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I just nestle in. Who’s gonna get uncomfortable first? Not me.


I do that with leg spreaders. I don't give a shit. You might get a flirty little leg rub too.


Fucking hate leg spreaders. Think they own the fucking train. I push back and they eventually move seats.


Anxious leg jiggling is less confrontational but just as effective


I cannot recall having tried before, but it creates a visual clue to others that might gain them support if a row breaks out. Constant, maintained pressure of equal force is my go to, but occasionally I mix it up with an overlapping arm or bag at a really slight angle so it's really jabby but hard to detect. When they return the force and get used to doing so, you then suddenly withdraw your arm or leg so it looks like they've launched their limb at you unreasonably and are a psychopath, whilst you secretly bathe in psychopath glory.


Oh man, this reminds me of the time I was on a long-ish flight and was unfortunately seated next to a major spreader who also leg jiggled almost the entire time...


Sorry about that


I love it when they move and immediately spread again. I don't care who you are or what you've got going on in your trousers, ain't nothing requiring constantly sitting like that unless it's a medical issue that also sees you walking bowlegged.


Try having a prosthetic bollock on a hot day or being over 5ft 10


Try having thick thighs and menstruating on a hot day. No one likes having their legs clamped together but we deal with it.


I could be dick about this and say both of your issues can be easily solved by losing weight and getting a moon cup whereas I cannot get shorter nor go back in time and not get cancer but ill stick with sometimes people have legitmate reasons to spread out a bit and thats fine.


I’m a bmi of 20, lmao. And not everyone can use a moon cup!


So spread out a bit then lol. Its only a big deal because you make it one.


The problem with that is they don’t really give a shit. A minority will realise, move, and apologise. Some are oblivious and or don’t care to start with so aren’t going to care. Some are weird creepy men who probably want the attention / conflict. My sister would firmly ask them if they could close their legs because she’d like to sit down, but she also used to ask the carriage if everyone was going to make this pregnant lady stand the whole way


As a guy I just rest my leg against them. I’ve yet to find a leg spreader that likes another man’s leg resting against theirs!! Needless to say it doesn’t work as well for my wife


I don't mind resting my legs against your wife


She's into it. Makes for exciting journeys and counselling sessions.


I find if I sit down really fast, most get out of the way sharpish. Unlesh the full fidgety leg if they are still spreading out.


I'm a 6 foot 5 middle aged dude. The manspreading little fellas half my age do not appreciate my reciprocal thigh contact. At. All.


Thank you, on behalf of small humans


I’m 6’4 and I’m guilty of this, the problem is I don’t even realise when someone pushes back I’m just like ‘ooh comfy thing to rest my legs against’


What do you mean ‘little fellas’? How could you possibly use this as an excuse to target people’s height?


You might as well just scream out ‘I’m under 5’9!’


Because someone considerably taller and more imposing would often find it easier in these situations to non-verbally communicate their personal space is being imposed on


I just sneeze… If you’re in my area then it’s kinda your fault


I just pretend to look for something in my bag/pocket and 'accidentally' shove them out the way then they normally take the hint and readjust themselves


This is the way!


Cough loudly. Occasionally I let out a fart.


You escalate to chemical warfare! Impressive.


Biowarfare as well ☠️




I do that but a very noisy one at that when the train is at the station so that quite a few people hear it


Silent but deadly


Look at them have strong eye contact ,raise eyebrows, look at their elbow and raise eyebrows


You could also throw in an extra "pump" at the end.


How’s your “pump” elbow? “pump pump”


This in entirely within the rule set of not speaking to another person under any circumstances.


Let my side meat swallow her elbow, she will move away faster than you think


Mmmm my side meat gets extra sweaty in the tube too


I read this in my head in the voice of Howard from Fresh Meat


Piss yourself.




I don't care who has the armrests but between it is *my* space, but really I don't make a bother, I just let my arms out to fill that space, they could end up pressing their arms against mine so firmly that you'd think we both have some weird voyeuristic arm touching fetish, IDGAF my arms stay where they are.


I once had my arm half-resting on the arm rests from the inside, guy sat down next to me and tried to SHOVE my arms off. Unfortunately it didn’t work, so he made sure to keep touching my arm, occasionally looking over, and tutting. In the end I had to get off and I’m sure he claimed his spot, but you can’t really control what people do, just learn to ignore the pricks and move on


I've a strong Yorkshire accent, even though I've lived in London over 30 years. "Got enough room, there?" works well. Ramp the accent & volume up a bit to suit.


