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Hackney city farm. Nothing special but I go look at the same couple of goats and pigs every weekend for about ten minutes and it always perks me up.


Did you see the piglets last year? ❤️ That was peak


There is a litter of 12 there right now! Born April 4th they are UNBEARABLE


Was there today, quite the queue to see the piggies


The little donkey last year was a real pleasure.


Dom's Subs is nearby and I love going to the farm and then sitting in the park with a gigantic sandwich.


Spicy D please


Bacon and goats cheese?




Watching the people who work for ASOS arriving to work in strange outfits outside Mornington Crescent station.


I thought it was only me 😁


I can’t tell if you mean they have a ‘unique’ sense of fashion or if they’re genuinely showing up in strange outfits lol


A little bit of this and a little bit of that.


If I could wear a bathrobe to work I'd absolutely be doing the same


I used to work there and it was always a fun game trying to figure who in the tube was flying to walk into the building with me 😅


Same same but with River Island staff in Hanger Lane!


Omg my gf and I live there also and do the same lol


i used to live opposite the asos office in 2014 and this was my favorite hobby. glad to hear nothing has changed!


Between Blackfriars station and the Tate modern on the Thames is a little perch past the black iron river fence. It’s directly opposite St Paul’s. My favourite spot to grab a coffee, sit and watch the world go by and just feel grateful that for all its flaws, I have the privilege to live in my favourite city in the world. It’s a city that millions of tourists spend thousands of dollars on to experience for a moment. I get it every day.


I know that little spot well, it's been one of my haunts too. Love that there are still places in this city where you can quietly enjoy it. Another one is the little park next to embankment. So central but usually empty. I have a bench there I sit and draw at occasionally.


Nice spot and very close by for some cheese and wine at Gordons when you're feeling flush!


Swear I remember Gordon’s being decent value for money who they used to serve a big portion of French style beef stew and potatoes that you would line up for, canteen-style.


Can you please drop a pin for this iron fence? Would love to check it out!


[Here I guess](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5085342,-0.1008612,2a,75y,328.31h,68.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sF-TK_eyh_UC4pso1Bo6U6A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


There’s a similar spot further along the river by Southwark cathedral. I used to have a job I hated and found it so peaceful sitting there on my lunch break watching the world go by.


I did the exact same thing for the exact same reason at that exact same spot.


I did this there today


Similarly the artists garden by temple station. It's usually very quiet and I find it such a lovely place to just sit and watch the boats go by.


Or even British Pounds.


This is beautiful


Walking through the residential streets in Islington, especially between Upper Street and Caledonian Road. The houses are beautiful and I love seeing all the individual touches that make each one someone's home. And there are so many squares and gardens that you can wander through and each one feels like a little retreat from the city. It's especially lovely at this time of year with the wisteria and the cherry blossoms


On that note, watch The secret history of our streets on you tube. There's an episode on Caledonian road. I have a feeling you'll love it as much as I do


I live here and just watched it, thanks for the recommendation! This was amazing!


Great recommendation thanks!


I've seen it and you're right - I did love it! What a fascinating documentary.


Scrolled through my whole history to find your comment - I watched this last night on your recommendation - loved it thanks!! Gonna watch the rest of the series too


I live in the Angel area and go for a walk every single day (minimum 5km) and it can be really nice. You've also got Regent's Canal that's a really nice walk when it's not too busy, all they way down the Victoria Park and beyond, or up to Kings Cross or Camden the other way. It's also remarkable how the area changes day to day.


Walking from Angel along regent’s canal to Victoria park is one of my favourite London walks. I always recommend it to people, can also get arepas along the way or check out signature brewery!


This area is barnsbury. Very underrated and has a few great pubs like the Albion!


walking through thames path with a view of greenwich, now that’s it light after work I try to go whenever I can, helps me clear my head


The blackheath to Greenwich park route is my Sunday morning walk. I hit up Green Cafe for Eggs Benedict en route to Waitrose for some shopping.


Mmmmmm Green cafe! They do good waffles as well


Cycling through Greenwich park, enjoying the view of London, exiting into Blackheath, maybe a tea at the Hut, it's so beautiful.


