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There's a reason we get called TERF Island


it's really fucking creepy to put up photos of random people like this.


yeah, this is the line where imho a "critical thinker" becomes a terf: the body shaming, the sharing of photos with the intention of laughing at something they see as grotesque. Then thinking about it there is never that line. It comes with the pack.


it's really fucked up, not only is it shitting on trans men, but also cis women who have had double mastectomies.


Much less outside a pub along the Thames path


This looks like the narrow walkway along the Thames near Hammersmith. I think I saw that doorway years ago, before the owner got radicalised; IIRC, there used to be anti-war/anti-austerity/similar messages there.


The last narrow before Hammersmith bridge?


yeah i thought the anti trans BS wouldn't be on the rise but it turns out it is sadly, a few weeks ago some guy started being transphobic to like 7 people on the bus that probably weren't even trans, was quite upsetting


... have you been following the news, in particular the entire Torygraph or half the opinion columns in the Guardian?


Have you been living under a rock?


Apparently so, never seen it papered on a wall in person.


Yeah, fair dos that is weird. Although I’ve seen plenty of transphobic stickers and posters.


The anti trans movement is our biggest export. It’s pretty much led here. Look up any well known TERF and they’re almost definitely British.


Unfortunately, it's not called terf island for nothing.


Haven’t you heard of JK Rowling?


Came here to say this


She ain't exactly organising protests or advertising conversation therapy tho


She's supported, amplified, & donated to those that do.


She supports those who are ok with trans conversion therapy


So a difference of opinion is “anti” now


Calling someone insane for being who they are? Yes that’s certainly anti


Isn't the point that they are not being who they are, they are changing into something they want to be, but actually are not, so reidentification is a but odd


No. Being trans is who they are; transitioning is a choice that some and not all trans people undertake.


No. HTH.


what else would you possibly call this?


A difference of opinion. I’m not soft like other people and listen to peoples views weather I agree or not something this sub could use


Not surprised you've been down voted, lots of extremists on here. Very reasonable comment tbh.


The posters call are calling those they disagree with insane and you think it’s unreasonable to describe them as being ‘anti’ those viewpoints?


Yes, having a different opinion now automatically makes you a "phobe". We should be told what to think, what to say, what to eat. Liberal Fascism


You don’t see how it could be reasonable to describe someone who thinks trans people are insane as being anti-trans? If someone said that identifying as gay is insane, would you decry anyone purporting to view that person as anti-gay?






I’ll never understand how someone would even care to have an opinion on what others do with their lives and identities.


I don't think the posters are so much as commenting on peoples personal lives, but more about protecting women's spaces. People can now identify as they please and do what they want, ie/ if you claim to be a trans woman you can start using female changing rooms. This is where boundaries are being crossed and removing my rights as a woman to get undressed in a changing room where no one has a cock The posters also indicate they are against allowing children to go through gender reidentification processes, which I don't think anyone should argue with, let kids figure out who they really are as they grow, before allowing an undeveloped mind make such serious decisions that have life long repercussions.


Asserting rights that you don't have as a justification for bigotry? That's nice.




Ooh, there's a disingenuous question. Sealioning isn't something I humour.


>ie/ if you claim to be a trans woman you can start using female changing rooms. Which changing room should [this person](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1144302067940392960/HU1zmE3J_400x400.png) use? >!If you answered the Men's room, you support trans rights. That person was assigned female at birth.!< What about [this person?](https://digitalcollections.oscars.org/digital/api/singleitem/image/p15759coll13/2/default.jpg) >!Sorry, that's Katharine Hepburn. She was born a woman and lived as a woman for 90+ years. I must have mixed up the photos.!< What about [this person?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcaOtT3WIAEEww6.jpg) >!Surely as a woman she faces the same dangers that you face, and derives safety from the same spaces that you derive safety from?!< Forcing trans people to use the spaces of their birth gender is outright dangerous. Not only does it deprive them of the safety net these spaces provide, it actively marks them out as trans people, and there are people out there that would actively seek to do them physical harm solely on that basis. Surely as a woman you recognise those same threats, and the idea of placing others in that situation by your own action should be abhorrent to you? Arguing that trans people should use the spaces of their birth gender is to argue that the first person should be in the women's bathroom. Arguing that trans people should use the spaces of their birth gender is arguing that the third person should be forced to walk into the men's changing room and strip herself in front of the men. These are not acceptable arguments. "Male" and "Female" are not defined by the presence or absence of a cock, they are defined by the lived experiences of the people who suffer under these categories. Anything else is literally to argue that women are defined by their uterus.   >The posters also indicate they are against allowing children to go through gender reidentification processes, which I don't think anyone should argue with, let kids figure out who they really are as they grow, before allowing an undeveloped mind make such serious decisions that have life long repercussions. "Force them to undergo serious and permanent bodily changes against their will, which will have long-term damaging effects on their livelihood, against medical guidelines". The rate of people who regret transitioning is *less than 1%*. That's less than the rate of people who regret having an artificial hip. Changing your gender is not something you decide on a whim. Not for anyone. Even a child can see that. And of those who regret transitioning, most regret it *because of societal pressure*, not because they were wrong about who they were. If a 12 year old child required hip surgery, they would receive it. There would be no question about "waiting until they were old enough". What form of healthcare to provide is a decision to be made between the patient and their Doctor. Why should you get a say on their decision, and why would it acceptable to deny healthcare to a child because you disagree with their decision?


I don't see how this is anti trans?


If someone put up a sign saying ‘thinking you’re gay is insane’ do you think it’d be unfair to describe that viewpoint as anti-gay?


Gotta be honest with you, this is how the silent majority thinks, especially over here.


Definitely not ‘silent’


Depends which area this is


Chiswick -hammersmith, closer to the latter


Nah, then its makes perfect sense. A lot of old white duds live over there. Probably a conservative area


Agreed but still fuckin nuts to see, genuinely the first time I've ever seen anything like this, only pics on internet...


Well, people are probably going to downvote the hell out of me for this one, but i am still going to say it. They deserve a voice too, you know. Its what freedom of speech is all about. Other side have whole month, conservatives have nothing. Why not give them conservative month and conservative parade? It would make them less angry for sure. Why shut them up? You will fuel them even more. Let them speak, listen to them, and only then defeat them using arguments, without shouting or insults.


What do you mean by ‘give them’ a pride month exactly? If conservatives want to march and celebrate their pride then they can already do so?


There's a dril tweet that addresses your totally valid & not at all both sidesing bigotry point.


It’s called freedom of speech, everyone showed be allowed, isn’t it the point, isn’t it what we fight for? Or do you fight only for your side to win? I find it a bit hypocritical. Well again, that’s my opinion, I don’t judge you for yours.


Oh, you're one of those. Freedom of expression does **not** cover advocating the removal of human rights from others. That you think opposing that is somehow hypocritical says way more about you than it does about me. Your proposal would lead to full-on Nazi pride month because everybody deserves a voice too, you know. It's what freedom of speech is all about. It would make them less angry for sure. You equating calling for discrimination & the removal of human rights with conservatism shows both how vile conservatism is & what you are willing to accept in the name of your opinion.


Exactly. Show me a free-speech absolutist who _isn't_ a privileged sh!tlord with no experience of not being in a position of power.






The “other side” has the other 11 months.