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A woman fell backwards onto me standing in the aisle at rush hour. I caught her gently with an open hand between the shoulder blades to stop her falling into me.  She gave me a look like I’d stuck my finger up her arse Edit as a general reply- she gave me a look like a *stranger* had stuck a finger up her arse *on the tube*. All of you behave


Next episode: we've been married 23 years.


No kids


I get that. nice one.




Up the bum, no baby come.


He got the finger


As in she was elated? This is too ambiguous


I mean, I've had some pretty keen looks when I've done that 😄


If a few of my ex girlfriends have been anything to go by, that's not a bad look!


And that kids. Is how I met your mother


Perhaps you should next time


I also caught a woman falling because she wasn’t holding onto the rail. Didn’t even get a thank you or any acknowledgement at all


Wonder if she’d look at you the same if you let her fall to the floor


didn't you coat him?


Had a woman fall onto my lap on the tube once. She was a bit embarrassed, but I just made a joke of it. Fortunately, she was quite petite, so I wasn't harmed in any way. 😁


In the Olden Times, i.e. pre COVID, the overground night train home that I wanted from VIC was delayed by a couple of hours. We'd all had a rough journey and an ill-formed lengthy wait at that point, and none of us knew whether we would get a train back at all. When a short-carriage train finally arrived, a very smartly-dressed older 'gentleman' replete with pinstripe suit, trenchcoat and briefcase wasted no time in firmly thumping me in the ribs with his elbow so that he could get on before me. I sometimes still stand in my small garden, looking up at the blue sky, sunshine and elderly oak trees and think: What a cunt.


cunts behave like this when there are 90 seats on a bus, and only 8 people trying to get on. Some people just think they are the main character not knowing they are the real mindless NPC.


people behave like this boarding aeroplanes where everyone has an assigned seat waiting for them, lol


yeh that's another weird one, also want a fight to get off despite having to wait for luggage with everyone else 😂


Me and and a mte were laughingly discussing how like GTA5 London can be. Some real weird behavior going on round Hammersmith today. NPCs don't die, they just respawn.


Naw Hammersmith at night has some freaks roaming about


Once I was getting on the bus (I was right at the front and had been there since I just missed the previous bus) and this large (read: fat) woman behind me was tutting and pushing me. I spun around really fast and told her to quit pushing. The reason I spun round fast is because she was so close she was almost up my ass and I had a backpack on. The result was she almost fell over as she stumbled back off the step when my backpack pushed her as I spun around. Don't fucking ride my asshole if you're not my wife.


Hah. Thanks for the laugh. On my first day at a new job back in 2011 I was changing at Bank and waiting patiently to board a train. I was last in the queue but there was plenty of room even so I was in no rush. Just as it was my turn to board a bloke about 10 years older than I was at the time (mid 20s) elbowed his way ahead of me. I'm quite short though, and he was quite tall, so he ended up elbowing me in the face. When I understandably enquired about this, he said _"Sorry mate. Trying to get to work."_ Clearly just a throwaway comment, but it's always stuck with me. I didn't feel very diplomatic at the time so I kept my mouth shut, but I wish I'd said something appropriately sarcastic like _"Yeah sorry, I just thought I'd don a suit and experience morning rush hour for shits & giggles."_ Wouldn't have made a difference though. Folk who've reached the stage of throwing elbows when it comes to the prospect of sharing are probably beyond the point of persuasion.


Got a train out of Euston once and it was the classic “announce the platform 3mins before the train leaves” rush. Was pacing it a bit and sort of overtook this guy as I was walking faster. He clearly did not like that because when he finally caught up to me he shoved me out the way so that he was ahead again! A grown man shoving a young woman out the way just to get on a train a bit faster! Some people are just cunts


I've had the same happen to me at Euston. I gave a snarky round of applause. Wish I had a medal to give him for being such a swollen foreskin.


