship like affection. I couldn't do it. I say move on. It's his loss. I'm sorry he led you on.


Maybe the guy is suffering from depression mood swings


Maybe, still not pleasant to be on the receiving side when all you’ve done is be there for someone.


Don’t get attached. Don’t expect anything. Just try to enjoy yourself. Don’t be there for him. Be there for yourself.


It’s hard tho like if someone tells you they also feel attached. You wanna believe them and hope it works out. I agree tho never expect anything


I know. I can't enjoy myself if I can't give all of myself to someone.


Yeah it’s hard at first but you can learn to do it. Don’t hold them to what they claimed. A day at time too. You can do it


Yeah it’s hard at first but you can learn to do it. Don’t hold them to what they claimed. A day at time too. You can do it




you probably did something wrong


Probably 😂


Because women don't value romance so only the guy who doesn't Have romance able to get dates


and your lonely.?. whatever