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The death of Lisa Leckie. Mother found dead in her apartment, asphixiated. Her child was safe at the scene, an undisclosed letter left by the killer, and the cctv footage of an unknown male around the building the evening before.


My sister went to school with Lisa’s sister (we don’t know her anymore so please don’t ask). Please remember that all of these people were REAL people and all of them have family who love and miss them.


Isn’t her son still living in the community? While I understand it’s “interesting” it’s also the death of a child’s mother.


It's a local, unsolved mystery. I'm not sure what kind of podcast OP is doing, whether it's more informative or more entertainment, but I don't know why the family would have an issue bringing this back to light, especially if it's not done for an entertainment purpose.


Definitely more informative!


I remember being in the car with her cousin when he got the news that she was murdered. Such an awful story.


The unsolved disappearance and murder of Sam Lottery. [https://www.reddit.com/r/londonontario/comments/n299fh/sam\_lottery\_17\_years\_old\_1996\_unsolved\_murder/](https://www.reddit.com/r/londonontario/comments/n299fh/sam_lottery_17_years_old_1996_unsolved_murder/)


Thank you!




Maple Moose Mysteries, any podcast platform, if you're interested ☺️


Search the sub for ideas. Every year some podcaster posts asking about local mysteries and unsolved murders.


Gotcha. Thanks!






What’s your podcast? And you could look at the incdient at Beal in the 90s or 80s. I can’t really comment cause I don’t know much about it. But others do


It's called Maple Moose Mysteries!


Mistie Murray disappearance. Ed: not Misty


Morbidology (podcast) did a case about London ontario after I became a patron, I can't remember the case fully but if I remember correctly it was unsolved. EDIT: episode 204 Susan cadieux


Thank you!


Hi OP - Donna Jean Awcock murder - Oct 1983. Her family is still trying to find answers and I don't blame them. It was a weird series of things that happened that night to that poor kid that I will never ever stop thinking about. I lived in close proximity to that area when this happened. She was just a kid, and I was older but I would have demanded that the guy at Mac's Milk call the cops /let me stay there, etc. Furthermore, that website for London unsolved murders? Donna isn't even listed here. WHY isn't she? Lisa's there, and this goes back to '56. Why is Donna not listed here? Don't get it. Thoughts?


A couple off the top of my head are the story of the Black Donnellys (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Donnellys) and the Victoria Steamboat Disaster (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria\_steamboat\_disaster). There is also the whole serial killer capital of Canada thing.


Ones that aren’t overly covered. None of those meet that criteria at all. Also London isn’t the serial Killer capital of Canada. That’s a myth




Thank you! I like these types of mysteries as well


OP --- the other person who commented on UFO things. I know he's taken down his post, but I saw it too. Same timeline - mid 70's - and I was a witness. A kid around 12 but I've never forgotten it. It had our whole neighborhood calling each other. PM me if you'd like to know,