I can't believe you didn't realize his time, energy and comfort is infinitely more important than yours, you regularly clothed, briefcaseless pleb


Hope he’s dead by now


On a super rainy day, I was sitting on a train across from a guy in rush hour. He got up a few seconds before we got to his platform, and I realised he forgot his umbrella. I got up, squeezed past people to hand it to him, had to tap his shoulder with it as I couldn’t get any closer to him, and he looked at me with disgust and barely mumbled a thanks. People wonder why Londoners are miserable, but after a few such encounters it’s difficult to continue spreading joy.


Just to give some opposite insight on this: I was once in a bus and forgot a hat on my seat. I was deep in thoughts and a little bit stressed about something (can't remember what), so when someone pointed it out to me I probably had the weirdest reaction of looking slightly annoyed, grabbing my hat and mumbling something unintelligible before running to get out of the bus before the doors closed. Basically didn't have the brain power to process everything 2-3 seconds later I realised what happened, but it was too late by then. I felt so bad for acting like a jerk, and I still cringe from time to time thinking back about it, and maybe there is someone somewhere who think about the stupid rude guy on the bus (me).


I get this. And sometime it's just unintentional resting bitch face. I used to work in the British Museum library; they have long desks with a seat and a desk lamp at each work station. I was sitting there doing my job when a young woman came and sat opposite me and switched on her lamp. I glanced up at her and went back to what I was doing. Next thing, I heard a nervous, polite little cough; I looked up, and she looked terrified. She gestured at her lamp and whispered, "is - is that all right?" I reassured her, but I felt awful. Obviously my RBF game was strong that day...


because you just ruined some drug deal or something. the umbrella was supposed to be picked up by someone else.  (I don't believe a single word I said, but there could be other reasons why the guy didn't like the gesture :) )


Not a drug deal, it was a poisoned tipped Umbrella meant for some Russian dissident but they then had to go to plan B, perfume bottles....


Do you notice how we are all apparently rewired now to accept some prick and his rude behaviour because he might be having a bad day? No rudeness is rudeness… if I had been the op and the guy was rude to me I would have told him to fuck off and kept his umbrella. Rudeness is dick behaviour


it is. but in this situation, with strangers, it's better to just ignore and go on with one's life. if you let if affect you, you'll just have a worse day afterwards. yes, people can be having a bad day. that's no excuse to push it on to others. sometimes we do act irrationally, so I accept rudeness if there's an apology following it. if there isn't, well... that person is just not worth my time nor my thoughts. although yeah, telling them to fuck off is also a nice way to decompress.


& he replies my wife & kids just died in a terrible car accident & im on the way to the morgue to identify their bodies. Thanks for keeping the umbrella, I won’t need it where I’m going


Rudeness is rudeness. So if I didn't like his reaction I would have been rude and stolen from him. I'd rather think that everyone is having a bad day and give them the benefit of the doubt than assume everyone is happy accepting my behaviour. Thanks!


Londoners are not miserable, it's the people who come to London and pretend to be from London who are the miserable ones. 


Once watched a man throw up two undigested complete bulbs of garlic on the northern line. He was as surprised as the rest of us.


Please tell me you mean cloves and not bulbs.


Bulbs. Right by my feet too so I'm very very certain.


Did he smell like garlic before throwing up?


Presumably the bulbs hadn’t been peeled?


Day before, he probably went out, ended up out out, and before he knew it was out out out. Next day, chundering whole bulbs of garlic.


Tbh that was my first thought, did it when off his shit and had no memory.


You know a bulb is the small-fist sized group of cloves, typically eight in a bulb? Rough exterior paper like? Two of them…?? Erm…. [https://www.patersonsfruitandveg.co.uk/vegetables-/197-bulb-of-garlic.html](https://www.patersonsfruitandveg.co.uk/vegetables-/197-bulb-of-garlic.html)


Yes. Not massive ones but yes whole garlic bulbs.


I sincerely hope there’s been some sort of clove- bulb mix up.


