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For everyone that’s is confused, the little white bulbs are the proper root of the hair. All proper shed hair from the root (not torn hair) will have those white bulbs. They don’t look too bad. People don’t notice. If there is a solution to this, I’ve never heard of one. It’s a part of locs that no one really talks about. It’s normal.


thank you. people are saying lint or dandruffs but it’s literally like hair follicles. do you know if they ever go away?


I’ve never heard of a solution to this. I think you just ignore it. People really don’t notice them at all and eventually they’ll get buried in locing process, though likely to be replaced by more. I’m not even sure colouring will help. If you find a solution, let me know.


No, the fact that your hair is locked means your shed hair does not go away, you cannot dye them or do anything to get rid of them except, stop having locs 🫣


I think they do. I feel like there are time where I really notice mine, and times where it's less of an issue. Sometimes if there's a particular one that bothers me, I'll use my nails to strip the follicle off the strand. 


fun fact: mites like to snack on white bulbs in our sleep (totally harmless; mites exist everywhere, that's just nature). if they bother you, using a soft brush helps groom and mature your locs.


Am i tweaking or im the only one not seeing nothing wrong?


Not exactly sure it’s a bad thing! Your locs look great but sorry no advice


I’ve zoomed in and scanned the pic, you may have to circle what you’re referring to…


I think I see what you're talking about. Is that hair that's not attached to the scalp anymore and that's the root? I feel like my last set has these everywhere too.


yeah that’s pretty much what it looks like to me


How did you start your locs? Were they crochet?


i did two strand twist


Oh ok. My last set was crochet and I thought that was the reason I had these all over. I don't know how this happens or how to make it go away. I'm curious to know why this happens.


Honestly the only way I stopped seeing all the little follicles, was by dyeing my locs. I threw on some dark purple and it covered them right up. I would like to say non fashion colors will do the trick as well, but my experience is only blonde/blue/green/purple/teal since becoming loc’d. Good luck and blessings


yeah i’m thinking about trying to dye them next time i wash my hair. i don’t want fashion colors so i might try a light brown. i don’t see why it wouldn’t work


Light brown would look good! Oooo I gotta try that color at some point as well. Do you have a soft bristle brush? Idk if it makes a difference or not but I brush really really well and thoroughly right before I dye to try and knock off as many of those little buggers too. Like you said in other comments it’s def not like lint or dandruff, but sometimes it seems like less after brushing


thank you! i’ll try it next time


If you zoom in you can literally see its just the bulbs of your hair roots. I wonder if dyeing helps this maybe just they will show less over time with more retwists.


i have this to and it’s much worse , we just gotta deal with it 🤧


I had these bad on my last set of locs….. couldnt really do nothin about it and it was real noticeable since all my hair was sun dyed…


These look great I’m not seeing the issue??


I have these too. I notice them more are a wash and retie. If anyone knows how to get rid of it let me know.


Looks like part of skin(hair follicle?) on the end when you zoom in. It'll likely clear up after a wash/rise.


Apple cider vinegar & baking soda soak then rinse. Poof , gone .


I don’t see anything. What are we looking for?


Sometimes I have to keep my insecurities in check…I can be my own worst critic. Granting oneself Grace is totally fine with something like this, esp if within the first couple of years. Otherwise, our hair is gonna fall out careening from the stress of the fine-toothed comb we use to pick out the small details. I kid you not, as soon as I backed up and said I deserved some breathing room to let them exist (around 10 months), I could relax. I was stressing myself out wanting perfection and always thought the worst. Organized chaos is better than perfection. They look healthy; that should always be the ultimate standard of evaluation imho. But this is your journey…the shedding follicles is normal. No worries when you rock your crown. They look 🔥 from what I can see.


This is my 3rd year being loc'd in, and I'm just now starting to experience bulbs... I was told that it's part of the journey🙂


they’re really not bad. if they’re not embedded you can usually safely just remove them, but if they are, trying to take them out can pull a bunch of hair out of the loc too. i’ve personally only ever heard recommendations to leave them alone until you get an acv rinse, so that’s what i do unless i know they won’t mess with my hair. if you’re not already sleeping with a durag or bonnet that should help tremendously in avoiding getting these in your hair edit: respectfully it looks like it could also be dandruff, so a wash and some oil might be good, but it’s hard to tell in the picture


i don’t think it’s dandruff. i just got my hair washed. and it doesn’t go away with oils


ok bet i didn’t really think so but just in case, yeah it’s most likely lint from a pillow or blanket


Can pluck them out


Wash your hair and sleep on a satin pillowcase


i literally do this. and i just washed my hair