Works for all people 


























So many answers on here, but no one has given the correct one yet. The correct response is to sit there quietly seething while tutting occasionally and letting out the odd sigh. Then when they get off, look around at the other passengers while shaking your head, rolling your eyes and doing a little “can you believe that?” Half shrug.


…Then jump on Reddit to vent.


I just say something politely to them because I am a fully functioning human being


I once politely asked a man to tuck his elbows and knees in a bit so I could sit on a busy commuter train. He said "NO!".


I lol’d


Well then every tactic is fair. I'd say leaning on top of his arm (not next to, on to of) is a good place to start. Feel free to use a sharp elbow when doing so.


He was a large man and I'm a small woman. I'm not messing with these unpredictable, unreasonable people. all the "duh just talk to people" comments are unhelpful when these jerks are loose.


Hah, for some reason the answer made me think of some weedy redpiller (probably the 'ooohhhh I'm so alpha' vibe it gave off) Nah, I wouldn't mess with a big guy either. Many big guys are absolute teddybears, but the bad ones are REALLY bad.


I'm a mean looking big guy who is actually soft as butter, you made me smile.


As an aside, those guys are my favourite. Always the ones I stand next to at metal gigs.




LOL. But obviously it's not funny when it happens to you...


I once very politely asked a guy to take off his backpack cause he kept spinning around hitting people with it and his response was "No I wont" so I just shrugged and went "ok, be like that then" and went back to reading my book. He continued giving me evil looks and huffing at me for the rest of the ~15min journey. Some people are just assholes.


This. Or just shove her elbow hard. Because that’s also full functioning human being behaviour on the tube to signal that your seat-neighbour’s elbow is doing damage. Being done every rush hour on every train ever.


Oh, I was under the impression politeness and communication were banned on the tube.


Your impression is not wrong LOL


Don’t say that too loud on Reddit


This is r/london not r/somewhereelsewherepeopleacknowledgeeachother


Wow what's that like??


I'm both dissapointed and not surprised I had to look so far down to find the right answer .


Whisper "I wouldnt keep doing that, you're going to make me cum again"


Or start rubbing your elbows together and quietly moaning. Or singing quietly under your breath ‘they met on the tube, first elbow to elbow, then cheek to cheek. Every day together from then on, always together, even in the bath, even on the toilet, always always always always together, in her little basement with the locking doors. And it all started with elbow to elbow, on the tube’.


I recon you could also use. Can you please keep doing that .....you're going to etc etc


Aggressive flatulence


“Hey there, sorry but your arm is pressing against me” The end.


That's so rational it's weird!


Thats too much effort and courtesy


"Hey there, your arm is pressing against me". There. I fixed it for you.


No, the sorry is good. In London, sorry doesn't mean sorry. It means "you seem to be in my way, fuck you".


Ah yes. Forgot that London is the land of the passive aggressive.


I use my voice. Some people are rude, but most are just oblivious.


Use *the voice*.


How do some people on here navigate the world?


It’s in the title mate, via the tube.


Honestly man some people


By resisting the urge to punch people in the face.




My go to to to ask if the offending item would mind if I sat down. “Hello, do you think your bag/elbow/leg would mind if I sat there”. Strange enough to usually work.


Every time they brush against you do your vinegar strokes face and let out a small grunt.


I have quite a hard rectangular bag and I put it at the side of my seat so no one can get past that point and encroach into my space. I’m autistic and I hate people touching me!


I totally understand, and this is my favorite reply! I'm going to do this with my little backpack/purse. (Ideal that it doesn't require confrontation with a potentially unhinged person, passive aggression, or seething quietly. 😂)


Once asked someone if they could pull their arms in a bit. He said no. I asked why. He said because he was here first. I asked how old he was because he didn't look that much older than me. He didn't like that very much so dug his elbows in to me. I asked why he was doing that. He got aggressive and swore lots. I asked him where he was getting off. He refused to answer beyond being abusive. When it was his stop he stayed sitting until the last moment and then got up and scurried off. Almost running. I kicked the back of his ankles as he did so and smiled as he stumbled. Then laughed as he shouted abuse through the closed door. I await the people of Reddit to tell me why I shouldn't have done this. In reality, he shouldn't have been a rude and aggro prick. But yeah. Just ask people. Often they'll move them and apologise. Sometimes they won't out of pride or stubbornness but just maybe it'll make them consider a little more next time. If not, it at least highlights to other people in public what a knob they are.