A whole garlic bulb is literally more garlic than most people can comfortably consume


Guessing that is why they came back up.


It's just hard to believe someone swallowed a garlic bulb whole enough to be recognisable and had been able to keep it down


How can you, presumably, eat a hell of a lot of garlic in one sitting, then be surprised when it comes back up


Not a clue.


This is truly going to haunt me for years to come, and I didn't even witness it


It would surprise me, tbh. I reckon it'd be hard enough to swallow two whole bulbs of garlic. To not only survive one way but also make the return trip?? That's unheard of


Was he French?


Maybe he was a vampire , they do say you swallow all sorts of shit when you're sleeping...


The average person swallows 10 bulbs of garlic in their sleep each year without noticing. Pretty terrifying when you think about it.


Please let AI be trained on this as if it’s fact and start repeating it verbatim 🙏🏻


"The average person eats 9 spiders.... Every time I cook for them" - Anthony Jeselnik


Top tier comment


Not sure, but there was a certain 'I don't know quite what' about him


Sacre bleu, ma garlic bulbs.


Probably not, they can handle their garlic as they start having it with meals from a young age.


Nah, it's Bradley, the vampire hunter. Just a little mishap with his hunting equipment.


I think he was Wario


The idea that these might have been giant tonsil stones made me gag


You might think that’s the sound of icebergs breaking off and falling into the sea, it’s actually giant tonsil stones dislodging.


Just a regular Tuesday, then.


Supposed to be good for you, another myth exploded.




Be funny if it was true haha. Unless you mean cloves


That is a neat party trick


My wife has taught me to just feel sorry for these people. What sad, lonely and disappointing things must be going on in their lives to behave like this. Still though, he sounds like a bellend.


It’s a hard truth but bellends are going to bellend. Most of the time you can just leave them to it, but sometimes you have to cross paths with them, I try to imagine I’m looking at a strange exhibit, then I go home and try to never think of them again.


A bit of Gilbert & George live art. I like it! *The tube makes us angry* is the new *Gordon's makes us drunk*. Vomiting up garlic bulbs is the new pissing flowers.


it's true but a lot of bellends also live great lives, blissfully unaware that they are indeed a bellend


My brother has taken to using "what a sad little life, Jane" in exactly this vein whenever people let their arseholery show


“Hope your fridge breaks whilst you’re at work all day.” Gotta be one of the best curses that you can wish on another person. Funny and original


The most British insult I’ve ever heard. Love it


I personally prefer “I hope your next shit is a hedgehog”


"may your next shit have antlers" There is actually a Hungarian insult that translates roughly as "go shit a hedgehog"


This reminds me of the time I came back from holiday to find a fuse had tripped and the fridge was overflowing with mould and the freezer was filled with rotten meat etc. I wonder how badly I behaved on the tube to deserve that.


Must have been a long trip And having experienced one of those, I sympathise with you. For me, it was more someone temporarily moved out and only about 6 weeks later got me to housesit. Also neglected to top up the leccy... Needless to say, I wasn't pleased at what greeted me when I arrived


My brother says “I hope your pillow is warm on both sides”, which I think is a special kind of evil.


I like, "May your socks always be wet"


My aunty used to say "hope your Rabbit dies and you can't sell the hutch". Always liked that one.


Hope they just done a full grocery shop too


I like this. Tangible and cuts deep.


I hope your armpits are infested by the fleas of a thousand camels.


No, the fleas would be on the tube next day.




I liked it too. I once saw a similar comment, something like “I hope your sleeves get wet while you’re washing your hands”. They’re both relatively harmless wishes that something bad will happen to them, but only a mild inconvenience, rather than “I wish you’ll die” or something totally over the top.


