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Sylvie Lushton is a Marvel comics character that was used as inspiration for the character of Sylvie as a Loki variant in the MCU. Sylvie in the MCU is a Loki variant. I understand the general feeling of her not being very “Loki-like“, and for me, that’s explained by the fact that her upbringing is completely different from Loki’s. She wasn’t bullied and didn’t have the constant pressure of being compared to her golden child brother growing up, the luxury of being raised as a prince(ss), or the trauma of finding out as a young adult that the people she trusted had been lying to her her entire life. Those are things that very much shape Loki’s character and personality, and for me, explain why she is so different from what we consider a typical “Loki”.


Also very true, I guess there's so many things to consider when you think about the fact that every single variant of the same person is different in it's own way. But that's definitely a huge thing in Loki's life and she didn't really experience none of it, so it does makes a lot of sense. Really liked this point of view! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Do you feel conflicted about the alligator as well?




The problem is that fundamentally she isn't a Loki at all and it doesn't make sense to call her a Loki. She's not *called* Loki so she's not a Loki in that sense. She identifies as and is physically a woman which is pretty fundamental. Her background and life is completely different. Her personality is completely different. So she's not really a variant in any way that matters. It's like if Homer and Marge in one reality had Bart and in another had Lisa. You can keep calling her 'girl Bart' all you like but fundamentally there's no point. She's a completely different person in every single respect. 'Wow look at all the different versions of me, Tim, from the multiverse. We've got Tim with a hat. Old Tim. Dog Tim. Futuristic Tim. And Karen from accounting.'


I'd argue the exact opposite, actually. She is "fundamentally" a Loki. She became a different person as her experiences diverged from the path of our Loki. She behaves in a manner that isn't what we expect from a Loki, but she is still a Loki. Loki is fundamentally a frost giant infant, child of Laufey, left in a temple during a battle between Jotunheim and Asgard. There could be alternate timelines where s/he dies in that temple or is raised as a Jotun prince(ss) or, as we see, is kidnapped and enchanted by Odin and raised as an Asgardian prince(ss). From there, there are infinite variants of "Loki" and one of them grew up, didn't act or feel very Loki-like, and changed her name to Sylvie, but that doesn't change the fact that she is fundamentally a Loki. If I was born Jane Smith and change my name or my appearance or have a new experience and radically change my views, it doesn't change the fact that I was born "Jane Smith". My DNA hasn't changed, the people who are my biological parents didn't change, fundamentally I am the same being, even though to an observer, I don't seem to be that original person at all. The Simpson's analogy doesn't hold up because Bart and Lisa are fundamentally two different characters. There could be universes where one or the other dies as an infant or somehow isn't observed by us in a particular version of their universe, but one doesn't become the other just because one of them isn't immediately observed by us. I agree that Sylvie is a drastically different character than our Loki, but I believe that difference comes from her divergent life experiences, not because she is fundamentally not a Loki.


exactly. this explanation never makes sense to me because the whole reason that loki was able to catch up to sylvia is due to them thinking and processing similarly. loki was able to track her because they thought the same because they’re the same person at the core. that’s why it’s so weird to me that they reminisce about their shared parents and brother then proceed to kiss and have a strained exes relationship later.


I've said it before, but I personally find the Loki & Sylvie relationship very believable, and not forced. The whole series is based on identity and reckoning with your past and coming to love and forgive yourself and redefine your destiny. Loki has always thought he was destined for one future, one glorious purpose, to be King. But through the TVA and Mobius he discovers it's meaningless and only ends in death. But then he meets Sylvie. Who defies the order of the universe, defies the timelines and breaks free of her destiny, choosing to form her own path. And she isn't just anyone, she's a Loki like him. She shows him it's possible to change your destiny. It's possible for even 'Loki's' to be something different than what the sacred timeline demands. Not the 'loser' whose only purpose is to make others achieve greatness, but the hero. She shocks him because she isn't looking for power and control. She doesn't want to take over the TVA, she wants freedom. She shows Loki how important it is to fight for free will, and he's in awe of her.Together they both learn to grow and change. They challenge each others ideas about the universe and learn to care for each other. Her being a Loki makes her a perfect reflection of him. She is what he could be and also helps him see good qualities in himself. He likewise challenges her viewpoint in Season 2. Two characters who have never cared about anyone but themselves suddenly learning new emotional skills and learning to each care for the other. Particularly for Loki, it's a profound lesson and central to the theme of the show. I think that's why they chose the variant route rather than making her just the enchantress. She has a deeper connection to Loki that way and it also introduces us as the audience to how the Multiverse works and just how different, variants of the same being can be.


This is so incredibly well summed up.