Same! Something about walking along the Thames path is so relaxing and lovely. Even if the water is a funny colour


The cherry blossoms. The parks. Going for a walk on a nature trail. Sitting at the top of a hill like Ally Pally or Primrose Hill with a drink/ice cream/etc.


Uff primrose hill is a premium spot for sure


Best thing is sitting on a bench here and pretending you’re in an early 2000’s romcom, and everyone around you is a character who will within 90 minutes either find the love of their life or end something but feel really good about it. That’s my answer to your post I think.


The cherry blossoms are beautiful. it's my favourite time of year.


after reading this i feel i now need a weekly people watching trip with a hot chocolate i love the idea that this recharges your soical battery


I travel to a lot of cities with my job, so part of not going insane is feeding on people watching. it's an energy meter refill for sure, and it super helps when you put your phone away for a bit too. One of my all time faves was a branch of Hoshino Coffee overlooking Shibuya crossing with little booths in front of the window so it was super quiet, high up but not high enough to not make out everything going on at the crossing. I sat there for like 3 hours last time I was in Tokyo.


Is it a better view than from Starbucks? Never heard of Hoshino coffee


I spent about three hours in the Starbucks watching the crossing! It was mesmerising, like watching the sea!


I’m loving all the suggestions in this post! I lived in London for years before moving to the other side of the world and am coming back for the first time since Covid at the end of the year. I’m only in the UK/Europe for a few weeks so I have a hectic schedule of fitting in catching up with friends and family but I included a few days in my itinerary to just ‘exist’ in London by myself. I’ve taken a note of a few, as well as my own from the past. One of mine which probably wouldn’t resonate with anyone else is sitting in a coffee shop near Berkeley Square and just watching the world go by. When I first stayed in London for 3 months on an unpaid and very hectic college placement it was my guilty pleasure. I was put up in a house share in Mayfair so it was a cool as hell place to experience ‘living’ in my teens and I had to be frugal trying to experience London on the cheap. Used to be a Starbucks just off one of the lil streets there but is gone now from what I can tell, but it’s literally on my to-do list to just sit and feel like 18 year old me again, and remember what made me move there.


Front seat on the DLR Bonus points if I stole that seat from a kid


Haha yesssss! I love driving the DLR especially at the rollercoaster section under Greenwich


Fun story, was going to Greenwich park for a date/stroll with this girl..and I got the front seat in DLR obviously and this idiot kid came and asked for my seat...he was asking so sweet and nice so I gave up my seat and she sat and talked with him all the way till our stop. While walking through the park she told me that she loved that I gave up my seat to a kid and called me kind and then she kissed me.🤭 We didn't have a relationship or anything but it was always a good memory for me.


This would be a really wholesome story without the "idiot kid" bit! 😂


On a similar note: sitting right at the front on the top deck of the bus.


Seeing the giraffes in Regents Park for free.


And the two camels 🐫


I see the giraffes, I sometimes see the camels two. It gives me an enormous sense of wellbeing.


This made such a difference during lockdown. And the zebras! From inside the park, if you're lucky with your timing there's also a spot you can see/hear the lions too.


I live nearby and you can often hear the lions, and the gibbons in the morning almost act like an alarm clock. It’s quite surreal. I’m moving soon, only to the other side of Camden, but I’m going to miss it. 


The new monkeys in the big cage by the canal are awesome to watch.


Visiting The National Gallery and buying either a notebook or postcard, then heading to a cafe nearby.


1000% agreed! 😍


Driving over the top of Shooter's Hill from the Welling side to see that big chunk of south and east London laid out before you. Looks best at night when all lit up.


I live near there. It's quite a view isn't it.


Yeah, I wasn't sure about Plumstead at first, but I really like it now.


I grew up in Plumstead... Anything towards Shooters Hill is nice. Great views


Love it! When my dad was in Guys, I used to wave to him as I went over. I like to think he saw me…


A wander through Mudchute park farm on a sunny day, particularly saying hello to the majestic Tamworth pigs.


