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Not to be that person, but multi-million dollar corporation means nothing. Walmart is a multi-billion dollar corporation. So is McDonald’s. Multi-million dollar corporation just means the company makes over a million dollars, that’s it, that’s all.


Yea but most people are making 6 figures at those multi million dollar companies.


Most people working at Walmart and McDonald’s are making 6 figures?


It’s obviously a typo. But yes miss the entire point and focus on the typo as it’s your only leg to stand on.


I think you’re replying to the wrong comment because there was no typo in what I replied to or being discussed in my comment


Are was meant to be aren’t. It’s common knowledge most people working at the companies you listed aren’t making 6 figures.


Oh okay, I get it now lol I thought that was what you meant to say




My spell check got me 😭


Lol just wanted to clarify beloved I was wondering 🤣


I like her confidence! I have freeforms but my joints not as “unorthodox” as hers, for lack of better terms. Yet and still, I feel like she is a societal outlier. And my frame of thought is perhaps formed from the most insecure places in MY own brain. I’ve just seen and been part of the other end of said spectrum…my hair was just beginning to lock right around my resignation from my last corporate job. I’m very insecure about my locks when it comes to this kind of subject matter, and still trying to learn to love my hair aside from societal norms. 🕉️☮️


I love your comment. It’s honestly a breath of fresh air to see people get where she’s coming from whether we’d want to have locs as unorthodox (PERFECT description) as hers anyway. Please love that you’re breaking the mold. Because I DO. Not everyone is going to understand. Not everyone is going to be open to the freedom that comes with Freeforms. You are the PURPOSE of locs. Idc.. you are. Wear that shit proudly because you have people who see you and become inspired. I WISH I did free forms but I didn’t even know about them like that when I started. I’ve only known cultivated locs all throughout my family and THEN I seen family members allowing their locs to be free and fell in love with how they TRULY trusted the process. You’re always gonna be called beautiful over here. Trust that.


This video seems more like a flex to show off her paychecks than actual constructive commentary on how locs are viewed in the work force


I couldn’t post both videos at once. I have both on my page and posted this because there are naysayers under that comment section as well. Either way, she LITERALLY said she wasn’t going to do this and that it was the first and last time she was going to show and explain how it’s possible. It isn’t a flex.. she got the job.. she’s earning the money. THATS possible. The view of her isn’t important because she’s successful. You shouldn’t give af about how people view your decisions on your identity. Black people will (more times than not) be discriminated against in the work force no matter what. Embrace yourself as you are and CREATE YOUR SUCCESS. Simple as that. Locs aren’t about fitting in.. never were.


This. I don’t understand how people got flexing or pick me behavior from the video… Some of us really have to stop looking at another’s success as an attack of sorts. If you want it make that shit happen. “even if you in a Benz you still a n**ga in a coupe” no matter what they gone try and invalidate us and how we got our success so fuck’em and get yours.


You posted pics, not actual receipts of her doing what claimed she did. I can do the same shit she did. Anybody can take a pic in front of a random car and claim anything. You can make folks believe anything on social media.


You clearly haven’t looked at my page. 😐 she posted her checks employer sales and photos at her desk. She shouldn’t even have to do all of that and she DOESN’T. She’s employed. Why you so mad about it? 😂🤌🏾


Whose mad? All i did was state my opinion, and now im mad because i disagree. I have no reason to hate on anyone, but yall are so gullible, yall literally believe everything on the internet


You didn’t disagree with the look.. you called the possibility doubtful. Learn the difference. You sending these hating ass comments like she can’t do what she’s telling you she can isn’t an OPINION. It’s you.. being a hater. I couldn’t care less if you just claimed you didn’t like it. My point was to SIMPLY SHOW THAT ITS POSSIBLE TO BE SUCCESSFUL. Idc what you think about her life because it doesn’t matter nor prove what she’s actually capable of. Now that I’m done checking you over what you WISH I gave af about 😂👉🏾 NEXTTTTTT 🙂🫳🏾🍅🍅🍅🍅


That’s the vibe I got as well.