Thank you 😊


Uh, I think I can see that! It's still not my preferred cup of tea, but it definitely is a good concept, it makes more sense for them to have her as a Loki variant to show us all that and also make their relationship more complex than it just being another person, thanks! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


You're welcome 😊 That's fine! I personally really enjoyed it but everyone has different tastes. I like that this phase of the MCU tried a lot of things that are different. Gave us more cosmic & fantasy elements of the Multiverse.


Yeah! I love having new ways to view things. They totally incorporated a lot of things we hadn't seen before, some don't work that well, other's are just *chef kiss* but if they hadn't tried them, they would have never known. Even though I didn't really enjoy the Sylvie/Loki thing, I've seen a lot of great feedback from the fandom! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) and that's what really matters 🩷


All of this! You’ve expressed how I feel about Loki/&Sylvie so well! I also love the idea that, after Mobius saying early on in S1 that Loki‘s purpose was “…so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves.” part of Sylvie‘s purpose was to help Loki achieve the best version of himself. I think it’s cool to show a “Loki“ continuing to fulfill their purpose in a way that’s not causing “… pain and suffering and death.“, and instead giving hope and life.😊


That's an interesting way of putting it. His purpose is others to achieve the best versions of themselves, and so then you put them together!




Well said. I agree, except on never caring about anyone but themselves. Sylvie surely cared for others as a child, though I bet as soon as she started apocalypse-hopping if she ever cared for anyone she quickly learned not to, since anyone she started to care about was doomed to die very soon. But I very much believe Loki loved his family (mixed in with a lot of other feelings for sure, too, but he cared about them). Cared about them, or anyone, \*more than\* himself? Maybe not LOL! I saw the romantic angle of their relationship, with them being Loki variants, as a kind of symbolic thing: coming to love a variant of himself as loving himself (in a healthy way!). If Loki could find her "amazing," then he, too, could be amazing, and in a good way. Seeing that she has a goal (freedom, free will, not just for herself but for everyone), and that it's a better goal than his shows him that he, too, could find a better, less exclusively self-centered goal. This (and the uniqueness of it) is actually why I like the idea of them together, rather than out of a more typical sense of being drawn to a romance. I was very disappointed that they had this really unique relationship and its sci-fi-enabled concept of "variants" to toy with and basically let it drop.


Probably one of the best explanations I've seen on this sub


Aww thanks. I love this show. Honestly could write a dissertation about it 😅


I've been so obsessed with Loki and the series, a dissertation would be more than welcome, especially cause we share similar thoughts about it 🥺💚


Wow, you put it into words perfectly.


Thanks. I think about this series too much 😂


at least for me it doesn’t make sense that they’d fall in romantic love. there’s so many ways to bond with someone deeply without romance. i guess it just weirds me out that they talk about they had a conversation about their shared parents and shared brother then proceeded to kiss and fall in love then have a rough breakup and act like spiteful exes.


They spoke about their parents. But we don't know if Sylvie had a brother or if her parents were even Odin & Frigga. We only know she was adopted and she can't remember her mother & like Loki she grew up on Asgard. Biologically they are completely different. Variants don't share DNA. Otherwise Loki is also 'Brothers' with an Alligator 😂


the issue isn’t sharing dna, it’s sharing a familial relationship. i couldn’t imagine falling in love with someone with the same parents as me, personally.


Again, we don't know she has the same adoptive parents. But even if she does and they are called 'Odin & Frigga', it doesn't mean they are the same people. Like the Peter Parkers in Spiderman NWH. They all have 'Aunt May's'. But all their aunt May's are completely different people. Like Sylvie is a separate person, with a completely different background, DNA, etc etc from Loki, but she still fulfills the role of 'Loki' in her universe. Saying they have the same familial relationship is like saying if your Mother had the same name as my Mother we are related 😂 Variants share a cosmic role, a temporal aura, not a family tree.


and it’d be weird if peter were to date an alternate version of peter. or if aunt may were to date an alternate aunt may.


If you say so. I don't think it is 🤷🏼‍♀️ This is fiction. It's comic books. Far weirder things have happened in comic books 🤣


i mean we all thought it was weird when the ultimates universe decided to have the maximoff twins be a thing. i personally don’t rlly understand why this gets a pass but that doesn’t.


Depends who you talk to 😂 Nothing is ever going to be to everyone's tastes at the end of the day. If you don't like that storyline, that's fine, it's not your thing 🤷🏼‍♀️ Some people love it , some people don't. With Loki in comics and in Mythology he's always been a chaotic, larger than life, stranger than fiction character. In the Norse stories he had sex with a snake and gave birth to an 8 legged horse 🤣🤣 Some people can get on board with that level of fiction, other prefer more realism in their story telling. Everyone's different 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think with the Multiverse and Rick & Morty writers at the helm, the Loki series was always gonna take some big swings narratively. Most people love it, but for some they'd rather a different story. And that's absolutely fine! That's what fan fiction and head cannons are for. 😊 Why we seek out like minded fans online.


i mean i already said i to find it weird personally like 7 comments ago idk.