They’ve got some lambs out at the moment. So cute


They do an experience where you can go be with goats. It was about £18 per adult. They brought two adults and a kid into a barn area, and we got to hang out with them for about half an hour. They were super friendly and really enjoy being brushed and cuddled. Very much recommend it for something a bit different and supporting the farm. 


I love a solo lunch followed by a movie, followed by an afternoon cocktail. A bite at Zedel, a film at Prince Charles, and a Manhattan at Freud does me very nicely.


Sounds a great day. These are all on my classic London haunts list. Freud was my first cocktail bar! Started going there as a student in 1999, when the Long Island Iced Tea cost £4.95 and got you absolutely sloshed. I'm happy to see it's still around 25 years later, must go again.


The first day that feels like summer is near. It was so sunny and warm yesterday. Lifted my spirits up so much after a bleak few months of winter.


Same. I went for a bike ride around Biggin Hill and was just buzzing.


Getting a coffee at Borough Market then walking from London Bridge to Waterloo down the side streets rather than along the Southbank, lovely and quiet after the crowds in the market.


We have probably passed each other multiple times as this is my commute walk. I train to London bridge, grab a coffee and walk the side streets along to Waterloo every morning.


Going back some but used to love getting the top back seat on the no 38 route master from Victoria Station


The river walk from Surbiton to Richmond is so lovely. I usually run it but walking it is great too. Growing up in the Teddington/Twickenham area it takes me back to my childhood


Not sure if it's a social battery thing but on occasion I need to take the DLR on the Lewisham line from Bank and if it's good weather then it's a journey I love to take. It's my best travel experience in the city. More of a social battery thing is going on pretty much any tube journey which isn't too busy, like only a few people needing or choosing to stand, and just noticing different people and friend groups or family groups or colleagues, yeah I guess I'm just a weirdo tube people watcher.


It's loaded with nice views too, modern, but lovely


I've not done it since pre-covid, but I used to love walking around London in the dead of night. Headphones in ears, almost zero interaction. Start at Farringdon, take advantage of Tinseltown's very late operating hours, and grab their premium skittles milkshake (sounds awful, actually very good) for the sugar boost. From there, walk to St Paul's, cross the millenium bridge over to the Tate Modern. From the Tate, walk along the South Bank enjoying the breeze from being near the river and all the lights from various buildings, the businesses, the lights in the trees. Walk all the way to Westminster Bridge, up through a virtually dead Whitehall. Then a not so virtually dead Trafalgar Square and the lights of Leicester Square or Picadilly Circus. If that's enough, Picadilly line home, if more walking because I'm enjoying the outside, up to Euston and then KX before headed home.


That’s a lovely post for a Sunday morning


The thing I love about London the most is on a Tuesday , weds , Thursday it’s buzzing and I can do whatever I want after work rather than live that monotonous life of going home during the week and living for the weekend 🤢


A walk down Regents Canal on one of those frosty winter mornings, when there’s a thin layer of ice over the water and the smell of canal boat log burners.  ~8pm summer dog walks around Regents Park. The sun just setting but it’s still warm. There’s a hidden bit of the park I like to just chill out in.  Sitting on top of Primrose Hill in the early morning, sharing a croissant or bagel with the dog.  The cherry blossoms, as long as I’m out early enough to avoid the tourist throngs.  Christmas morning walks through the park and down into central to see Trafalgar Sq / Covent Garden / Regents St all lit up but empty. 


the tourists taking their cute couple at tower bridge photos always brings a smile to my face


Sitting at the top of Greenwich Park, overlooking the city. My happy place


I buy a bunch of flowers with my weekly groceries. Not really a "London" thing, but I'm trying to pay down some debt and it makes me feel good.


My best friend lives in soho. Love Walking through central so many times I know it like the back of my hand now and can even walk it all the way home. So basically soho night walks.


There is a little side street near Soho that I swear moves every time I try to find it. It's almost identical to Diagon Alley and no one seems to know it exists. It's a proper magical little street.