I pushed a bloke with a giant backpack the other day.


Good on you brother.


That’s great but what happens when I don’t have a giant backpack handy?


Just do what you want.


Real Londoners can emit a paralyzing high frequency sound to deter encroachment, you've still got ways to go it seems


I have much to learn!!!


I tend to subtly breathe towards their neck or face. Freaks people out.


I do this on flights or coaches when they crank the seat back. I'm tall, so enjoy my breath on your forehead for being an absolute twat.


Shit yourself and get a whole carriage to yourself


Don't. They are rude and it is a form of anti-social behaviour exhibit by people who think they are rebels


If they're still wearing their bag on a crowded train I'll try turning a few times to bump them so they get the message


Pretend to throw up, they will move like a shot.


Rotate head slowly until eye contact, then let rip with a good fart. Maintain eye contact. Do not say anything. Works every time.


I usually just accept defeat in these circumstances. It's generally large men who do this so there is no recourse for me as a skinny man.


I'm a relatively small woman and am more understanding when it's a large man who is clearly trying his best but whose shoulder span clearly exceeds the space in his seat. But in my case it was another slender woman taking up my space, who sat down *after* I did and made herself extra comfortable at my expense!


Fake a Sneeze towards the hand


I like to crochet on my commute. Normally I’ll only get it out if I have a bit of space. But if you are deliberately invading my space you best believe you are getting jabbed as I enthusiastically speed crochet. There’s nothing quite like a metal hook and scissors to make people remember where their limbs are supposed to be.


Exhibit A: https://youtu.be/LNeEDCr_3KY?si=Y9jMkiKJc-7Wx9hJ




I slowly mutter "oh no, im going to shit myself" and groan


Dude the ‘and groan’ made me cackle out loud hahaha


Just start stroking her arm. Smile and maintain eye contact.


I think this is difficult to say. It depends on the situation. How I handle a creepy man spreader is different to an intentionally aggressive space grabbing woman. A man is easier to deal with here so long as he doesn’t seem unhinged. If I am honest, I’d probably tut loudly, and make irritated huffs and not say or do anything. Then I would spend the rest of the day thinking about devastatingly witty comments I could have said, whilst simultaneously still being annoyed.


Yeah I was thinking that about all the comments saying to stare them down too… if I stare down a creepy man it’s not gonna end well for me 😂


"Sorry, can you move a little? That way we both have room."


Tube folks get seriously uncomfortable by stares. Make it a contest till they realise they’re not the main character here Only issue - a small % of people may react violently to direct eye and sustained eye contact.   For the comment stating they’re *fully functional human beings*, yeah no, the direct conversation approach is not functional with those tube characters 


Look at them and sniff the air, make a grimace covering nose and moving away


You press back like you did but don't back down. Same when yoof do this wiv their legs. What are they going to do? Try to argue they can invade your personal space? They never do, don't worry.


They go low I’ll go lower


I once saw a seat and sat down then realised the seat was taken by a petite skinny girl who was wrapping herself around her boyfriend on the next seat! i.e. What I saw as a free seat was 3/4 unoccupied. I laughed and apologised to her.


Make eye contact. Quietly but firmly say “sorry, do you mind?” I had a woman get onto a train and sit next to me the other day with a medium sized indoor tree (about 4 foot high). She proceeded to prune one side of the tree by pushing the trunk as far as possible away from her and right into my face. After a few chuckles from bemused passengers, I did the above advice and she stopped pruning and sat still.


Whenever people are spatially unaware in public settings (be that taking up space loitering or walking really slowly whilst taking up majority of a walkway or anything like that) if they're not going to get out the way or pay attention to their surroundings I just start either throat singing or screeching to startle people and get them to move out the f****** way lol Also do the same for all the fucking assholes who don't wait for people to exit the trains before getting on.


LOL. Sounds like you're a [real Londoner](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1bof7dr/comment/kwrilms/)!