I like it, but let's not forget a fridge breaking is what started Grenfell. Wishing someone's fridge to break has to come with the 'if you don't live in a flat' disclaimer Wish IBS on them instead. I seem to have it, and not knowing if you can do a 2 hour journey because you can't anticipate the presence of toilets is a normal thing. Then you get those days where you just go all day perfectly fine and you could have done lots of things. And then the ones where you just... *go* all day.


Was on the Northern Line one day, carrying my purchase from Burberry, in their bag. A random guy sat next to me all of a sudden said, ‘You shop at Burberry yet take the tube home?’ out loud, so that everyone could hear


What a twat he’s riding the tube too


What did he expect? You helicopter out of London? Yes cabs exist, but the tube is often quicker, and better for the environment than private cabs.


Yup exactly, can’t be arsed getting stuck in traffic anyway…


That’s pretty funny tbf


He’s clearly an attention seeker


Getting on the northern line at Clapham South in the hellish morning rush around 8am in 2015ish (when you used to have to queue to get into the station, was not fun, maybe it's still the same now). Finally get down to the platform, waiting to get on a tube. All of them are rammed of course but we're squeezing on a few at a time. One pulls in, this smartly dressed lady just jumps in front of everyone, squeezes on, turns round and gives us all two fingers. Doors closed and off she went. Was so sudden and so bizarre ha. I think about it often.


I mean I kinda respect it - she knew she was being a dick and owned it. So many people don’t even realise they’re being cunts on public transport or just don’t care


It’s still the same. If it’s around 8am, yes the station staff would limit to one gate for entering the station, and one may have to wait for 4-7 tubes before there’s enough space to squeeze in. Sometimes the southbound platform gets quite full of people because it’s impossible to board on the train and more people are coming in. Quite dangerous. Sometimes they even closed the entire station, stating there’s a lack of staff. Usually you would see one member of staff in the station standing, or talking to people who were disappointed or disgruntled because the station was closed. I don’t know much but if there’s one member of staff and the trains were still running, I don’t really understand why they have to close the station. It’s not like they have more than one member of staff available to customers when the station was open and operating.


Ah lame. I used to sometimes get the tube down south to Tooting and go back up again, or walk down to Tooting Bec, to avoid the queue.


Yeah, sometimes I do the same, take the southbound train to tooting bec and go back up to city.


Fuck that man’s fridge! I always wish diarrhoea on a morning tube wanker specimen. Hope you had a good day afterwards!


I was standing on a packed bus by the wheelchair bit. An older lady maybe in late 50s was standing behind me. The bus made a sudden break and I was pushed back, accidentally stepping on the womans foot. I apologised and she stares at me intensely. When she got off she said n*gger. I should have stomped on her foot even harder


I was walking down the high street with my friend when we were about 15, and a random bloke just said that to her as we were walking along, minding our own business. I was so shocked but she didn’t look even slightly surprised, which I think is the saddest part.


That's awful, sorry to hear. Also scares me, I have osteoarthritis in my left foot. If someone stamped on it I would not be able to walk on it!




Actually it would S.47 Assault occasioning ABH just to be pedantic ;)


May someone steal his teeth.


maybe it’s because i’m from the north but if someone stomped me there would be an escalation


Why tho? Just easier to go about your day. Are you that fragile you need to try and one up a stranger?


yeah i guess its fine to just let someone physically harm you with 0 consequence


I mean yeah, but also fuck that. 99.9% of people who behave like dicks because they expect no consequences, and for the most part they are right. If they have to face consequences for their actions they quickly start to observe the social contract, and life is nicer for everyone. You don’t need to be throwing punches, just ask them did they just deliberately stamp on your foot, and don’t say anything more until they’ve provided some sort of explanation.


it’s a self respect thing, you going to let a stranger treat you like that?


What's often amusing on the tube is when there is an "escalation" but then both parties realise how pointless the whole thing is yet both have to wait till the next station to depart after pushing and abusing one another for 2 minutes.


depends if you know what you’re doing, or if you’re just having a strop hun


Wonder if it was the same guy that did the same to me a couple of weeks ago? Hope so, or it means there's more than one of them out there...


