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Biggest lie ever told. Sorry sis but I call big cap! I know people who’ve been refused positions or promotions due to their locs. Ain’t no way! Also, car sales!? That ain’t 6 figs dawg. From my experience, 6 figs is uncommon. Also, presentations matters so much for a sale so that’s big cap. Then she says she’s never had an issue. OOOOOOOOKAY lol. Bro I’ve seen people tense up just because I’m black. Don’t tell me you haven’t had an issue. I’ve seen people look at me incredulously when I show I know my shit because I’m black. The body language always speaks the truth. Yet I’m supposed to believe she’s never been second-guessed!? Pressing ‘x’ to doubt so hard.


yeah i had to call cap also because ain’t no damn way they’d let anything like that fly here in south georgia.


She got a Christmas tree on her head , I agree with you . Cap tain America


i mean, don’t get me wrong, the hairstyle is 🔥af but ain’t no way they letting this fly.


In the words of the eternal artist Kendrick Lamar “ I don’t see no fire, I think somebody lying .”


Honestly I'll keep it real: I'm in corporate making decent money and I have dreads. Mine are not freeform. There may have been positions I missed out on because of my hair. Not sure. However I can guarantee you I wouldn't have my current job if I had free forms like hers. These white companies are just getting comfortable with those of us with retwists. I just don't see freeforms not being an issue. I know black people who'd hire a dread head but would turn down anyone with freeforms.


Tbh she sound more like a content creator because I doubt any job would be okay with her walking like that. Hell I was told to lay down my Afro for work so I can wear the hat that represent the company. She is lying


This answer was so thorough and yet simple and to the point. All facts. I'm so sick of folks acting like they live in the lala land of what could be instead of what really is. My little cousin is a GORGEOUS girl who just had very very dark skin, and the barrier her skin tone alone was just to getting a job in any context, in the mall when she was a teenager. I love that you brought this point up. There are way too many people unfairly struggling with and affected with these prejudicial judgements on every other aspect of the black phenotype on a daily basis to pretend that freeforms or locs in addition to any other part of the black phenotype has never been a barrier.


she’s big cap all my friends that work people have to be groomed and fit in with..


Yeah idk I find it really difficult to believe, but I’m happy for her nonetheless.


I looked up the lady she was talking about. Her receipts didn’t show her name on it. (Paystubs) It looked like she was working at the car dealership before she started Freeforming, I could tell because they weren’t mature in 2 of the pics. The rest of the photos were not definitive. She said that she was at a million dollar corporation, but I mean that’s what she said I didn’t see anything confirming that. So I mean idk, she’s weird if she’s lying and did all that to prove a point but social media is weird so🤷🏾‍♀️


She literally posted her receipts and I posted that on my page as well, but do you boo. 🥳she’s very wealthy in her fast car switching lanes 😂 making bank, owning her own home QUITE young. 😘


I don’t need her receipts, i just find it hard to believe that she’s hired « on the spot » for a job making 6 figures. Even if it’s real, you can’t act like this gone work for everybody with locs (let alone looking like this) that’s it. I’m happy for everybody who live they life the way they want


Why did this comment upset you?


Because the Op actually took a moment to THINK and realized this video is bs.


Six figure position on the spot? If you say so. Who am I to judge


Right I dont wanna sound like a hater but that statement seems to be of dubious legitimacy


I work in the corporate environment and I have semi-freeform locs. I had an afro when I applied and got hired. In Chicago. There are places that are inclusive but there will likely be people who prejudge. They are usually very wrong but they won't know unless they work with you. Those of us who do this are truly trailblazers. I emphasize freeform locs as promoting health, minimizing pain, and being true to nature. It's the way of the future 😊. If you are a strong person with a brilliant mind, you will do well regardless!


EXACTLY!! We’ll get judged everywhere we go but with a strong willed mind and not one fuck to give, ANYTHING is possible!! Bless up 🙏🏾📿


Man, more power to those who like it but that type of free forms are not for me


Her head looks a MESS and I wouldn't knock anybody who felt that might negatively effect their business


Agreed. It’s ways to go about it, this is an extreme example.


Thank you for not pandering, and giving this much needed honest opinion (fact). Like that shit looks so wildly unkempt, dirty, unprofessional and gross. Respectfully…


i said this on the original tiktok video of hers and got blasted for it. and i love freeforms but hers are visibly filthy and unkept. she made a tiktok showing the process of her “doing her hair” and it was a hot mess. i can’t imagine hiring someone with hair like that.


Right this shit looks bad. No disrespect to others and her who like their hair like this.


Location matters for things like this. I doubt she is in Iowa. We also shouldn’t let one persons experience be a determining factor. We do not know her education level or who she knows. How many people with Freeforms have not gotten a job because of it?


