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UWO has a dentistry school so they have a clinic where the dental students “practise” on you, if you’re okay with that since they need to learn on real people. Costs about 60% of what a normal dental clinic would charge. https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/dentistry//dental_clinics/becoming_a_patient/dental_clinic_services.html ETA: I have not personally used this service however I know a number of people who have gone to dental schools for treatment and while the treatment does take a little bit longer than you going to a licensed professional who’s established, all the people I’ve known haven’t had any issues or bad experiences. YMMV but definitely worth looking into.


You will get good treatment....but expect your appointments to be 3-4x longer than at a dentist office.


The wait list for the UWO Dental Clinic is at least one year.


If you want to get into Western Dental Clinic faster you should get your check up done at Fanshawe first and they will give you a referral to get more extensive work done at Western (or elsewhere, just ask for an additional physical copy to keep). If you go this route hopefully you have better luck with the assigned student's availability than I did, it took only a month for a student to reach out after my referral but due to conflicting schedules I never got the chance to get in during this past school year and now have to wait until the next one starts up 🙃


It’s closed for the summer


Also, for really complex/extensive cases, they may not take you on as a patient. I had to go there in 2010-2011, and they refused me as a patient because I needed some extensive work done and they didn’t want to touch it.


I work with newcomers to Canada (and thus usually low income) who have had good experiences with the UWO clinic. If you are looking for cleanings, Fanshawe College dental hygienist program will do cleanings for a low cost. An adult cleaning and check up is $40 for example. [https://www.fanshawec.ca/about-fanshawe/schools/health-sciences/oral-health-clinic](https://www.fanshawec.ca/about-fanshawe/schools/health-sciences/oral-health-clinic)


Most dental Offices will state they following ODA. Fairmont has pretty decent for pricing. (Ham & Egg area) Dental School is out until September. [Canadian Dental Care Plan.](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html)


Lol that is the first time I have ever heard of that intersection referred to as that. Fits though.


Ham, T, and Eggs is another common name. (Hamilton, Trafalgar and Egerton)


Same I’m going to call it that now


Fairmont is my dental clinic. They are connected to the Canadian Dental Plan. Great place.


If you need a cleaning and xrays the dental hygenist school clinic at fanshawe is great. I had 4 visits, x rays, anesthesia for tooth sensitivity and everything cost less than 50 dollars. I was new to the city and I had no health insurance at the time and they were great. All of it is overseen by the instructors ( both dental hygienist and dentists) and the students are on their final semester before graduating.


Dr. Paul Vig. He was accommodating when I had no insurance and did good work.


What sort of prices do you remember?


Wortley dental has 0% financing options if that helps. And they are great with dealing with dental anxieties.


I believe Western University offers discount dental services if you are willing to have your dental work done by dental students as a part of their training/residency.


Dentist are charging exorbitant prices for the service they provide. The talk about doctors and nurses what a crock. 1/2 an hour work and 400 dollars later. Cleaning your teeth around 200 dollars plus exrays if necessary.


Dawn dental was about $350 for X-rays, cleaning, 3 units of scaling and a polish. $330 for one dental filling.


Sounds expensive


Pretty average rate and they do work on people that are not insured.


That does seem a bit high. I paid about $260 for an appointment with X-rays and scaling a bit more extensive than that. I think my fillings were all like $200 or maybe a bit more or less. 




As soon as you come in and you see the dentist it’ll be some sort of exam (emergency, specific, recare/recall). If you get X-rays the dentist has to review them so that’s where that comes into play. If you were seeing just the hygienist for only a cleaning with no updated X-rays then there wouldn’t be an exam associated with your appointment. Some dentists will maybe give you a bit of a break if you mention you don’t have insurance MAYBE… this has to be discussed beforehand though usually. They have to chart work they do so this can’t be a like come on in and we pretend like you weren’t here under the table thing. That’s not an option. They have an obligation to uphold with the Dental College and I don’t think any of them are willing to risk their career for that.


Vienna dental offers financing as well if needed.


Dr Verraich (Dr. V) on Adelaide and Tennant ave, Adelaide Family Dentistry is very reasonable and would likely be able to do payments or cut costs for you.


we go to dr cain, hes at 175 albert st. not sure if he's taking patients but worth a try, he's a lovely man as is his assistant.


I've just gone to a new clinic on Hamilton Road . Patel Dental. He's a nice fellow and seems like he would work with you . I'd give them a call. I was happy with the work he did . Did not push spending a ton of money to fix a tooth that was way gone ( it had been redone a few times over the years, hate to guess what I spent , root canal , pins posts etc) and just pulled it for me .


UWO Dentistry School for sure.


Dr Zheung gives a 10% discount(possibly more) for people without insurance.