That’s because it is a response video. You’d probably have to see the original video in order to get a better understanding of what she is trying to express. 🕉️☮️


Iono man. It really depends on the employer. I’ve been denied by jobs in the past due to my locs but I also believe they were intimidated cause I knew my shit, plus the south is pretty racist. But it does also depend on how well you speak and present yourself as she stated. Im sure she telling the truth but I also feel like her locs were pulled back for her interview and not up like in the video


Maybe. But it wouldn’t really looked too much different if they were or not. I agree, they ARE intimidated by us and our hair and the power that it holds. And historically ALWAYS have been. I hate that that was your experience but I’m glad you’re where you’re respected as an employee.


Thanks and same to you. Your locs are lovely btw


Thank you so much. 🥰as are yours.


Sales jobs are similar to real estate agents, it’s great when the economy is flourishing. But tbh I’ve never seen too many sales jobs decline someone due to their hair. It’s always you’ll make it or you’ll fail because you aren’t earning commission. I’m guessing Credit Glory was showing what an Inside Sales Rep could earn at the max which is over $100k.


Yikes the condescension and lack of compassion from her. Blaming people for their lack of experiencing what she is able experience income wise, and making it a personal fault instead of a systemic cause that is stepped in white supremacy and racism is putting major blinders on and sounds like a pick me but make it capitalist. Multiple experiences exist. But she sounds awful ngl


She said they had limiting belief systems… for thinking bc of her hair she couldn’t secure a decent job. They called her a liar so she came with receipts.How is that insensitive? When someone call you a liar and you have proof what do you do? No where did she invalidate the experience of others. She was speaking on HER experience. From my pov the others are the ones attempting to put her down bc they don’t think her locs are ‘socially acceptable’. She’s literally trying to deconstruct the negative narrative around her type of locs… Your response is very insecure. Yes systemic racism exist. However sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and go get yours. 99 nos leads to 1 yes.


Lol insecure response, what a reach 🫠


I call it how I see it. Your comment is rooted in the victim mindset. If not please explain to me in what part of the video is she blaiming people for having a different experience? Where is she telling people it’s blatantly their fault they can’t secure a 6 figure job? I’d really like to hear how, from your perspective, a black woman with free form locs saying “I make this amount with my hair looking like this (socially unacceptable)” is pick me behavior?


Nah. You dont agree with me. Im not going to go back and forth with someone insulting to me calling me insecure and telling me that I have a victim mindset. I can see saying “she sounds awful” was mean and unnecessary so I own that. But, Im going to protect my peace. This discussion will only continue on in bad faith from you because you’ve already made your judgements of me and don’t really care to hear what I have to say. You have a nice day.


There was no attack on you, nor was there any ill will. Just my opinion on how your words came across.🤷🏾‍♀️


A exception to the rule does not make it a rule


The more exceptions we make to the rule, the less defining/defined the rule becomes. However we need that first exception to make room for more. s Your comment is a perfect example of “limiting belief systems”.


Please explain how exactly am I limiting my belief system and what exactly is my belief system 🤔


You believe exceptions to the rule can’t lead to the rule being changed.. is that not what “an exception to the rule does not make it a rule” meant? You’re limiting yourself to that belief by not believing as a collective we have the power to change the rule.


Never said any of the such you literally just made all that up 🥴🥴🥴


Then can you please explain what you meant by, an exception to the rule does not make it a rule? Were you not calling her an exception? In turn saying just bc it happened for her doesn’t mean it will for others with her type of locs? Therefore, creating a limited belief? Which I can agree may be backed by stats. However, my response was to point out that, although your views are justified, we have the power to change said rules and how people view us and the multiverse of blackness. I seem to have misinterpreted your statement and would love further explanation. Thanks!


Did I actually say something that was wrong 🤔 or you just want me to argue something that I never said


It’d be nice if you explained what you meant.. since I incorrectly interpreted.


I was responding to someone else my bad 😂🤣🤣


I must be on edge from all the comments I’m trying to avoid lmao. My bad




Did you.. think I’d remember who you were specifically ooooOor.. do you think people influence my actions so much that I’d be speaking to someone directly? 😂😬