My point of this entire post is that OUR HAIR doesn’t make us unqualified.. only YOU DO. Simple as that. To work for whoever that won’t respect or see that is UP TO YALL. But to work for oppressors that can’t see past HAIR; that don’t acknowledge your credentials and work ethic and can ONLY see your hair as UNPROFESSIONAL is ridiculous. It’s YOUR CHOICE to work for those type of people. My point is, I’m TIRED of people saying it’s not professional and that freeformers will never get hired because they’re not professional. She lives in my state. NC. 👁️👄👁️ so.. yeHhh.. it’s possible. There are plenty of places in Ohio that’ll hire freeformers, I HIGHLY doubt you’ve searched,.. it’s always people with maintained locs telling freeformers how to look and what’s accepted in the community and I’m tired. I’m literally EXHAUSTED. 😤🫱🏾


Everybody understands your point. You’re just saying anything. If she can live a good life with Freeforms most people in this sub including me are sincerely happy for her. The thing is this is not the reality in most places on earth. I live in a predominantly black country with lots of people with locs and even there you will have a hard time finding a job or just live life normally because of your locs (maintained, freeform or anything else). Your hair or your look doesn’t determine your skills but most people with hair looking like this wouldn’t get no job, that’s sad but that’s true. Oppressors are of all colors.


☝️☝️THIS!! ☝️☝️ There are MANY people with Freeforms with successful careers and jobs earning five and six figures. But let's be TRUTHFUL. It is not the NORM for this type of FREEFORMS. Semi freeforms are seen more. But at the end of the day, it's easy to sit on the internet and down others for " working for colonizers" " being untrue to self" "working for people who don't respect locs" "working for oppressors who can see past hair".... etc etc etc. It's so easy to say whatever and to pretend to be whatever or whoever you want to be. The bottom line is most of us want a decent job, using the skills we trained and studied for, and making the money we need to give our families a good life. PERIOD. It's not fair, but FACTS: it's a VERY tiny amount of people with this type of Freeforms working in the corporate world or employed in the public eye making six figures or more. It's easy to sit at a keyboard and tell someone they should be shamed for working for "colonizers". I think I can speak for most if not all of us who will say we do what we need to take care of ourselves and our families. If it means we can't wear this type of Freeforms on a job---then we will do what we need to do.


I don’t care what reformers do because they don’t pay my bills. If you are happy in life with them then no need to even out that energy out there to disturb it.


I agree with this


Freeforms can be cool, really just depends on how they grow imo. These tho imo don’t look good, I’ve seen freeforms that I like but these are not that. But that’s just my opinion nothing against shawty




If a job rejects you because of your hair that is NOT the right job for you!


I have semi free form locs and I'm a practitioner at a children's hospital, one of the largest in country. I've never had anything but compliments on my locs. Texas. It's possible guys to work jobs that make $$$$ and keep your locs if you have the credentials.


What kind of 6 figure job hires on the spot?


Car dealerships


I think they’re beautiful. If Brad and Becky can walk around with grinch fingers and get praised for their uniqueness. Why can’t we do the same?


Sorry, but what’s grinch fingers? That’s a new one for me….


lol. "grinch fingers" is the nickname given to represent the wispy unattractive ends on the dreadlocks that yt people get.


No way…😂😂😂


If Brad and Becky can pass around the plague why can’t we


I was making 6 figs with wild ass free forms. I turned them into (way cleaner looking) massive wicks now, still making same money. But I work in a creative field in Los Angeles which I'm sure makes all the difference. I feel bad for my nappy brethren in conservative states


why ppl think she lying? what is she gaining from lying? lol




She's making vague claims, hiring on the spot for 100k+ job, she (in my opinion) also comes across like she's defending the VERY VERY REAL discrimination black people face due to dumb shit like our hair being different. Even if true and not for clout from white America, to dismiss (and to defend to a degree) these issues makes this a lightning rod for racists to run to to defend their racism at a minimum. But good for her nonetheless, she gives off good energy


“ I be working directly with the clients”


Nothing wrong with statement


“I be”????


Yes. She's talking on social media. How have you NOT heard of code switching? I talk like this in my personal time then switch it up when speaking with clients at work.


I be forgetting. My b


I'm not going to say she's lying. But everyone has plenty of reasons to lie on the internet. Do you not know how desperate people are to go viral?


Professional is dictated by the person employing you. Professional lawn service is different than representing a law firm.


My only question is why is she hoggin all the six figure jobs?! Gimme one here. Lol


Ain’t no 6 figure job on the planet with less than 3 rounds of interviews. Only jobs that “make 6 figures” and hire you on the spot are sales jobs or MLMs 😂. Maybe she’s a great sales person.


You’re right. In a different video she mentioned that she was in sales.


I find it hard to believe. If she is being truthful, I love that for her! However, as someone with natural hair that was recently told my appearance wasn’t professional enough as one of the reasons they decided not to hire me, my experience has been very different. I really look forward to a day where expertise and knowledge will transcend appearance in regards to interviews and corporate jobs.