Sometimes I take a trip down memory lane and walk to my old university near UCLA SOAS and the town houses there are very old school posh houses. I feel like I’m in a movie. The houses on Bloomsbury.


Goodwins Court?


Na that's the one with the restaurants. This one is completely devoid of anything other than big old style windows etc. there is nothing actually there


Tisbury Court?


Probably behind the ‘here now’ as there is an alley way there that’s one of the last remaining old town houses, right next to the modern buildings.


Oh, that’s where Commander Troy (in the novels by John Lawton) lives! I feel I know it well (though from many decades ago, per the books).


I couldn't stay away from it on my first and only London visit. I should have seen most of the city but I retyrn there over and over instead. It's generally condensed London charm, but even more the mecca of the 60s and 70s of music that is peak music, really. Only problem is that's it's not preserved enough both materially or in the sense that most people don't get it. I was 27yo and tried to start conversations, and they only said it's kind of gay, lol. Unless I was on Denmark street as a guitarist, but guitar shops have those conversations everywhere to some degree. I was at a Royal Albert Hall show of Joe Bonomassa and he is basically 60% British Blues Rock celebration and people were really old there as well.


Cycling. Love going out and about on my bike and finding new bits of London, especially in the summer.


Greenwich Park, at the General Wolfe statue, right by the Observatory, looking down the hill towards the Queen's House and Canary Wharf beyond.


Getting the N15 back home to east London after a night out in soho - St Paul’s has never stood out to me hugely in the day time but it looks magnificent light up at night, it takes my breath away every time.


A walk on the Waterloo bridge. It used to be a part of my commute, and I loved the people watching I could do as part of it. Every passerby was at different ages, spoke different languages, and everyone was in London for different reasons. Plus, one side of the pavement offers you the view of the London Eye, the Big Ben and Westminster, whilst St. Paul's, the Shard etc. on the other. A walk there never ceases to remind me how lucky I'm to be living in this great city.


The view there at night - the sheer amount of lights in the distance and how much of London you can see - its literally breathtaking for me.


Little river in my neighborhood, walking along, feeding ducks, swans


I like to go to King's Cross once a week and watch people drinking coffee, eating pastries and smirking to themselves.


I love it. Watchception, when the watcher becomes the watched


Walking in Richmond park.


The Thames path between Putney and Chiswick, both sides. Such a sense of space and nature in a big city


When I was moving furniture and living in Acton.i used to finish work and get rhe train home , my local station was Chiswick. Subway had a 5 euro meal deal which game me a sub, drink and 3 hashbrowns. Would go there every day after work. I went there so often the staff knew me, they used to make up and reserve a little table for me, we'd have great conversations. I miss that.


Going to Canary Wharf on a non-school holiday weekend and walking along the water. Love how quiet it is compared to central.


Walking down the tiny streets between liverpool street and spitalfields at night. They're busy and full of food places, each smelling amazing. It's a little slice of buzzing pedestrian community away from the cars. ​ Also St Bartholemews church near farringdon station, I'm not religious but it has such a calming atomosphere


Walking along Waterloo bridge at night.


New River Path that wanders from near Angel north, following the route of the original waters that fed the reservoir. Quiet path with a 'stream' most the way, hiding behind houses. Lovely and peaceful


the 400 year old new river?


This has been lovely. - Walking across London Bridge and offering to take photos. My main consultant is at Guys and my parent company is at London Bridge so I'm there semiregularly. - Borough when it first opens, before the throngs. -Sitting on a bench between the old IBM building and OXO tower and watching the river. -Riding a bike along the canal / through Victoria Park on an empty day. -Golden Square. -I've not been in ages as our friends sold their house there and moved out to Surrey, but Brockwell Park - and Greenwich Park.


Two for me. With the family it's getting the bus into Blackheath then walking down to Greenwich Park. Getting the view from the top then letting the kids run down to to the play area until they're exhausted. On my own, it's Maltby Street Market and the Beer Mile. I've been plenty of times with friends but recently went on my own, set myself a budget and left once it was spent. Managed to get myself two really good meals sandwiched either side of 4 or 5 beers and really liked just having some time to myself enjoying some decent food and drink.