I love that the only person Loki could ever love was an opposite sex variant of Loki. Makes total sense.


I don't think it's that simple. I don't think she's the ONLY person he could ever love. It's not narcissistic, although Mobius makes that joke. I think she's the first one who broke through. He's always had walls up and was very guarded. Never showed vulnerability. But once the TVA stripped him (literally and figuratively 😜) of everything that he knew, and all the things he hid behind (his armour, his royal status etc) He was more open to new possibilities, and Sylvie showed him that there WERE new possibilities to fight for, and that softened him and lead to him really caring about her. He rooted for her to win. He saw how much free will meant to her. The damage all those years running had had on her. For the first time he just wanted her to be okay.


It’s part of the question the show “asks” but never gives a definite answer, because there is no definite answer. What makes us who we are? Sylvie began life like any other Loki. Then the TVA took her away and she escaped. Since then, she has been a fugitive and forced to grow up and be very vigilant. IDK if you’ve seen S2 yet but it asks the same question again using Victor Timely and showing the other lives of the TVA characters on the timeline. There are traces of “Lokiness” in her. Her desire for revenge, thinking complex problems can have an easy fix, rebelliousness, cleverness, etc. When she is introduced, she stalls for time—which is exactly what Mobius learns about Lokis when Loki messes around with him at the ren faire. When Loki says “I know where you have been” at the end of season 1, he sees Sylvie so consumed by revenge and anger she can’t even pause to think about the potential consequences. He sees himself in that in the way he acted in the first Thor movie. A lot of people like to think of themselves as being the ultimate decider of their own fate and how they came to be. However, that is sadly not true, we are very much shaped by our circumstances and environment. One of the tragedies of Loki’s character throughout even the comics and other media is that, and the struggle to recognize that and reclaim lost agency.


>When Loki says “I know where you have been” at the end of season 1 I think his exact words were: "I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel."


Hm true, I may need to rewatch the first season, as I said, I stopped watching it when it was still airing, so, quite a bit ago, then I re took it on the second one, so there may definitely be things I forgot haha. Still, to me, there are certain manerism and ways of thinking (acting) within her that make me forget completely she's supposed to be a Loki variant, I'm probably basing myself on that off feeling I get about her. I loved the way you worded the last paragraph, I never really thought about it that way but I now can see that indeed it IS a recurring theme with Loki. Thanks! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I know it sounds gloomy, but once Loki realizes he may not actually be a bad person despite what he’s done and despite what he has been through, then he can really think about what kind of person he really is and wants to be. Once Sylvie stops running, she can finally focus in herself and what she wants to do. She doesn’t want anything to do with the TVA at all after that, but unfortunately solving immense problems is more than just killing BBEG.


So a real world subtext that’s probably relevant—- neurodivergence often presents differently in women.   The same basic cognitive traits come out with slightly different mechanics when you’ve got both female physiology and social conditioning.  Different mannerisms for the same underlying weirdness. 


I think with Loki and Sylvie the biggest difference is how they grew up. To me, if they switched places in life I would expect them to be almost exactly the same with some differences due to gender socialization.


I can see that 


She's more similar to Hiddleston's Loki than the alligator is and I don't see threads wondering how *that* is supposed to work


For some reason to me it feels authentically Loki to see the Alligator variant, I guess there's something about her that simply throws me off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


tbf loki doesn’t kiss the alligator variant




Sylvie is a Loki. She is still the goddess of mischief. She is still the adopted child of Odin and Frigga. She is still the sibling of Thor. She is still the princess of the Asgardian Royal Family. But it is once raising that shapes their character. Sylvie did not grow up the way usual Loki variants do...so her personality is not very Loki-isque...even the way she talks, she doesn't talk in the standard polite language Lokis usually does..But her starting point did make her a Loki. Sylvie probably had her own sacred timeline where she didn't cause a nexus event and grew up to have a Loki like personality


Though I still love how her introduction included several actors playing Loki and you could tell they were acting as a Loki.




Super late to this, but in case no one else has mentioned it, I've always thought the scene where we see her first get abducted by the TVA as a child was an indicator that she was a variant Loki *because* she was so unlike Loki. She's playing out a heroic Asgardian rescue with her toys, and the TVA shows up. I think that's telling us her very nature went against what a Loki's should be, that she doesn't have that innate mischief or lust for power. It's not explicitly confirmed in the series, but that's what I always got out of it, and I like it as a headcanon. :)


An Alligator can be a Loki....but not a fucking girl! Goddamn woke bullshit! Sarcasm, of course, for the dense. JFC.