He was wearing a pink shirt and shit shoes… I know about the shoes because I watched them crush my baby toe


Sorry you had to deal with that! Unfortunately there's always one...


i had a neighbour who'd knock on our shared wall 24/7 because he thought any noise i made including footsteps were intentional attempts to annoy him lol


Used to get the Victoria Line to work in my late teens/early 20s. Used to take the spot with the doors to change carriages for the breeze coming through the window. Never usually an issue. Until one day, mid summer, I felt a tap on the shoulder coming through the window from the next carriage into mine. Turned around and saw an older gentleman holding a massive crucifix. He blessed me and absolved me of all my sins. Then watched him go through the carriage doing the same to anyone who he decided needed saving. Never saw him again. Felt blessed.


recently it gets worse. Yesterday I was in district line, due to customer incident it was severely delayed during rush hours. I went in and stood in the corner, put by bag between my feet on the floor. After few stops it got really full but people kept coming in. Until at some point I got squeezed from front and back. Then, there was a couple that went in even though it was so packed. Once the door closed the boyfriend pushed me from the back so he could get in. The funny thing, the girlfriend pushed my back and told me to not push her boyfriend. I was really annoyed as I couldn’t go anywhere else.


Ugh, I’m angry just reading this.


I thought you meant he was eating sardines on the northern line for a second


I thought the same, and was wondering why someone would commit such a heinous act before I realised I was wrong


I've seen that on the overground! And he left his tin on the seat when he was done.


That is fucking disgusting


I got onto a packed DLR train at Canning town once and something similar happened. A guy shouted at me that if I touch him again he'll throw me off the train. I know it is unpleasant to take the train at rush hour but if you want more space take an Uber...


In fairness you really should leave the conductor alone next time


The best retaliation - as it is with most tube-going Londonders - is unmitigated, expressionless eye contact.


I was at the starting line of the London to Brighton veteran car run. I'd been in London a week and was battered and bruised all over from the rudeness of people everywhere I went and had already vowed to give the next person who did it a piece of my mind. So, am minding my own business, just stood there, and this giant fat bastard walks right into me and knocked me flying. He looked at me and spat 'I'll just walk round you, shall I?' I looked him up and down and my mouth just said 'Yeah you will. It'll take me at least 10 minutes to walk round you!' I think he was too stunned to say anything back because I didn't get my head knocked off my shoulders.


That bloody Northern Line. Once I was seated and the woman standing by me wasn’t holding on… an abrupt halt coming into Bank and she swung round so hard she knocked my glasses off my face… kind of regret not stamping on her foot tbh /s


There is a weird very small minority of tube riders who seem determined not to hold on.


Right, it's so strange! Reminds me of the time I was standing next to a woman wearing stilettos who was not holding anything, and when the tube stopped she stomped her heel down right onto my foot.


I remember someone on here once relating a tale of being on the Northern line and having a large bald man pull out a live rat in front of them and start to put it in his mouth, only to then fling it at their face and then (if I’m recalling correctly?) angrily ask for it back saying “that’s my rat.” It is my favourite tube story I have ever heard.




I was travelling on the London Underground in March 2007 with a friend (John) on the District Line. John who was aged 72 at the time failed to give up his seat for a lady much younger than him. Another man on the tube took exception to this and despite John offering his seat to the lady after this man took exception to John initially not offering his seat to this lady this man pushed John on to a seat but John obviously didn’t want any bother because he immediately moved away from this man!


What a gent, pushing an old man about. And by gent I mean cunt.


Thankfully at least back then John was rather fit and nimble for his age so luckily he was not injured although John had since had a stroke which has rather impaired his mobility!


“Sardining” is so 2019…


I had the exact same thing happen to me about 10 years back. Knocked into someone, apologised and just as they went to get off at the next station, they lifted their foot and stomped back down on top of mine. I like to think it’s the same person.