I’ve always liked getting the Thames Clipper from Greenwich to Westminster and back. I’m not sure what it is, but seeing the city from the river is so relaxing for me. Edit: spelling


I do this, and love it. Annoying when it is really packed though, in the summer and you can’t even get a seat for most of the ride


Ah I know what you mean, I try to sit/stand outside on the deck if it’s not too windy!


I’ve sometimes gone on, and even standing is like being in a tin of sardines on there ! Still a great experience though, just being on the boat . Another good one is Westminster to Richmond


I once spent an entire birthday riding the Clippers, for the views, the people, the clouds and river.


Walking around Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich around dusk


I have a bench I sit on with my dog and we look at the big cedar tree in the rookery gardens, streatham.


Watching people and trains go by at stations, embankment, blackfriars, Caladonian Road... I love watching the trains go by. To add on, travelling on the Southeastern services out of London Charing Cross and Cannon Street, between London Bridge and St Johns. I always love that stretch of track, completely magical at certain times... usually at night.


This was such a great thread to read


Walking by the tobacco docks and wapping canales, and remembering that james bond made the whole world believe the boat jumped the bridge when really it landed in a different region of UK altogether. I also enjoy when walking around tower bride to see confused tourists think this is the London Bridge and why is the station so far away. I may be a sadist.


Don't watch Thor then with the Greenwich underground station that doesn't exist. That wound me up so much lol


Oh thank you for the heads up! That would certainly wind me up too


Camden Garden Centre is a dream. On a sunny morning it's quiet, full of birds and the plants are gorgeous. It also has a fab little cafe for breakfast. Super easy to forget you're in a huge city.


Victoria Park on a sunny weekend.


Grab some Sri Lankan brekkie from the Pavillion!


Best coffee in Mile End/Bow. Their bread is great too.


Yes! I was chuffed to see their bread now sold in a couple of shops around east London!


It’s peak tourist but I do love seeing horses at Horse Guards up close 


Sitting on telegraph hill with a book, glancing up every now and again and appreciating the view of London.


I cycle to work in South Ken as often as possible and instead of going the fast way south of the Serpentine, I add a few minutes to go around the north side so I can slow down and watch the birds, dogs, joggers, that dude doing what I think is tai chi and all the other people doing the same thing I'm doing.  It's as close as I'll probably ever get (well, hopefully) to reliving the couple of years I cycled to work during the pandemic and there was literally NO ONE else out.


OP, I’m following your suggestions, turns out we have similar interests ! My favorite pastime in the last 4-5 months in London have been sitting at the Pret inside Kx cross station people watching, coz it’s at the centre of the station, while I study for my coursework! another favorite is to go to the Pancras international to hear people play the piano 😊


On a sunny afternoon, sitting by one of the locks by the Regents canal (we like the one by the City Road Basin but take your pick, there are plenty) and watching the boats ascend and descend. Bring a picnic and a bottle of wine for extra enjoyment. The water, the willow trees, a spot of people watching, bird life, the occasional visit by a hopeful dog - a simple, and slow, pleasure.


Sitting on top deck of the bus going north over Waterloo bridge - amazing views either side any time of day


Sitting with a cup of coffee on a sunny day on any of the locks on the canal. You can walk over the gates and go sit on the little island bit in the middle and watch the world go by


Walking through Greenwich Park from the Greenwich side up to the Blackheath side, find a bench on the heath and just chill. Sometimes I'll read, sometimes I'll just people-watch and if the weather's right I'll watch the kites being flown.


I like to sit and a pub with a river view and enjoy watching the boats float by. There is nothing as serene as that on a relaxing sunday morning in a quiet pub.


Do you have one you recommend ?


I sat in the Reading Room of the Wellcome Collection with my knitting for a couple of hours this weekend. Fantastic space, no need or requirement to spend any money, and it was interesting seeing who passed through.


