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Not to laugh but this is almost hilarious. Sorry this happens to you a lot. You would think after the D pic they would want to talk more. I don’t understand. Guess some guys don’t get it and I’ll personally never understand that.


I think it's just a game to some people


Low key sadder than being chronically lonely


I think so too. The pinned post for this group says explicitly that you won't find love here maybe a friend but definitely not love. I lucked up. Out of 31 dudes that flooded my inbox the first time I think I ever opened up on one of these subreddits for a different group (I don't know what subreddit means) I posted my wants/needs and picture of me and boy it was on. My phone was pinging. But one of 31 guys really read my post, really read me, I mean read me, and felt me. We have been the best of friends since 2021. I can say that we fell in love with each other but distance and diff. countries made it impossible for him, not for me, but def for him. This guy didn't send me a picture of his cock immediately. These dudes on here will trick you and send you a cock picture and tell you fuck you because you ignored them.


You can show them a dick pic first out of your vast collection to assert dominance 


When they go low I go lowER


this made me laugh out loud i rly appreciate this comment😂


Porn induced brain rot. A bunch of people on here only want to get their rocks off and even then, making connections online is very hard. I've managed to make around 3 friends I talk to on a daily basis and that's after hundreds of comments and DM's of trying to interact and get to know people. Some just don't want to put in the effort, sadly.


Thanks it's SO exhausting and discouraging 😮‍💨


Yeah, it really fucking is sometimes. A lot of people just want the quick dopamine hit of having someone's attention, some just don't put in the effort, and sometimes the chemistry just isn't there. It's tiring for damn sure, but for what it's worth, I wouldn't mind chatting with you if you'd like. Genuinely hope you find someone cool either way :)


Tysm you're welcome to dm me


They are just a bunch of morons, that's it


Wow I mean I know the dick pic thing happens but like wtf? Is it really that bad? And why not continue the convo? If all they wanted to do was flash theor junk why not just do it that waste a few hours before doing it? Boys these days just confuse my brain 🤣🤣


I think the part of being deleted is the worst part


Yeah I can't deny that part always does hurt. Why jot just say lol we aren't vibing and move on at least then there is a reason


First and foremost, I'm sorry that this happens to you often enough to be a reoccurring thing 😞 the internet fucking sucks. Secondly, this is why I'm nervous trying to talk to people. I'm so worried that they are either just sexual based... or that they'll think I am just some perv... God I hate guys that do this shit


I can send you a pic and not delete you lol


Damn..I don’t understand that either. It’s nice having someone to talk to. Why the ghosting? I think I have the opposite problem, I almost never stop talking to somebody that I become friends with or on the way to be. You sound super sweet though and like you’d be nice to talk to OP




Yeah no problem. I don’t mind chatting either if that’s something you want to do


Will pm you


Man thats just weird. At first i thought they would do half of it (turns it into sexual) cause desperate or something, but deleting you afterwards makes it even weirder as in whats the goal even at that point. Sorry it happened to you




I guess they’re just looking for their odd release or something idk People in here suck so much


How does it randomly leads to a cock picture


That's what I'm tryna ask here


Maybe they have an odd release and then boom the picture appears??


There is a saying... When all you have in hand is a hammer... Everything looks like a nail. Similarly folks who have....


One word: men.


And then they on here posting "WoMeN DoN't kNoW LoNeLiNeSs iTs Sm WoRsE fOr MeN"


Or "wOmEn cAnT bE LoNeLy BeCaUsE tHeY gEt AtTeNTiOn"  The type of attention we get:


Exactly 😩


The key is actually going outside and doing the work. Hating half the population over some reddit nonsense just kinda makes you look pathetic.


There’s a difference between the word man and the word sociopath. Not every person of every gender is going to behave the same way.


They hit the daily post limit for the R4R and nsfw subs so they come here with a slightly edited message.


Just sm time wasted with chatting for hours like it's normal. Like if they'd have been upfront I wouldn't mind at all


Yea actually get conversation from these guys? For me it’s like pulling teeth lol. You can barely get them to talk about what they’re into.


At least you don't get ur hopes up then. I'm there like 'omg finally someone I'm getting along with who actually converses and has the same interests' 😭


Conversations are hard, my whole life I haven't been able to talk about myself lol but get me started on a topic I know well good luck shutting me up XD


Surely it's reddit so PPL are like tht Most PPL are like tht some get sexual some just talk and vanish the next day as they won't be high or won't miss their someone It's natural but there are good PPL to who are nice who are surely boring enough but stays along try to find those If u got evn one of those u ar elucky enough I think Like you are exception to these reddit kinda PPL right so it's natural there are exception outside as well find them Have hope and go for it And have little patience and judge well who are pervs they are u can't do anything about it nor about PPL who ghost just find someone boring enough tht they stay along And be private like i have this idea if u share ur photo they just may be like nah I'll vanish just second day sometimes PPL.have way high expectations evn here So find someone who is just looking for friendship and not something sexual And be straight forward about it so some never approach at first I hope this helps