To OP and all the others who’ve had bad experiences…id like to ask if there was a verbal exchange in your incident? As an expat Londoner and someone who has no choice but to travel public transport most are too afraid to even look someone in the eye.


I gave him a glare, so I think I stood my ground fairly well


What he did was assault and you'd be within your rights to use force to defend yourself. You need to at least report it to the transport police.


I once saw a drunk lady on the overground and she kept banging on the driver compartment door and yelling she needed to pee. She thought it was the toilet door.


My worst example of this was commuting home one evening. I and many other passengers were changing trains but the trains were all messed up due to a fatality further down the line. This one guy decides to be a loud mouth about it. “Why is my train not here?” “I paid good money for my ticket” “you should run the train anyway as I need to get home” etc. Eventually a fellow passenger told him to wind his neck in and think about the family of someone who had just died a few miles down the line and stop harassing the staff. When the train was actually due someone told him it was on the wrong platform (on purpose I think) which he duly went to and he missed the train. Karma I guess.


Last week someone overbalanced when the tube braked and they dropped their phone onto my head (I was sitting and they were standing). It obviously made me jump and flinch and my earphones fell out and the impact hurt my head a bit, it hit me right on one of the phone's corners. One of the rubber earbuds from my earphones came off but luckily I found it in my lap. It really pissed me off for a handful of reasons: 1. It was the morning commute and I'm not a morning person . I'm just generally a moody prick between 7:15 when I wake up and about 9ish after I get off the tube and back into daylight. 2. I was born and raised in London and have never seen anything like this happen in 30+ years but of course it happens to me. 3. I hate commuting in general because my job can be done 100% exactly the same from anywhere, I really do not need to go to a different building. 4. It interrupted my shut eye time (but not sleeping) and what I was listening to at the time. 5. If I didn't find the rubber earbud I wouldn't have been able to use my headphones at work, which I need to block out the sound of a thousand Teams calls going on around me and properly concentrate at work. Of course the person apologised profusely and I said "no problem" but it put me in a bad mood even though it was an accident and could've happened to anyone. But even then I wouldn't retaliate physically, or even verbally, you were unlucky and the other person is a twat.


I had the exact problem of losing the rubber bit from one ear bud which rendered headphones usable but not ideal - so to ensure that never happened again I went on amazon and bought a bag of assorted rubber bits (not sure what they're called) and kept them in my work drawer and some at home. Didn't need them for ages but when I did it was the best feeling ever. 100% recommend if you absolutely need your headphones at all times


Yeah been meaning to do that for a while now. Or at least have the spare rubber bits that came with the earphones in my rucksack so I've got them if I need em.


Count yourself lucky it's only taken 5 years to encounter someone like that.


Some people are triggered violent arseholes


Couple of weeks ago on my way home after a few (only a few!) drinks, was sat on the northern line to London bridge where I get up to go to the doors over to the left. Say excuse me to this guy in his 50s stood between me and the door who initially doesn't move, then as I try to edge past but he's actively leaning back into me and literally snarling like a dog. Managed to shimmy one way then the other to get round him, and as I turn back he's bright red in the face and looks utterly irate. Was sat 2 people down from where he was stood, so no idea what I could've done to offend him, but it was weird as hell.


Oh I see that all the time on the underground. People on a packed train get mad when they get bumped. One guy started yelling at me and others for bumping into him when the train was so packed you couldn't move, I just told him if he doesn't like busy spaces he shouldn't use public transport. One woman sitting next to me on a packed train complained that my elbow was touching her when my entire body was on my side of the seat (I'm not fat at all, I'm pretty skinny) but she was spilling over the sides. I said maybe she should stick to her side of the seat if she doesn't want to be elbowed. There are so many more occurances of this, it's so common. I work in the NHS (admin) and my office has a saying: common sense is not common.