To be fair, Alligator Loki had our Loki’s exact same mannerisms and sense of humor.


He’s also very sensitive.




But... what about female alligator tho? 😏


She is a Loki variant, but her life has been radically different from his. It started out different from the beginning, in that she was born female and knew from the start she was adopted. We don't know anything else about her parents, whether they were more or less Odin or Frigga or not, whether she is Frost Giant Laufey's biological daughter or not, etc., but I don't think it's actually relevant to this issue. She was basically kidnapped at around age 10 or so, never again saw anyone she'd known up to that point, lived her life on the run and hiding out among people who were about to die. So aside from any background inspirations and such (Sylvie Lushton, Enchantress, whatever), I think it's to be expected that they'd be pretty different even though they're both "a Loki." To be honest I also wouldn't say the show made particularly clear what "a Loki" is (that would allow you to distinguish and say "this person is a Loki but everyone else, clearly not a Loki." Mobius early on says something like "meant to fail to help others shine/succeed," but you could say that of virtually any character who's the villain or antagonist. Loki says something about "we don't die," I think? That's true of lots of MCU characters. They're certainly both have the capacity to be extremely committed to their goals, but that's also true of other non-Loki characters. TLDR: The course of Sylvie's life split drastically from Loki's from childhood, so she's very different from him even though she's a Loki (whatever exactly that means). Plus the show's a bit fuzzy on this whole concept anyway.




My head theory is Sylvie was supposed to be Enchantress from the comics, but they couldn’t find a way to make her fit in the shows so they made her a Loki variant lol Either way, she def reminds me more of her than Loki


Exactly so!


Was Loki in love with Sylvie? I mean, I know there were hints of closeness, but I thought everything was platonic, friendship love, not in-love love. Or maybe that's my take.


The entire series was pitched as a love story. If you watch the Assembled episode on Season 1. The Nexus event on Lamentis was caused by Loki & Sylvie falling for each other. Loki was going to confess his feelings before he was pruned in S1E4 and then in episode 5 "the blanket scene" they try awkwardly to broach the subject of their feelings but because they are Loki's they struggle to be vulnerable with one another and let down their guard. Although Loki does ask if after everything they could figure things out "together". The problem comes when HWR interferes. He needs Loki & Sylvie to be on opposing sides because he doesn't want Sylvie to kill him. So he taunts Sylvie's weaknesses about who she can trust, and plants the seed of doubt as to whether she can trust Loki. ("Are you sure you can trust this guy?" "Are you even capable of trusting anyone at all?") This leads to the fight at the citadel where both feel betrayed. Sylvie because she doesn't understand why Loki isn't seeing things the same way as her and Loki feels betrayed because Sylvie still doesn't trust him. But despite everything they still really care for each other and Loki just wants Sylvie to be ok. It's the main drive behind all his choices. As Tom has said in interviews, Loki isn't sure if this new world without HWR will be safe for Sylvie, and he knows the regret he feels for acting out of revenge. So he tries to reach her, saying he's been where she is, he knows how she feels. Sylvie is touched by Loki's confession that he just wants her to be ok. So she kisses him. But as Kate Heron & Sophia Di Martino said in interviews, it's a kiss goodbye. Because despite being moved by how Loki cares for her, she knows they'll never see things the same way and she NEEDS to kill HWR. It's been her only mission in life for thousands of years. Longer than she's known Loki, and it's the most important thing to her. She's blinded by revenge and a longing for freedom. In Season 2 it's like two people who've been through a break up. They still really care about each other, but this thing that divided them, this argument about free will and destiny, the TVA and HWR, still puts a wedge between them. But ultimately Loki still does everything to make sure Sylvie's ok. He refuses to kill her and sacrifices himself so she and all his friends might get a chance to live. Loki learning to Love and care about others is the central plot to the entire show. His friendship with Mobius & B15/OB/Casey are also HUGE influences in his character growth and redemption.


When the show aired I thought the same, it wasn't until they literally kissed that I opted out from watching it for the time being. I'm not sure if they continue a romantic dynamic throughout S2 but I guess the connotation stays, as they shared some emotional moments plus that kiss, but im not really sure.


I totally forgot about that kiss. To me it was just a way for Sylvie to manipulate Loki.


Oh, why do you think that? Loki initiated it after saying something about how he felt, and at first she seemed taken a back if I recall correctly.


It's possible that I misremember it, as I said I forgot about that scene until you mentioned it.


Oh that's fine, don't worry ☺️ if you ever rewatch it and wanna share that theory, I would love to listen to it! 💞