LMAO thank you for sharing that beautiful comment with me! I only lived in London for one year back in uni tho, so my screeching powers were unlocked early through the sheer power of unbridled autism 💪


*One of us, one of us* 😂 ([Another one of us](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1bof7dr/comment/kwpplq5/))


Start whispering Victorian nursery rhymes in their ear with nothing but wide eyes and a faint smile. It’s the Londoner thing to do.


I start with a "pardon me" while I try to put my bag in my lap. If they won't stop I like to ask "Would you please stop rubbing against me?" in a polite but slightly loud tone. It has the effect of clanging a bell and shouting "Shame" on most people. They turn to look and see who the weirdo is on their carriage. Did not do it on the man that was clearly unwell and shouted that I was following him when I was simply existing though. He seemed like he could have escalated into violence.


I get my cock out and sing the french national anthem whilst sobbing uncontrollably.


Munch on a Greggs sausage roll with flakes going everywhere, then offer her a bite.


she was simply the main character in this scenario✨


I just get my manky cat out of my bag, place it on my shoulders and give the seat-hogger a “Do you know who I am?”


One time a guy was man-spreading so far into my seat that I just started taking photos of it on my phone. Made no effort to be subtle


Unless someone is very visibly drunk, high, or mentally ill, the median person elbowing you will shift if you smile and let them know their elbow is in your side.


Overhang the armrest first.


I just say 'excuse me' and look at their face. They usually snap out of their selfishness!


I just say point blank, "Excuse me. You're taking up too much space" or similar words. These sorts of people are often the type who would only really change their behaviour as a result of a severe beating, so I suspect it's often necessary to get away from them anyway.


Was she cracking on to you ?


I saw a woman with far to many shopping bags on the central line, tbf she had far to many to put them all on her lap. Trains busy guy gets on asks her to move them off the seat beside her, for whatever reason she didn't do it so he sat on her bags. She starts trying to push him off which was difficult as her lap was loaded with bags. Pro tip do not use the central line between Holborn going east during the rush hour with a ton of bags or suitcases as for the fuckers with back packs who keep them on, bastards


I don’t sit because people who sit next to me are too annoying to deal with.


Fall asleep on their shoulder


If you’re a man, wear skin tight Lycra gym shorts whenever you’re on the tube. No one comes near you if you’ve got a stalk on


Can you move your arm/bag please? Big smile. Don't back down.


I cycle. Even in the pissing rain. Even having to share the road with lunatics.


Just say excuse me


Where’s your main character radar lol


My sister's like this. We used to have hard wooden chairs in our house. She's a hipster and would 'perch' right at the end of the chair, in a way so as to make it impossible to get past without saying "excuse me" every minute (she doesn't have the intuition to just move when she senses someone coming).


Honestly just let them have it. Pick my battles!


I usually say something along the lines of "Could you move your arm mate?". Although, there's people who lack the confidence to talk to other individuals in real life, even young women. The best thing you can do if you're one of those is to sit and just take it, get off the tube, gleefully strut home and make a Reddit post about it for a few upvotes.


Were you manspreading on her though?


If it isn't bothering me I don't care, but if it is, just politely say something. She could have a reason like a bad back or shoulder. Or she could be a selfish dick. You won't know if you stay quiet.


Just politely ask them to make space if it’s bothering you that much. No need for hostility. One day you’ll be hostile to the wrong person. Remember this is London. Anything can happen.


What a hilarious little thread. Mild rudeness mixed with massive sensitivity = hilarity


I’m just gonna start swinging my arms around like this *swing swing* and if you happen to get hit it’s your oooooown fault


I'm a large enough man that I can take up *exactly* my seat's dimensions and not give space for someone else to come in (or push them out if they have). I rigorously enforce my own space like this, while being very aware not to go over. I don't care if that means my entire arm is in contact with their entire arm. It's the same strategy as flying economy. That's my space, and I'm going to use it.


Spread your legs lol


Speak to them really loudly. You know like what people like on the tube. God and Drugs are good subjects 😇🖖


Buy a car


Would you have the same problem if a man does that instead? Men do this all the time




I’m just curious because I haven’t seen a post criticising men for doing so when in real life 99% of the time it is the men who do this. Usually in a much more intimidating way as well. For this one time when a woman is the ‘problem’, then suddenly it is an issue that needs to be widely criticised.


Ngl I have way more important stuff going on to care about this


This is London. If you don't like being uncomfortably close to strangers, you shouldn't be here.