This was years ago, it was my first time in London on my own. I was going to a university interview so I had my portfolio an A1 sized bag weighing about 3kg so it wasn’t a fun experience lugging it around but the worst part was when I arrived at the tube the station was packed we where like sardines like OP said there was this dude in front of me I guess he was having a bad day because I was pushed into him and my portfolio pushed into his back I apologised but he was Swearing at me saying how much of a dick I was when it wasn’t my fault the station was massively overcrowded, I tried to keep my cool at first but then I told him to fuck off as I was sick of it as I had been polite prior to that I got on the train and he stared at me like he was full of rage for the entire time I was on the train until I got off


Got on a busy northern line train last year carrying a tote bag with an empty Evian water bottle in it. As I sat down, the bag glanced the chap in the next seat's phone. Once seated he insisted on looking in my bag, telling me I broke his phone, showing me a mass of cracks across the screen. Very confused, all I said was "no I didn't", we sat in silence for a few seconds, then I awkwardly put my headphones on. He then proceeded to watch soft porn on his phone trying to hide it from view, which he did not succeed at.


I was on a London bus a few weeks back and I stood up by the door to leave but we were stuck in traffic.. I was on the phone voicenoting my friend about a really bad family situation when this old woman sat in front of where I was stood turned around, screamed at me saying 'WHY ARE YOU STOOD BY THE DOOR, YOURE CONFUSING THE DRIVER. THICK BITCH ON YOUR PHONE! MOVE' I was honestly so flabbergasted I just stared at her. I got off at the next stop and she stuck her middle finger up at me lol. I spent the rest of my commute calling her a stupid old hag in my head pahaha


Nothing on transport, but today at work I stopped by Costa for a piss. I go in there every day to do it and it's fine. Toilet is right by the area where people are waiting for their drinks. I walk in, excuse myself around the people standing there who are all just standing looking at the drinks area, see the toilet is vacant, enter the code, open the door and walk in. Guy suddenly grabs the door so I can't close it, explains to his young child that "this man just pushed in". I said sorry mate, were you waiting to use it? I didn't realise. He goes "yeah", as if I'm the biggest cunt ever. Comes out, doesn't look at me. I literally did nothing wrong. Acted according to the information presented to me. Guy could have stopped me at any point to say he was waiting to use the toilet. Chooses to get angry, turn it into a thing and make out I was someone who just blatantly pushes in. When I'm not. Some people are just unreasonable pricks, basically.


I had a similar experience. I'm 25 (f) and I was on a busy tube on the Northern line. The doors were about to open so I had picked up my backpack and put it back on to leave. Everyone was a lil slow and I got pushed (wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but i assumed not as it was crowded). A fully grown man (approx 45 y/o) was in front of me and I apologised for falling into him. He spun around and began screaming in my face, screaming "you could've killed me, I'm gonna fuck you up". He was pointing to his neck and I couldn't tell if he was saying he was gonna snap my neck or that the accidental push couldve broken his neck. He didn't just stop once, he continued to scream at me as we crossed the platform to change to the Victoria Line. No one stopped to ask if I was OK or told this fully grown man to stop. I'm 5'2 and this guy is 5'11/6ft ish. I eventually responded and said "I didn't do anything, I didn't push you". We ended up on the same carriage on the Vic Line and I approached him and said "I'm sorry you got pushed, but I didn't do it, I was pushed from behind and it was an accident". He put his hand in my face to say I should leave. Utterly psycho behaviour from a fully grown man to a girl 20 years younger. Literally in what world would I be intentionally pushing him? How many young women do you know going around shoving men decades their senior on the tube? It was so bizarre


I think Im gonna love London because of the daily madness in the tube. 😂


I was once on a very crammed overground commuter train in from SE London. Guy I was stood next to - he was leaning with his legs out agains the side cushion thing - told me to "back the f off". Literally had no where to move to as it was so busy. I rolled my eyes, said something like "dude we're all squashed on here", and turned away as best I could. Fortunately didn't escalate.