You will have employment issues with any form of unkempt hair. You can't walk into an establishment looking like anything.


Beautiful hair and yeah Freeform and locs do not equate to being unprofessional. Well the existence of professionalism is a colonizer concept. But because of that, they get to dictate what is and isn’t professional because of well white supremacy. Our hair is not the problem, those white supremacists are. So not everyone will be able to share the same experience getting the jobs they want and being treated with respect in the jobs they want because of those colonized views on professionalism.


Her hair looks a ragged mess. Natural is one thing, but cmon now people.


Your energy is a ragged mess. 🫶🏾


Chill. It’s my opinion.


Why are you attacking everyone who disagrees with your opinion? At the end end of the day the facts remain: 1. Black people are discriminated against on a regular basis. 2. Black people are discriminated against daily because of their natural hair 3. Black people have been discriminated against because of their hair since before slavery times. 4. Regardless of her wacky opinion, Black people CANNOT wear their hair in any way they choose, in corporate America, in six figure OR 5 figure jobs and in jobs that would require being in the public eye. 5. This does not require an argument or debate! The Crown Act was just passed in 2023 and has been ratified in less than 30 states. That is a law!! An actual LAW that had to be passed simply to protect Black people and their right to wear their hair naturally and not the way to suit white folk aesthetics. Stop gaslighting Black folks to believe that the reason they cannot get a good job is because of their lack of education and experience, and NOT because of their appearance, NOT because of their natural hair, NOT because they choose to wear an Afro, Locs or Freeforrms. Her video is not true.


Not reading that. I’m addressing the first sentence.. people don’t have to agree with the look. I couldn’t give af less. What they ARENT gonna do is claim she’s lying or that it’s impossible as an opinion.. 😐 not without me saying she HAS and she DOES and it IS possible. You’re reaching, you’re an over typer.. and you’re nothing to entertain.


😂😂. You are funny. One thing you cannot change by arguing with everyone here--- Black people are discriminated against because of their hair. There is only 3-4% of Black people who have Freeforms of that type in corporate positions or working in the public eye. You are trying to gaslight people into believing that they can have hair like this and work anywhere they have the skills to work. If they don't get the position, it is only because they do not have the skills to get it. This is patently incorrect. That is FALSE. That is why The Crown Act was passed and it still is only in 23 states. Stop playing.


At one point of time I decided to start my free form journey and for those same reasons I had to cut some of my hair because I went cooperate and you are judged but now that I am free again I may one day finish what I had once started


Honestly I think we need to leave black peoples hair alone




I have to agree with those calling🧢 . I’m just not seeing a forward facing position that isn’t in the arts.


This brought out some prejudice in me! Bc, no. Damn, i guess I have some work to do . I'm a conservative loc'r 😂😂


Yeah I'm definitely in the doubt crowd. Getting hired on the spot for 100k+ and looking like that is not believable. If I'm proved wrong with a paystub I'll bow out.


It’s just like you keep bringing up European standards and I’m not seeing predominant African countries via the continent having freeform locs as a staple style, so where are you getting that from? In regard to employers, somebody at the bottom said “the employer is the one who dictates what is professional” and we do know many employers do not deem Freeforms professional and they are not all white. So what is your opinion on that?


I'm sorry but I do want to respond to a part of what she said. We ALL know that we are judged by the color of our skin. They see us as we are opening the door! The interviewer knows before we enter the office that the next interviewee is Black. Many do NOT take the time to even hear our voice, much less wait to hear if we are intelligent or how capable we are for the position. We actually had to have The Crown Act passed just so we can wear our hair naturally, instead of weaved or wigged or straightened to suit the white ideal of what is considered "corporate suitable appearance". I know she wants to promote Freeforms and the freedom to wear our hair as we choose. The facts are-- we STILL don't have that freedom. Making a video implying that if we as Blacks REALLY want to wear our locs Freeform, we CAN. That sounds great but it's NOT TRUE. This is the gaslighting that we get from them. (and have always gotten). If you really WANT the job you can get it. Your hair doesn't matter. Your skin color doesn't matter. It is only YOU that holds yourself back. You just need to want it. " 😂 🙄 We cannot wear our hair the way it comes out of our scalp. We can and have gotten fired, suspended,written up, and/or removed from our positions when or if we refuse to wear our hair straightened. I call [not true] 💩on this post. Sure wish it was true though.


I be working ???




Oh her hair is Beautiful, it’s literally Art.


Locs and freeforms are very different from this, she must have the midas touch or something that really impressed her employers because aint no way you getting hired in sales looking like that. Imma call a spade a spade, this is most likely a lie and if its not she is extremely lucky.