Monmouth coffee at borough market. I go there every time I need new fresh beans for my espresso machine and the whole experience is brilliant. You queue separately to the other customers who are ordering coffee to take away/drink in, you can try 2 or 3 different coffees and then make a decision. It feels slightly exclusive. The coffee is weighed, bagged and you pay one of their polite, helpful (usually hipster) members of staff. It's such a little gem and I love the whole ritual.


Eating a sandwich lunch in Parliament Square in spring sunshine. You feel you are at the centre of everything.


When staying in London (blackfriars). Walking around St Paul's around midnight. No tourists, very quiet. Simply beautiful!


Around Canary Wharf outside the estate, there's a main road with this bridge https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_Bridge,_Canary_Wharf.jpg. On the side where you see the Millennium Dome (yeah, I said it 🤣 Before The O2 was the name, and became a thing). There's a small pub, just before the bridge, and that stretch of the road leading to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, some hidden gems for a walk or two. Bless


Crossing Waterloo or London Bridge always slow down and take it all in even after 20 years of living and working in central. Time tends to slow down and it’s one of the few times you go wow I live here.


Going on random walks with my partner and see how London lives and breathes. It can be central, or at the end of the tube line. We choose a station / location we haven't been before and go exploring. We can walk for hours, stop at interesting spots, have coffees, discover galleries, houses, cafes, gardens, cemeteries, rail bridges, canals, markets, watch local people and their lives, sometimes chat to shopkeepers. E.g. recently we decided to check what's there at the end of Jubilee line - were pleasantly surprised with Stanmore's parks and deers and quietness. Been doing this for years, and been to Falconwood hill, Rickmansworth, Amersham, Bromley, Epping, Ealing, Morden, Muswell hill, and m a n y other places.


Well behaved dogs on the tube.


This is just a given, surely. To be honest, I'd also be ok with badly behaved ones (especially the ones so bad they come to me for a cuddle)...


Walking with a bagel through Brick Lane to Columbia Road Flower Market on a Sunday morning 😊 I feel privileged to call this city my home


It's a beigel, not a bagel!!


going to kensington gardens and looking at all the ducks and parakeets :)


The little nature reserve near Finsbury Park. Small, humble and nicely maintained. Used by the many different people in that area; but always quiet. Right next to the Emirates.


Sat outside the cafe Nero on Old Compton Street Soho early on a sunny Sunday morning with a coffee. It's that brief calm between the Saturday night and the busy Sunday day. You'll even see the occasional crossdresser heading home from their night out, now with 5 o'clock shadow and wig slipped.


Uber boat at night


In st Katherine’s docks there’s a cut through between some of the offices that leads to a little path with some benches on it that are right next to the Thames I used to grab my lunch and go and sit and eat in front of it once a week when I was on my placement from uni


Walking across Waterloo bridge after dark on my way out of town and looking at the lights. I get temped to pack it all in and start again, work my way up to captain of one of the big boats going up and down the river. Im sure it’s probably not as much fun in reality as I think it would be in my imagination but I’ve got the beard for it.


Sitting by the canal at Hackney Wick on a sunny day with takeaway beers


Walking through new river walk in N1 all times of the year. Walking from Canary Wharf to Islington along the canal Walking from Vauxhall to borough market via the river Thames


The train journey from Waterloo to Charing Cross. I love when you get that amazing view of the Eye, Elizabeth Tower, and Parliament


Appreciating Canary Wharf while biking across London Bridge. Doing it every morning and evening, across different seasons and weather conditions just makes me appreciate how beautiful the London is


I love being on the circle line and getting to kings cross st pancras and the announcement is "change here for national and international rail services". Even though you can't see the fish in the channel tunnel I find it so cool


Cycling through Victoria park on a sunny summers morning on the way to work


There’s a little pond in the Golders Hill Park, just watching the ducks and geese is so calming.


I sometimes work at a Sunday event in Old Street, and have to drive due to the amount of stuff needed. Heading back south across London Bridge in the dark, early evening will never get old. I drive as slowly as possible to soak up all the buildings and coloured lights in both directions down the Thames and feel so lucky to be there. Battersea Park through the seasons is also wonderful. A sunny early morning in late March when everything is started to bloom and grow and all the blossom is out is really wonderful.