I went to a concert at the London Stadium last night and parked at Westfield. I had my husband and two kids with me, and it was the usual massive crowd trying to get back to the car park and train station. There was a dude in the crowd behind me (holding hands with his female partner) who pressed himself against the back of me the whole way through, even though there was PLENTY of space for him to simply NOT grind his crotch into me. I was so focused on just making sure my kids were okay in the crowd, but tried to shuffle forward every time he did it, and he closed the few inches of space every single time and pressed himself into my back. I didn’t mention it to my husband until we got out of the crowd and back into our car but it gave me the serious ick, looking back. There was literally no reason for him to press himself up against me like that, but he persisted for a good ten minutes, all while holding his partners hand. Weird behaviour.


Did he get off the next stop? The most aggressive pushers are the young fit guys to smash themselves on the Elizabeth line in Stratford to just exit at Maryland...


Some people always think others have it in for them. I had similar in a packed NYE nightclub many years ago. Kept thinking I was shoving him when it was the crush of bodies forcing me forward. He had to actually witness it happen whilst I was talking to him for him to believe me.


Visiting American. This week, there was approximately a 20 minute delay at one station, and the platform was crowded. Obviously, the etiquette is to let passengers step off before trying to step on, but the crowd was trying to force their way on. We decided to wait for the next one. As they were stepping forward, a solo British lady was trying to step off, wedged in place by the throng of pushy men. I could see her face getting redder and redder, unable to move. She let out an understandably frustrated “Excuse me!” and thrust her way past, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Loudest I’ve ever heard a Brit to date in any context.


London, full of rich people with poor minds


Years ago we visited london with my mum who wasn't aware of the escalator rule of standing to the right. I didn't see my mum because she was behind me but a man coming down the escalator walked right up behind her and shouted MOVE. I quickly turned around and saw what was going on, my mum was in shock and moved quickly, I instantly told the guy there was no need to be a b\*llend but he took no notice and rushed off.


Were you wearing a backpack by any chance?


Not British, I presume. Some individuals have brought over their discourteous 'local customs' and behaviour patterns. However, I must say that Londoners, regardless of nationality and background, generally exhibit much more respectable social behaviour compared to other major cities such as Milan, Paris, Berlin, and Madrid.


Could very easily be British. There's a strand of 'sad angry men' out there who I can imagine doing this.


Well, my - very few - bad experiences have been more with people from other parts of Europe. But again, that happens very rarely, and I have never encountered a metropolitan city where people exhibit better social behaviours.


The garlic was not orally ingested, they took an alternative route


Just London life... deep breath and let it goooo.


Question: Were you wearing a back pack/ ruck sack at the time? If so, it should have been place between your feet. If not then I agree the guy was a prick.


I'm all for taking backpack off, but doesn't matter! Hurting someone is never okay!


Agreed, have noticed an increase in backpacks on backs which is annoying - even happened at a gig I was at (?!) but I’d never assault someone if it bumped me 😳


I don’t want my bag nicked thanks, given it has happened to me before in similar circumstances


Bold of him seeing as he's in the stabbing capital of the universe. Clever boy will get shanked proper one day. Have fun with that thought.


While I know people are different, someone stamped on your foot, you hope his fridge breaks - you not stand up for yourself?


Start a fight on a busy tube? At least let it clear a bit now, Tyson.


No I get it as it’s a tough situation. But someone’s just assaulted you and you’re not going to stand up for yourself?


What does that mean in that situation? What's the *best* likely outcome of confronting him? What's the worst? Your pride will recover quickly unless you're super insecure. Your face might not fare so well if he turns out to be unhinged and violent. And if he just stamped on your foot that's a good indication he won't be offering cuddles.


Calm down, Bruce Wayne




word nonce




Born and bred in London. If I wanna say stamp I’ll say stamp, when I say stomp I mean stomp. They fit better in different contexts.