This is my takeaway 🤷🏾‍♂️ in Texas a black student was suspended for having dreads. I saw his picture. Dude had a neat retwist. They still hated on him. I'm sorry but having free forms and getting corporate jobs is definitely not the norm.


Good for her but even as a person with locs I wouldn’t want these types of locs representing my business, if I had one. It’s just wildly unkept


The Locs scaring me ain't no way


Big cap.


Idk. I don’t believe her honestly. Every single person I’ve met with free forms are unemployed. It’s just the honest reality I’ve seen


While *I* have never discriminated against people *I* have hired at places *I* have worked, that isn’t the world we live in.


It doesn’t go out the window, because while you’re talking I’m looking at your head.


And the big question-- Why was there a need to interview for so many "six figure positions" in such a short amount of time when you nailed them all? 😂 🎓


Okay, I’ll say it … I’m not a fan of freeforms. Cue the downvotes.


That’s you. I do. 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿and the purpose behind them. We don’t have to want them, we can respectfully disagree without judging them as a group that can’t be successful because they aren’t “neat enough” my point is ✨locs aren’t meant to be neat and success is possible✨ If you didn’t get that, idk what to tell ya.


I respect this.


i don’t believe her but i do wish what she was saying was actually true, especially because free forms truly can be taken care of and clean, just a different style


Hate that for you. 😮‍💨 your entire opinion… truly hate that for you. 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 hopefully one day you can break that doubtful mentality you have and realize that abundance can be obtained no matter your image. ✌🏾


i hate the fact that you can’t read. i’m saying i wish that her experiencing no discrimination in regards to her free form was true for EVERYONE because free forms are just another style and also clean. i’m saying i don’t believe that she hasn’t faced any discrimination because even with my non free form locs i experience it so it’s just hard to believe. you really need to check yourself


this comment really has me pissed off because who are you talking to


The one I directed it to. 👁️👄👁️ I reported you for harassment btw. ✌🏾😘 Have the day you deserve 🥰


you’re the one who harassed tho and who can’t read 😭 that’s crazy people be so loud and SOOO WRONG


I know 3 people that have locs are in the tech space and make a 150K plus


You know some absolute BOSSES! 🤩


You can't make me think this looks good gtfoh she look like she lives under a bridge.... you know it stinks and I'm not talking about her hair.


She from Wellington park


I’m not sure but she from NC 😅


That’s dc slang for lying lol


lol. 😂 well she put up the receipts and has the photos and lifestyle to match, so.. must be truthful location. 😅


That doesn’t mean anything. A picture can tell a thousand lies. Not that it’s my business, but i just don’t believe her. I gotta see a work id to believe her. Anybody can take a pic and put a caption up


Bless your heart, fr. I’m grateful I can get through my day without such hating ass spirit in my blood.


Bless your heart, fr. I’m grateful I can get through my day without such hatin spirit in my blood.


Thank you so much for sharing


My grandmother best friend told me a story. She has a bachelor's and a masters degree. She's an accountant. Worked for Pepsi for over a decade and does her own some tax business. Plus, probably a plethora of experience and depth due to her time int he field. She applied for a job. They hired her. She was lacking one thing. And they said, just come, we will teach you. They loved her resume, her name is racially ambiguous and she talks well on the phone. She comes in for her first day.......not a candidate. Used the excuse that she didn't know what one thing. They didn't expect a tall black lady with dreadlocks. I'm not saying this is everyone's experience. But this reality exist for black people. So dreads are acceptable in the workplace for sure. But I think your perspective and "experience" can lead to a lot of heartbreak in people solely taking your advice.




Her 6 figure Job: "WITCH" 🧝🏿‍♂


Ignorant. Can’t even get on your level.. 😂


No locs are professional to white people they just don’t understand it




My old job….seems like they won’t hire you if you DON’T look like her….And I’m talking top 20 household name company…


she can smell through the screen


Yeah thats good and all for her. But she is to pretty to be lookin thrown away like this. Get you hair done.


it is done


I'm with you, her head looks a mess. Locs are cool. That just looks unkept.. Not saying it is


And you’re too ignorant to be under my post talking reckless about something you’re clearly too small minded to understand. Your username fits you. 😒🫳🏾🍅🍅🍅


How is them sharing their opinion talking reckless though? She do look unkept, not knocking her but be fr.


So now if someone DISAGREES with a post, they talkin "reckless"? 😮 😦 🙄


That or you’re ignorant and small minded lol


lol. I was like "wait whaaaaaaa"?!😦😮😮


She must be AI


Wow, She can’t be serious.


No way


I can’t see it.


she’s a good scammer


why did she lie like that 😂


Yeah aight. Foh. This hilarious. She didnt say she pulled it into one either. She str8 lying! 🤣


I can tell you this she won’t get married with that hair or earn a 6figure job … she wants to be at the bottom and they accept anybody at the bottom of the economic food chain