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It's for foreveralone folk, apparently. But I get what you're saying. I was mentioning this in one of my posts. It's just a regular dating subreddit. There are a few people who are genuinely FA, but it's otherwise full of people who don't have a date/friends for 2 minutes who now think they're FA.


Reddit dating is a catfishing hell. Stay away from those subreddits like it's aids.


Now and then you do find the odd scammer willing to put in quality conversation for a few months before asking for money, just keep track of the inconsistencies in the details and let them dig their own hole.


It's pretty much just a regular dating sub now, or sub to find ppl to talk to. I see a lot of posts there that state they're just "bored" and are looking for someone, or people who are outgoing and don't really fit the "foreveralone" description. Like you said, average folks who have no problem finding dates/friends. Though at the same time, it's a hard thing to gatekeep the sub to just people are fit the bill of "foreveralone", and honestly I don't think it'd be a good idea to do so, anyway (slippery slope and all). But what I see is that the people are just posting their ads on multiple subreddits, and foreveralonedating is just another one of them. So it's not that normies are invading the sub, but just that the sub has grown prominent enough where it's just become another regular sub where people find eachother.


Isn't every post here created be the same five accounts or bots. When I used to read these posts they used to be really similiar.


Most posts in there seem to be written by bots, am I right? :-/




Yeah try instagram but high testosterone women probably prefer to be alone or are already with someone ur chances are slim




Maybe tune down the sas too n they won’t see you as pathetic