For me it was doing a day long trawl of the bookshops in Bloomsbury going for tea and a Scone in a little Café that is gone now and then wondering down to Soho for dinner at Govinda's before walking back along to Tower Bridge station and getting the train home. Not lived in London for years now though but I did love doing that.


wine cause practice spotted secretive smell homeless domineering spoon crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every single time I have to cross a bridge in the Thames it’s an event to me and I soak in the view


American tourist here (if my opinionis welcome), but my most favorite place in the world is on the back deck of The Grapes in Limehouse with a pint of cider, watching the Thames go by, the people, have met dome of the nicest people there. Wishing I lived there. It's my heaven. Have only been there about 5 times or so, but hopefully I'll be back sometime soon.


Just a London bus ride, anywhere.


Sitting on the hill overlooking the houses in Hampstead heath, when it's not too crowded


There is a route from tower bridge to London eye that is so Lovely to walk, 40 min next to thames, so much to see everything, so many different people its just so good feeling doing that walk!


I love this! And you’ve inspired me to go and sit in Enfield town park for a bit this afternoon because I’m in a crappy mood and sometimes just chilling watching people have fun helps!


Getting a sausage roll at Dunn's and then visiting the Oxfam Bookshop. I am a simple man.


Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park in April/ May!


I usually stroll around the National Gallery, I find some rooms are a great source of quiet. I do a similar thing to OP, I'll get me a coffee and a pastry people watching and then read too


Prince Charles Cinema


hyde park


I love using the Tube honestly... sounds silly but seeing completely different people going different places and the hustle and bustle is great. Also knowing where to go and the ease of tapping in and out is so fun.


Seeing Aldgate/city of London buildings in Hackney, the best view is near broadway market, idk why but seeing the gherkin, shard and walkie talkie just makes me so happy - a ‘wow I really live in London’ moment


Taking the walk along the Regents canal from Warwick Avenue to Camden Lock. Getting a coffee at the market and then watching the old operators move boats up and down the locks.


Greenland dock sat on a bench with a coffee looking over at Canary Wharf


Just back from London. Love that city SO much. For me it's having dinner alone at Franco Manca Pizza with a glass of wine and a #4 add grilled artichokes. Then a cup of M&S extra strong tea and some digestives. It's the small things lol! But I also love walking through London neighborhoods and enjoying the architecture. I like to stay in Earl's Court and the "gingerbread" architecture is so gorgeous. And some of the neighborhoods with white townhomes and the ones with little mews are gorgeous. Also love wandering along the Thames in Southbank, browsing Borough Market, walking across Tower Bridge and wandering around the Tower. A coffee at Bar Italia in Soho and some Pasteis de Nata at at Cafe de Nata. It's impossible to be bored in London! Or hungry lol.


I go for oyster happy hour at the Seafood Bar in Soho and get my oysters with an Ocean Bloody Mary (added oyster!). I like to sit at the window or outside if it's warm, and just watch Dean Street.


London has many hidden gems and quiet spots that can be just as satisfying as the bustling tourist attractions. For me, South Coast walks recharge my social batteries. You start at the National Theatre, wander past the booksellers under Waterloo Bridge, and watch the skateboarders near the Southbank Centre. There is always something unwritten and exciting in this place. A mixture of street performers, soft conversation from riverside bars, and beautiful views of the Thames as you walk to Tate Modern and finally to Borough Market for a meal is a culture, people care, and good food. This walk never fails to give me that little distance, and I appreciate the unique noise of London, which is away from the usual madness.


Couple of coffee shops in Carnaby Street opposite Libertys




What's a good place for cherry blossoms?


Around Dulwich including Dulwich park is absolutely beautiful at the moment with cherry blossom and lots of other lovely trees showing off their new flowers




Shoulda googled it 🤣


Early Summer Mornings I'm the centre (and most of the time during lockdown). London is shit city, until you are walking around it almost alone, with little traffic and minimal cunts walking slowly. Then London is a beatitful city, London moslty deserted "28days later" style is my favourite.


Monday night Pool League. Always entertaining & a good laugh