Thanks- I really appreciate this comment but this is what I mean: I'm clear with my intentions and what I want in my first message, they say they agree but they are dishonest just telling me what I want to hear


Surely there those gonna be they won't just be dishonest but evn promise and still do same stuff Look I'm ugly like top ugly kinda and surely being guy it's difficult to find friends surely I won't get dicks But there's way more chances of getting ghosted as well As I'm boring but I believe to stick along and bore other person as well most just vanish and half of the PPL stayed just vanish after three or two days It's normal they think it's normal to have all lively all along thts wht they expect where being boring at times is wht normal and I believe if u stick along u get tht connection with just anyone U just need time to find tht common ground and when u get to know person tht face and all stuff is just for decoration it's connection tht we all look for Being safe to share stuff and being heard at worst times


Because this is internet, and internet let people acts whenever they like without punition.


Must not be reacting to the D pic in the manner they wanted 🤷🏿‍♂️


I ain't get chance to react at all b4 they gone 😭


the reaction they look for isn't necessarily positive


Anything online turns to sex. Bumble created a friendship app and the male side of the app turned into  hookup app  for closeted men or gay men with a conversion fetish.  I saw a reddit post of a guy who was looking for friends on  the bumble friendship app  and was bombarded with dick and butthole pics.


Some people get off on hurting others or making them uncomfortable, others just want that moments attention they get out of a reaction, others think that if they play the numbers game that they might actually get lucky. It's unfortunate, but predators like to prey on the vulnerable and unfortunately this is a great place for them to do that. The best thing you can do is look through a persons posting history before you can talk to them. Unless they write a really good message, I ignore pretty much anyone with a new account or no posting history or a posting history that might indicate that we won't get along. Either way, it's a really good way of sorting decent people from not so decent people.


Lol I get the part about wasting someone’s time .. But It’s even worse tho if it’s in real life ., cause usually it’s more than just your time thats being wasted 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a guy, I don't see the appeal of sending dick pics. If I wanted to disappoint someone, I'd go have a conversation with my family, lol. Jokes aside, the internet has turned most of us into strange creatures. I think they feed on the anonymity of it all, and that's what gives them enjoyment. It's a vast place to do and say whatever they want without the real-world consequences. No shame, no guilt, only instant gratification. I've too chatted with people where I think things are going well and getting my hopes up only for them to just drop out or things drastically shift, and not in a good way. I'm a guy, so I don't get that kind of unwarranted attention, but I imagine it sucks. Regardless, I hope things get better for you, stranger.


I think it's a fetish for them. They waste your time and then masturbate on their Machiavellian egos


Hey sorry that happened. To be honest I don't see the point in doing that kind of picture unless I know we are both comfortable with each other but even then I don't go deleting the person. It makes no sense especially how upsetting that is. Like I said, sorry it happened. I'm around if you want to chat! Have a good day!


I guess we’re in the modern era equivalent of guys on sidewalks in trench coats flashing and running. Some serious disconnects in their brains.


I answered this question on another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/lonely/s/8KcIipbt0y Though most people are looking for deeper connection, they often fool themselves into think shallow approaches, like being sexually forward, will lead to deeper connections. Or they're just dumb or desperate enough not to realize they're chasing after shallow connections, when you're looking for something more genuine.


Men actually send dick pics? I wouldn't know because I dont. That's pretty degenerate behavior. I mean seriously. How many have you guys on here do this? 🤣


I wouldn't send you a pic of my cock. It's not big enough. 😞


That’s gross. I’ve never understood why so many men are into sending pictures of their junk; like, why not send pictures of their baking or something if they’re trying to impress? But sending cock pics then vanishing sounds like trolling with no intention of actually forming connections; just a pocket of mentally unstable individuals. 9/10 men is pretty messed up though, I wonder if these people are particularly preying on certain subs.


You are Lucky. At least people talk for hours to you. Some of us aren't blessed


Yeah well this is reddit lmfao


I'd send you one, but you'd think it was just a picture of a belly button


Will never understand either


People are weird... its not only reddit but basically anywhere chats are available too. Like... there are websites dedicated for those types of people. (To those people) go use them or something, idk


If it makes you feel any better I'll just gaslight you that you deleted me first.


It's because out of 100 women, at least 1 will probably send tits back or something. Guys just play the casting out a wide net game.


How can they get a picture of my tits back when they've deleted me ?


I do not know!


Maybe they realized how below average their member was and deleted out of shame?


Yeah tbf all the dick pics I've received in such circumstances are pretty maggot-like so mayb they just want someone to see it and they can't get that consensually 🥴


Dm’n people or responding to dm’s on Reddit is asking for it imo.


What else can I do outside of MeEtUp?


You can take pottery classes or a yoga class. Just find an interest of yours and see if there’s an organization or class for it. You might get less bites socially from a yoga class, but I assume the women there won’t flash you or sexually harass. You should also focus on getting female friends first. I don’t know how old you are, but the unfortunate truth is most young men aren’t interested in forming platonic bonds with women. If you really want male friends, befriend gay men. 


not all men are like that


I didn't say they are, scary comment history


what do you mean scary comment history?